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Done with this class...


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I just wasted 30 minutes of my life playing my level 42 Sage after the 1.2 update. Was trying to get past my class quest opponents of 1 Strong level 38, 1 Strong level 37 and 2 level 38's... Couldn't keep my companion alive long enough for him to do any damage and couldn't do any myself. Never had any problem at all until tonight. Go ahead and flame on me that I'm not any good at the game; whatever; I never claimed to be, but I would like to be able to make it through the class quests and play the story when I'm 4 levels above the enemies....


But I guess noone will listen to me since I'm one of the invaluable subscribers that haven't reached level 50 even though I've been a constant subscriber since day 1.


Really BW? My server's dead (3 guild members on out of 438 tonight), my class is dead, and everyone on the forums say I should have stuck it our and made it to 50 for the free month... Really....?

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Tried again out of stubbernness and boredom... Still can't get past them. Used Stims and everything I had. I just can't do any damage. If BW thought the Sage's healed too well in PVP and wanted to nerf them, why not make our companions do more damage in PVE as a balance? As it is my character is unplayable. Again, thanks BW.... I'll go back to playing my ALTs although that is clearyly discouraged by your free month policy...
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I just wasted 30 minutes of my life playing my level 42 Sage after the 1.2 update. Was trying to get past my class quest opponents of 1 Strong level 38, 1 Strong level 37 and 2 level 38's... Couldn't keep my companion alive long enough for him to do any damage and couldn't do any myself. Never had any problem at all until tonight. Go ahead and flame on me that I'm not any good at the game; whatever; I never claimed to be, but I would like to be able to make it through the class quests and play the story when I'm 4 levels above the enemies....


But I guess noone will listen to me since I'm one of the invaluable subscribers that haven't reached level 50 even though I've been a constant subscriber since day 1.


Really BW? My server's dead (3 guild members on out of 438 tonight), my class is dead, and everyone on the forums say I should have stuck it our and made it to 50 for the free month... Really....?


Why Would You Rage Posts and Ask for flames??? that ALMOST seems like trolling.... But Since you posted and I'm not one for Flame wars I'll try to Be helpful here.


1.) I find Healing With my Lvl 33 sage has Not changed Much at all, I have No trouble keeping my Tank Companion alive, and I do a decent amount Of damage, SO here Comes the Obvious statement, Did You put all your "refunded skill points" into the right talents?... Because I've set my tree Very close to How it was before 1.2 and I see minimal difference in PvE healing viability.


2.) I read a Theory On the lvl 50 Characters Getting a Free Month... The Idea Was That Since Most "content complaints" where From lvl 50 characters who were bored with the "Endgame content" now add to that, that some People with lvl 50 chars who were "sticking around for the PvP" are upset with the changes to the PvP system.... SO the Theory is this IS something to keep them around while the devs work out the Kinks with 1.2... not saying its fair but its a solid theory... The Other Theory is People Who have reached lvl 50 have put in More time and Effort into the game and simply are being rewarded for the loyalty... Don't know how true or fair that is... but those are the two theory most people seem to have.


As For the Rest, Either Learn to Play the class with the changes Or make play a different class... Posting A Rage quit post... Which You expect will get you flamed... Is In no Way helpful, constructive OR FUN, which is the Point Of playing ANY game.

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I agree about the free 30 days, should not be based on any level, class or legacy. Should be based on your subscription activity.


My main is a sage, will be playing tomorrow and going into an Ops run, will be interesting.

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Why Would You Rage Posts and Ask for flames??? that ALMOST seems like trolling.... But Since you posted and I'm not one for Flame wars I'll try to Be helpful here.


1.) I find Healing With my Lvl 33 sage has Not changed Much at all, I have No trouble keeping my Tank Companion alive, and I do a decent amount Of damage, SO here Comes the Obvious statement, Did You put all your "refunded skill points" into the right talents?... Because I've set my tree Very close to How it was before 1.2 and I see minimal difference in PvE healing viability.


