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In Defense of EA/Bioware


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Guys, I said right from the start that you should be angry. I also said that this was a fail.


And if you don't understand the power Murphy has in IT, you've never written software or deployed it. It's just that simple.


Here's the crux of the Time-To-Market Conundrum: Software is science. It's all math. Ones and zeros in complex mathematical patterns. It's cut and dry. But like all science it takes time. Now couple that with capitalism and what you have is pretty much division by zero.


To meet the needs of the business, the software developers and all their supporting staff must live right on the edge of insanity from the time they create a proof of concept to well after the application goes live. This is why so many people have anecdotes about Microsoft and buggy software, yadda yadda.


Until there is an open source MMO, things will be this way. My point in the original post was two-fold:


1. I'm a software developer and I feel for the Bioware team.


2. Bioware has done a fantastic job thus far in response to their failures.


There's a saying in the corporate software development world: I can develop your software with the least amount of money possible, with the best results, in a short period of time; but you can only pick two of those.


I honestly believe that what happened today was a deployment screw up. Someone fat-fingered a command line switch when installing the database updates...

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I'm a tough Boss. When I build a house and something falls apart I don't tell the customer "There was a million nails, sometimes things just go wrong when you use a million nails....." I tell Em "W00PS! Let me fix that, sorry. End of story.
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I'm a tough Boss. When I build a house and something falls apart I don't tell the customer "There was a million nails, sometimes things just go wrong when you use a million nails....." I tell Em "W00PS! Let me fix that, sorry. End of story.


Depending on what the cause was, I agree. But we don't know the cause. As end users, it's not our place to know. It's our place to pay and play or not. I, for one, will continue to pay and play.

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I have no problems with Bioware. I'm irritated, but now my game's back up, so cheers!


Also...I agree with OP - they've done a pretty good job of fixing their screw-ups, so you people throwing hissy fits should cut them some slack.

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I'm a tough Boss. When I build a house and something falls apart I don't tell the customer "There was a million nails, sometimes things just go wrong when you use a million nails....." I tell Em "W00PS! Let me fix that, sorry. End of story.


What is "Whoops, let me fix that" if it's not what you've been complaining about all thread?I would say Software is a lot harder to build than a house. When you build a house, you are building it on one bit of ground with a group of materials you know.


Software that is distributed to millions to run on millions of different PCs in different ways by different people with different understandings of software cannot be tested for.




Apology and compensation.


What more do you honestly want? Seriously?

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As paying customers of a product that is currently broken, many of you are mad at EA/Bioware. You should be. They let us down today. However, as an online software developer myself, I'd have you consider the following:


Oh yes, we should give hugs and sing Kumbaya because this is a game. >_>


Let us not forget that this is a business FIRST. If this was really all for fun, no one would be charging money for this and it would be open source to get more people to fix bugs. Don't kid yourselves into thinking that mistakes are acceptable when you're paying for a service. The complexity of the system is irrelevant to the discussion.

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What is "Whoops, let me fix that" if it's not what you've been complaining about all thread?I would say Software is a lot harder to build than a house. When you build a house, you are building it on one bit of ground with a group of materials you know.


Software that is distributed to millions to run on millions of different PCs in different ways by different people with different understandings of software cannot be tested for.




Apology and compensation.


What more do you honestly want? Seriously?


You've have never built a house. Arguing semantics is pointless with you. That's the very definition of "HARD WORK". I know many devs suffered from carpal tunnel to bring me this game but I'm not gonna give their blood sweat and tears the time of day in which is harder work.

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Oh yes, we should give hugs and sing Kumbaya because this is a game. >_>


Let us not forget that this is a business FIRST. If this was really all for fun, no one would be charging money for this and it would be open source to get more people to fix bugs. Don't kid yourselves into thinking that mistakes are acceptable when you're paying for a service. The complexity of the system is irrelevant to the discussion.


Yes, we are paying for a service.


That said, when you have a problem with any other kind of service you buy, do you immediately lose your mind and the provider and refuse to ever do business with them?


I mean, when I have a problem with something like that, an apology and compensation renews my faith in whoever I'm doing business with, that despite being imperfect they're humble enough to acknowledge mistakes and genuinely want to make things right.

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Oh yes, we should give hugs and sing Kumbaya because this is a game. >_>


Let us not forget that this is a business FIRST. If this was really all for fun, no one would be charging money for this and it would be open source to get more people to fix bugs. Don't kid yourselves into thinking that mistakes are acceptable when you're paying for a service. The complexity of the system is irrelevant to the discussion.


Your fault for falling for a game with a EA tag on it. Do you really think BW is the one rushing all this ****, get a grip. EA is one of the worst companies, period.

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Thanks for taking the time for this. I've always been patient with devs and updates. And I think BioWare's done an admirable job keeping up with updates. And I'm frankly shocked at the extra day (and month for those qualifying). But I'm not a developer, so I appreciate you breaking it down for those who may not be as patient.
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As paying customers of a product that is currently broken, many of you are mad at EA/Bioware. You should be. They let us down today. However, as an online software developer myself, I'd have you consider the following:


1. Software ain't easy.


2. Online software is even harder.


3. To-date EA has been VERY quick to address our concerns.


4. Bad things happen to good people (see Murphy's Law).




1. No, but if you hire pro's they make it look easy. Bioware are MMO amateurs and it shows. They apparently have learned nothing from previous, much more successful launches.


2. And yet, companies like Trion and others manage to pull of almost flawless launches with no game breaking patches. I'm thinking it's because they hired experienced pro's.


3. lolwut. There are game breaking bugs in this game that have been here for months. Bioware is one of the slowest responding mmo's developers ever.


4. Yeah, and really bad things happen to the totally unprepared and amateur.

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3. lolwut. There are game breaking bugs in this game that have been here for months. Bioware is one of the slowest responding mmo's developers ever.



Weird. I've been playing since early access and I can't think of a single game-breaking bug I experienced. Sure it's not just on your end?

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Weird. I've been playing since early access and I can't think of a single game-breaking bug I experienced. Sure it's not just on your end?


Guess you've never watched Soa bug out or have to reset the zone over and over because the pylons get stuck...


Both of which have been around for months and yet...nothing.


Oh, wait, a reset button, lol.

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Weird. I've been playing since early access and I can't think of a single game-breaking bug I experienced. Sure it's not just on your end?


He is one of those people who, even if BioWare were to give every subscriber £1,000,000, would complain the coins are not polished enough.

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Guess you've never watched Soa bug out or have to reset the zone over and over because the pylons get stuck...


Both of which have been around for months and yet...nothing.


Oh, wait, a reset button, lol.

Guess you don't know what "game breaking" means.
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