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1.2 The Baffling patch


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So you see you can't loose every wz and still come out on top unless your suggesting you purposefully loose by not doing everything you can to win. Like something as simple as try to stay alive when defending a node by using 1 medpac.


I never suggested you come out on top by losing all the time... because that would be stupid and unreasonable to do that. I don't understand what you are going on about actually. I'm just crushing the idea that loseres will somehow never be able to close this equipment gap they have to winners that I keep hearing as part of the complaints on 1.2. It's a load of crap. BW has made it possible to get full, top ENDGAME PVP gear by doing nothing but signing up for WZ's by making wazrone commendations available in PVP quests.


To you other points; not one time did I say that the things you mentioned weren't good changes so I'm not sure why you even brought them up. Also, thanks for the daily pve quests tip because that's what people want to do. Grind out pve so they can pvp. It's only fair since people who pve have to grind out pvp. Right?


That's just being two-faced because you ALREADY grind out PVE to PVP. You can't spend literally hours to get all the credits you need for a full set of recruit gear .... but you WILL spend days to get level 50 to PVP endgame? Nonsense :rolleyes:

Edited by Obtena
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I never suggested you come out on top by losing all the time... because that would be stupid and unreasonable to do that. I don't understand what you are going on about actually. I'm just crushing the idea that loseres will somehow never be able to close this equipment gap they have to winners that I keep hearing as part of the complaints on 1.2. It's a load of crap. BW has made it possible to get full, top ENDGAME PVP gear by doing nothing but signing up for WZ's by making wazrone commendations available in PVP quests.


I believe your quote below says otherwise. Does it not say you can loose every single time and still get your gear?


So basically, I'm calling Bull on all the crying about the growing equipment stats gap people are talking about. Simply doingp ANY WZ's will get you BM gear, even if you lose eveyry single time and eventually you will get your set.


That's just being two-faced because you ALREADY grind out PVE to PVP. You can't spend literally hours to get all the credits you need for a full set of recruit gear .... but you WILL spend days to get level 50 to PVP endgame? Nonsense :rolleyes:


actually I leveled though wz and only did my class quests. and only that to get all my companions.

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I dunno bud, I've never had an issue w/ gearing myself out in any game. I work fulltime, take some MMA classes, and have an attention starved GF. I probably get about 1.5 hours of gametime a night. I expected more of a grind from this game to be honest, but I had just come from Aion, so in contrast, this game was ridiculously easy to obtain PvP gear. I guess this topic is subjective. I like the game but soon as GW2 is out, I'm gone. I'm one of the geared people and I don't find this game anymore fun than the lesser geared.



I didn't say that gear was hard to obtain, but it's a grind fest For the gear. No matter how you look at it though gear matters waaaaaaay to much for this pvp to be about skill and competition....what matter does it do if you have full bm and your teammates run around in cent/orange and face oponnents with full bm? Doesn't matter how good of a player you are, you're going to loose because of gear and nothing else.


And if you are "lucky" playing 8v8 bm vs bm voidstar is pretty much 8 min defence vs 8 min defence, huttball is mostly 0v0 or 6v0 depending who gets the ball with the force run at the start. Civil war is mostly who runs first to cap the first tower and then noone takes a 2nd.....noval coast....well, 16 sec capture time, gives you roughly 40 seconds to wipe a group if you want to capture it. not going to happen with the maps this small :>.



Before 1.2: people could do WZ, daily and weekly at illum. Grab a few bags, SLOWLY but definatly getting their gear.


Post 1.2: just quit the WZ if you loose, there's absolutely no point at all staying. And you can't win vs a geared team if your team is ungeared. Sure there's always the option to queue with a group of geared persons, chances are you'll get a 4v4 or 8v8 premades and since gear does so much nobody dies and that means nobody captures.


Then again, in premades and ranked it's pretty much going to be full bm vs full bm so again WHATS THE POINT OF PVP GEAR ffs. Make it skilldepended and less geardepended, because in the end there will be no new players to fight since they can't get geared. And i say that as a geared player.



I mean seriously, < 30 coms, slim to 0 credits, almost no valor for 15 minutes of playtime IF you are loosing? lol no thanks. I wouldn't mind those statistics if it wasn't the case that now you MUST win to get your gear and the gear is required to compete...it's a formula that's broken at best!