2.) I read a Theory On the lvl 50 Characters Getting a Free Month... The Idea Was That Since Most "content complaints" where From lvl 50 characters who were bored with the "Endgame content" now add to that, that some People with lvl 50 chars who were "sticking around for the PvP" are upset with the changes to the PvP system.... SO the Theory is this IS something to keep them around while the devs work out the Kinks with 1.2... not saying its fair but its a solid theory... The Other Theory is People Who have reached lvl 50 have put in More time and Effort into the game and simply are being rewarded for the loyalty... Don't know how true or fair that is... but those are the two theory most people seem to have.


As For the Rest, Either Learn to Play the class with the changes Or make play a different class... Posting A Rage quit post... Which You expect will get you flamed... Is In no Way helpful, constructive OR FUN, which is the Point Of playing ANY game.


Its not a Rage quit post and I have every right to post whatever I want. I'm not quiting nor did I ever say I was. I'm just stating that I'm not playing this character anymore. I'll still subscribe and play (I enjoy the game) but I can't go any further in my quests so I have nothing to do. I do love the "I'm level 33 and have no issues" comment though; very helpfull; you're right, we're completely in the same boat.... Let me know if you don't see a difference at the higher levels....


And I love that its my fault for not reordering my talent tree correctly after I had it set up the way I like it and the way I was used to... I would appreciate any advice on how to set it up correctly... I did what would make sense to me and wasted alot of time on it....

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I agree about the free 30 days, should not be based on any level, class or legacy. Should be based on your subscription activity.


My main is a sage, will be playing tomorrow and going into an Ops run, will be interesting.


Good luck....

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I just wasted 30 minutes of my life playing my level 42 Sage after the 1.2 update. Was trying to get past my class quest opponents of 1 Strong level 38, 1 Strong level 37 and 2 level 38's... Couldn't keep my companion alive long enough for him to do any damage and couldn't do any myself. Never had any problem at all until tonight. Go ahead and flame on me that I'm not any good at the game; whatever; I never claimed to be, but I would like to be able to make it through the class quests and play the story when I'm 4 levels above the enemies....


But I guess noone will listen to me since I'm one of the invaluable subscribers that haven't reached level 50 even though I've been a constant subscriber since day 1.


Really BW? My server's dead (3 guild members on out of 438 tonight), my class is dead, and everyone on the forums say I should have stuck it our and made it to 50 for the free month... Really....?


What was the class quest? I remember a class quest like that on Belsavis I believe. Granted I was playing as a Shadow(inf) my problem was my healer couldn't keep me up. The way I solved it was by using my CC and playing like my class is supposed to be played instead of the mind numbing hack and slash it was until then. I believe the class quest was Attis Station or something along those lines.


I wound up soloing it, but I did die a few times before I finally wised up.

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What was the class quest? I remember a class quest like that on Belsavis I believe. Granted I was playing as a Shadow(inf) my problem was my healer couldn't keep me up. The way I solved it was by using my CC and playing like my class is supposed to be played instead of the mind numbing hack and slash it was until then. I believe the class quest was Attis Station or something along those lines.


I wound up soloing it, but I did die a few times before I finally wised up.


It was one on Hoth and I'm (was) a Sage. I was cruising through the quests without too much issue and even taking on the Heroic +2's by myself. After they nerfed Sages I can't even beat a normal quest. I'm not hacking and slashing it (wouldn't do any good since I do no damage) and I'm playing the way a healer is supposed to be played. But Sage's were too good in PVP so they nerfed them across the board. Now I can't play their class quests without sneaking around the enemies...

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Its not a Rage quit post and I have every right to post whatever I want. I'm not quiting nor did I ever say I was. I'm just stating that I'm not playing this character anymore. I'll still subscribe and play (I enjoy the game) but I can't go any further in my quests so I have nothing to do. I do love the "I'm level 33 and have no issues" comment though; very helpfull; you're right, we're completely in the same boat.... Let me know if you don't see a difference at the higher levels....


And I love that its my fault for not reordering my talent tree correctly after I had it set up the way I like it and the way I was used to... I would appreciate any advice on how to set it up correctly... I did what would make sense to me and wasted alot of time on it....



See Thats What I'm saying... Forget the Game For a second... Its Your confrontational Tone... There Is No need for that... I didn't flame You, yet Your acting like Your gearing up for a fight already.


