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Dev's: "We want slower killing" . . . Result = opposite


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Tbh a dps should always be able to burst down a healer imao. Buuhuu Im ahealer and now a dps can win in 1 vs 1 against me, i suppose to be unkillebal against 3 ppl. Thats crap, its like me as a dps say it should be impossible to kill me unless 3 ppl focus me.


This is some weard idea healers have sometime that they should be unkillabe so ppl focus the targets they heal instead. This is why in end most premade team in MMO,s become tank healer teams as a tank under heal is close to impossible to kill and then if the healer cant be killed.... what do you kill?


A healer requires other people to be effective.

A DPS does not.



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This would be great if pvp was all about killing people. When people die really fast where does team coordination come in when you are talking about completing objectives in a warzone? All we end up with are warzones with different obstacles but the same game, just kill people.

I think team coordination has now become even more crucial, you have to think much faster now as a tank or healer. I like that (I am one of those Shadow tanks with DPS gear), and I use my CCs and switch who I defend quite often (not wasting it on healers that get not attacked or something like that I see other people do). Killing was always part of warzones, the game now changed just a little, I am sure in time people will adjust the tactics to the new environment... at least if BioWare increase the rewards for losing, so that people might actually stay in matches and learn how to play instead of every body giving up almost immediately, so that there are no real games anymore.

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They could before but you had to use tactics to split the healer and tank. Now you just ignore the tank kill the healer then kill the now almost dead tank. It really not even worth guarding a healer as it pretty much just get's the tank killed faster.


So you mean before a healer and tank could just sit on their *** and mash 2 buttons each while 3-4 (if not more) DPS had to pray to the RNG gods, hope the tank is bad, and execute everything perfectly to take down a couple of guys that will just respawn in a few seconds.


Now, healers actually have to bait interrupts, tanks actually have to slow, CC, and stun instead of just spamming taunt and standing next to their healer.

Edited by Anbokr
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50-60 comms? I always get like 100 comms ^^


Sorry yeah, if you win and play a full or almost full game you'll get 100 comms. I meant when you win too fast. I have had a few games in huttball or novare coast where we won so fast we didn't get a lot of medals and didn't get full rewards.

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it was a 3-5% dps increase, which does NOT account for kill times being halved or more.


You're leaving out the fact that they also nerfed 2 of the 3 healing classes by 20-30%, and that a lot of healers responded to that nerf by quitting or respeccing as DPS.



BioWare has already explained that the healing nerfs were motivated by PvE content being too easy (in conflict with forum speculation that the nerfs were PvP-motivated). In my personal experience, Commando healers certainly weren't OP pre-patch. Sure, they could survive nearly indefinitely against an equal number of non-healers, but they weren't killing those non-healers either in that time. The only time healers were "unbalanced" relative to DPS was when they were guarded by a tank, which makes sense in that the game should reward teams for having a diverse mix of roles.

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I've tried a couple of difernt builds... all I can say is the fun in playing is gone. I used to have to resisst playing all day on saturday and do projects around the house to not draw agro from my wife, now there is no temptation at all. My wife is greatful for 1.2; I guess pay-for-view providers and redbox will be too when I start watching movies at night instead of playing swtor. I think I'll go buy a bottle of scotch...


frickin A, Ditto!

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So you mean before a healer and tank could just sit on their *** and mash 2 buttons each while 3-4 (if not more) DPS had to pray to the RNG gods, hope the tank is bad, and execute everything perfectly to take down a couple of guys that will just respawn in a few seconds.


Now, healers actually have to bait interrupts, tanks actually have to slow, CC, and stun instead of just spamming taunt and standing next to their healer.


If you failed to kill a guarded healer with 3-4 dps, then they were absolutely terrible.

Even before 1.2 it took one good marauder to kill a sage/sorc healer, make that 2 if the healer was guarded.

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it was a 3-5% dps increase, which does NOT account for kill times being halved or more.


DPS bonus goes up, the best healer killer class gets a buff (marauder/sentinel), healers get nerfed, damage mitigation is lowered. The total adds up to quite a bit more than 3-5%. And don't forget that not everyone is in full BM gear.


And despite the fairy tales out there: it was always entirely possible for ONE DPS to keep a sorc from healing anyone but themselves, thereby effectively neutralizing them.

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Omg the drama.

