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PvP is a joke now.


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Dps is the absolute same damage if you have the same amount of Expertise as everyone else. Hell you don't even have to earn 1000 expertise. Just buy it


What? Pre-patch I had around 650 expertise in my BM gear which equated to roughly a 12% damage increase and 12% damage mitigation. Post patch I now have 1100 Expertise which translates to a 22% damage increase and 18% damage mitigation. How can you say that dps hasn't gone up? Everyone got a roughly 4% damage increase and now people just fold over in seconds in WZ's when focused even if being healed. Sure people died quickly when focused prior to the patch, but now you don't even have enough time to react to help the person being focused.

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As a top commando healer (obviously full BM), this is just ridiculous. I am getting 2 extremes - without a guard I am dying in a matter of 3-5 GCDs, which means I dont even have time to pop my defensive/healing CDs, and the one heal I can get off if I'm not stunned doesnt even let me live long enough to start another. With a guard, nothing seems to be able to kill me.


Also giving one more voice to WZs being unfun zergfests decided in the first 2 or 3 minutes with subpar rewards even for winning (and especially for losing). Also being a healer in a losing WZ is worthless because of the lack of medals attained. Please please please bring back the strategy and skill, and not have it solely rely on gear and class choice.

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It's nothing but a zerg fest now. The dps output on all the classes is off the charts. People just drop instantly now. The rewards are a complete joke as well and premades still being queued with pugs thanks to not having ranked warzones...


I am having a deja vu from reading the wow pvp forum.Pls leave this game and never come back.Or at least leave the forums.


People that don't have experience with mmo forums will start commenting genuinely their experiences in the game feeding this whiny kid.



Edited by Kaedusz
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The problem is with all the great wonderful updates they provided us they thought they could just make us keep queuing for PVP and we would just take it. (Logically its supposed make us work harder to win and spend more time in game) It's having the other effect for me.


It's frustrating. The FUN is losing it's taste very rapidly. It doesn't even make sense because you can BUY PVP Gear now with credits. I think they just wanted "extend endgame" and made something fun into something not fun.


Take an example from Blizzard. Bioware. They lost 2 million subs in under a year and I heard off a website they laid off a lot of people. Cata was a failure and they might not recover. Making it harder, does not equal to more people staying.

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It's nothing but a zerg fest now. The dps output on all the classes is off the charts. People just drop instantly now. The rewards are a complete joke as well and premades still being queued with pugs thanks to not having ranked warzones...


I have currently people crying on voice that they telling guildies that they gonne stop. They cant take it anymore. PvP they getting instant killed, Loosing to premades 9 out of 10 matches and they have to spend 3.5 hours of warzone playing for lousy 90 ranked warzone points.


What are you guys doing over there Bioware!


"We need more medals" ... "Let give them more medals" ... "Ok what system shall we use?"" ... "Sytems? lets just call them defender medal 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc"... "Should we not think a tad more about them?" ... "Naaah"


"So what if people loose?" ... "Let give them nothing!" ... "Nothing? but wont they be spending 20 minutes in a warzone and get nothing out of it?" ... "Screw them, they kept pestering us with all those postings about more differance between win and loose now they got what they want!" ... "I don't know man that seems kinda hard, can't we call in a meeting with 10 good people and try to work something out?" ... "Look i have to pick up my new car in 1 hour, if you wanne lead it go ahead" .. "Ok ok we give no rewards for loosing"


"What about the complainers that will complain about the almost no reward?" ... "What do you mean?" ... "well.... There will be a point subscription runs out and they still wont have decent warhero gear in PvP" ... "So?" ... "Wel i ordered a new BMW and it will be delivered in 2 months" .. "Ok ok we just do what we did last month, In 2 months from now we just lower all the costs fo the pvp gear to almost nothing" ... "I don't know we dit that last time we will get a lot of slack for that" ... "Hmm.... How about we say its not a lowering of the costs then but we call it "Pre rank season warzone has begon and we had to 'adjust' the costs" ... "Great idea that will work" ..


I just dont get how they do meetings. They are human these people at bioware? Dont they get it that what they doing to PvP now is totally killing it? Don't they play their own game? or test it? Don't they see giving defender medals like candy just makes everybody sit at there turret and suck up the medals (if they loose). Dont they get it that reinviting people after a warzone is beyond stupid and only validates that they dont test it.


Do you really think that a group of people at bioware is testing the warzone for 30 matches in a day and they dont notice these things?


I really dont know what to say. I'm pretty sad what they done to this game. The only feeling i have right now is the same feeling when the news was brought out that Sony Bought Verant completly. The day that MMO's died and stockhodlers got control over them..

Edited by Sunflake
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I have currently people crying on voice that they telling guildies that they gonne stop. They cant take it anymore. PvP they getting instant killed, Loosing to premades 9 out of 10 matches and they have to spend 3.5 hours of warzone playing for lousy 90 ranked warzone points.


What are you guys doing over there Bioware!