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Who am I:

50 Sentinel Full BM Valor rank 80, Ajunta Pall, Guild: Maven (So I don't have to listen to all the "just buy the recruit gear noob" or "If you can't find friends..." or "What ever personal attack because the person commenting is made of WIN and I am apparently not")


I'll start off and say I like this game and don't plan to unsub yet. But I'm growing ever more confused on bioware's direction for pvp. What's baffling is at release the majority of the press praised the game for how balanced the classes were and how long fights would last because they weren't bursty like another game they were accused of copping. People were mad about having a pvp stat but when they found out that it simply canceled it self out since the damage increase was offset by the damage reduction, people where fine with it. But soon found fault in a few things which is going to happen. Those were Ilum and queueing 50's with low levels that had little or no expertise. They fixed the 50's in WZ by bracketing them off and fixed Ilum somewhat. But now we see that they once again forgot anything they learned from before.


We have-


-People who are in full Champ or Centurion gear getting face rolled by people in full BM because they didn't get their expertise doubled like the rest of the gear. And anyone who can't afford the new recruit gear and rolling in their pve gear just being obliterated. Then on top of that the damage reduction doesn't cancel out the damage increase so you have everyone doing a flat 4% more damage to everyone else that are wearing full BM. So we went from what people praised to almost an exact copy of that other game.


-Now add to that the new gearing system. NO MOR BAAGGASSSZ! Lets have a party! "Hold up. Did i just do a complete WZ and got nothing? Did i just do 3 WZ and got 45 comms because we lost all 3 to a pre-made. Hold on, did i just use 5 medpacs in that last WZ we won but now have to spend all my winnings to buy 5 more?" I know you NEVAR use medpacs or just don't buy them or roll biochem. Oh and for those who do say that if your not biochem good luck living in pvp if your not a healer then again good luck even if you are. Oh and if you say go buy the recruite gear I'll just say "I hope you like doing PvE because it will be a long time before you save it through WZ"


So we have the new face of SWTOR pvp. Fast pace deathmatch style pvp. And a penalty system that perpetuates gear imbalance by making it near to impossible to catch up with the top geared players. I know we have people who love to face roll all the time because they need they have personal issues but that doesn't make fun game play. If my advantage over you or your advantage over me is simply gear then I'd rather not play. I don't mind having better gear or some one else having better gear as long as that advantage isn't continually perpetuated though the fact that if I don't win I'll never catch up.


Bioware, even out the damage reduction and increase so that in cancels itself out and fix the dang champ and centurion gear. Also, fix the reward system so that people can actually save comms or even get them in some cases.





Exactly my thoughts.


I use the medpacs and 15% exp packs quite a lot.


Last 3 lost games I did use around 15 in total. Buying 15 will cost me 300 commendations.


Last 3 games I gained 97 comms in total. Go figure.

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Lol yea if you win every single match you can gear up to BM in 2 weeks. Its around 12k comms to get set


12,400 comms fora full BM set, to be precise. But it takes WAY more than two weeks. Assuming 85 comms/win (a common number I've heard from asking random people on the fleet - not a very good sample, I know >.>), that's 146 wins (12,400/85 = 145.88). Assuming, a match time of 15 minutes, and a queue time of 15 minutes (not always this long, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer: personal experience on Krayt Dragon), that means you're looking at 146x30 = 4380 minutes or 73 hours. To get that kind of pvp done in two weeks, you would have to pvp for 73/14 = 5 hours, 12 minutes a day, every day for those two weeks.


And even then, you would have to win every. single. game. Keep in mind you need 146 games at 100% win rate to get commendations at this rate. A 146 game winning streak... someone who actually need BM gear just is NOT going to get that.


Without repeating a bunch of easy math, assuming a 10% win rate (extremely generous, considering how steamroll it is after 1.2; an average of 26 commendations a match assuming 85 for a win and 20 for a loss) you're looking at 477 games played. Assuming the same timeframe (30 min of queue+match), you're looking at, and assuming you still play five hours a day, 47 days.


