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PvP is a joke now.


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They're all complaining while sitting at 10% pvp bonus compared to everyone else at 18-21%


Which would only leave about an 8% damage disparity, all told.. but that isnt how it is working out.


Im at roughly 1000 expertise, and before where a fight between, say, myself (A Sniper) and a marauder/sentinel would last 20-40 seconds and i had a decent chance of winning...


i now implode on contact, pretty much. I have yet to live more than 5 globals against a marauder/sentinel.


During that time, i cant do anything to them - i feel like i hit like a noodle.


Before, time-to-kill was pretty lengthy for most situations.. now, people are dying inside of 3-5 globals.


SOMETHING is out of whack somewhere. I would be willing to bet a decent amount of money that the damage reduction from expertise isn't applying correctly at all times - particularly for people with older PvP gear.


Because i dont feel like im taking 8% more damage (which is actually about 4% more vs my expertise levels if they have full BM and a WH piece or two already) - i feel like im easily taking 20% more damage or more.


I went from enjoying PvP on wednesday, even when i got killed... to PvP being an un-fun gibfest where i spend more time running back to the fight and respawning than i do doing damage or fighting because of how insanely badly tuned the damage output is in PvP right now.


During beta, they were talking about how they wanted PvP in SWTOR to take longer, be more tactical, without crazy spamfest instagib action. Ive seen the dev talks/videos where they are talking about that.


That's gone completely out the window, now. PvP is so un-fun it has totally killed my drive to even log in. Couple that with the terrible reward ratio (11 medals and 40 comms for a loss?) even if you win...




It's like they threw the "Make PvP suck more than Vanilla WoW" switch between wednesday and thursday.

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Anyone else bored with their wins as much as their losses, now? I am seriously sick of the quitters.

That's exactly what many of us complain since the patch went live... not that we already are bored winning without an ennemy, just we have some common sense.


If there's no point in participating a warzone, you don't.


Soon, the actual steamrollers probably will be steamrolled again and again by really good players and they'll whine all day... it will be fun.

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/spit Bioware


I have supported you with fanboy like enthusiasm up until now.


You have lost my faith, my sub, and any future business.


I'm sorry, but the play experience with my class in pvp went from fun to utterly frustrating and worthless in 1 patch.


Thank you, good bye.

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I think the prob is most people have modded gear. I didn't mod my Gear before 1.2 becasue I wanted to see how it was going shake out and I'm glad I did. I'm a true Fing tank now. I stand there most of the time and just face tank a entire team with only 1 healer healing me and laugh it off. I can't even tell you the amount of times in the last couple days where I was just walking the ball from endzone to endzone with no problems. I can solo guard a Node for at least a couple mins in both the new WZ and civil war Vs. up to 3 people as well. I still have problems with certain Ops/Scoundrels and Tanksins and my Damage has gone down by like 25-30% but I don't even care. I'm totally Awesome now.
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As much as I hated how difficult it was to kill a healer in 1.1, I'd rather have that over this zerg fest. I'm done until they fix it... I want 1.1 back. PvP was actually fun in 1.1. This crap in 1.2 is just jacked up and the legacy is a complete joke. "Hey you legacy 10? Congrats you unlocked something cool! Now give me 1,000,000 credits for it!" What a joke...


I've enjoyed this game and was excited for 1.2...Now I just want to go play something else instead of pvping on nights my guild doesn't raid.

Edited by Raansu
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I hate quitters too, but when you are faced with a tough premade, you not only can't win. You get 0 commendations, 0 valor. Why stay?


On my server Republic is kind of weak. We lose the vast majority of matches that I see. It is not at all unusual for to win only one or two matches in a 4 hour PvP session. But pre 1.2 I could at least get some valor and commendations and hope someday to be able to get the good gear. Tonight I was in 4 matches, one after another where I got 0. I heal, so my commendations depend on th people I am healing getting kills. If I get nothing, they probably are too. Why stay? Why even PvP?


i would say pvp because it is fun, but getting slaughtered like that isn't fun, been there and done that

at least they aren't punishing you for leaving and not forcing you to be fodder yet

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Do what I did.. I cancelled.. 3 days left.. Way too many promising games on the horizon to keep feeding BW 15 bucks a month for them to continually **** **** up.