"We need more medals" ... "Let give them more medals" ... "Ok what system shall we use?"" ... "Sytems? lets just call them defender medal 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc"... "Should we not think a tad more about them?" ... "Naaah"


"So what if people loose?" ... "Let give them nothing!" ... "Nothing? but wont they be spending 20 minutes in a warzone and get nothing out of it?" ... "Screw them, they kept pestering us with all those postings about more differance between win and loose now they got what they want!" ... "I don't know man that seems kinda hard, can't we call in a meeting with 10 good people and try to work something out?" ... "Look i have to pick up my new car in 1 hour, if you wanne lead it go ahead" .. "Ok ok we give no rewards for loosing"


"What about the complainers that will complain about the almost no reward?" ... "What do you mean?" ... "well.... There will be a point subscription runs out and they still wont have decent warhero gear in PvP" ... "So?" ... "Wel i ordered a new BMW and it will be delivered in 2 months" .. "Ok ok we just do what we did last month, In 2 months from now we just lower all the costs fo the pvp gear to almost nothing" ... "I don't know we dit that last time we will get a lot of slack for that" ... "Hmm.... How about we say its not a lowering of the costs then but we call it "Pre rank season warzone has begon and we had to 'adjust' the costs" ... "Great idea that will work" ..


I just dont get how they do meetings. They are human these people at bioware? Dont they get it that what they doing to PvP now is totally killing it? Don't they play their own game? or test it? Don't they see giving defender medals like candy just makes everybody sit at there turret and suck up the medals (if they loose). Dont they get it that reinviting people after a warzone is beyond stupid and only validates that they dont test it.


Do you really think that a group of people at bioware is testing the warzone for 30 matches in a day and they dont notice these things?


I really dont know what to say. I'm pretty sad what they done to this game. The only feeling i have right now is the same feeling when the news was brought out that Sony Bought Verant completly. The day that MMO's died and stockhodlers got control over them..


The problem is:


They have testers that warn them, apparently they don't care or they dont use the feedback or somehow disagree with it.


They are game DESIGNERS not PLAYERS, so I wouldn't hesitate to call them next to clueless. Thats why you have game testers, and listen to them...


They dont communicate with the community and they get so offended when people disapprove. All in all, terrible customer management and terrible at thinking two steps ahead/identify ramifications of new implements.


I guess what I am saying is: They suck.

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All good points. I'd say that the DPS outputs of knights/warriors especially are far too high right now. My Telekinetics sage has ~1050 expertise, and I feel like a single hit from a sentinel/marauder can still take out about 1/3 of his health bar. This should have been handled on the PTS.


You should run balance spec'd. I always try to maintain 30m when I can after they use their force leap. With the buff to DoT damage, this make its even easier to kill melee even if your running the whole time. I agree their damage is high and fearful with our light armor, but not impossible to beat..

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Do you really think that a group of people at bioware is testing the warzone for 30 matches in a day and they dont notice these things?

Can't remember... weren't biggest guilds "invited" on the PTS exactly for feedback?


Considering these are probably massively the ones that steamroll all day long, I think the result was predictable.


I'd really want to know where the comms reward lowering plus double medpac combo came from, any decent player knows an average of 2 of these consumables a match is LOW, hell, even with my heal merc I used to pop one quite often as it's better than any of my healing skills, which all by itself is already a pity.


Haven't trie the Cure since the time you cure a stun either it has ended and you cure a DoT or the target is dead already, I wonder if its "low heal" isn't better than our heals themselves, just to finish to prove us there is no coordination at all.

Edited by JMCH
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I can tell Bioware this. Atm, on our voicesystem we have several people NOT playing starwars and playing games on steam. This is really the red flagg for an MMO.


People that wanne stay on voice with the guildies but wont play any pvp anymore due to the time invested and no rewards. If this isnt a sign of you loosing youre most loyal players i dont know what is...


I'm sad..

Edited by Sunflake
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Can't remember... weren't biggest guilds "invited" on the PTS exactly for feedback?


Considering these are probably massively the ones that steamroll all day long, I think the result was predictable.


I'd really want to know where the comms reward lowering plus double medpac combo came from, any decent player knows an average of 2 of these consumables a match is LOW, hell, even with my heal merc I used to pop one quite often as it's better than any of my healing skills, which all by itself is already a pity.


Haven't trie the Cure since the time you cure a stun either it has ended and you cure a DoT or the target is dead already, I wonder if its "low heal" isn't better than our heals themselves, just to finish to prove us there is no coordination at all.


Bioware has always been notorious for ignoring player feedback out of arrogance, that their design is above the demands of the player base. They are also notorious for there utter lack of damage control. Certain developers / "writers" are no longer allowed to use twitter because of this (Cannot be named for Forum rules, Hint "its" nickname is hamburger helper)

Edited by lokivoid
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Bioware has always been notorious for ignoring player feedback out of arrogance, that their design is above the demands of the player base. They are also notorious for there utter lack of damage control. Certain developers / "writers" are no longer allowed to use twitter because of this (Cannot be named for Forum rules, Hint "its" nickname is hamburger helper)


Quoted for truth.

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It may be a joke, but it sure isn't funny.


It isn't even fun on the winning side, with all the quitters. I don't want faceroll pvp; I want competitive pvp and BW just can't seem to get there.