Forty. Seven. Days. at five hours straight every day. That is completely unreasonable. By the time anyone with a job and/or social life had earned enough comms to get full BM gear... the next set above war hero would come out and they'd have to restart the grind again. And get steamrolled again. And the cycle would continue.


But unless someone is the most masochistic player ever, they will have given up and either rolled an alt for the story quest or unsubbed LONG before they ever got close to that (very generous 10% win rate) 47 days at 5hours/day. One of two things needs to happen:


1) Rewards for losing need increased. XP and credits should be static: win or lose you get a level-based amount to allow people to level and train at the very least.


2) Commendation prices for pvp equipment and consumables need to be returned to pre-1.2 levels (And in the case of BM gear, cut in half since they didn't have pre-1.2 commendation prices).


Lower rewards for winning would have slowed down the rate at which people on the losing team gained gear compared to the winners in a fair, but tough, manner. Bioware implemented both piddling rewards for losing AND double item prices and it's completely destroyed the ability for anyone who loses more often than 9/10 of their games to actually get gear before they have to restart from square one (1.3 when War Hero can be bought with comms... 1.4 when "Extra" war hero can be bought with comms, etc etc ad nauseam).


The increased item cost has, as shown above in my napkin math, also hurt people who win all the time, but still need gear. Because let's face it: no one pvp's five hours a day every day and still needs gear. No one is that naive.

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LOL at all these "PVPers" that don't use every legal advantage to win..."don't use med packs while gearing up" are you kidding me ?? are you a PVPer or a PVPgeargrinder ??...


hmmm lets see i know I have reinforcements coming as I am slowly losing a 2 VS 1 on a turret..."if I can just hold out 15 more seconds"...."ahh screw that med pack" i almost have enough for an implant!....Really?


gtho with that garbage.


Because anything but end-game level 50 pvp matters.... owait no it doesn't.

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12,400 comms fora full BM set, to be precise. But it takes WAY more than two weeks. Assuming 85 comms/win (a common number I've heard from asking random people on the fleet - not a very good sample, I know >.>), that's 146 wins (12,400/85 = 145.88). Assuming, a match time of 15 minutes, and a queue time of 15 minutes (not always this long, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer: personal experience on Krayt Dragon), that means you're looking at 146x30 = 4380 minutes or 73 hours. To get that kind of pvp done in two weeks, you would have to pvp for 73/14 = 5 hours, 12 minutes a day, every day for those two weeks.


And even then, you would have to win every. single. game. Keep in mind you need 146 games at 100% win rate to get commendations at this rate. A 146 game winning streak... someone who actually need BM gear just is NOT going to get that.


Without repeating a bunch of easy math, assuming a 10% win rate (extremely generous, considering how steamroll it is after 1.2; an average of 26 commendations a match assuming 85 for a win and 20 for a loss) you're looking at 477 games played. Assuming the same timeframe (30 min of queue+match), you're looking at, and assuming you still play five hours a day, 47 days.


Forty. Seven. Days. at five hours straight every day. That is completely unreasonable. By the time anyone with a job and/or social life had earned enough comms to get full BM gear... the next set above war hero would come out and they'd have to restart the grind again. And get steamrolled again. And the cycle would continue.


But unless someone is the most masochistic player ever, they will have given up and either rolled an alt for the story quest or unsubbed LONG before they ever got close to that (very generous 10% win rate) 47 days at 5hours/day. One of two things needs to happen:


1) Rewards for losing need increased. XP and credits should be static: win or lose you get a level-based amount to allow people to level and train at the very least.


2) Commendation prices for pvp equipment and consumables need to be returned to pre-1.2 levels (And in the case of BM gear, cut in half since they didn't have pre-1.2 commendation prices).


Lower rewards for winning would have slowed down the rate at which people on the losing team gained gear compared to the winners in a fair, but tough, manner. Bioware implemented both piddling rewards for losing AND double item prices and it's completely destroyed the ability for anyone who loses more often than 9/10 of their games to actually get gear before they have to restart from square one (1.3 when War Hero can be bought with comms... 1.4 when "Extra" war hero can be bought with comms, etc etc ad nauseam).


The increased item cost has, as shown above in my napkin math, also hurt people who win all the time, but still need gear. Because let's face it: no one pvp's five hours a day every day and still needs gear. No one is that naive.



wow, well said.

