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PvP is a joke now.


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It's nothing but a zerg fest now. The dps output on all the classes is off the charts. People just drop instantly now. The rewards are a complete joke as well and premades still being queued with pugs thanks to not having ranked warzones... Edited by Raansu
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It's nothing but a zerg fest now. The dps output on all the classes is off the charts. People just drop instantly now. The rewards are a complete joke as well.


DPS isnt more then what it used to be honestly.


Healing just got put back in its place.

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It's nothing but a zerg fest now. The dps output on all the classes is off the charts. People just drop instantly now. The rewards are a complete joke as well and premades still being queued with pugs thanks to not having ranked warzones...


All good points. I'd say that the DPS outputs of knights/warriors especially are far too high right now. My Telekinetics sage has ~1050 expertise, and I feel like a single hit from a sentinel/marauder can still take out about 1/3 of his health bar. This should have been handled on the PTS.

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DPS isnt more then what it used to be honestly.


Healing just got put back in its place.


False, at least for me. DPS is more than it used to be. Without healers my vanguard could hold a bit to a scoundrel (DPS) but now, he opened from stealth and took roughly 50% of my HP and I have a mix of BM/Champion. Before 1.2 this was not a big issue as I could come back after an opener and the opening move did not do so much damage. Now, I have to chose between activating a defensive ability or doing damage because a global cooldown is way more expensive that it used to be.

And also, fights used to last more than 8 sec, now 1v1 is the same as in WoW and I do not recall buying this game for it's WoW similarities, quite the opposite, I bought this game to have a change at a real PvP fight, not 5 sec wonder classes.

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False, at least for me. DPS is more than it used to be. Without healers my vanguard could hold a bit to a scoundrel (DPS) but now, he opened from stealth and took roughly 50% of my HP and I have a mix of BM/Champion. Before 1.2 this was not a big issue as I could come back after an opener and the opening move did not do so much damage. Now, I have to chose between activating a defensive ability or doing damage because a global cooldown is way more expensive that it used to be.

And also, fights used to last more than 8 sec, now 1v1 is the same as in WoW and I do not recall buying this game for it's WoW similarities, quite the opposite, I bought this game to have a change at a real PvP fight, not 5 sec wonder classes.


How much Expertise are you running with atm?

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It may be a joke, but it sure isn't funny.


It isn't even fun on the winning side, with all the quitters. I don't want faceroll pvp; I want competitive pvp and BW just can't seem to get there.


It's fun if both parties have their 8. The reward system needs to change though. You can be valorous and loose a battle, therefore a loosing team should get more comms and valor than they currently do. some people play very well, they may have just got outmatched or they just lost that game regardless of if they win or loose, if you play well you should be rewarded. Healing especially... especially 1.2 healing (if you are on the loosing side as a healer it's certain you get absolutely nothing for you're efforts and you're time).

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False, at least for me. DPS is more than it used to be. Without healers my vanguard could hold a bit to a scoundrel (DPS) but now, he opened from stealth and took roughly 50% of my HP and I have a mix of BM/Champion. Before 1.2 this was not a big issue as I could come back after an opener and the opening move did not do so much damage. Now, I have to chose between activating a defensive ability or doing damage because a global cooldown is way more expensive that it used to be.

And also, fights used to last more than 8 sec, now 1v1 is the same as in WoW and I do not recall buying this game for it's WoW similarities, quite the opposite, I bought this game to have a change at a real PvP fight, not 5 sec wonder classes.


In that situation the Op is probably using all of his relics and power adrenals to up his burst damage, so... you should be using any defensive CD's to mitigate damage... Thats not Ops being OP. That goes for any class. If a DPS is popping everything he has you expect him to do barely any damage to you? You even say yourself that you arent totally in the best gear available. These new ops may be coming with better gear or strat. Some of these complaints from people are just weak. Others are valid. This complaint is not valid. CD's are made to be used in tougher situations...

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CD's are made to be used in tougher situations...

BTW... where are my healing CD's? What do you mean there is only one healing CD in the whole game (The Sorc/Sage CD). So, when things get rough, there is nothing I can do to boost my healing or increase the change my heals crit (unless I am a sorc/sage)? :confused:

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It's nothing but a zerg fest now. The dps output on all the classes is off the charts. People just drop instantly now. The rewards are a complete joke as well and premades still being queued with pugs thanks to not having ranked warzones...


I concur!


Only clowns, enjoying a shooter-style fragfest in a MMORPG, would love this abomination of PVP.

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BTW... where are my healing CD's? What do you mean there is only one healing CD in the whole game (The Sorc/Sage CD). So, when things get rough, there is nothing I can do to boost my healing or increase the change my heals crit (unless I am a sorc/sage)? :confused:


you said it.

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It's nothing but a zerg fest now. The dps output on all the classes is off the charts. People just drop instantly now. The rewards are a complete joke as well and premades still being queued with pugs thanks to not having ranked warzones...


No its about who gets 10% to victory not who wins because once it looks like it will go one way or the other everyone on the loosing side starts to quit.

