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Dev's: "We want slower killing" . . . Result = opposite


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Yeah that seems wonky. I'm all for winners getting more something (money, valor) but nothing to the losing team that tried. Yeah not so cool.


The funny thing is that Bioware has said they want people to stop quitting games. So now they are giving no rewards to the losers? Guess what Bioware? Everyone will be quitting games now as soon as they realize they aren't on a winning team. Hell, I join a game and can tell within a minute or two if we're going to win. Might as well quit every time now so I don't spend 10-15 minutes for nothing.

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The Dev's said that they wanted to slow down PvP a bit, reducing burst a bit and slightly increasing the time it takes to kill an enemy (excluding healing).


So why did they change expertise so that people die faster (damage increases faster than survivability)?


I hope not... if they wanted that, then their methods of getting it are the most idiotic I've ever seen.

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I've tried a couple of difernt builds... all I can say is the fun in playing is gone. I used to have to resisst playing all day on saturday and do projects around the house to not draw agro from my wife, now there is no temptation at all. My wife is greatful for 1.2; I guess pay-for-view providers and redbox will be too when I start watching movies at night instead of playing swtor. I think I'll go buy a bottle of scotch...


hahahaha same thing happened to me, but it was a Japanese beer.

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I've played many MMO and FPS games for about 20 years (played computer games before that since the Apple II, Vic-20 and Spectrum ZX80), I actually thought the TTK pre 1.2 was just fine and on par to most other MMO pvp but post 1.2, everyone's gone dps spec, my shieldtech wears dps gear now and even if guard isn't doing much help I still rack up 300K protection and I don't even buy pvp stims anymore, if I'm about to die, I'll just die and respawn. That's the exact same thing as an FPS game, and FPS games these days are getting faster and faster as well such as Modern Warfare 3, people hate that game now because the TTK in that game is almost like hardcore mode. My pure healing operative (since level 28) is no longer a healer as well.


I agree with the other poster, Aion has pretty fast pvp, so did Tabula Rasa but that was a last minute addition as Garriot originally intended to release that game with 0 pvp.

Edited by Sookster
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I've played many MMO and FPS games for about 20 years (played computer games before that since the Apple II, Vic-20 and Spectrum ZX80), I actually thought the TTK pre 1.2 was just fine and on par to most other MMO pvp but post 1.2, everyone's gone dps spec, my shieldtech wears dps gear now and even if guard isn't doing much help I still rack up 300K protection and I don't even buy pvp stims anymore, if I'm about to die, I'll just die and respawn. That's the exact same thing as an FPS game, and FPS games these days are getting faster and faster as well such as Modern Warfare 3, people hate that game now because the TTK in that game is almost like hardcore mode. My pure healing operative (since level 28) is no longer a healer as well.


I agree with the other poster, Aion has pretty fast pvp, so did Tabula Rasa but that was a last minute addition as Garriot originally intended to release that game with 0 pvp.


Maybe BW is doing this cause the FPS guys started doing MMOs and they'd like to change MMO to be more like FPS games. Maybe they should just stay in FPS games and BW should get proper MMO and pvp gamers to test stuff and actually LISTEN to the feedback they get.

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I don't know why anyone thinks this pvp is fast. My last mmo was Aion and this pvp is like watching paint dry compared to that.


i laughed when i read this. ive been thinking the same thing for pretty much all mmo's that use a global cooldown based combat system. 1.5s gcd after every attack feels like an eternity after playing an assassin in Aion. i feel like i could go and take a dump after every attack haha

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1.2 is significant upgrade, people dieing = fun


Healers sitting in one place tanking while the other team can do nothing to kill them = not fun.


People dying in 6 seconds = not fun.




Total time: 6s

Average DPS: 1848.37

Average HPS: 0.00

Crit chance: 71.43%

Avoidance: 0.00%

Largest heal: 0

Largest hit: 3990 Thermal Detonator

Edited by Cataphractone
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1.2 is significant upgrade, people dieing = fun


Healers sitting in one place tanking while the other team can do nothing to kill them = not fun.


Your second part of that post is highly unrealistic and did not happen pre-1.2 unless you had a completely incompetent group of DPSers who didn't know how to interrupt, knockback, stun, mez, ...


Have fun when the pendulum swings, because we're in for a long ride of kneejerk reactions to these patchnotes from BioWare now.

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Sadly, this is not the case. What is happening is the extremely predictable result of nerfing healing and damage mitigation while at the same time boosting DPS.


NEGATIVE on that....


The DPS is the same, actually EVERYTHING sounds the same. They simply made the game 5X faster and now you cannot even think before doing something. It is now a FPS with some RTS.


Really, prove me wrong here.


Yes, they lowered the healing... but made everything else "faster".


I dislike everything about this patch EXCEPT the interface change.

My current profession still sucks badly. I am forced to take BioChem basically.


Leveling an alt then changing my main's profession. This sucks.

