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War Hero gear needs to cost less until rated comes


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With the system in place now, since we can not earn ranked commendations it will take FOREVER to get a few pieces of gear.


Let's just average out a piece and for easy math let's use 2500 ranked commendations per piece.


That equals out to be 7500 regular commendations and at best you earn 100 commendations a match on average for when you win.


Full matches run 15 mins each so that is around 18.75 hours of pvp grinding to get one piece of gear. Daily quests of course will lower this number quite a bit but, I think that the dailies will just help you average out your losses or quick matches that you do not get 100 commendations. Then, add in wait time in between matches and the dead time for the start and finish of matches you have a huge time sink.


I feel that a 20% cost reduction on War hero gear would be about right with time invested for a reward.

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Lol... the only people that think the system is fine is someone who can play the game 24/7. With the current system in place it would take a casual two to three weeks to get one piece of gear. I am not asking for them to give away gear... just give more of a sense of accomplishment and move the carrot a little closer than 90 miles away.
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Full set:

BM: 12475 coms -> 39h playtime to get bm

Unrated warhero: 28250 +1000 Normal ->85750 coms -> 268h playtime to get full warhero


(not counting dailys,avg 80 coms per warzone,15min per warzone)

ref4 costs: http://dulfy.net/2012/03/22/pvp-gearing-in-1-2/


Edit: try any other game or just swtor pve armor and see what you get done in 268h playtime

Edited by gwrtheyn
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Full set:

BM: 12475 coms -> 39h playtime to get bm

Unrated warhero: 28250 +1000 Normal ->85750 coms -> 268h playtime to get full warhero


(not counting dailys,avg 80 coms per warzone,15min per warzone)

ref4 costs: http://dulfy.net/2012/03/22/pvp-gearing-in-1-2/


Edit: try any other game or just swtor pve armor and see what you get done in 268h playtime



Rated gear should only be obtainable in rated wz ...period.


take it out with taken out rated wz until rated are in OR


add WH gear (not rated) and make it only available to valor rank 70+


not sure why they call gear BM or WH when anybody can get it regardless of rank. Very strange.

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I agree. But the problem here is not that "we want everything now and free and we dont want to work for it"


The problem is, I worked hard already for my full BM set. Bioware then dangled a carrot in front of us, "custom armour, movable set bonuses! yay!"


But then, to make it so that all our BM armour set bonuses will not transfer over to orange augmented armour. Then, to tease us with rated warzones then take it away last minute. But still leave War Hero armour, but make it unattainable to most people by the time they finally do implement the rated warzones.


They gave us custom armour, but it doesn't work for anything other than War Hero armour, which is unattainable for a very long time for a lot of people. There is no sense in customized armour in PvP unless you can take the set bonuses too you morons!

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I'm not even attempting to get the new gear. Didn't Ilum and valour ranks teach you guys anything? The "elite" hardcore will grind for the gear and by the time they've got it all, Bioware will announce a change to how you can acquire it; making it require little more than a pulse to achieve. Maybe Gabe and the team will add boxes to warzones. Ingenuity.
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