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My thoughts exactly.


I have valor 81 balance shadow (full bm), and the blow to sages/sorcs heals was a bit much. We were rolling last night with no healers because they all logged in disgust.


I also was not happy that my saved bm tokens are worthless... and the fact that I have to buy new bm pieces because I modded a few of my old ones.


But worst of all are the rewards you get now. Even winning and getting 14-15 medals is pretty crappy.


My guild lost almost all our sorc healers- a few even quit the game over the outrageous treatment BW is giving us. I expected this, so I'm doing better- my marauder's gonna be 50 soon, and pvp has never been so easy- and this is coming from someone who facerolled my way to 2200 as a pally in Wrath, then did the same as a frost mage in Cata.



Thing is, it's not even that marauders are extremely OP- it's that everything else is clunky, poor for survival, poor for healing/damage outputs, and lacks any sort of longevity- so marauders, as the only decently balanced class (and perhaps Sins, but we know BW will nerf them just cuz they can) are automatically ridiculously OP in pvp.

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wrong. people who do not like PvP do not have to participate at all. there is no need for any of the PvP gear in endgame PvE; you actually get kicked from groups most times if you try to do ops with PvP gear.


i do not understand why bioware made this change to begin with, there was nothing wrong with the current system


The fact that peeps have to double grind to play pve or pvp with their friends is another issue initself... Lower exp and whatever is ok for pvp if the gear matches at least reasonably to pve .. but to have to have either or is a bit of a joke... it becomes another job.. may as well play wow or rift if thats the case...


Agree dont understand why bioware made these changes...it makes pvp less attractive to all... not that it even matters now

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2 vs 8. Underpopulated server. People leaving. No reward for staying.



Bioware did what I thought impossible, they triumphed their embarassing and pathetic illum patch and raised with intentionally breaking server balance.



Us losing 2vs8 is giving them proper rewards = closer to full gear. Why am I still playing this game? Why...

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Yeah, it is confusing to me, as well. Pre-1.2 seemed to have a PvP game that people generally enjoyed participating in, and did so. It was far from perfect, yeah, but vastly better than any other game out there at the moment.


I don't really see why they made a lot of the changes that they did.

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If you dont intend on putting in the effort or the same amount of work that someone else has, what did you really expect? Do you really expect the new guy(with no work experience) at your job to roll in and in 2 weeks be promoted to middle management like yourself? No? Why not? He enjoys his job and works no more than 30 hours a week... even if he is only sorting mail, but you know what he enjoys it so that should entitle him to the same rewards people who have worked there for a decade receive!


Your arguement put in another manner so that you can understand thoroughly what you are asking for.(if you are wondering you are the new guy)


This mindset in large is the main problem with the MMO community today.


The difference being, I bet the new guy at work is at least given a computer to do his work with, or whatever equipment is needed in order to do the work same as everyone else. He may not have the experience or the familiarity to do it as WELL as the older workers, but his job wouldn't intentionally hamstring his efforts by giving him substandard working conditions.... would they???


You smell what I'm saying??



People who say they "work" for their gear make me LOL.... it really makes me wonder if they have ever done any real work in their lives, or played any kind of competitive sport in the real world.


Only in the gaming world does it seem that the logic flows that he who has spent more time training, is given the best equipment when it comes time to compete, thus having not only the benefit of his time training (which no one and not I would begrudge him), but ALSO a completely arbitrary equipment advantage given to him.... why?? Oh yeah, cause he spent more time training. And like any one who has trained for anything competitive in their entire lives could surely tell you.... its only one small part of the overall effort of making yourself better at something. There's innate talent, intelligence (ability to learn new skills), etc. etc.


But no, only in the gaming world must we reward those strictly based on time spent.



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The difference being, I bet the new guy at work is at least given a computer to do his work with, or whatever equipment is needed in order to do the work same as everyone else. He may not have the experience or the familiarity to do it as WELL as the older workers, but his job wouldn't intentionally hamstring his efforts by giving him substandard working conditions.... would they???


You smell what I'm saying??



People who say they "work" for their gear make me LOL.... it really makes me wonder if they have ever done any real work in their lives, or played any kind of competitive sport in the real world.