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1.2 is significant upgrade, people dieing = fun


Healers sitting in one place tanking while the other team can do nothing to kill them = not fun.


Can you just stop posting please? You clearly want the FPS genre. No skill smash smash game play.


The rest of us prefer MMO pvp to contain thinking, tac and planning. Take your zerg fest els where

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NEGATIVE on that....


The DPS is the same, actually EVERYTHING sounds the same. They simply made the game 5X faster and now you cannot even think before doing something. It is now a FPS with some RTS.


Really, prove me wrong here.


Yes, they lowered the healing... but made everything else "faster".


I dislike everything about this patch EXCEPT the interface change.

My current profession still sucks badly. I am forced to take BioChem basically.


Leveling an alt then changing my main's profession. This sucks.


They did buff dmg from expertise. its around 4-5% higher than the others (not including bonus healing)


Check ''C'' the stats do not follow each other past 1.2

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Can you just stop posting please? You clearly want the FPS genre. No skill smash smash game play.


The rest of us prefer MMO pvp to contain thinking, tac and planning. Take your zerg fest els where




The absurdity of your reply makes me giggle IRL.

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Am I the only one who likes it that the combat is now faster? It took much to long before the patch, sure underequiped folks die now like flies, but against other people in battlemaster it feels about right.



This would be great if pvp was all about killing people. When people die really fast where does team coordination come in when you are talking about completing objectives in a warzone? All we end up with are warzones with different obstacles but the same game, just kill people.

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The losers get wiped up in about 5-10 minutes, finish the game with either zero rewards or 3-4 medals at best, 20 comms, and no money. The winners finish the game with 50 or 60 comms usually since the game ends so fast and full money. I don't mind the reduction in comms, I get that. It keeps people from finishing a full set of gear in a week. But PVPers have no way to make money now if they aren't on good premades.


50-60 comms? I always get like 100 comms ^^

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it was a 3-5% dps increase, which does NOT account for kill times being halved or more.


it does when you consider a couple variables, firstly it's not multiplicative, if you had 50% reduction, an extra 5% is closer to 10%, the second and most important one is the skill timers.


Pvp burst damage isn't linear, i don't do 16k hps damage exactly 33% longer than 12k, in fact i tend to slow down, as do many classes as our front loading means our big hitters dry up, as do all classes (except maybe sorcs who are more sustained than burst).


There's a reason the classes with executes (with pyro pts who have a higher burst but no execute) are considered the worst offenders right now (assassins, marauders anyone?), because the increase has been the difference between being inside or outside execute range from one round of their burst, changing someone's burst from taking them to 40% to 30% is a huge difference in these cases as it then moves them into range of yet another hard hitter, execute, whereas in the past, decent players would be able to buoy their health enough to at worst force a second round some 6-10s later.


I tested this with a shadow, me in full bm, his crit buff/trinket shock discharge actually brought me to 28%, and then i got executed straight away (yes due to the project delay I literally died over a 2s period to 1 person, whereas in the past, it would add an additional round (add 6s minimum) if i'm stuck there with no cds.

Edited by Adzzy
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Tbh a dps should always be able to burst down a healer imao. Buuhuu Im ahealer and now a dps can win in 1 vs 1 against me, i suppose to be unkillebal against 3 ppl. Thats crap, its like me as a dps say it should be impossible to kill me unless 3 ppl focus me.


This is some weard idea healers have sometime that they should be unkillabe so ppl focus the targets they heal instead. This is why in end most premade team in MMO,s become tank healer teams as a tank under heal is close to impossible to kill and then if the healer cant be killed.... what do you kill?

Edited by Osicat
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Tbh a dps should always be able to burst down a healer imao. Buuhuu Im ahealer and now a dps can win in 1 vs 1 against me, i suppose to be unkillebal against 3 ppl. Thats crap, its like me as a dps say it should be impossible to kill me unless 3 ppl focus me.


This is some weard idea healers have sometime that they should be unkillabe so ppl focus the targets they heal instead. This is why in end most premade team in MMO,s become tank healer teams as a tank under heal is close to impossible to kill and then if the healer cant be killed.... what do you kill?


then nobody would roll a healer for pvp. gratz mate, good idea.


Because they are largely incompetent amateurs trying to develop beyond their level.


1.2 is proof of that, if Ilum wasn't already enough.



Edited by Rikeryo
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I agree with the OP.


PvP has lost the 1 thing PvP needs. It's no longer about skill. SWTOR classes aren't hard to play, but now it's just whoever has that extra man wins. Or whoever has the most marauders wins. Healers aren't an issue anymore, they can't heal anyone but themselves once they get focused.


I got crit for 3.9k from a marauders ravage yesterday. A level 47 marauder. Oh yes, I could've ran, but you can't focus on 8 players at the same time.


It's just become a major premade gankfest. There is no place for solo queuers, as most of them are bad players, or the 1 hour a day casuals.


I will soon be unsubbing, don't give a damn about a free 30 days. What? 30 days more "balanced" PvP? I rather hang myself.

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