Pvp is balanced for top of the foodchain.


You are obviously not skilled enough to judge balance. During training times of my pvp team we got all 8 into one voidstar game


The top sorc healer on our server in my premade gets 600k healing done in voidstar if I protect him.

One of the top 20 operater healeron our server gets 720k healing done when he is protected by our 2nd tank.


The 2nd best Dps on our server got only 620k dammage in that warzone.


If you die every few seconds, it is because you play random low level pvp.




700K (supposing it was not inflated) healing is only possible if you play against pvp pugs and in that case it is mostly offline healing or refills. Sorry to say but you probably need in your turn a higher play level to judge since quality pvp is not measureable with AMOUNTS, in fact the best premades keep and administer resources as long as they can, since they rely on a never-dying healer and must support continuous defense.

Edited by Kyaa
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I've tried a couple of difernt builds... all I can say is the fun in playing is gone. I used to have to resisst playing all day on saturday and do projects around the house to not draw agro from my wife, now there is no temptation at all. My wife is greatful for 1.2; I guess pay-for-view providers and redbox will be too when I start watching movies at night instead of playing swtor. I think I'll go buy a bottle of scotch...


haha funny post , i ROFL IRL when you said your wife grateful for 1.2


when a non-gamer spouse grateful for a new patch that can only means ..... ?

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The fast paced pvp killed the idea of tanks/healers being useful in warzones, 8 dps vs 2 healers 2 tanks and 4 dps its obvious now the 8 dps will just steamroll through them.


not only did they make the game to fast paced now, they nerfed healing to the ground so now you either have a forever long cast to do or you do tiny heals that are useless. Healing has became a game of luck more then skill as far as keeping someone alive. You can't match the speed of dps any more so you have to precast on someone who you think might take damage to keep someone alive. Healers should be able to heal the amount of damage someone can do on another player untill resources run out (assuming all else being equal such as skill and gear) but that is apparently long gone with slower big heals and not enough hots/channeled spells to keep up.


As far as a tanks usefulness its a joke now besides their few aoe taunts. You place guard on someone and you end up at 60% health and they are still dead in 4 seconds. its just completely not worth bringing someone who isn't a dps any more into a warzone and its becoming more evident of that every warzone I play

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OMG you mean three players on one can finally kill a healer,,,the horror.




I don't know why the healers are moaning, they still get 4k a second dps, a ton of health and interrupts.


I've also seen 10k crits off some of the sith particularly operatives, with that and the interrupts my 13.7K recruit/battlemaster mix health doesn't last long.

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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slow killing is boring.....


who really enjoys playing a game of grab ***


its what killed good FPS the fact that people take 5 bullets to the face to die, its stupid.


That's because an fps like CoD is suppose to be realistic. This is the star wars universe. Have you seen a lot of light saber duels that ended within 2 secs? If you had, that would be boring as hell.


What I don't get....is if ppl enjoy the fast pace fps feel.....go *********** play a FPS and leave mmo's alone.

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I don't know why the healers are moaning, they still get 4k a second dps, a ton of health and interrupts.


I've also seen 10k crits off some of the sith particularly operatives, with that and the interrupts my 13.7K recruit/battlemaster mix health doesn't last long.


You do realize that not all Inquisitors and Operatives are healers (and that Mercenaries don't have any interrupt at all, and can also spec as DPS), right?

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It felt the same. Your problem is probably some healers rerolled/respecced dps, so there are less healing going around.


That or, hate to say it, learn to play better.

Edited by anwg
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This is actually the issue, when you step back and look at the game as a whole it "feels" just like a stand alone console/pc game which happens to be biowares forte and all they did before SWTOR, their first MMO. Theres very little MMO here at all and Ilum clearly showed the engine wasnt even close to supporting MMO numbers.


Agreed. don't unstand why they used such a crap engine that can;t handle the stress. Its like they set themselves up for failiure.


Anyone in the MMO industry knows that you gotta have dang good engines to to do large scale pvp or you just asking for issues that we have now.

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And despite the fairy tales out there: it was always entirely possible for ONE DPS to keep a sorc from healing anyone but themselves, thereby effectively neutralizing them.


