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Very upset over not considered a 'most valuable player'


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I'm so upset over not being considered a 'most valuable player' and receiving the same 30-days gametime that others have received simply because they have level 50 characters that I'm literally thinking of stopping to play the game. Yes, this is an incredibly big deal to me because it's simply not fair, not right and it is something has bugged me and lingered since I first heard about this yesterday. I can't shake this feeling like being left out or considered less important than others.


I ordered the deluxe limited edition the first hour it was sold, I have been playing since the first hour the game went live in the early access period, paid for a 6-month subscription at the onset and now know that I am considered less valuable because of my style and preference of play, limited time constraints and the fact that myself and my 12-yr old daughter have been playing together at a slower pace?


Having followed the development of this game since the beginning we were told that it was being developed so that new things would be rolled out over the course of a long time, that for years new content would be released. I made the choice early-on to play slowly, enjoy the game, not rush to get a maxxed-out character. I was looking at this as something to be savored and enjoyed rather than rushed through - a long-time commitment.


My two sons (we have 4 accounts in our household) rushed to level 50, by the end of a few weeks already were there, no problem they are very pvp oriented, having migrated over from another popular mmo. My daughter and I have mostly played it together and learned the game at a slower pace, figuring we would have no rush to get to a high level, just enjoying the game. When my daughter didn't play or played with another friend, I simply played one of several alternate characters spread over a few different servers.


Now I guess I was wrong in how I approached this game, at least I see that my style of play isn't what Bioware is considering worthy of reward. Now I see that those players that rushed through content or the ones that played a single character or were simply better at playing the game, or just had more time to play, those are the players considered 'most valuable' and they are the ones getting rewarded. Not myself, not my 12-year old daughter, not us. We don't get the same benefits as everyone else, we are the lower-tiered citizens in the grand scheme of things or at least not worthy to be catered to in the same manner as those players who attained level 50 characters.


In the case of our family, we are all very big Star Wars fans. Several years back when we first heard the fact that Bioware would be developing this game, it was very exciting. We had left Star Wars Galaxies because of the changes Sony made to that game, it just wasn't as enjoyable and felt like they had not listened to what we wanted as players. But we all played and loved the KOTOR games, we couldn't wait until this game was ready. Long years of waiting, long years of following the development, a long time waiting until it was done. My sons would leave their online games behind, my daughter would get her first chance at an MMO and I finally had a game to play since leaving SWG in 2007.


I just didn't realize I should have played differently in order to be considered for rewards. It's just very disappointing, so much so that it continues to upset me. Maybe it's just me, I just don't like to be treated unfairly and to me this is unfair treatment. Again, maybe it's just me, but this is a problem. Anyways, I hope that writing this may help me get over it. I don't know what I will be doing but I really wanted to get this off my mind. To me this is almost deja vu, I remember this happening in Star Wars Galaxies and now it feels like the same type of thing seems to be happening. Good things change over time, I don't know if that is what is going on but I don't want to support a company who is all about saying one thing and doing another.


I don't know if there are others that share this same feeling that I do, but if Bioware considers level advancement to be their primary focus and those people that play that way are the ones to be rewarded, if that is the case then perhaps this isn't the right game for myself or 12-yr old to be playing.

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Unfortunately, if you don't have a 50, you don't (and in my opinion shouldn't) get the free time. The free time is quite simply payment for the fact there is limited to no end-game in SWTOR at the moment. If you don't have a 50, you haven't been affected by this lack of end-game. Unfortunately, this is a case of someone in the marketing department trying to put a positive spin on the situation. BW/EA should have just been honest and said:


"We are really sorry our game, at this point in time, offers little for our players that have reached level 50. This list currently includes: broken/laggy PVP, repetitive dailies and heroics that you really can't do because so many servers have very limited populations. Because of this, we want to give you guys that might not want to level another toon a free 30-days to give us a chance to fix some of these things."


And for being a valuable customer, everyone gets the pet.

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Unfortunately, if you don't have a 50, you don't (and in my opinion shouldn't) get the free time. The free time is quite simply payment for the fact there is limited to no end-game in SWTOR at the moment. If you don't have a 50, you haven't been affected by this lack of end-game. Unfortunately, this is a case of someone in the marketing department trying to put a positive spin on the situation. BW/EA should have just been honest and said:


"We are really sorry our game, at this point in time, offers little for our players that have reached level 50. This list currently includes: broken/laggy PVP, repetitive dailies and heroics that you really can't do because so many servers have very limited populations. Because of this, we want to give you guys that might not want to level another toon a free 30-days to give us a chance to fix some of these things."