Well to be fair, bioware have zero experience with pvp, i read the pvp team was mostly from mythic, that would explain alot , sadly trion did alot better job with pvp in their game and thats a real budget developer.

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I agree dps is too much now. I have nearly 1k expertise and I was in defensive stance and I drop like a rock through air. There is zero reason to pvp as a tank, in fact the only type of class to play is dps. Setting dps higher than defense or healing was stupid. It's basically who has the most dps that wins the match now, nothing more fun than hitting a dps char for 1k and him hitting me back for 3+k or more. I hope they wise up soon, I won't be playing pvp much longer if they don't.
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Well to be fair, bioware have zero experience with pvp, i read the pvp team was mostly from mythic, that would explain alot , sadly trion did alot better job with pvp in their game and thats a real budget developer.


I agree with you. But thats why they should really value the PTR feedback, and apparently they don't listen to their warnings.


And what happened to admitting a mistake? Get on the forum and communicate. Say well guys this didn't work out as planned and we're working on it or defend yourself saying this will create balance in the long haul etc. etc. But they don't do anything to communicate, at best they seem very arrogant when asked critical questions. What good does that do?

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I think the problem is multi dynamic group play involved with swtor combat, and the abilities which are not shown to properly illustrate how to interact with groups or individuals.


There are indicators of the individuals class which is very useful, but I think people as PUGs are the ones who are suffering and not in premades due to PUGs responsibility being too high for group dynamic play and not being able to compete with premades who have organized themselves for dynamic group play - buffs, heals, and guards, target of target dps, role identity, targeting specific classes (right classes) and changing when the individuals uses a buff/ward to another squishy to keep the healer busier.


Another problem, previously mentioned, with PUGs is still role identity, and not to just know which target to target against the other team but also knowing the roles to its own team to effectively use them.


For example; Trooper commandos have a bullet over their head, but are also a healing class. That is a misleading indicator for a sign that suggests dps, while the class itself could be a healing class.


Im a dps class, so I approve of the indicator anyways, but a healer in the group might assume I can take care of myself since I have 'heals' (in quotation since healing while being aggroed results in no healing, or by the time I heal i get more dps than I heal prolonging my death) or think that I am in fact a healer... so the healer will choose not to heal me causing me woe and death for example... which then hurts the team since dps is a very important contribution to beating the other team.


So PUGs are at a huge disadvantage compared to premades.

Edited by VegaPhone
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I am having a deja vu from reading the wow pvp forum.Pls leave this game and never come back.Or at least leave the forums.


People that don't have experience with mmo forums will start commenting genuinely their experiences in the game feeding this whiny kid.




I have plenty of experience with mmo's. I'm sorry that you like mindless zerg fights that involve no skill and fear that BioWare might fix the problem and make pvp actually decent again, meaning you will go back to being bad and unable to kill anything.


Also this "kid" has most likely been around the block more times then you have.

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Just coming out of another Civil War match and another example of how 1.2 has castrated PvP.


Playing as Empire. The match starts off evenly and we were losing the "left" turret that I was helping defend. But after some fighting, we ended up taking the "mid" and "right" turret. What happens next is just another example of what's wrong with 1.2 PvP. I expected the Republic to come back in force again like they did in the beginning. But after some attempts that were beaten back, they just... stopped fighting. We ended up capping all 3, and you know you can't defend all 3 well. Yet the opposition didn't come out fighting anymore.


The match was done so quickly and so lopsidedly that even I as a member of the winning side, got NO Commendations. The match was technically over before anybody even had a chance to perform and earn something.


But when you look at what you get for walking away from a defeat, you really can't blame the opposition anymore, can you? It's terrible right now.


BioWare, you guys in one single patch, granted a large patch, have taken the fight out of PvP.

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I agree with you. But thats why they should really value the PTR feedback, and apparently they don't listen to their warnings.


And what happened to admitting a mistake? Get on the forum and communicate. Say well guys this didn't work out as planned and we're working on it or defend yourself saying this will create balance in the long haul etc. etc. But they don't do anything to communicate, at best they seem very arrogant when asked critical questions. What good does that do?


Clearly, saving face is more important than saving the game.



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Hmm lets see, my experience with pvp... two days ago, having a blast, BM geared players had an advantage on me because of expertise, yet I could outplay them.


Now? I can't live for 4 seconds while focused unless I have my cooldowns up. Terrible players that I would outplay every fight are now hitting me much harder to the point where I melt from their dots (some anni marauders for example). PvP literally became unfun in 2 days. Yeah I can still top the scoreboard even though I don't have much expertise compared to BM geared players. But what's the point? If I go against a premade, I'm lucky to lose with 30 comms (Winning against a double premade [usual experience against low #s of republic] with pugs? Good luck.)


I was 1 rank away from BM (only started pvping recently). Yet pvp before this , I could hold my own against BM geared players. Now it is just faceroll. And the recruit gear is a joke. My full rakata with 2 bm comms gives me more survivability than the 600 expertise and half stats recruit gear. (Not to mention recruit gear stacking accuracy lol).

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