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Why do people think Boba Fett was a bad-*** charater?


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I don't get it.

Not counting later books and comics that ret-conned him into something better, he was one of the lamest enemies in the movies.


At Cloud City he was Vader's lap dog, literally hiding his weak *** behind Vader's terrifying bulk; stepping around him as if to say "Don't forget, I'm here too guys!"

Vader does everything to capture, fight, and freeze Luke and Han; the most Fett does is take some potshots at Luke and miss.


At the mouth of Sarlacc rather than snipe at Luke from the sail barge (requires actual skill) he flew over and pulled a gun on him at 3 feet away. Luke barely takes him seriously and cuts the gun in half (reverse Raiders of the Lost Ark homage?).

Now instead of trying to tackle a distracted Luke from 3ft away he tries to wrap him up in thin clothes-line. The ultimate bad-***, Luke deflects a laser blast to cut the clothes-line!

Somehow this causes Boba Fett to fall to the ground, where he rolls around like he'd been punched by a Wookie.


Luke proceeds go kick the asses of 5 people shooting at him at the same time (double laser deflection ******es)! Fett slowly recovers, and finally tries to shoot Luke at range (well… 15ft), misses by 5ft, then Han bumps into him.

Fett then flails like a fool through the air, bounces off the same place Luke later scales with his bare hands (pulling baddies from the windows as he goes), and falls to his death. So ends the "bad-***" Bounty Hunter.


Even his armor was crap. His dad had cool polished chrome and blue armor; Boba took his armor from his dad's dead body and painted it to look like a 1979 Chevy Nova with patchwork parts, bondo, and a wire hanger for an antenna.

It took the leader of the Jedi to kill Jango Fett. Boba was killed when a blind man bumped into him.


The RotJ Sarlacc battle -


BTW: I'm not really trolling the Fett lovers or Bounty Hunters (IG-88 FTW!), this is just tongue in cheek fun that wouldn't fit into facebook. :p

Love the movie, love the game.

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I don't get it.

Not counting later books and comics that ret-conned him into something better, he was one of the lamest enemies in the movies.


At Cloud City he was Vader's lap dog, literally hiding his weak *** behind Vader's terrifying bulk; stepping around him as if to say "Don't forget, I'm here too guys!"

Vader does everything to capture, fight, and freeze Luke and Han; the most Fett does is take some potshots at Luke and miss.


At the mouth of Sarlacc rather than snipe at Luke from the sail barge (requires actual skill) he flew over and pulled a gun on him at 3 feet away. Luke barely takes him seriously and cuts the gun in half (reverse Raiders of the Lost Ark homage?).

Now instead of trying to tackle a distracted Luke from 3ft away he tries to wrap him up in thin clothes-line. The ultimate bad-***, Luke deflects a laser blast to cut the clothes-line!

Somehow this causes Boba Fett to fall to the ground, where he rolls around like he'd been punched by a Wookie.


Luke proceeds go kick the asses of 5 people shooting at him at the same time (double laser deflection ******es)! Fett slowly recovers, and finally tries to shoot Luke at range (well… 15ft), misses by 5ft, then Han bumps into him.

Fett then flails like a fool through the air, bounces off the same place Luke later scales with his bare hands (pulling baddies from the windows as he goes), and falls to his death. So ends the "bad-***" Bounty Hunter.


Even his armor was crap. His dad had cool polished chrome and blue armor; Boba took his armor from his dad's dead body and painted it to look like a 1979 Chevy Nova with patchwork parts, bondo, and a wire hanger for an antenna.

It took the leader of the Jedi to kill Jango Fett. Boba was killed when a blind man bumped into him.


The RotJ Sarlacc battle -


BTW: I'm not really trolling the Fett lovers or Bounty Hunters (IG-88 FTW!), this is just tongue in cheek fun that wouldn't fit into facebook. :p

Love the movie, love the game.



Lol so Mace Windu was the leader of the jedi hmm?


And its because Boba Fett's backpack got jets

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I don't get it.

Not counting later books and comics that ret-conned him into something better, he was one of the lamest enemies in the movies.


At Cloud City he was Vader's lap dog, literally hiding his weak *** behind Vader's terrifying bulk; stepping around him as if to say "Don't forget, I'm here too guys!"

Vader does everything to capture, fight, and freeze Luke and Han; the most Fett does is take some potshots at Luke and miss.


At the mouth of Sarlacc rather than snipe at Luke from the sail barge (requires actual skill) he flew over and pulled a gun on him at 3 feet away. Luke barely takes him seriously and cuts the gun in half (reverse Raiders of the Lost Ark homage?).

Now instead of trying to tackle a distracted Luke from 3ft away he tries to wrap him up in thin clothes-line. The ultimate bad-***, Luke deflects a laser blast to cut the clothes-line!

