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1.2 Hybrid Build


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I have yet to try it myself simply from lack of healing power. Theoretically it's kind of nice, but I already have problems with energy whenever I throw in vital shots so how am I supposed to sustain any bleeds while healing? This is also assuming the other team doesn't cleanse at all, at which point your DPS takes a kick in the teeth as well as your energy (again) from trying to maintain DOTs. I will it give it a field test when I have more War Hero gear though, for now it's heals or be a non-factor at 50 =p


maintaining dots IS how you keep up energy, as dot crits will give you back energy. so spamm dots to be able to spamm more dots. ops/BH can clear tech dots, so those guys can just keep cleansing, but you can force them to basically do nothing but that just to stay alive, so with team work you can still plow through people, especially force users who cannot clear tech dots, they just melt without help.


you are not spamming slow release med pack to heal a group with this build, you spamm it to proc UH so you can rip bleeds endlessly with wounding shot, it's all about the deeps. Its a slow building combo, but if you do it just right you will rip huge chunks off of everyones healthbars

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you are not spamming slow release med pack to heal a group with this build, you spamm it to proc UH so you can rip bleeds endlessly with wounding shot, it's all about the deeps. Its a slow building combo, but if you do it just right you will rip huge chunks off of everyones healthbars


I was actually surprised at how good the healing is in this spec. I've had a couple of long matches where I was 200k healing and DPS. I try to keep my SRMP useful too by prioritizing tanks, healers, and the higher DPS I know. In hutt ball, I SRMP the ball carrier and his tank then rip DPS off them. Fun spec, almost tempting enough to go full DF too see how I'd destroy people.

Edited by Batcheck
Grammar Check
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I've been running this spec for a few days now, and it's fantastic!

In 1on1 situations I still prefer being Scrapper, but in group formations it's great!

Bursting down healers is awesome!

It's also fun to see people being confused when you attack them. Some people see you as a healer, but when they see the burst comming from you, they run off in confusion.

Great fun so far!

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  • 4 weeks later...
can i get a video of this i would like to see it in action cause im not sure how the rotation would go


I wouldn't say there is so much a rotation. It's all utility based with this spec. We usually roll with 3 to 4 guildies in WZs, and if the rest of the team is healing heavy (another 2 healers including myself) I'll lean DPS. If on the other hand the team is DPS heavy, I'll play more of a healer.


For DPS, I pick an enemy healer and open with shoot first. Then I refresh SRMP on myself, and get my DoTs up (Vital and Shrap). Once the dots are up, I hopefully have 2 Upper hands and I Back Blast > Wounding Shot > Blaster Whip > Wounding Shot > Wounding Shot. That usually ends the first healer and I move on to the next. Obviously fill in the Interrupts and Dirty Kicks in there to make sure the healer can't get a heal off before you kill them.


If the second healer is already being dealt with, and we are not in a situation that requires setting up for CC to cap an objective, then I start rolling my dots around the enemy team and then do support healing with some wounding shots on low health targets. For DPS, keep in mind that SRMP on yourself and another one or two targets helps a lot. It almost guarantees you'll get an Upper Hand from SRMP every 6 seconds.


Don't be shy about dumping energy on this spec. I do run into situations where I'm starved, but they are rare. You generate so much energy with dots, Pugnacity spam, and Cool Headed that you can almost not watch your energy bar.

Edited by Batcheck
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Interesting build. I'm going to try it out tonight.

What gear would you suggest taking? Currently I only have enforcer gear due to the fact that i've always been a pure scrapper


2 piece GUNSLIGER SET!! for the extra flyby tic, works beautifully to make node capping and prevent area access in pvp, plus loads of damage vs stupid npc that stand in fire


2 piece enforcer PVE set with the expertise mods swapped in for the 15% back blast crit


i find that the best scoundrel pvp armor set is not using any scoundrel pvp armor at all :rak_02:

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Any input on Kolto Cloud? I don't personally find it that useful, but the set bonuses you can get all help it; does anyone run a 30/0/12 perhaps? Or some kind of 30/x/x anyway


30 just isnt a good cut off point, most hybrids stop in the sawbones tree at 11, 18, 23 or 25, those last few points might as well go all in and pick up colto dust cloud

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O.o 30/0/11*


And that was my thought, "might as well get it" but it just doesn't heal for that much. Following the previous discussion, dropping it would allow me to take shrap bomb, but is that good by itself or does absolutely need supporting abilities a la Force in Balance? It's always nice to have an extra ability, especially internal since I'm often set upon by two DPS Juggs.


