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The PvP community in SWToR is not as small as you think Bioware


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I thought I would just point out to you, Bioware, that if you believe your PvP community is some tiny percentage that can be shrugged off then you're most likely fooling yourself with a delusional view of your game or you have have never played your own game through as a normal player, either of which could be true after seeing 1.2's changes.


Probably a 80% of the community PvP'd for one reason or another. Many PvE players went into warzone's because it was the quickest way to get geared for normal mode operations. The Tionese gear was utter crap compared to the centurion and the centurion was much quicker and easier to obtain. They then continued to get the champion relics/ear-piece/implants because they were a quick and easy upgrades while running operations and the occasional four man HM for columi. Then, because they already had the gear, many of those same people continued to que because by then they were almost Battlemaster, got some good rewards, and had a bit of fun doing something that was not leveling an alt or operation.


Now don't misunderstand, these people aren't/weren't "Hardcore" pvpers that were in warzones constantly, maybe que'd for 3 matches to get their daily or the occasional match when they were bored, but they enjoyed it enough to be casual at it and they did it because by then they had a good amount of gear from getting it in preparation for Operations and were already fairly high in valor. Many people also PvP'd for leveling and to get gear at lvl 20 and 40. There is a large amount of player base that PvP's in Star Wars, much larger than most games.


The ultimate result was many people who normally did not PvP began to enjoy pvping here because the rewards were usable to them in other aspects of the game. Bioware, you are not dealing with a small number of people by screwing up your PvP, your actions here have a ripple affect to many people. Those people who once PvPed casually now get to deal with pissed off pre-mades, horrible class balancing, and terrible stat changes you put into place. The end result is a lot of them stop PvPing.


Is this a problem? Yes. Why? Because it removes a significant aspect that people used as a time sink in your game. Now they will log in to either level an alt (can only do that so much) or to do operations once a week. And eventually you run the operation for, oh, 4-5 times, it gets old and you lose interest. PvP offered these casual players an alternative to the PvE side and since they had gear already they could enjoy it, win some, and get some good rewards in cash and commendations. In short, it kept a lot of people playing the game longer and more often.


Your chosen changes have ruined this and you need to quickly rethink many of them and get your developer team to play on a live server and see what their changes have done to your game before you do lose many more to apathy and boredom.

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Sadly this game had some really enjoyable PvP, which is what drew a LOT of my guilds PvE players into it. They got gear, cash, commendations, and had a bit of fun whether solo or in a group. 1.2 has basically killed pvp for them and many others I know.
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Unfortunately, it won't. This game is paralleling Warhammer eerily close...


lol i remember back in 2010 when there was that huge thing with a fired bioware developer who basically said the same thing.


He said this game would fail and I was all "NO THIS GAME WILL BE THE SECOND COMING."

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Sadly this game had some really enjoyable PvP, which is what drew a LOT of my guilds PvE players into it. They got gear, cash, commendations, and had a bit of fun whether solo or in a group. 1.2 has basically killed pvp for them and many others I know.


You dont know how right you are. 1.2 was supposed to be glorious!


Instead its wrecked pvp. If BW thinks that they are goign to encourage pvp play on pve servers with this mess, they have another thing coming.

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I'm with the OP. My guild is hardcore PVP, for the most part, even though we choose to play on PVE servers (tired of kiddy behavior on PVP servers). And with 1.2, we're out. Give it another chance? No way. Been there, done that, got a stack of the T-shirts, we'll go where our gaming preference (PVP) is taken seriously. I understand we're not alone in that.


So maybe it would be more correct to state: "The PVP community in swtor WAS not as small as you think, Bioware.

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I was really looking forward to SWTOR to replace my enjoyment in WOW. I played that game for years (probably about $1500 worth in monthly subscription fees), and the content and story line were just getting old to me. One thing that always rattled my chain was when a big game changing patch would come out that somehow managed to mess with the things that I enjoyed about the game. I'd have to go relearn everything that I had spent hours of free time learning, or grinding at in the first place just to do it all over again.


At first I didn't think this game was going to be a replacement for WOW, as I wasn't enjoying it much. Even though I really enjoyed the quest system and story lines. But I got my first toon to 50, did the grind to get some PVP gear, and was able to survive for a few seconds longer....and still it wasn't doing it for me. When I realized that I still wasn't having much fun, I rolled another class and found the fun I was missing. I was just starting to get that toon some PVP gear and having more fun when the big patch dropped.


Some people leave work for the day and hit the local bar with their buddies to have a beer or 4. Some people leave work, come home and watch a movie or their favorite TV shows. I like to come home, hop on vent with my old friends and play some video games. It's a great way to unwind and still engage my brain. I refuse to come home to my past time and be frustrated anymore. I've stomached game developers taking my money and giving me an unfinished product long enough.


I cancelled my subscription with about 2 hours of play time under the new version. That's all it took me to realize that I had not found a replacement for the fun I had in WOW. Thanks Bioware! By screwing up my fun right away, you're going to save me a bunch of money! I know, I know....this is for the developer suck-ups....my $15 a month isn't going to somehow make a difference in the decisions made by these guys, but it sure makes me feel a lot better knowing that I'm not part of the financing for ignorance.


Will I come back and play? Who knows...how fast can they fix PVP to be fun again?

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Did it feel good to get that out, OP? How many times have you refreshed, to see if anyone has /signed your manifesto?


You are certainly welcome to continue on with what you think the PvP metrics are in this game, but just so you know;


Bioware knows exactly how many WZ's every single character has ever taken part in, and how long they were in each.


Bioware knows exactly how large their casual, and hardcore PvP community is, both per server, and overall.




They have to be laughing at people like you, who throw numbers around as if you have any clue whatsoever, and on top of that, make veiled threats as if you have any power whatsoever.


If you don't like the product or service, then leave. I don't care, and neither does anyone else.



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