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Lack of content is not a valid complaint


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He may be right that WoW may have had more individual more "fedex" quests if you did every single faction quest. But overall the size of content realy is that much difference. I also factor in unique content, when considering the amount/quality of content in each game. Not just how many "fedex" quests a game has.
There were plenty of non FedEx quests.


Clearly the lack of AQT made it difficult for most players to even find the quests, and many players seem clueless as to how many quests actually existed.


But that guy seems interested in just putting his fingers in his ears. Which makes no sense, because obviously this game wasn't going to have as much content, because so much development effort was put into the voice overs.


If my Sith is ever asked to do a fedex quest I will have to breakaway from making nice decisions and shock the dude.
Every class in SWTOR has a quest to go to fleet to talk to a guy, but there's no actual interaction with the guy, you just get a quest update that sends you back to where you were before.


Wait, I forget, on these forums, if I'm not praising SWTOR and cursing other MMOs, I must be lying, right?

Edited by Ansultares
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If you are gonna talk about how you reached level 50 and now you are bored then take a step back and think. Bioware made a story based MMO so when the story halts at level 50 then of course there won't be much to do. That is why they made EIGHT different classes with EIGHT UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT STORYLINES.


MMORPGs aren't about leveling, they're about what you do when leveling is done.


Throwing away a character because it's "done" is the opposite of an MMO. What do you need a persistent world for if you're just going to level? You don't.

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Personally, it looks as if there may be tons of stuff for me to do both as an Alt, and as a 50th.


Uncertain, but the Companion stories seem to play out if you get Approval high enough, and that is about 5 added stories per class. And each Alt may choose several different paths, so even the same class may have a different outcome than another.


Stories? l0l


Press 1,2 or 3 in convo on ship. Extent of companion character content.

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