-Edit- This http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701rffbzGoozZMcZhrbk.1 is what I come up with, further thoughts?

Edited by Daiyukie
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i find it hard to take shrap bomb and not take street tough, the extra energy regen is nice, for your build i would swap 2 out of element of surprise and pick up street tough to have better regen. 23 points in sawbones tree isn't the best build for being a sneeky ninja from stealth anyways, trade colto for shrap nade sure but 13 df is better than 11 IMO


also keep in mind once you put shrap nade in your rotation flashbang is all but useless 90% of the time

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I tend to use flashbang if outnumbered and alone/with someone I can warn on Vent beforehand or as an emergency interrupt (i.e. rarely), so that's not a big deal. I wouldn't be breaking my own flashbang, I know when DOTs are up if I applied them =p


And I was thinking about the Pugnacity skill, but I haven't tried to see how energy-demanding the build is since my idea was to basically sack the channeled heals and just run around SRMing and EMPing while Blaster Whipping and Back Blasting with some Vital Shots and Shrap Bombs. Obviously most of those skills tend to hit your energy pretty hard if used in sequence with one another, but it's a playstyle adjustment. I want to ALWAYS be running with this setup now that I've switched my Tendon Blast to a mouse button because I kept NOT using it. Those Juggs are just a pain, but I've noticed I don't get leapt to that much so I want to exploit that.


Sorry for derailing with such specific crap btw, do continue discussion around me if you like ; ]

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try this at least 1 time also, the hot and dot build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701rscMkhZZhrbkrMhd.1


Tried with my Scoundrel alt (BM/Recruit, 1050 expertise). Managed to reach 180K dmg and 80K healing on Novare, and played a few more WZ's, but thing really feels a bit crude and awkward to use. It's probably good if you are a well equipped character, but it's really hard to bring down anyone with two Wounding Shots and non-specced basic abilities (Shot First, Back Blast without Flechette hit pretty weak, and it's hard to get kiting targets without Stopping Power and K.O). The way spec generates upper hand is... weird too, constantly healing myself even when I'm not wounded.

I just find I can bring targets much faster with Scrapper, and have more control over the battlefield with him.

Could use some more advice at how to handle this spec... but I think I'll be back to Scrapper eventually. Yes, Scrapper spec has issues, but I forget about them every time I see some op-class playing self proclaimed godfather of PvP cleaning floor with his face down, my shotgun sticking in his... ...back. :E

Edited by Shadenuat
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Tried with my Scoundrel alt (BM/Recruit, 1050 expertise). Managed to reach 180K dmg and 80K healing on Novare, and played a few more WZ's, but thing really feels a bit crude and awkward to use. It's probably good if you are a well equipped character, but it's really hard to bring down anyone with two Wounding Shots and non-specced basic abilities (Shot First, Back Blast without Flechette hit pretty weak, and it's hard to get kiting targets without Stopping Power and K.O). The way spec generates upper hand is... weird too, constantly healing myself even when I'm not wounded.

I just find I can bring targets much faster with Scrapper, and have more control over the battlefield with him.

Could use some more advice at how to handle this spec... but I think I'll be back to Scrapper eventually. Yes, Scrapper spec has issues, but I forget about them every time I see some op-class playing self proclaimed godfather of PvP cleaning floor with his face down, my shotgun sticking in his... ...back. :E


That's why I picked up the increased crit chance in first tier Scrapper on my latest build; the times I am attacking instead of healing I am finishing a low health target or helping a focus fire to quickly cap, so a better Shoot First-Back Blast combo is a lot better than setting up DoTs. I won't the DoT build for not having tried it, but your experience is exactly why I haven't, just seems like it wouldn't be effective. The SF-BB combo usually gets me 2 or 3k per crit hit, so a nice 4-6k damage in 2 attacks helps to burn someone down. Damage obviously depends on targets too, but Tech damage is pretty consistently good =]

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  • 11 months later...

Might be wrong thread on this, running a SB/SCR hybrid 21/0/20. I like to have my heals for JIC moments throw a EMP to a comp or friend but prefer not to be main heals, usually start with VS, then SB get dots flowing then do some BB and BW, if in stealth start with OS, now my question being do i want accuracy for the dps side or still more power for healing? i use both equally as far as im concerned and stay away from pvp Im also looking at getting WS but earlier in the thread someone said something about time extension but no tick exts? Surely that cant be true? any input would be greatly appreciated

Thank You

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