I would cancel, but my sub doesn't run out now till July 20th (because of free month) But I am not logging on anymore. Just Created my Toon on Tera (Jagged Coast Server) Can't wait Till the 19th so I can Actually Play it. This game has steadily gotten worst since I first started playing In July during beta.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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They're all complaining while sitting at 10% pvp bonus compared to everyone else at 18-21%


im sitting at 19% and Im complaining so get bent son. PVP is a complete joke now. with 1 healer in your group people die in seconds. In voidstar as a Full Battlemaster Sage b4 1.2 and 1 Healer in my group I would die on average of 5 times. since 1.2 That number has doubled. Hell the last Voidstar I did we had 2 healers and I died 17 times. We won but it wasn't fun.

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shame that bioware can't seem to get their act together with this. Its gone from one extreme to the other.

My subscription is due for auto renewal on July the 17th. As of 5 minutes ago ive cancelled that. Im keeping my fingers crossed that things will improve in the next few months to the point where i will happily re-sub.

Im not holding my breath though, based on how theyve done so far :rolleyes:

Edited by Dekurgan
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Something is definitely different. The fights are much shorter, and strategy seems meaningless from a pvp perspective, not objective perspective. Fights are a 5k crit race to the bottom in 3-5 seconds, winner pushes buttons first it seems.


I'm supposed to be squishie, but whereas fights used to last 10 seconds or longer, there was time to los, move around, blow cd's, etc. Now it really seems like a zergfest.


Hard to tell what's affecting this change. I'm presuming it's related to expertise in some way. OP's assertion that every class's DPS has changed is inaccurate I believe. But something has definitely happened, to take some of the fun of pvp away for a lot of classes.


Still getting good rates of wins, medals are no problem. It's just the quality of the matches that has diminished imo.


65valor sniper, 850 expertise, 6 pieces BM, rest Champ.

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BTW... where are my healing CD's? What do you mean there is only one healing CD in the whole game (The Sorc/Sage CD). So, when things get rough, there is nothing I can do to boost my healing or increase the change my heals crit (unless I am a sorc/sage)? :confused:


I belive there is an adrenal for that. It boosts your healing by 50% if i remember properly. takes away dmg but if you are using a healing cd why would you be trying to do dmg.

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I belive there is an adrenal for that. It boosts your healing by 50% if i remember properly. takes away dmg but if you are using a healing cd why would you be trying to do dmg.


adrenals are what they are. They are not CDs. I listed the only healing CD in the game. You're point is use adrenals. Well that still means Sorc healers have adrenals and the only Healing CD. Damage classes use adrenals to up their damage when they want someone dead, 'and' they pop their damage CDs - this is more my point. The two other healing classes dont have CDs to counter what the damage classes can do. This isnt a debate, its a fact - all damage classes have damage CDs they can use to up their damage. On the other hand only sorcs have one, the other two healing classes dont. This is a how the game currently is.

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Queued into a match...3 of us against a premade group. I don't have anything against premades but I'm getting tired of being queued against them when I queue solo. Biggest thing I was looking forward to was the ranked warzones. Not just because my guild didn't want to pvp until then, but because I could finally solo queue in peace and not run into premades and my team be stacked with random idiots.




Wrong, the change to expertise has changed the overall damage output. Most 1v1 fights lasted for a fairly good amount of time. Now you get into a fight and you are down to 30% almost instantly.


I'm in full champ gear and my survivability was finally starting to become pretty good pre 1.2. Now I feel like I need to get the recruit gear to compete. I have 656 expertise compared to my friend who's sitting at 900 with recruit gear...