Look Dude, You are the One Who Said Nothing constructive... "i'm lvl 48 and I can't finish a class quest 4 lvls below me" Is not Helpful Or specific... YOU DO have the Right to "post what ever you want"...but Maybe actually address a specific Issue Your having...not just "YOU RUINED MY CLASS".... Maybe Post How Your Geared and speced, Maybe Mention IF its Healing You feel is "nerfed" Or if its Dps, Maybe Don't start Your post with the anger In your voice actually translating Into txt...


And By Rage Quitting I meant the class specifically.... YOU Feel that the class has been nerfed... BUT instead Of actually giving a constructive explanation Of what changes YOU don't like, You practically just yelled at BW through Your screen and Then Dropped the class completely. Most people having problems Post specifics if they want help, they Don't when they just want to yell at things.


SO LET ME BE CLEAR... I have NO PROBLEM with you being upset over changes... BUT maybe being specific would help... curb the anger and use your words... And attempt to be constructive... that will probably get you better results.


Oh and I LOVE that you tried flipping my lvl 33 comment on me... Qyzen has aprox 7200 Hp at my lvl... My healing Rotation can restore about 2.5k(aprox 1/3) Hp in under 8 seconds(after 1.2) SO unless I've hit the cap and I will Not be able to Lvl Up my stats Or Abilties From this point on Explain to me How my sages Lvl is a factor??? For his Lvl on class quests there has been No noticeable difference, also after some serious reading the changes to skill tree are Not that "Major" IMO...


Anyway... If you want to tone back the attitude and attempt to have a conversation with people who don't feel like the sage has been completely nerfed in PvE cool... If this is going to turn into You just wanting t be mad and Not specifically discussing anything except you want BW to know your mad i see no reason to continue this.

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before 1.2 and after sages have had trouble. Almost every one of them can blame there faults on themselves. Its never the companion, and its not the game....

The next post i wanna see from op is his gear, what companion he's using and its gear, his build, and at least the name of the quest. We'll see if we can help

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before 1.2 and after sages have had trouble. Almost every one of them can blame there faults on themselves. Its never the companion, and its not the game....

The next post i wanna see from op is his gear, what companion he's using and its gear, his build, and at least the name of the quest. We'll see if we can help


doubt you'll see that

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You probably shouldn't be using Ashara Zavros. Enough said.






Edit: Oh wait you are Republic, sorry. Use your tanking companion, and make sure he is in tanking stance, so that he does more threat and has better defences. He will still do decent damage and will take all of the damage, you can just heal him and dps at the same time, shouldn't have any trouble. And don't forget to cc.

Edited by Darthdubstep
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I agree about the free 30 days, should not be based on any level, class or legacy. Should be based on your subscription activity.


My main is a sage, will be playing tomorrow and going into an Ops run, will be interesting.


I ran EV tonight it is clunky and slow but still viable to heal. We don't hide on first boss just us shield from slinger and ae healing and it was no problem. To be honest it felt like they reduced the damage output of the mobs.

My rotations varied a little

My standard was rejuv>salvation> trance> rejuv > deliverance or benevolance

If someone got low or burst damage rejuv> bubble > force potency > deliverance double

In dire situations I would also stim aclarity. I almost always had salvation on cd.

Force was an issue once but I had explained to the scoundrel healer my plight and would start using sac after crits with trance he would drop a hot on me and I would stand in salvation while using rejuv on myself.

It is very clunky and I do not really enjoy the new style but I will suffer it for the guilds benefit.

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For what it's worth, they announced that the free month of play will also be given to those with Legacy level 6. So if you are playing alts at all, you should have that already. And you have a week to get to level 50 or legacy level 6 to get that free month. Noon April 22 is the cutoff.
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To the OP,


I found on all my toons and my sage that the most challenging time was from 30-45 because it really does force you to play your toon as it is intended. I do miss the rejuv - deliv 1 second reduction buff but I am learning in the first hour of playing how to get around it. All I have to say is you just adapt and sometimes you just step away from the quest go do another one and come back. But gear, companion choice, etc all do play a part too.

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Also if your finding your companion or yourself seemingly more squishy try unequipping all your gear and reequiping it. my Wife and I were getting rocked in Heroic 4s and I attributed it all to nerfs from 1.2 until I read on another thread that some gears stats were not applying correctly after the patch and reequipping gear would fix it.


After we removed all our gear on both our toons and our companions it was a night and day difference. we completed the Heroic 4 without any more deaths.