Somehow this causes Boba Fett to fall to the ground, where he rolls around like he'd been punched by a Wookie.


Luke proceeds go kick the asses of 5 people shooting at him at the same time (double laser deflection ******es)! Fett slowly recovers, and finally tries to shoot Luke at range (well… 15ft), misses by 5ft, then Han bumps into him.

Fett then flails like a fool through the air, bounces off the same place Luke later scales with his bare hands (pulling baddies from the windows as he goes), and falls to his death. So ends the "bad-***" Bounty Hunter.


Even his armor was crap. His dad had cool polished chrome and blue armor; Boba took his armor from his dad's dead body and painted it to look like a 1979 Chevy Nova with patchwork parts, bondo, and a wire hanger for an antenna.

It took the leader of the Jedi to kill Jango Fett. Boba was killed when a blind man bumped into him.


The RotJ Sarlacc battle -


BTW: I'm not really trolling the Fett lovers or Bounty Hunters (IG-88 FTW!), this is just tongue in cheek fun that wouldn't fit into facebook. :p

Love the movie, love the game.


He tracked the Millenium Falcon to Bespin by its trajectory alone, then notified Vader in time to get there ahead of them. Boba Fett was smarter than your average Bounty Hunter. Also, why fight harder when you can fight smarter? He knew he would have his hands full with not just the crew, but Bespin's guards, so he got the Empire to help. No big deal.


As for the Sarlacc fight, Han got lucky. Plain and simple. Sometimes, no amount of skill will save you from pure dumb blind luck.


Also, since his survival was not officially retconned by Lucas, and G-Canon includes unpublished and unseen scripts from the movies, the ORIGINAL script for RotJ had Boba Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc at the end of the movie.


So guess what, Boba Haters! He's ALIVE! Deal with it! :p

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Fett in ROTJ was kinda sad.


In Empire he talked back to Vader and Vader didn't force choke him into a puddle on the ceiling. I think that's kind of ******. At least, the other people who back talked him and survived in that flick was Luke and Han; Han got himself packed in ice and Luke cried a whole lot.


You take what you're given I guess.

Edited by FenraelWolfmien
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He hunts.. Jedi? o_o


The dudes with laser swords that can cut through bulk heads?


The dudes that can rob you of your free will with a hand gesture?


The dudes that through rocks, droids, spaceships and industrial pylons at you..


..with their MIND?!


He's like Batman - no magic powers,

just training and a bag of tricks.



Edited by Scudmungus
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  • 3 weeks later...
He tracked the Millenium Falcon to Bespin by its trajectory alone, then notified Vader in time to get there ahead of them. Boba Fett was smarter than your average Bounty Hunter. Also, why fight harder when you can fight smarter? He knew he would have his hands full with not just the crew, but Bespin's guards, so he got the Empire to help. No big deal.


As for the Sarlacc fight, Han got lucky. Plain and simple. Sometimes, no amount of skill will save you from pure dumb blind luck.


Also, since his survival was not officially retconned by Lucas, and G-Canon includes unpublished and unseen scripts from the movies, the ORIGINAL script for RotJ had Boba Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc at the end of the movie.


So guess what, Boba Haters! He's ALIVE! Deal with it! :p


YES! Im glad to see there are others who know the FETT facts, Boba was invented for a TV cartoon in 1978 before he ever appeared in the movies. Alot of people on these forums think the movies are the only STAR WARS media, not true!! In order to know the SW galaxy completely you have to read the novels, comics and video-game stories. Fett didnt die in the Sarlaac pit.... he fought his way out of it like a true Mandalorian!!! Boba Fett is a Bad MF and the best bounty hunter in Star Wars history. Vader wouldnt have ever found the rebels on Bespin if Boba didnt track Solo there in the first place. Remember how Han thought drifting off with the Star Destroyer garbage was a slick move.... well it was, but the SLAVE 1 was amongst the space trash. Boba knew all of Hans tricks.

Edited by ForceSworn
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From what I understand, Lucas wonders the same thing. He never thought that Boba Fett was much of a character [citation needed, I know].


However, you have to realize that we had never seen anything like him before. This is before Iron Man, before Power Rangers (for kids, mind you), before all of the other "******" armored and helmeted warriors out there. For me, it was he was mysterious and dangerous. He followed and caught Han, nudged Luke in the right direction (he missed on purpose and was helping get Luke to Vader if you ask me). He didn't panic and was a cool customer. Plus, that armor was out of this world!


True, he "died" in a lame way, but that's because Lucas didn't understand why he was as popular as his big villain (Vader). Which is unfortunate, because he deserved to be treated better, in my opinion.


I get why Boba is popular. What I don't get is why people like Deadpool. Now, he's a joke. :p



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Edit: Wait I figured it out, though it seems kinda...eh to me.