Only in the gaming world does it seem that the logic flows that he who has spent more time training, is given the best equipment when it comes time to compete, thus having not only the benefit of his time training (which no one and not I would begrudge him), but ALSO a completely arbitrary equipment advantage given to him.... why?? Oh yeah, cause he spent more time training. And like any one who has trained for anything competitive in their entire lives could surely tell you.... its only one small part of the overall effort of making yourself better at something. There's innate talent, intelligence (ability to learn new skills), etc. etc.


But no, only in the gaming world must we reward those strictly based on time spent.




Well said. Yea I'm almost sure I remember in the NFL they only give shoulder pads and helmets to people who put the most time in preseason training. Now on the other hand they all don't get rewarded the same but they certainly don't get nothing for their effort.


I tell you what if they did run the NFL or any sport or game like that IRL no one would ever compete.

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Well said. Yea I'm almost sure I remember in the NFL they only give shoulder pads and helmets to people who put the most time in preseason training. Now on the other hand they all don't get rewarded the same but they certainly don't get nothing for their effort.


I tell you what if they did run the NFL or any sport or game like that IRL no one would ever compete.


7 Minutes in voidstar vs 8 sages...impossible...and for the effort i got a whopping 0 valor, 0 commendations, 0 credit which really had nothing to do with any skills at all...there is almost zero in this game, it's become 95% gear based and 5% which class you play and how many of it .... so glad i cancelled even uinstalled now.


I PvP for the fun of it, but this is wrong. so wrong. Well, have fun all who stand up with this crap for that is what it just became :).

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If you dont intend on putting in the effort or the same amount of work that someone else has, what did you really expect? Do you really expect the new guy(with no work experience) at your job to roll in and in 2 weeks be promoted to middle management like yourself? No? Why not? He enjoys his job and works no more than 30 hours a week... even if he is only sorting mail, but you know what he enjoys it so that should entitle him to the same rewards people who have worked there for a decade receive!


Your arguement put in another manner so that you can understand thoroughly what you are asking for.(if you are wondering you are the new guy)


This mindset in large is the main problem with the MMO community today.


And your mindset is a blight on what should be a skill based competition. Not some gear based ego stroke because you have more time to waste playing a game than the next guy. The idea that "dues must be paid" to compete in a game is absolutely absurd.


Should you beat someone because you have devoted more time to practicing, developing tactics for warzones, strategies for classes, sure. By all means. But to imply that you should have an inherent 10 - 15% advantage over another player from gear just smacks of entitlement of the worst kind.


Your argument boils down to this: "I want to play baseball, but since I played baseball before everyone else, I get to have a bigger bat, this 10 ft wide mitt, and everyone else has to play with these 35 lb. shoes on, cause they wanted to play after I decided to play. They can use the stuff I do after they have won as many games as I have."


Oh, and your analogy sucks by the way, this isn't an occupation, it's a leisure activity.



To anyone saying: "You shouldn't use medpacs in WZs if you need/want gear"


You're telling me I have to make a choice between playing to win, or playing for gear? What in the hell kind of line of thinking is that? Why in the hell do they have to be mutually exclusive?

Edited by Brendicus
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Now the reason they reduced healing or rather did not increase it by much is because healing in pvp is unchecked by anything that a character can do except for stat inflation. Thus the PvP healing curve needed to be reduced to reflect what BioWare felt the increase in damage output sans expertise buff would be. This allows the game to have a PvP gearing dependency that creates a large zero-sum arms race.


The nerfs that they gave to Merc/Comm and Sorc/Sage seem to be intended to bring them more in line with where Ops/Scound were pre-patch. From my experience in PvP fighting a BH/Comm that was in full BM gear require 2-3 people to kill depending on the skill of the dps and the timing of interrupts. Good sorcs/sages could easily achieve this as well. Ops/Scound on the other hand could be killed with 1-2 good dps interrupting/stunning intelligently. This is without the assistance of a tank or other dps.


With a tank Merc/Comm were able to tank 4-5 dps without dying. (Maybe only 3-4 well geared/skilled players). That is over half of a WZ team.