And for being a valuable customer, everyone gets the pet.


This is what I was going to say but in far more paragraphs LOL

I think the whole MVP bull**** was a bad PR decision covering up an apology to end-gamers for 1.2.

So i wouldn't take it personally

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Lesson for Bioware:


Don't give anyone anything free. Ever.


The people that don't get it will assume you hate them, because it is indeed all about them.


You do hate them, don't you?


- A level 46, who understands that only level 50s should get it.

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I appreciate the responses and perhaps this is an overreaction on my part, but I cannot control how I feel and honestly I feel like this is rewarding people who play a certain style over others. This is simply wrong. I am rather stubborn and perhaps will end up stopping to play this game because of this but that is a choice I will need to make.


We are paying about $50 a month for the members of this household to play this game, a free month is a big deal, a very big deal. Not being rewarded because of playing a certain way or splitting time over multiple characters is not right and not fair, no matter how it is spun.


Besides, level 50 characters can do anything aside from level 1-49 warzones, no? If that is the case, there is more to do as a level-50 character than one that is level-49 for instance. So in actuality, level 50 characters already have already more possibilities of what they can do than lower level ones do. But then they are rewarded on top of that? It's simply not right.

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Unfortunately, if you don't have a 50, you don't (and in my opinion shouldn't) get the free time. The free time is quite simply payment for the fact there is limited to no end-game in SWTOR at the moment. If you don't have a 50, you haven't been affected by this lack of end-game. Unfortunately, this is a case of someone in the marketing department trying to put a positive spin on the situation. BW/EA should have just been honest and said:


"We are really sorry our game, at this point in time, offers little for our players that have reached level 50. This list currently includes: broken/laggy PVP, repetitive dailies and heroics that you really can't do because so many servers have very limited populations. Because of this, we want to give you guys that might not want to level another toon a free 30-days to give us a chance to fix some of these things."


And for being a valuable customer, everyone gets the pet.


You haven't seen lack of endgame content till you've played Star Trek Online. At least, STO a year ago. Unless you've played that, you have no right to complain about TOR.


TOR has endgame, but it doesn't have endgame for the elitist player. Players who blow through it within a week.


But as for 50 requirement for this and all those complaining...seriously, you've had 4-5 months to get a 50. If you haven't by now, you need to stop paying $15 a month. You are too busy and your money is better invested elsewhere. It does not take that long to level. Heck I got guildies with newborn babies and long hours on the job who can only be on at odd times but eventually made it to 50 without that much effort. Took them longer but not 4-5 months. Heck I got a few already geared up in raid gear.

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Actually the good news is that 2 of your 4 accounts (your boys) get a free month so you pay 50% less for one month instead of getting no free months at all... And they aren't rewarding a play style over another play style, they are rewarding the play style they seriously messed up with the most recent patches.

That was kinda harsh, sorry.



Read this for my full thoughts on the subject

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Level 50s have suffered from a lack of new missions, end game content and numerous bugs. Now, rated warzones were removed from the latest patch since they weren't ready.


Leveling new characters means things are new and interesting.


Sticking to a 50 means there is not much to do and contending with a lot of issues that have been/are being resolved that lower levels don't get.


This was a poorly worded PR statement that people have taken the wrong way. It's an apology to end gamers who don't have as much to do and now don't have rated warzones.


In my opinion, at least.

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You haven't seen lack of endgame content till you've played Star Trek Online. At least, STO a year ago. Unless you've played that, you have no right to complain about TOR.


TOR has endgame, but it doesn't have endgame for the elitist player. Players who blow through it within a week.


But as for 50 requirement for this and all those complaining...seriously, you've had 4-5 months to get a 50. If you haven't by now, you need to stop paying $15 a month. You are too busy and your money is better invested elsewhere. It does not take that long to level. Heck I got guildies with newborn babies and long hours on the job who can only be on at odd times but eventually made it to 50 without that much effort. Took them longer but not 4-5 months. Heck I got a few already geared up in raid gear.


Sojouner, I tend to believe that Bioware thinks exactly along the same lines as you are. I am starting to see that this isn't the right game for my or my daughters style of play.