Also to the sarlacc battle, he couldn't fire from the deck of the sail barge seeing as he used a carbine which isn't all that accurate from long range.


Though myself I though IG-88 B and C had worse and lamer deaths then Boba did. I mean come on, they had advanced AI and they were destroyed in very lame ways.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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From what I understand, Lucas wonders the same thing. He never thought that Boba Fett was much of a character [citation needed, I know].


However, you have to realize that we had never seen anything like him before. This is before Iron Man, before Power Rangers (for kids, mind you), before all of the other "******" armored and helmeted warriors out there. For me, it was he was mysterious and dangerous. He followed and caught Han, nudged Luke in the right direction (he missed on purpose and was helping get Luke to Vader if you ask me). He didn't panic and was a cool customer. Plus, that armor was out of this world!


True, he "died" in a lame way, but that's because Lucas didn't understand why he was as popular as his big villain (Vader). Which is unfortunate, because he deserved to be treated better, in my opinion.


I get why Boba is popular. What I don't get is why people like Deadpool. Now, he's a joke. :p




Deadpool is a straight up ripoff of Deathstroke. They simply let him keep both eyes and added a sense of humor.


Deathstroke: Slade Wilson

Deadpool: Wade Wilson

Occupation for both: Mercenary/Assassin.

Daddy issues for both: Yep.

Each killed an ex-wife: Yep again.

Both the subjects of military experiments: Yep a third time.

Healing factor for both: Yep... you get the idea.



Wade: No kids, unless you count his clone Widdle Wade.

Slade: 3 kids. 1 son, 1 deceased son, 1 daughter.


Slade: Hyper-intelligent, with added abilities due to him being able to use nearly 90% of his brain capacity.

Wade: Insanity causes him to break the 4th Wall constantly.


And there you have it. Nicieza and Liefeld made him JUST different enough to avoid a lawsuit from DC. :p

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Deadpool is a straight up ripoff of Deathstroke. They simply let him keep both eyes and added a sense of humor.


Deathstroke: Slade Wilson

Deadpool: Wade Wilson

Occupation for both: Mercenary/Assassin.

Daddy issues for both: Yep.

Each killed an ex-wife: Yep again.

Both the subjects of military experiments: Yep a third time.

Healing factor for both: Yep... you get the idea.



Wade: No kids, unless you count his clone Widdle Wade.

Slade: 3 kids. 1 son, 1 deceased son, 1 daughter.


Slade: Hyper-intelligent, with added abilities due to him being able to use nearly 90% of his brain capacity.

Wade: Insanity causes him to break the 4th Wall constantly.


And there you have it. Nicieza and Liefeld made him JUST different enough to avoid a lawsuit from DC. :p


I prefer Deathstroke....cause he has "Death" and "Stroke" in his name.

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Because Boba Fett, looks damn cool.




In the 1980s when all we had were the movies and toys, there's no doubt that Boba Fett was very unique in appearance and looked great doing it. My Boba Fett toy figure was one of my favorites. His outfit today is what by far most Star Wars fans think of when you say "Mandalorian Armor." Even when AOTC was being made, it's obvious Jango Fett's outfit naturally shows off as being a preceding version of Boba's, while still looking different.


As a minor character in the movies, he somehow made a great mark from ESB alone. The funny part is that I'm pretty sure Boba Fett's popularity surprised the hell out of Lucas even back in the day after ESB came out :cool:

Edited by LemmingLeader
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He tracked the Millenium Falcon to Bespin by its trajectory alone, then notified Vader in time to get there ahead of them. Boba Fett was smarter than your average Bounty Hunter. Also, why fight harder when you can fight smarter? He knew he would have his hands full with not just the crew, but Bespin's guards, so he got the Empire to help. No big deal.


As for the Sarlacc fight, Han got lucky. Plain and simple. Sometimes, no amount of skill will save you from pure dumb blind luck.


Also, since his survival was not officially retconned by Lucas, and G-Canon includes unpublished and unseen scripts from the movies, the ORIGINAL script for RotJ had Boba Fett climbing out of the Sarlacc at the end of the movie.


So guess what, Boba Haters! He's ALIVE! Deal with it! :p


pretty sure I had this discusion with you before but to clear it up once again




There is no script that has that in it. George Lucas even says Boba Fett is dead and died in the Sarlac. In fact he said on the DVD commentary


"In the case of Boba Fett's death, had I known he was gonna turn into such a popular character, I probably would've made it a little bit more exciting. Boba Fett was just another one of the minions, another one of the bounty hunters and badguys. But, he became such a favorite of everybody's that, for having such a small part, uh he had a very large presence. And now that his history has been told in the first trilogy, y'know, it makes it even more of a misstep that we wouldn't make more out of the event of his defeat, because most people don't believe he died anyway. I'd contemplated putting in that extra shot in where he climbs out of the hole, but y'know I figure that's . . . it doesn't quite fit, in the end."


so it's clear he ALWAYS intended him to die.


