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Lack of content is not a valid complaint


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If you are gonna talk about how you reached level 50 and now you are bored then take a step back and think. Bioware made a story based MMO so when the story halts at level 50 then of course there won't be much to do. That is why they made EIGHT different classes with EIGHT UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT STORYLINES.


If you play this game and story isn't a major factor for you then this MMO isn't intended for you. But for the rest of us story matters and there are 8 different ones to experience and they are not short either. So unless you have played through all 8 stories then a lack of content really isn't a valid complaint. I am currently playing through the Sith Inquisitor storyline and when I reach level 50 I will be more than happy to play through as a Jedi on different planets with a different story.

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But for the rest of us story matters and there are 8 different ones to experience and they are not short either.


come back to me when you find something that isnt short for the non casual in this game


(oh and i dont consider getting to 50 and rolling another toon good end game.yeah,alts are fun but they shouldnt be a major focus for end game)

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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it is a valid complaint to the people who arent altaholics


but i guess bioware thinks rolling alts is good end game.but who knows,maybe when they relize there games dead when future mmos come out they'll pack there bags and relize making mmorpgs arent for them


and as far as saying they aint short.come back to me when you find something that isnt short for the non casual in this game cuz ive yet to find it


Sad :( You are missing out on great content by being stubborn and sticking with one character. I am on my first one still but I plan on playing all of the characters till the expansion pack rolls around and they up the level cap and expand all the stories. But you can sit around with your level 50 waiting. It is your time you are wasting and noone elses.

Edited by Averran
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come back to me when you find something that isnt short for the non casual in this game


(oh and i dont consider getting to 50 and rolling another toon good end game.yeah,alts are fun but they shouldnt be a major focus for end game)


Go run your nightmare mode FPS/OPs for high end gear. Your end-game content is right there.

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I couldn't agree more with this thread. Just because you're some high school student or just an adult with no life so you can spend 5 hours daily does NOT mean you can troll in this forum on how the game lacks content. Especially since it's not even 6 months old for the love of god...

You need to learn how to put boundaries over yourselves and play at reasonable amounts of time!

I like to compare it with electricity - you need to keep the power up for just the right amount so that the resistor won't burn. If you're playing for 5 hours per day and became bored with it - well buddy that means you BURNED YOUR RESISTOR (your 'fun').

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Lack of content is a valid complaint. People have opinions that differ from yours. There is a severe lack of content before 1.2 and it didn't fix many issues by not having Ranked WZs available. People don't complain because overall there is a lack of content. It's in the area that matters to them, there is a lack of content.


Not everyone enjoys rolling alts. I personally have completed Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, and Jedi Consular storylines. And from those storylines (Imperial Agent was excellent as a side note), I don't really care for another lackluster story. Some people enjoy that. I don't.


While it's not as bad as some people make it out to be, end game simply lacks time sinks, there's nothing to really do if you don't wanna PvP and it's not time to raid. I find myself running circles around the fleet half the time while my companions are on missions and crafting.

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Since when did "END," or "GAME OVER" mean, "Oh, I can do more stuff now!"?


End means... it's over. You're there... you're done. Go buy a different game (ie, a new toon, new experiences, etc.)


Here's an idea - for End Game content, they delete your character, since you're "too high leveled" for the general world story line, and you are forced to start over! :p THEN, your toon is a legendary part of history to be remembered - not played (they are at the END remember?)



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This is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Not something single player like Mass Effect.


TOR entered a niche market that involves competitors that provide endgame content. Right now, 1.2 added plenty to do. But give it a month. Actually should be enough time for rated. They're still in good shape.

Edited by cardiac
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First, SWToR has billed itself as different from those other games, from day one. Second, do you really, honestly, expect new content to arrive as fast as you can finish it?


I mean, at what point do you recognize the meaning of the word "end"? When your toon is a recognized God, has replaced the Emperor, and can use dev commands in-game? At some point, it has to stop, and you have to be reasonable with your expectations.


Real life doesn't have end game content either (depending on your religion, but nobody doing end game content talks about it much, eh?)



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If you are gonna talk about how you reached level 50 and now you are bored then take a step back and think. Bioware made a story based MMO so when the story halts at level 50 then of course there won't be much to do. That is why they made EIGHT different classes with EIGHT UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT STORYLINES.


If you play this game and story isn't a major factor for you then this MMO isn't intended for you. But for the rest of us story matters and there are 8 different ones to experience and they are not short either. So unless you have played through all 8 stories then a lack of content really isn't a valid complaint. I am currently playing through the Sith Inquisitor storyline and when I reach level 50 I will be more than happy to play through as a Jedi on different planets with a different story.


Thew unique storylines are only 20% of the quests you have to do to get to 50 TOPS. So sorry, but lack of content is very valid, since you would have to repeat the vast majority of quests over and over and over to get all 8 classes to 50.

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It's a fair comment since so much looks the same (all fps are very similar) and feels the same, and there are loads of shared quests. It's a matter of opinion, of course. I've tried about 6 characters so far (including ones on a now deserted server), and personally I thought the Imp Agent story was awful - it felt like it was put together by a committee - and that's without all the bugs and sudden impossible fights (if you're a healer). But there you go - I really enjoyed Sorc and am also enjoying Trooper. You win some, you lose some. No way could I stick with one character. I suppose you might if you're a PvP addict, but otherwise you'd surely be bored to tears after 50. Edited by Kehiss
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If this game had a one time fee, with no subscription cost, I would agree with the OP. But that is not the case.


