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Gratz Devs on killing PvP (AGAIN).


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First you killed open PvP now warzones.


You have become death, the destroyer of "MMOs"


Players can no longer lvl up doing PvP.

Little to no rewards for PvP.

Even bigger class unbalance after 1.2.

Players dying way to fast now in wz.

PvP is now a grind from hell getting commendations and credits.

On servers were one faction rule wz just like the fail 1.1 patch the stronger

faction will again gear up faster and steamroll the other faction.

Players just leave now any wz that they think they will lose.


Sad fact is you PvP developers in charge dont have a clue what you are doing.

So tonight i logged out way early because PvP was all i had left in this game and

now you killed that last joy aswell.


You know there is a reason why so many players have left your game,and still

you do the same mistakes over and over again.I guess some people never learn.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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First you killed open PvP now warzones.


You have become death, the destroyer of "MMOs"


Players can no longer lvl up doing PvP.

Little to no rewards for PvP.

Even bigger class unbalance after 1.2.

Players dying way to fast now in wz.

PvP is no a grind from hell getting commendations and credits.

On servers were one faction rule wz just like the fail 1.1 patch the stronger

faction will again gear up faster and steamroll the other faction.

Players just leave now any wz that they think they will lose.


Sad fact is you PvP developers in charge dont have a clue what you are doing.

So tonight i logged out way early because PvP was all i had left in this game and

now you killed that last joy aswell.


You know there is a reason why so many players have left your game,and still

you do the same mistakes over and over again.I guess some people never learn.


Looks like someone got owned in pvp and needed to cry about it here.

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It's true, they messed up pretty bad.



When you go up against a pre-made or join a game 1/2 way threw your were pissed but "Hey at least you got some quick exp" So it's not all bad.



Now when you get nothing from it. It's much much worse and makes you more frustrated.


Not having the requirments scale based on TIME in warzone or how well your team did as a whole was very bad planning.



I don't even want to know what it's like for people on low population servers who don't start with even teams. How could they not see this comming?

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Gonna come as a surprise to everyone.....but people are still out there PvPing thier proverbial butts off. People are also still having fun playing the game. It is only here, on these very boards that pain and despair are the order of the day. LOL
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Gonna come as a surprise to everyone.....but people are still out there PvPing thier proverbial butts off. People are also still having fun playing the game. It is only here, on these very boards that pain and despair are the order of the day. LOL


I am havnig fun actually, i dont feel nerfed or anything.


But that does not make the new comendation system allright, at all!

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So now you have to WORK to get something out of PVP? Wow I think that's great! No more just showing up, standing around (hopping you don't get flagged for AFK), and getting rewards.


I might just look into doing some PVP now....


Yeah try to actually play the game, maybe then you will actually understand

and not just troll the forum users who actually have a clue and who plays competetive.

And no now players who play well and do their best dont get anything if the team lose.

Btw read the pvp forum and understand the entire pvp community hate the changes.

Only the singel player pve heroes who is defending them.

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You know why I'm not grinding out pvp gear on my mains (aside from having had to reroll on Fatman)? Because in a month all the casuals and PvErs in sheep's clothing will have QQed to the point that gear will no longer require any effort to obtain again. Fool me once, shame on you...


Not about to put in endless hours for gear that will be given away by the next patch. I enjoy this game...but I do so with the knowledge that it's completely ridiculous and getting more laughable by the moment. During this crapstorm of maintenance, I have been able to do nothing but laugh. I haven't decided whether I'm laughing at BW or myself. Sad state of affairs.


No, I'm not quitting. And, that's the problem. I couldn't give you a single concrete reason why I'm sticking around. I do so in defiance of all logic. The devs are clearly inept. It's a great mystery to me. I have no loyalty to star wars or bioware, so I'm sure the breaking point will come sooner or later - once the ridiculousness of it all has had time to fester.

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So now you have to WORK to get something out of PVP? Wow I think that's great! No more just showing up, standing around (hopping you don't get flagged for AFK), and getting rewards.


I might just look into doing some PVP now....