This ^





Imo a change to expertise was needed for pure PVP'ers as the diminishing return was too harsh making it best to wear some high end pve gear, but they seem to have taken it too far as everyone feels so damned squishy currently. An increase in HP would at least help counter some of the initial burst


As for the rewards system I think losing team members who hit the medal cap should get around 70 comms and the winning team should get around 100. There really is no point currently in staying in a losing WZ


Also wish they would look at resolve vs knock backs/Snares/Pulls and the sheer amount of stuns that are in this game. Maybe increase CD's? See alot of people just throwing out stuns/knockbacks without thinking about it as the CD is relatively short.

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NEGATIVE on that....


The DPS is the same, actually EVERYTHING sounds the same. They simply made the game 5X faster and now you cannot even think before doing something. It is now a FPS with some RTS.


Really, prove me wrong here.


Yes, they lowered the healing... but made everything else "faster".


I dislike everything about this patch EXCEPT the interface change.

My current profession still sucks badly. I am forced to take BioChem basically.


Leveling an alt then changing my main's profession. This sucks.



Before 1.2: http://i.imgur.com/7Isqg.jpg


In 1.2: http://i.imgur.com/ebXKz.jpg


Everything is not the same.

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I've tried a couple of difernt builds... all I can say is the fun in playing is gone. I used to have to resisst playing all day on saturday and do projects around the house to not draw agro from my wife, now there is no temptation at all. My wife is greatful for 1.2; I guess pay-for-view providers and redbox will be too when I start watching movies at night instead of playing swtor. I think I'll go buy a bottle of scotch...


Scotch, scotch, scotchity-scotch. Here it goes down. Down into my belly...


I un-subbed after 1.2 as well. I primarily PVP, and just started to dabble in Hard Modes. The changes to healing were...frustrating, and a little heavy handed in comparison to what was needed. The nerf to rewards in WZs pushed me to un-sub.


George Zoeller had stated that said changes were not going to be pushed live- that the system would better detect AFKers and penalize them for not participating in WZs.


Guess what? The changes were pushed to live servers largely untouched/tweaked. There is even more of a focus in medal acquisition now (than before 1.2), to the point that PUGS won't play to win a WZ.


For the first time since this game's launch, I actually support deserters'! If you get thrown into a WZ that is already in progress, (onto a losing team that has a 2-4 player deficit) how can you recover from that? How do you turn that around?


You can't. You stick it out and try to scrape up 4 medals and accept your "Soviet Food Line" hand-out (minus the Vodka, of course).


To save Mouth-Breathers some keyboard time, no respectable pre-made will take my Sorcerer post 1.2. There are those that have offered me 'pity invites' because of the reputation I have forged on my server, but I would not dare sully their pre-made with a sub-par character- even in the off season.


Like you, I have no inclination to log in any more. Before 1.2 I felt compelled to log in as much as real life would allow. I loved PVP (even through the ruination that was ILUM), and played WZs almost exclusively. Post patch, the PVE changes were not nearly good enough to encourage me to log in to game. WZ rewards are diminished, and if you lose, you really do LOSE, PVP damage is accelerated and ridiculous, while healing is a joke.


So I un-subbed. BioWare threw 31 days of game time at me- a vain attempt I assure you. I'm casually leveling a Juggernaught over the course of that free game time, logging in far less than pre 1.2. My wife is grateful...


So George Zoeller lied, and PVPers got the veritable middle finger response from the dev team. So, I un-subbed and will gladly allocate that money to another game company that values their PVP community. ****, even that **** bag Aventurine treats their Darkfall players' better (okay, I can't even type that with a straight face)...



More than likely EVE-Online until Guild Wars 2 is released. A shame, I love Star Wars and BioWare.

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First of all people with low gear level have no chance to get high level gear since they get smashed all the time. You cannot "grind" through the non- geared period , since a loss nets you no reward


Second - every single dps can solo smash a healer - I still have centurion and orange gear on my warrior and I destroy sorc healers that have BM gear.


BTW you nerfed sorc but left assassins alone? LOL what universe are you living in? Certainly not swtor one.


Third - 2 and 3 shots kills from agents. I thought the idea was to let people actually be able to have some input in a fight ? LOL I guess I thought wrong.

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Sorcs are absolutely trash now. It's not even funny. They have zero survivability and get torn through like a wet paper bag. My marauder destroys people in warzones and my sorc is basically a punching bag. They are free kills now. At least with my marauder and his defensive cooldowns I can survive while in combat. The sorc cannot.
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