656 expertise is like half of what you should have derp :p stop crying untill you get full BM gear or w/e chap gear is slightly better then recruit coz of the stats but BM(modded) gear is far better then both. Im tierd of ppl crying about healing or OP on dmg.


Personaly i believe that about 10-20% hp boost on ALL classes would be welcomed but crying about DPS beeing imba on war/knights or operatives/scoundrels isent going to do you any good. Personaly MRC healers are still quite good in WZ's and cant die as easy as every one else is saying. And operatives are good aswell, sorc might need to learn to play their class or need a buff (havent seen a good sorc heal in a long time) but TBH be4 1.2 healers where unkilable by maruders/jugs/operatives/snipers solo. YOU ethere had to trap them in a fire or have some one help you, (full gear, good players) im running w/ team of pvpers and we say that healing is just right. (Mrc healers say the same).


point of this reply is DONT BE CRYING THAT PVP IS DEAD. pvp is actually quite fun now, faster mby yes but its more competative now and for HC players. When ranked comes (soon me hoping :p)Gear will be fiexed, and casual players will have to learn that if you want to PVP you will have to be dedicated. peace out!

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adrenals are what they are. They are not CDs. I listed the only healing CD in the game. You're point is use adrenals. Well that still means Sorc healers have adrenals and the only Healing CD. Damage classes use adrenals to up their damage when they want someone dead, 'and' they pop their damage CDs - this is more my point. The two other healing classes dont have CDs to counter what the damage classes can do. This isnt a debate, its a fact - all damage classes have damage CDs they can use to up their damage. On the other hand only sorcs have one, the other two healing classes dont. This is a how the game currently is.


Paladin bubble coming up next?

sounds like an idea.

Edited by Monkeybusiness
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point of this reply is DONT BE CRYING THAT PVP IS DEAD. pvp is actually quite fun now, faster mby yes but its more competative now and for HC players. When ranked comes (soon me hoping :p)Gear will be fiexed, and casual players will have to learn that if you want to PVP you will have to be dedicated. peace out!


We have now entered the twilight zone where SWTOR is a hardcore game.


button mashing FTW!!!!!

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656 expertise is like half of what you should have derp :p stop crying untill you get full BM gear



1) "of course you get destroyed with that bad gear!"


2) "of course you shouldn't get many comms when you get destroyed!"




anybody else spot the catch-22 here?

I really can't be the only person to notice this.

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PvP is far more fun now. People actually die and quickly instead of teams being supported by 2-3 healers with no one ever dieing.



this is the perfect post providing an opportunity to contrast what people want out of PVP



ADD: Lemee hit 3 buttons and kill something. Must kill must kill, DIE DIE DIE


PVP'r: I want protracted battles where strategy and skill have impact



quite polarizing.

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pvp is naff atm. played one warzone and hated it. people drop so fast now, i enjoyed the long fight where tactics helped. Now its all over in 10 seconds.


yet another game that had great pvp and screwed it up. well guess thats another game i'll be leaving :(

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They really took out the fun out of pvp i must say. Since 1.2 i can't bear it.

Damage mitigation is a joke indeed, now on my vanguard i die in a few gcd's i dont really feel the tank part out of my vanguard, he cant take a beating for ****.


One can only hope that they take their head out of their asses and fix this clearly broken damage mitigation. They just had to rush 1.2 so badly and now they managed to completely ruin the game experience for me and alot of other players.

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1) "of course you get destroyed with that bad gear!"


2) "of course you shouldn't get many comms when you get destroyed!"




anybody else spot the catch-22 here?

I really can't be the only person to notice this.



It seems to be the model for all MMO pvp these days. It is why we (3 or 4 IRL friends plus myself) quit WoW and moved over here. We liked the concept of the WoW arenas, but blizz setup the rewards to benefit people who got on top first - kind of locking them into the top tier. It's like some sort of established aristocracy -- Don't mess with the nobles!


Our talks lately have us thinking this may be the last MMO we play for a while. We'll try the PvP oriented games that come out this year, maybe we'll find something there.

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