There is no magic script where he lives. In the original draft of the script Boba Fett isn't even in it.





edit: I also love how the fans think that Mandalorian armor is invincable. Yes Boba has a helmet and a chest piece but the rest of him is just covered with fabric. If a storm troopers armor can't even stop an arrow what makes you think that Boba Fetts cloth can stop anything?


For me it's Jango all the way.

Edited by jarjarloves
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He hunts.. Jedi? o_o


The dudes with laser swords that can cut through bulk heads?


The dudes that can rob you of your free will with a hand gesture?


The dudes that through rocks, droids, spaceships and industrial pylons at you..


..with their MIND?!


He's like Batman - no magic powers,

just training and a bag of tricks.




And he has a big, fat goose egg as far as Jedi kills go, and a single Jedi capture of a Padawan that never completed her training. Yea, he's so bad ***. My Bounty Hunter in TOR would rip Boba Fett apart just from the story alone.

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pretty sure I had this discusion with you before but to clear it up once again




There is no script that has that in it. George Lucas even says Boba Fett is dead and died in the Sarlac. In fact he said on the DVD commentary




so it's clear he ALWAYS intended him to die.


There is no magic script where he lives. In the original draft of the script Boba Fett isn't even in it.





edit: I also love how the fans think that Mandalorian armor is invincable. Yes Boba has a helmet and a chest piece but the rest of him is just covered with fabric. If a storm troopers armor can't even stop an arrow what makes you think that Boba Fetts cloth can stop anything?


For me it's Jango all the way.


Dude, give it a rest. If you notice the date and time on there, it was BEFORE your tirade and Boba hating binge on me. And as far as I'm concerned, C-Canon has him alive, and that's it. Fett's alive. Deal with it.


EDIT: And just so you know, the script did exist until he changed it. He admitted it in the interview. The original plan was to have him climb out at the end of the movie. Just because YOU can't find it doesn't mean it's not true. Heh. Just another "George Lucas is God" fanboy.

Edited by Meluna
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pretty sure I had this discusion with you before but to clear it up once again




There is no script that has that in it. George Lucas even says Boba Fett is dead and died in the Sarlac. In fact he said on the DVD commentary




so it's clear he ALWAYS intended him to die.


There is no magic script where he lives. In the original draft of the script Boba Fett isn't even in it.





edit: I also love how the fans think that Mandalorian armor is invincable. Yes Boba has a helmet and a chest piece but the rest of him is just covered with fabric. If a storm troopers armor can't even stop an arrow what makes you think that Boba Fetts cloth can stop anything?


For me it's Jango all the way.


Despite what couldve or shouldve happened to Fett... its a moot point because the fans liked him and he lives on. Darth Vader was suppose to have a Blue lightsaber and Luke was suppose to be named Starkiller but thats just an old idea now. The fans liked Boba so he got to live, if thats the reason then so be it. BUT YOU NEED to look up the FIRST APPEARANCE OF BOBA FETT on youtube. Its tells you he was suppose to be an important character based off Clint Eastwood and that documentary came out a LONG TIME AGO, in a dicso era Far Far away! Besides when has George Lucas ever told the truth about anything anyhow. He lied about having the story planned out, he lied about having scripts written for Indiana Jones etc. Canon is the one that matters he designed Fett and Lucas IMO didnt care about the charcter because it wasnt his idea like Luke and Darth and Solo was. Thats my belief, I cant prove that. But I think its clear that he makes up stuff as he goes along. Like Leia being Lukes sister was never planned he just had to top Empires bombshell that Vader was Lukes father because hes not that original! I mean if Leia was intended to be Lukes sister then we got some sick brother on sister action that was planned?!! BS!!! Look how everything done in triology was duplicated in saga...e.g. starship chase thru the astroid feild in episode 2 as well as Obi Wan cutting off an arm in the cantina. I like the SW movies and I thank George for making them but that doesnt mean the man does no wrong in my eyes like some star-struck fanboy might think! Truth is no one ever dies in his movies. Palpatine lives too, and now so does Darth Maul lol! I guess if you fall down a shaft or pit in Star Wars its safe to say you live later, I wouldnt be surprised if he did that because he thought to himself, " well Canon did it for Fett so i better duplicate it too"..... anyways all Im getting at is ol' Geo might have been trying to cover his tracks for giving him such a sucky death scene. I mean the mans a ego monger he based Luke and Han on himself! The best Star Wars stories come from other writers I think saga proves that! He cares more about selling toys than keeping a solid script. Just cause Lucas says it dont make it fact!

Edited by ForceSworn
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