I you have to subscribe, the provider should be putting out new content pretty regularly.


It's impossible to keep up with content locusts.

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If this game had a one time fee, with no subscription cost, I would agree with the OP. But that is not the case.


I you have to subscribe, the provider should be putting out new content pretty regularly.




This is the patch updates for vanilla WOW which I am sure you know is the most popular MMO. Notice how the game came out and a month later a patch was released. Then the next major patch came three months later then a new patch every month or so.


Now lets look at SWTOR. Game released and a month or so later comes major patch number 1. Then three months later comes major patch number 2. Bioware has said they will be releasing future patches month by month (considering everything goes smoothly).


So unless you expect a miracle out of Bioware which they have yet to promise us then I will say they are right on track for success.

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I couldn't agree more with this thread. Just because you're some high school student or just an adult with no life so you can spend 5 hours daily does NOT mean you can troll in this forum on how the game lacks content. Especially since it's not even 6 months old for the love of god...

You need to learn how to put boundaries over yourselves and play at reasonable amounts of time!

I like to compare it with electricity - you need to keep the power up for just the right amount so that the resistor won't burn. If you're playing for 5 hours per day and became bored with it - well buddy that means you BURNED YOUR RESISTOR (your 'fun').


the problem with your argument is,not everyone wants to be forced to be a casual due to lack of content.but whatever,i can already see im gonna have the same issue when i hit 50 that i did with my last mmo when i hit max level


and i hope i dont,because the mmo genre is stale currently with slim to none in the options of quality mmos

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I am not trying to defend WoW, but at release they did have more time consuming end game content. With the difficulty factor, raid lockouts, and 40 person reqs it wasn't as easy to accomplish. Do I wish it were the case for TOR, not at all, vanilla raids are not something I miss.



The leveling process and encouragement for alts is leaps and bounds better than WoW was at release, and could argue it is better than most other MMOs.


I just don't think leveling alts could really be considered end game. Some people like to have one character and one character only, and should have the content to keep that one character occupied.


I was not claiming BW is not producing new content at a unacceptable level, just trying to point at that if I am paying a subscription, I still want that new content. Not another alt to level.

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This is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Not something single player like Mass Effect.


TOR entered a niche market that involves competitors that provide endgame content. Right now, 1.2 added plenty to do. But give it a month. Actually should be enough time for rated. They're still in good shape.


rated warzones are gonna flop.considering bioware doesnt relize they probably already lost there serious pvp playerbase,and will lose the non serious ones once guild wars 2 and tera come out


or did pvp get drastically better in 1.2,i havent did a warzone in a long time but when i did it reminded me of world of warcraft.which is why i said bioware doesnt relize they probably lost all there serious pvp playerbase,since wow's pvp was a joke

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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i can already see im gonna have the same issue when i hit 50 that i did with my last mmo ...


If you yourself are the common factor in your lack of enjoying mmo's, then it's not the mmo's that need adjustment.



the mmo genre is stale currently with slim to none in the options of quality mmos


What exactly, is your definition of "quality mmo"? Can you answer this question while using ONLY specific examples, and NO generic terms (ie, "endgame content" is very generic.)



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The problem for me isn't even the 'end game'. It is that there is little to nothing to do outside of the narrow questing path. That and the class questing only accounts for a minimal portion of leveling so you're stuck repeating the majority of content in order to enjoy the stories.


Why isn't there anything to explore or discover.. planetside or in space. Why can't I sit at a lake and fish just for the heck of it. Almost all of the "zone" areas on the planets are heavily restricted with regards to travel paths which prevents much of any exploring. And those that are more open (Hoth and some parts of Tatooine) don't have anything interesting to come across when exploring. About the only side thing to do is hunting for datacrons. If nothing else, I expected cantinas to be entertaining but they all feel pretty lifeless.

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If you are gonna talk about how you reached level 50 and now you are bored then take a step back and think. Bioware made a story based MMO so when the story halts at level 50 then of course there won't be much to do. That is why they made EIGHT different classes with EIGHT UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT STORYLINES.


If you play this game and story isn't a major factor for you then this MMO isn't intended for you. But for the rest of us story matters and there are 8 different ones to experience and they are not short either. So unless you have played through all 8 stories then a lack of content really isn't a valid complaint. I am currently playing through the Sith Inquisitor storyline and when I reach level 50 I will be more than happy to play through as a Jedi on different planets with a different story.


Thanks i realize that that is why i unsubbed i dont want 8 single player games with the same areas . i want an MMO

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This would be sort of true if the class quests and storyline offered any sort of replaybility. You still spend 95% of your time doing the same quests you did the first time. And subsequently space baring through them. I tried caring about the consular story line after leveling my JS but holy **** I just could not. Tbh they aren't all that engaging in the first place. I thought some of the planet storylines were more interesting.


Anyway, regardless of what you think a AAA mmo is not going to survive with an anemic endgame. A very small percentage of people actually enjoy rolling alts and consider it a substitute for an endgame. A simple fact of the matter. Ranked warzones gave pvp'ers something competitive to do. Now there's nothing. The pve'ers get their shiny new operation but if EV and KP are any indication of difficulty, nightmare mode will be on farm within a month.

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