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I have 2 young kids, a demanding wife and a full time job + a home business I run. My first toon took me 3 months to level, and that was being casual. My second toon took 5 weeks, casual again - but still thats only playing maybe a few hours per week. How it can take you 5-6 months to hit 50, I do not know - unless all you do is stand on the fleet yakking to people all day.
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Actually the good news is that 2 of your 4 accounts (your boys) get a free month so you pay 50% less for one month instead of getting no free months at all... And they aren't rewarding a play style over another play style, they are rewarding the play style they seriously messed up with the most recent patches.

That was kinda harsh, sorry.



Read this for my full thoughts on the subject


I read your thread Doyletdude. I agree that Bioware probably didn't think this through as well as they should have and perhaps in hindsight they should have done things differently (see: http://kotaku.com/5901593/star-wars-the-old-republic-manages-to-piss-off-players-by-handing-out-free-game-time ). But then in reality, why not reward those level 50 players that reached that plateau say one-month ago? Or reward level 50 players as well as those that have been around since the beginning? Or those that have multiple high level characters on multiple servers?


Bioware are the ones that chose to do it this way and furthermore designate them 'most valuable players' and deem them worth of a months free play, when they can do everything my player can do and then-some? It's not right no matter what perspective or spin anyone tries to put on it, it's just not and for me it's a big deal when we are paying this company so much money monthly, and furthermore myself taking to heart their suggestions that content would be provided over a long period of time, that rushing to get maxxed-out would not be an advantage in the long run.

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I'm with you OP. My wife and I have 10 month old twins and both work. We only play together; so, we're lucky to get 4 hours a week in. I understand that it is a strategy to keep, or entice back, players who do not play alts but it really does send the wrong signal to the rest of the playerbase.


Still, we're enjoying the game together and expect we will continue to for quite some time to come (we still have 7 levels and 6 classes to enjoy!). I think you've done the right thing speaking your mind and I hope you'll continue to enjoy your time playing together despite this and future faux pas.

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I would like to point out that it said "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players.."


This isn't exclusive. By saying one of our most valued players, they're not saying that anyone whose under 50 isn't valued, just people that have stuck around after hitting 50 are.


I think it has been heavily discussed why people think that 50s deserve the free month so I'm not going to mention it again.


If your expecting to get a free month out of this, I wouldn't get your hopes up. I think at most your looking at getting an apology for the misunderstanding.


In any event, it's $15...

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Level 50s have suffered from a lack of new missions, end game content and numerous bugs. Now, rated warzones were removed from the latest patch since they weren't ready.


Leveling new characters means things are new and interesting.


Sticking to a 50 means there is not much to do and contending with a lot of issues that have been/are being resolved that lower levels don't get.


I've been 50 since early january with my highest alt at lvl 16, and I have yet to get 30 days free.


According to what I know, everyone who got 30 days is a liar >.>.

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I have 2 young kids, a demanding wife and a full time job + a home business I run. My first toon took me 3 months to level, and that was being casual. My second toon took 5 weeks, casual again - but still thats only playing maybe a few hours per week. How it can take you 5-6 months to hit 50, I do not know - unless all you do is stand on the fleet yakking to people all day.


I never placed attaining a level 50 character a priority. I'm upset because my style of play is not deemed worthy of a reward. As far as playtime we very well may have spent a similar amount of time playing the game, but you have fit their mold better, I obviously haven't. You are getting rewarded, not I.

Edited by Bragalot
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I appreciate the responses and perhaps this is an overreaction on my part, but I cannot control how I feel and honestly I feel like this is rewarding people who play a certain style over others. This is simply wrong. I am rather stubborn and perhaps will end up stopping to play this game because of this but that is a choice I will need to make.


We are paying about $50 a month for the members of this household to play this game, a free month is a big deal, a very big deal. Not being rewarded because of playing a certain way or splitting time over multiple characters is not right and not fair, no matter how it is spun.


Besides, level 50 characters can do anything aside from level 1-49 warzones, no? If that is the case, there is more to do as a level-50 character than one that is level-49 for instance. So in actuality, level 50 characters already have already more possibilities of what they can do than lower level ones do. But then they are rewarded on top of that? It's simply not right.


