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1.2 Came Too Soon


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Y'know, I'm getting a bit tired of this. Look, here's the thing...different strokes and all. I have lost track of how many games I've tried (MMOs and otherwise) and been disappointed in. It happens. But when I buy a game that ends up not being to my liking, I don't yowl about it being a "turd" and how the people that play it are "idiots" or whatever. I understand that not everyone has the same goals/tastes/likes.


And just because someone likes a game and gets tired of people hanging around to bash on it when they could just do the mature thing and move on, doesn't make them "fanbois" nor do those who rationally criticise a game instantly become "haters.




Agree ^^^

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Can some one explain to me why these Armchair developers (who could not buy a job in the industry) keep writing these long-winded dissertations as if any of us gives a crap about their opinion? Edited by faymar
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The pvp system the medals the money and a lot more are ****ed up.


I think that’s actually a bug. They tried to implement a system in 1.2 where the “afk-ers” in warzones would not get credit for just running around or hiding in the corner and not doing anything for free valor.


However their logic for deciding who gets rewards seems really far off because it sounds like people who actually defend objectives and get in the middle of fights are not getting credit on a loss because they did not personally click on an objective item in the warzone to count them as participating.


I know that it isn’t intentional because some people who lost warzones in 1.2 actually did get credit.

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Go play it then why you on forum defending it shouldnt you be playing it since it so good. Honestly it boring and crap it too instance based it terriably designed it had good storys abit but the side quests suck. There nothing keep people playing it needs a all redesign face it the Deathstar has it sights targeted on this game.


So basically you are saying that the forums are just for whiners and cry babies...I respectfully disagree.

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Go play it then why you on forum defending it shouldnt you be playing it since it so good. Honestly it boring and crap it too instance based it terriably designed it had good storys abit but the side quests suck. There nothing keep people playing it needs a total redesign face it the Deathstar has it sights targeted on this game.


I am. :) My companions are scurrying about crafting for me.


You think it's "boring" and "crap". That's a shame, sorry you feel that way. I, however, do not and am having fun with this game.


G'luck finding what it is you are searching for!

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Wall of text crits for 9000!


Also i couldn't disagree more, 1.2 is a great update and its more than welcome, it needs some fine tuning but all will be good undoubtedly.


The game is constantly improving and growing and that's all i ask for, and if you are so unhappy about the update no one forces you to stay here.


As for the whining about ranked warzones and whatnot, it will all come eventually, patience is a virtue and a word that is generally unknown to the resident forum Trolls.

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Can some one explain to me why these Armchair developers (who could not buy a job in the industry) keep writing these long-winded dissertations as if any of us gives a crap about their opinion?


Because BioWare actually hired employees to listen to that feedback and communicate concerns of customers to the developers who can actually do something about it. I’m not an armchair developer, but I’m an armchair gamer and I know just as much about game mechanics as a developer does and they can alter the code on their own. Customers have the right to express feedback to those that listen. Stephen Reid and David Bass have been excellent at getting points across for me in the past. Also, Georg Zoeller takes time out of his own day to read about our concerns in the game has been making changes to the combat system to try and please as many players as possible and I have respect for the open communication. If you feel you have something useful to say to BioWare then go ahead and say it instead of fearing the resting of us judging you.

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Would you rather have 1.2 or 1.1.5?


I would like a polished game thank you. That is what I paid $150.00 USD for a collectors edition and a 6 month subscription to play a polished product. 1.2 is 1.1.5 with a new set of pvp gear that we can't compete with other in something persistent. I still can't run even 8 man premade with my pvp guild!

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You may like 1.2, but a lot of others do not.


and what is "many" for you? your friends? forum trolls? all together they are around 100 - 200 most likely, now compare that to 1.7 million subscribers.

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Wall of text crits for 9000!


Also i couldn't disagree more, 1.2 is a great update and its more than welcome, it needs some fine tuning but all will be good undoubtedly.


The game is constantly improving and growing and that's all i ask for, and if you are so unhappy about the update no one forces you to stay here.


As for the whining about ranked warzones and whatnot, it will all come eventually, patience is a virtue and a word that is generally unknown to the resident forum Trolls.


Its well and all that you think you are being righteous for calling me a whiner for giving honest feedback. However, you missed the point of the post. BioWare is new at making an MMO and they need feedback in this form as well as public testing to be able to improve. I agree that ranked warzones need more development time to be implemented correctly. However, they claimed it would come in 1.2 and they made themselves look inexperienced with MMO development by waiting until patch day to tell us it isn’t ready and then accidentally boot the servers in patch 1.1.5 and shut them down for the day to fix it.


Yes, they gave us a free month and a free day for these accidents. However, the importance of feedback is not to whine and get my way, but to help BioWare improve and make less mistakes in the future. Its about doing things right the first time and making a good impression with customers about the claims they make for the game.

