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EA Stock has been down all day today (4/13)


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Well the reason fall right in line with what you suggested. The reason EA got voted worst was because of their hostile buyout's where they bought majority stock in up and coming companions then dismantled them to kill out the competition..... Fact: a **** ton of good games never made it to market because EA couldn't stand not being the profiteer of them.



I ask again..this is more serious issue than banks making people homeless or those smug suits sitting in wall street looting America? people really need to get their priorities straight and start thinking about others around them. Must be so awesome to live such sheltered lives where the biggest problem you face is disappointment in a video game.

Edited by Gorrdan
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Let me put this in easy-to-understand terms.


What the OP is hinting at is this: Shareholders in EA weren't told about some decisions that have a huge bearing on the value of their stocks (as in giving away playing time). This shocked and angered them, and shook their confidence. Stocks loss value as a result. What does this all mean?


SWTOR is not the WoW-killing cash-cow it was hoping for, after most likely having touted it as such to investors. Upset investors, lower stocks, servers becoming ghost-towns, and MANY players currently disgruntled (and many more gone in the next few weeks, I predict). All of this spells trouble. I can almost guarantee that some EA execs are angrily berating the BW team nad shking things up with threats about job-losses unless things smooth out and fast. If they grow completely dissatisfied with SWTOR, they may even try to sell it off, though they're more likely to just ramp up an F2P scenario if server populations continue to evaporate. It's amazing what a stock hitting a low, even for 5 minutes, can do.

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EA doesn't have much to do with what Bioware is doing with this game....but EA got voted the worst corporation in America (beating Wal-Mart) by Forbes....says something about their business.


Ok, first of all it wasn't Forbes. It was Consumerist, a web-site run by Consumer Reports. And it was just an internet poll, it wasn't any real business analysis.


And it says a lot more about angry gaming nerds than it does about EA's business. Phillip Morris and RJR Tobacco make a product that KILLS people. But yeah, I can see how a bad ending to Mass Effect 3 was even worse.

Edited by amantheil
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whats the correlation here? that people who buy stocks in these companies are so volatile to tip the cost of each share due to downtime?


Not the downtime, the loss of most of a months earnings. Like would that cause a cut dividend or something. I doubt it, but that was the correlation.

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FWIW, I love this game. I just casually wondered what the average stockholder thinks about giving 30 days free. That is a good representation of how buyers and sellers react it seems though. Err I should say overreact.


The average stockholder doesnt even know swtor exists. So what you are saying is false. You think the average stock holder in EA bought it and then watch this forum all the time? I mean wow do you people even listen to yourselves sometimes? You sound like some loony.

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I never said I was an expert on EA. I was just saying I wonder if the "shock" was priced in today. Not hard to understand that. I will agree, I wouldn't know whether EA was running like the whole Nasdaq market. I haven't been following it.


In short, no. The dip you are seeing in EA has nothing to do with SWTOR and the server downtime. The dip you are seeing is due to the sell-off that occurred early this morning across the board. Unless they are reporting earnings, or have some other type of MAJOR news, like and FDA approval for example, 75% of stocks follow the trend of it's major market index, i.e. NASDAQ, S&P, DJIA, TSX, etc.

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with the exception of one minute. Do you think stockholder's didn't like the free month giveaway? Usually announcements are priced in a stock in advance, but no one knew "free time" before now.


I realize most of the market is down today, but it is interesting that EA has only been up less than 5 minutes through most of the trading day. One hour to go and the stock is down about a $0.25 a share or 1.5%.


Sorry, but EA has a lot more games than just TOR. And 1.5%... that's really not too much, they'll probably be up that much Monday.

Edited by Birdmen
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Let me put this in easy-to-understand terms.


What the OP is hinting at is this: Shareholders in EA weren't told about some decisions that have a huge bearing on the value of their stocks (as in giving away playing time). This shocked and angered them, and shook their confidence. Stocks loss value as a result. What does this all mean?


SWTOR is not the WoW-killing cash-cow it was hoping for, after most likely having touted it as such to investors. Upset investors, lower stocks, servers becoming ghost-towns, and MANY players currently disgruntled (and many more gone in the next few weeks, I predict). All of this spells trouble. I can almost guarantee that some EA execs are angrily berating the BW team nad shking things up with threats about job-losses unless things smooth out and fast. If they grow completely dissatisfied with SWTOR, they may even try to sell it off, though they're more likely to just ramp up an F2P scenario if server populations continue to evaporate. It's amazing what a stock hitting a low, even for 5 minutes, can do.


I can almost guarantee this is entirely in your head. 99% of people who won EA stock do not keep up with what happens in swtor. For the 100th time the entire stock market is down triple digits the past week. It was not caused by Bioware handing out some free game time lol.

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EA doesn't have much to do with what Bioware is doing with this game....but EA got voted the worst corporation in America (beating Wal-Mart) by Forbes....says something about their business.


First and foremost, that poll was conducted by Consumerist, not Forbes. Secondly, that "voting" had nothing to do with profitability of EA. It had to do with how much much consumers "hated" EA, specifically regarding the pricing structure, quality assurance and customer service.


With that said, EA as a company does have management issues as well as an overcomplicated business structure. As a mega entertainment/gaming company, they have stuck their tentacles into too many things. However, it is also undeniable that they do have a monopoly on some very well-known video game franchises or reliable revenue sources if you will. With video games still being retailed at a premium price, EA's profitability is not going to be a major issue short of another catastrophic economic melt down and folks once again significantly cut back their on their non-essential spending.

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Wow....just wow...


I'm a 19 year old who has limited knowledge of the stock market and I still know better than you. I feel extremely intelligent right now, so thank you for that.