We have three accounts in my household. Since we don't have a 4th computer that would allow all four of us to play at once. So I understand about shelling out $45 or $60 a month to play. I still consider that cheep entertainment based on the amount of time that we spend on the game. However, I am the only one with a Level 50 character. I do the same thing that you do with my daughters. We play when we can at a slower pace. However, I developed my Lvl 50 separately. I still have to pay for the other two accounts, and only get one account free for 30 days. You have two sons with Lvl 50s, so you get TWO accounts free for 30 days. Stop complaining.


Think of it like a frequent flyer program. The airlines have been giving preferential treatment for eons to their frequent flyers to encourage more use of their services. If you don't fly that often, or spread your business out among different airlines for the cheapest fares (i.e. different characters), then you don't receive the same treatment.


If you would quit over a one time $15 savings, then you are either too stubborn for your own good, or you didn't like the game to begin with. I consider the game a good value. If you look at how much it costs to take the family to a movie nowadays, you can get a whole month of entertainment on SWTOR for the same price.

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OP, you are completely right, your money is no less valuable than theirs yet you have been ignored and they have been rewarded.


Unfortunately, if you don't have a 50, you don't (and in my opinion shouldn't) get the free time. The free time is quite simply payment for the fact there is limited to no end-game in SWTOR at the moment. If you don't have a 50, you haven't been affected by this lack of end-game. Unfortunately, this is a case of someone in the marketing department trying to put a positive spin on the situation. BW/EA should have just been honest and said:


"We are really sorry our game, at this point in time, offers little for our players that have reached level 50. This list currently includes: broken/laggy PVP, repetitive dailies and heroics that you really can't do because so many servers have very limited populations. Because of this, we want to give you guys that might not want to level another toon a free 30-days to give us a chance to fix some of these things."


And for being a valuable customer, everyone gets the pet.


everybody is stuck playing the exact same game. the people who are bored at level 50 have the exact same content available to them as anybody else, and they can do what all the people who aren't getting rewarded did, and make alts to enjoy the game on until higher level content gets better.

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I think it was poorly worded but yes, the free month is for players at 50 who had to endure limited end-game material, who stuck with the game despite the lack of content. Since you and your daughter had not hit 50 yet, you had not had to deal with the boredom and repetitiveness that happened after 50.


I didn't experience this personally, as I still am working through the pre-1.2 endgame material had been leveling my alts.


They are not necessarily rewarding a different playstyle over another, simply a gap in content at a stage that you haven't reached yet, therefore did not have to 'suffer'.

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Reward for what, exactly?


Imho you should just do what you want to do. If its playing SWTOR, do so. You dont need bioware to like you or to tell you that you are a "valuable player". You dont have to be upset about them not telling you how valuable you are.

You REALLY should not get upset about something like that.

Edited by FiftyPercentGrey
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I just wanted to point out that there are two ways to gain the free 30 days of game time. A dev posted this on the forums, you can view it on the dev tracker page.


"We've also got another significant piece of good news: everyone will have until April 22nd at noon CDT (5:00pm GMT - click here for a time zone converter) to have a Level 50 character or Legacy Level 6 on their account to get 30 days of game time on us. (Your 30 days of game time will be applied to your account on April 25th by 11:59pm CDT.)"

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First; I do not have a level 50, and despite being a member of this community since Jun of '10, only starting playing not even 30 days ago.


Second; read. They didn't say level 50s were the only valuable players, but one of the most valuable players.


Third; the reasoning is likely to sustain their players and give them a chance to experience 1.2 without having to pay, due to the lack of end-game content. There is near-infinite mid-level content, with 8 class stories (and the race combinations) to see. The free 30 days was to encourage end-game players to stay, so the community can build.


Fourth; I couldn't care less about them giving me a free 30 days. The fact they are giving away anything shows that BioWare, like always, is a corporation far above the rest of the fail-boat excuses for capitalists and corporations.


Finally, I can understand the emotion of feeling snubbed, like you weren't worth the 30 days, but please try to understand it was a marketing plan to help the people truly having the most issues with the game. I'm sure there will be promotions to reflect how much they appreciate all their customers, just show a little patience =)


BioWare is working harder than they ever have, most likely, knowing that the Star Wars community are some of the pickiest people on the face of the earth (myself included). Just cut them a small amount of slack; computers are finicky, players are finicky, and I'm sure their wives and children are missing them from the 12 hour days they pull to try and make this game far beyond par. This game's downfall will be the lack of patience in the community, and I for one will not be a part of the hammer that tears it down.

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