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I enjoy this game. What they released with 1.2 is great. It is low on new content, but has heaps of improvements. I am disappointed that a lot of cool things for the legacy system won't be coming out until 1.3 and I am really hoping we will not be waiting 3-4 months for those features that Bioware is going to improve the speed in which they release updates.


As EA being the worst company not even close. SOE I have found is the worst for MMOs and the updates are amazingly slow. - Look at DCUO

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Notice the keywords, seemingly, and thought. They never said all of those things were going to be in the 1.2 patch.




I think you are wrong on this part. This is from the blog post. They did say it would be going live with GU 1.2. Troll much?


EDIT: They are only in until cross-server queuing is available and are the primary reason Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2 are Pre-Season, along with the opportunity to collect data and refine various systems in preparation for Season One.

Edited by T-Nutz
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Placing bets on when GW2 comes out you could cut and paste the nerd rage post from these forums to theirs.... whose in.


Of course it'll happen. It has every single MMO since UO (that I've tried/played). It's just getting LOUDER AND LOUDER because more people play MMOs now than in the past (uh...thanks WoW?).


Then again, if GW2 pulls the flack...I'll be grateful. :D

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I think you are wrong on this part. This is from the blog post. They did say it would be going live with GU 1.2. Troll much?


EDIT: They are only in until cross-server queuing is available and are the primary reason Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2 are Pre-Season, along with the opportunity to collect data and refine various systems in preparation for Season One.


The only thing that wasn't added from that blog was the ranked WZ, but they didn't take it away they are just fixing it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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The only thing that wasn't added from that blog was the ranked WZ, but they didn't take it away they are just fixing it.


True, but you previously stated that they "never said it would be going into 1.2", which they did state. Glad they are fixing it though, I do have to give them props for that.


Do you know if it is because they would be pulling from regular wz's if the ranked were not full?

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Because BioWare actually hired employees to listen to that feedback and communicate concerns of customers to the developers who can actually do something about it.


Okay that explains why Kung-fu panda and pop culture references is in my WoW; I also guess it was the will of the player for the real money cash shop in Diablo III. Maybe Blizzard should consider hiring professional developers in the future.




I’m not an armchair developer, but I’m an armchair gamer and I know just as much about game mechanics as a developer does and they can alter the code on their own. Customers have the right to express feedback to those that listen. Stephen Reid and David Bass have been excellent at getting points across for me in the past. Also, Georg Zoeller takes time out of his own day to read about our concerns in the game has been making changes to the combat system to try and please as many players as possible and I have respect for the open communication. If you feel you have something useful to say to BioWare then go ahead and say it instead of fearing the resting of us judging you.


The problem with the internet is every gamer thinks they are an expert and has their own pet vision (which they have written out in a six hundred page manifesto) of how things should be; the trouble with that is no developer can fit 1.5 million versions of Combat mitigation in one MMO.


I think it's wonderful that Georg, David and the rest listens to players....but there is a difference in expressing your opinion and having a tantrum over issues that they are well aware of; or for that matter writing a ridiculous dissertation about a patch coming too soon

Edited by faymar
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The yesmen and fanbois would accept a pile of crap it the complainers whom are getting things done and even got them free time. They dont understand why complaints are benefitual to a game because it highlights the problems for devs to try fix but sadly the ship has taken to much water it going to sink.


It was those so-called "complainers" that were responsible for the NGE coming to SWG. How did that all work out?


Frankly, 1.2 is a step in the right direction. AND, 1.2 is not done yet. Remember 1.1? There were a number of updates even after 1.1 was lanuched. I expect that 1.2.1 will come very soon as will 1.2.2. Also, 1.3 is coming sometime either next month or shortly there after. This update may have some rough spots but I would hardly say that it is all doom and gloom like you complainers seem to portend.

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It was those so-called "complainers" that were responsible for the NGE coming to SWG. How did that all work out?



Thank you! I'm not going to mention names but there is a well known NGE hater that has posted many videos and written many blogs....what folks don't know is he was also one of the loudest complainers on the forums pre NGE.


When these trolls finally get their way and the developers make the changes they "claim" will keep the game from "failing" they are either nowhere to be seen when things go to hell or the hop on the other side of the fence and pretend things were perfect before.



Frankly, 1.2 is a step in the right direction. AND, 1.2 is not done yet. Remember 1.1? There were a number of updates even after 1.1 was lanuched. I expect that 1.2.1 will come very soon as will 1.2.2. Also, 1.3 is coming sometime either next month or shortly there after. This update may have some rough spots but I would hardly say that it is all doom and gloom like you complainers seem to portend.


OMG an actual reasonable intelligent observation on Torchan who'd a thunk it?

Edited by faymar
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I would like a polished game thank you. That is what I paid $150.00 USD for a collectors edition and a 6 month subscription to play a polished product. 1.2 is 1.1.5 with a new set of pvp gear that we can't compete with other in something persistent. I still can't run even 8 man premade with my pvp guild!


No MMO is a perfect polished game upon release. If I am wrong then let me know what MMO is so i can go check it out.

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