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@ OP the way i see things you have two choices here. i know you said after the patch the class have some problems. you have every right to post a thread on the forum.

here is what i think you should do.

first of all you can ask someone to help you with the class quest, after all it an mmo. don't get me wrong i like to complete my own class quest and am sure most people like you surely like to do so too. My main is a lvl50 sage with TK build and you should know that TK build had problems for a long time. i kept with it and gave feed back on the forums and in game back to the devs with what i think was wrong with the class. Most of the time if i couldn't complete a quest i just ask. i remember on the forum most people were changing they build to hybrid build because TK build sucks. But me and soo many others refuse to let this rune our gameplay. we stack with it till it got fix. all am trying to say is please just try and change the way you play your game either by asking for help or simply finding another way.

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I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have much of an issue at all with healing OR dealing damage. It sure seems like a perfectly good waste of a Sage if you're just going to quit after one update.




My future skill tree will be nothing magnificent. I'm a very balanced, jack of all trades, master of none build, which I prefer. I heal well enough in Flashpoints and Heroics to where people don't whine about being inches from death. I can't complain too much about the 1.2 update, honestly--and I think the people carrying on about it simply haven't adjusted to it.


Will I be able to heal as nicely as people going pure Seer? Not really--but heals are heals--nice or not, without them, you're going to fall flat on your face. I'm not bothered at all by it--eventually they'll let us level past 50, and I'll have more points to spend on that sort of thing.


Before skillpoints were reset, I was a mostly Seer build. But I decided to balance myself out (it's the way of the Jedi to bring balance to the force...lol...) this time around. I'm level 40, about halfway through Belsavis's main storyline, and have yet to run into trouble with elites and bosses. I can still tank large groups of enemies with Cedrax just as well now as I could before 1.2. (I <3 u forcequake...)


It doesn't compute for me how carrying on about something you can adjust to can be considered constructive. Most people who makes MMORPG's, especially pay to play, are very reasonable. Talk to them in a polite tone with reasonable fixes to problems the majority has, and you'll see progress. Rant about unsubscribing, shout and whine, and generally QQ about things, and they will see you as immature.


We're Consulars. We're supposed to be negotiators. Let's act like it, especially in important situations like this.

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I just wasted 30 minutes of my life playing my level 42 Sage after the 1.2 update. Was trying to get past my class quest opponents of 1 Strong level 38, 1 Strong level 37 and 2 level 38's... Couldn't keep my companion alive long enough for him to do any damage and couldn't do any myself. Never had any problem at all until tonight. Go ahead and flame on me that I'm not any good at the game; whatever; I never claimed to be, but I would like to be able to make it through the class quests and play the story when I'm 4 levels above the enemies....


But I guess noone will listen to me since I'm one of the invaluable subscribers that haven't reached level 50 even though I've been a constant subscriber since day 1.


Really BW? My server's dead (3 guild members on out of 438 tonight), my class is dead, and everyone on the forums say I should have stuck it our and made it to 50 for the free month... Really....?


Can't remember the specific quest from the top of my head, but in a situation like this, in general do this ...


1) Send Qyzen Fess (in Tank mode) on one of the Strong enemies, preferably the lvl 37;

2) While he's charging in, immediately use Force Lift on the other Strong enemy (which should be the 38, taking him out of the fight);

3) Quickly kill the two normal mobs one at a time while Qyzen is dealing with the Strong one;

4) Finish the Strong one that Qyzen is trashing;

5) Attack & finish the one held in Force Lift.


Pointers here are to make sure neither you nor Qyzen use any AoE abilities (in Qyzen's case: other than AoE taunt) and refresh Force Lift as needed. Heal Qyzen as needed during the fight. If needed, wait up when all are down except for the one in Force Lift. You can regen your Force and heal up, while the Strong one is sprawling for firm ground.

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Hey there!


Though we appreciate that you have concerns regarding the game, we’re going to close this thread as it does not have a topic for constructive discussion. We encourage you to post your specific concerns in a relevant thread, and we value your constructive feedback, especially in areas you’d like to see the game improve.


That being said, please feel free to join in the discussions below:


Sages post 1.2


Are the devs even listening at all?


How the heck am I supposed to heal now?


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Edited by Sireene
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