But by nerfing the resource management of Merc/Sorc it brings them more in line for PvP, and by not inflating pvp healing increases to offset anything other than stat inflation they make sure they don't get to a point where healers are nearly immortal again.


Learn your classes there is no tank merc its a powertech which was not hurt in any way in 1.2

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50 new merc alt here. I hit 50 day before patch 1.2 ( I saved 1000 merc comms and wz comms doing 10-49s), bought full set of recruit gear and started queuing solo WZs. Week after the patch I'm 5/5 BM with few off pieces and that's only from doing dailies/weekly and WZs for 2-3 hours a day.

So no, I do not agree with people saying getting gear is harder and that the gear gap will be even bigger. If you pvp you will get your gear sooner or later.

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There are definitely strange directions being taken by BW in this patch but I do think it's time to dispel the myth that there will be a widening of the gap between people with gear and those that don't.


1. Most people that do reach 50 that intend on PVPing have some credits or the means to get those credits. Let's be honest, completing all the belsavis dailies alone net enough to buy 2 pieces of recruit gear. That's not small change and it's not unreasonable costs either.


2. In case people aren't aware, the PVP dailies and weeklies yield WZ comms. Surprisingly, they yield enough that it's probably FASTER than it has ever been to get BM gear when comparing how many comms you needed to get a single BM commendation pre 1.2.


3. No valour Req on BM gear. So basically, if I know I'm going to PVP at 50, I can easily earn the credits, get Recruit gear and then immediately start completing dailies for WZ comms to get BM gear. If you complete your dailies each day, that's a BM chest piece in the first week of starting to PVP at 50.


So basically, I'm calling Bull on all the crying about the growing equipment stats gap people are talking about. Simply doing ANY WZ's will get you BM gear, even if you lose every single time and eventually you will get your set.


i agree it is easier IMO to get BM gear.


What i dont like is the decrease in credits. The point you made in number 1, means that PVE = PVP gear since you get little to no credits for warzones (even if you win).


Something is just wrong with a system that promotes PVE for PVP gear when they stuck in the stupid expertise stat to seperate the two types of gear. It should be all tokens for gear or Warzones need to dish out cash.


Zero across the board for loses is pretty a bit harsh though, as well. I mean that just promotes quitters which affects everyones fun.


Even if you had the best gear in the game, what fun is it to play with nobody?

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Yeah I really don't understand the direction they have in mind with these changes. To me PvP actually got worse with 1.2 and since PvP is all I really like to do other than rolling new toons at this point, I'm not having much fun in the game right now.


I pray they plan to revisit this b/c the current state is kind of depressing, I don't understand how some of this stuff makes it out of testing. One of the more mundane changes, doubling the cost of med pacs, on a good win you might get around 100 comms if you're lucky, assuming it was a hard fought win, you might have burned up 3 to 5 mepacs. Hard to keep those stocked if you have to use all your won comms to replace them. I don't get why they jacked up the price on some of the stuff. Why are the lowbie pvp weapons 900 comms now? I dunno, system just doesn't feel polished. Liek they thought it up, tossed it in and didn't really consider what they were doing. I don't play on test but the very first day 1.2 went live and I saw this stuff, I immediately had issues with things, so not sure how concerns don't come up in testing.

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how that god aweful looking gear got green lighted still makes me wonder lol. It seems to me that war hero gear is the same as how bm used to be. I didnt bother with bm gear b/c it's whole purpose was oh look at me in bm gear i can own those who dont have like lvl 40 npc's and theyll have no chance against me im the best! what a load of crap.


Whats more shocking is the grind to get it and on top of it looks god aweful. I can not do wz's that much to even bother with gear i dont want.


Seriously how gabe and james ohlen both have jobs is really shocking thier both liars and are both clueless. I think c-3po could do a better job and he wont be built for another 300 years or is it 3,000 dont remember lol.

Edited by hargrave
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I for one am enjoying the 3seconds of life I have before a PT leaps into my face spams flame burst, dumps heat and rail shots me to death.


Equally endearing is a melee character, doesn't matter which, getting into your face and unloading on you, you can't escape, unless someone else heals you or CCs them, otherwise you simply cannot get away.


Too much CC, Too much damage, Too little ability to do anything about either.

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