Warzones are a team effort, rewards are individual. If and individual perform well but as a whole, the team fails, individual receives no reward. Just like in real life. Except, this is not real life. This is not High School Football.


This is SWTOR. If the only way you can gear up via pvp is by relying on AT LEAST 4 strangers to perform well AND have good enough gear (because expertise > skill) to beat the other team what is your incentive to hang around for a loss? No comms = no gear. It is wasted time. There is literally no incentive.


If you want to waste your time because you are stubborn, that's cool. Go ahead and do that. This would be a fine system for ranked warzones with 8 man queue's, Teamspeak, and coordination. As it stands now, it's basically encouraging people to bail the second something goes wrong.


Based on your post, you seem woefully ignorant of PvP, anyway.

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Warzones are a team effort, rewards are individual. If and individual perform well but as a whole, the team fails, individual receives no reward. Just like in real life. Except, this is not real life. This is not High School Football.


This is SWTOR. If the only way you can gear up via pvp is by relying on AT LEAST 4 strangers to perform well AND have good enough gear (because expertise > skill) to beat the other team what is your incentive to hang around for a loss? No comms = no gear. It is wasted time. There is literally no incentive.


If you want to waste your time because you are stubborn, that's cool. Go ahead and do that. This would be a fine system for ranked warzones with 8 man queue's, Teamspeak, and coordination. As it stands now, it's basically encouraging people to bail the second something goes wrong.


Based on your post, you seem woefully ignorant of PvP, anyway.


Thread winner!

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Warzones are a team effort, rewards are individual. If and individual perform well but as a whole, the team fails, individual receives no reward. Just like in real life. Except, this is not real life. This is not High School Football.


This is SWTOR. If the only way you can gear up via pvp is by relying on AT LEAST 4 strangers to perform well AND have good enough gear (because expertise > skill) to beat the other team what is your incentive to hang around for a loss? No comms = no gear. It is wasted time. There is literally no incentive.


If you want to waste your time because you are stubborn, that's cool. Go ahead and do that. This would be a fine system for ranked warzones with 8 man queue's, Teamspeak, and coordination. As it stands now, it's basically encouraging people to bail the second something goes wrong.


Based on your post, you seem woefully ignorant of PvP, anyway.


I thought you still got coms?

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Gonna come as a surprise to everyone.....but people are still out there PvPing thier proverbial butts off. People are also still having fun playing the game. It is only here, on these very boards that pain and despair are the order of the day. LOL


you must not read general chat on the fleet if you think these complaints are limited to forum posters.

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im guessing thats coz your a sentinal or a marauder


I'd say he's just an idiot, has to be some sort of physical pain associated with these people being as ignorant as they are. Would be slightly unfair if it didn't hurt.

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After winning 6-7 games in a row the rewards seem fine for the winners...not sure how much longer the player that lost those WZs are going to keep Qing with nothing to show for it..I didn't see any lack of effort on their side some actually played very well...I like having fast Qs so please do something to even out the rewards.
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First you killed open PvP now warzones.


You have become death, the destroyer of "MMOs"


Players can no longer lvl up doing PvP.

Little to no rewards for PvP.

Even bigger class unbalance after 1.2.

Players dying way to fast now in wz.

PvP is now a grind from hell getting commendations and credits.

On servers were one faction rule wz just like the fail 1.1 patch the stronger

faction will again gear up faster and steamroll the other faction.

Players just leave now any wz that they think they will lose.

Pretty much my comments I left them while unsubing. But I also mentioned they bumped the price of the pre-50 PvP gear while lowering rewards. What a fan-***********-tastic idea!!


I thought you still got coms?


Take Hutt Ball for example. If your team doesn't score you only get XP. No matter how many medals you get, you get nothing except XP if your team doesn't score. I lost in a tight 1-0 game and just got XP at the end. Pretty much a waste of time.

Edited by Overtone
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The changes to rewards seemed fine when weighed against the idea that ppl who really wanted to try would've been queuing for rated. But they took out rated and left all the rules as they were designed with rated in the equation.


It's comical, really.

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