Btw, stocks have been down since...the beginning of the month due to numerous issues from the economic issues with Spain to the US federal government no longer supplying as much aid to the market in an attempt to let it work on its own again. They aren't down because of a free month, at least not completely.

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Ok, first of all it wasn't Forbes. It was Consumerist, a web-site run by Consumer Reports. And it was just an internet poll, it wasn't any real business analysis.


And it says a lot more about angry gaming nerds than it does about EA's business. Phillip Morris and RJR Tobacco make a product that KILLS people. But yeah, I can see how a bad ending to Mass Effect 3 was even worse.


I bet all those bankers who looted the country are laughing right now that EA is getting priority over them. No wonder they brought USA to its knees so easily.

Edited by Gorrdan
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Ok, first of all it wasn't Forbes. It was Consumerist, a web-site run by Consumer Reports. And it was just an internet poll, it wasn't any real business analysis.


And it says a lot more about angry gaming nerds than it does about EA's business. Phillip Morris and RJR Tobacco make a product that KILLS people. But yeah, I can see how a bad ending to Mass Effect 3 was even worse.


i read about it in Forbes so.... my bad

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Actually stocks have climbed almost to what they were as a whole before the crash (13,000 as compared to 14,500), but I get your point. Many are down.


The only reason stocks have gone up is because of all the liquidity in the market caused by the Fed's quantitive easing and ZIRP. That's it.

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It's the same general principle of not being truthful and using smoke and mirrors to sell your products (eg., credit default swaps == 1.2 patch).


Yes, that's an exaggeration, but in logic we call it a "logical extension."


As a poster pointed out, EA selling you horrible games should never be a bigger crime than banks that make people homeless.


EA can be the worst horrible scum game publisher in the world that sell grossly overpriced games like Sims 3, milks you for more of your money through expansions, first day DLCs, etc. But what they do is miniscule compared to what some banks do in your country.


They sell you bad games? Don't buy from them!


Up till now I still don't get the hatred towards EA. Come back to me once their DVDs are actually toxic and cause widespread poisoning.

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Let me put this in easy-to-understand terms.


What the OP is hinting at is this: Shareholders in EA weren't told about some decisions that have a huge bearing on the value of their stocks (as in giving away playing time). This shocked and angered them, and shook their confidence. Stocks loss value as a result. What does this all mean?


SWTOR is not the WoW-killing cash-cow it was hoping for, after most likely having touted it as such to investors. Upset investors, lower stocks, servers becoming ghost-towns, and MANY players currently disgruntled (and many more gone in the next few weeks, I predict). All of this spells trouble. I can almost guarantee that some EA execs are angrily berating the BW team nad shking things up with threats about job-losses unless things smooth out and fast. If they grow completely dissatisfied with SWTOR, they may even try to sell it off, though they're more likely to just ramp up an F2P scenario if server populations continue to evaporate. It's amazing what a stock hitting a low, even for 5 minutes, can do.


HAHAHAHAAH This has got to be the most uninformed, ignorant, conspiracy filled post I have read all day! Yes, my friend, life often has simple, "easy-to-understand", WRONG answers. Thank you for clarifying.

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*** are you talking about? Do you have different definitions of "down"? It has been following the trend of the NASDAQ almost perfectly in-sync. I don't think you understand how stock movement works.


Take it from a CFA & CMT chartered professional.


I'm still laughing.

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I ask again..this is more serious issue than banks making people homeless or those smug suits sitting in wall street looting America? people really need to get their priorities straight and start thinking about others around them. Must be so awesome to live such sheltered lives where the biggest problem you face is disappointment in a video game.


Its the same damn thing when you boil it all down. It's moving money around and making a profit by being a middle man playing a shell game with the money. Yes. i believe its as bad as what the banks are doing because when a hostile take over occurs a ton of people lose their jobs and homes just the same as if a bank gave the ma shady mortgage. They're sucking up money out of the market and trampling on innovation and and entrepreneurs.

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I bet all those bankers who looted the country are laughing right now that EA is getting priority over them. No wonder they brought USA to its knees so easily.


Because nobody thought to question what they were doing ... while they were quietly pocketing people's money and claiming to be actually doing all sorts of wonderful things.


Sound familiar? CEOs often jump industries ya know. They're hired for their ability to make other executives money.


Glad we were able to buy some new Cessna Citation X's for Bioware and EA. They're very nice planes.

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I bet all those bankers who looted the country are laughing right now that EA is getting priority over them. No wonder they brought USA to its knees so easily.


Yeah we get it, the U.S. and it's citizens are horrible.


Care to say what country you're from or does the rhetoric only work when we find out that you're from Albania?

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Its the same damn thing when you boil it all down. It's moving money around and making a profit by being a middle man playing a shell game with the money. Yes. i believe its as bad as what the banks are doing because when a hostile take over occurs a ton of people lose their jobs and homes just the same as if a bank gave the ma shady mortgage. They're sucking up money out of the market and trampling on innovation and and entrepreneurs.


Wow just wow....



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I ask again..this is more serious issue than banks making people homeless or those smug suits sitting in wall street looting America? people really need to get their priorities straight and start thinking about others around them. Must be so awesome to live such sheltered lives where the biggest problem you face is disappointment in a video game.


dude go live in another country this is a bi product of being a capitalistict country, it is the core of the american dream some wins some loses, i guess you like comunism more ?

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Yeah we get it, the U.S. and it's citizens are horrible.


Care to say what country you're from or does the rhetoric only work when we find out that you're from Albania?


I am an American too, why do you think i feel embarrassed when i read nonsense like this?

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