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Queued into a match...3 of us against a premade group. I don't have anything against premades but I'm getting tired of being queued against them when I queue solo. Biggest thing I was looking forward to was the ranked warzones. Not just because my guild didn't want to pvp until then, but because I could finally solo queue in peace and not run into premades and my team be stacked with random idiots.


DPS isnt more then what it used to be honestly.


Healing just got put back in its place.


Wrong, the change to expertise has changed the overall damage output. Most 1v1 fights lasted for a fairly good amount of time. Now you get into a fight and you are down to 30% almost instantly.


I'm in full champ gear and my survivability was finally starting to become pretty good pre 1.2. Now I feel like I need to get the recruit gear to compete. I have 656 expertise compared to my friend who's sitting at 900 with recruit gear...

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No its about who gets 10% to victory not who wins because once it looks like it will go one way or the other everyone on the loosing side starts to quit.


I've noticed no one is staying anymore. I've had 3 matches where I had 10-12 medals, we lose, and I got a whopping 15-25 commendations...I don't blame people for leaving. But the matches themselves have turned into a zerg fest. Weaker healing and damage has been increased. It's stupid now.

Edited by Raansu
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Queued into a match...3 of us against a premade group. I don't have anything against premades but I'm getting tired of being queued against them when I queue solo. Biggest thing I was looking forward to was the ranked warzones. Not just because my guild didn't want to pvp until then, but because I could finally solo queue in peace and not run into premades and my team be stacked with random idiots.




Wrong, the change to expertise has changed the overall damage output. Most 1v1 fights lasted for a fairly good amount of time. Now you get into a fight and you are down to 30% almost instantly.


I'm in full champ gear and my survivability was finally starting to become pretty good pre 1.2. Now I feel like I need to get the recruit gear to compete. I have 656 expertise compared to my friend who's sitting at 900 with recruit gear...


Dps is the absolute same damage if you have the same amount of Expertise as everyone else. Hell you don't even have to earn 1000 expertise. Just buy it

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I'm really not seeing this. I have 750 expertise with a mix of champ/recruit gear and healing as a scoundrel has never been easier.


I should mention though, i have looked at the end game scorecharts and marauders seem to be way ahead of their closest rivals, usually by about 50-100k.

Edited by namelless
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Dps is the absolute same damage if you have the same amount of Expertise as everyone else. Hell you don't even have to earn 1000 expertise. Just buy it


This isn't true for Commandos at least, my burst damage is up by a LOT, roughly 2k on a double crit rotation. If I pop my relic, I can drop a tank from full to dead in about 5 seconds.


This is worth noting that I am still outclassed by Vanguard/Powertech DPS. At least they got nerfed.



Edited by Tirium
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I'm really not seeing this. I have 750 expertise with a mix of champ/recruit gear and healing as a scoundrel has never been easier.


They're all complaining while sitting at 10% pvp bonus compared to everyone else at 18-21%

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DPS isnt more then what it used to be honestly.


Healing just got put back in its place.


check your pvp stats now, you will notice that your damage percentage is higher than healing or defense where they were all equal pre 1.2


I concur!


Only clowns, enjoying a shooter-style fragfest in a MMORPG, would love this abomination of PVP.


i prefer operation flashpoint as my fps, its more realistic than this

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Thanks 1.2 for completely screwing up PVP. I love being grouped with recruits against premade Battlemasters and War Heros all day. 6 hrs of PvP because I'm a masochist apparently. 2 Victories in god knows how many warzones. Got sick of trying to get the daily done.


Thank you so much for allowing me to be constantly facerolled by overgeared competition and then punishing me for losing. Nothing like a battle netting you 20 or less commendations even with medals earned. Won't be bothering with this crap anymore. 600 commendations for 6 hrs of work. Thanks a bunch.


1.2 pvp = joke

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Anyone else bored with their wins as much as their losses, now? I am seriously sick of the quitters.


I hate quitters too, but when you are faced with a tough premade, you not only can't win. You get 0 commendations, 0 valor. Why stay?


On my server Republic is kind of weak. We lose the vast majority of matches that I see. It is not at all unusual for to win only one or two matches in a 4 hour PvP session. But pre 1.2 I could at least get some valor and commendations and hope someday to be able to get the good gear. Tonight I was in 4 matches, one after another where I got 0. I heal, so my commendations depend on th people I am healing getting kills. If I get nothing, they probably are too. Why stay? Why even PvP?

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I hate quitters too, but when you are faced with a tough premade, you not only can't win. You get 0 commendations, 0 valor. Why stay?


On my server Republic is kind of weak. We lose the vast majority of matches that I see. It is not at all unusual for to win only one or two matches in a 4 hour PvP session. But pre 1.2 I could at least get some valor and commendations and hope someday to be able to get the good gear. Tonight I was in 4 matches, one after another where I got 0. I heal, so my commendations depend on th people I am healing getting kills. If I get nothing, they probably are too. Why stay? Why even PvP?


^ Quoted to save me typing it aswell.


Bioware, you truly screwed up on this one.

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