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What are healers whining about?


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I really don't understand what healers are whining about after this patch. I should say the healers on this forum because those from my server are bouncing around on happy pills right now as they are coming away from warzones with 0 deaths and 500K+ healing, almost double what they were doing before.


Teams with several healers are ripping through the oppoistion with scores of 50, 60+ kills for almost everyone compared to 8 to 10 for the other side.


Between having pocket healers and using your own healing abilities, unless you are under a lot of focus fire, your practically invincible.


Go up against a premade now and your done. Already people are saying whats the point in playing, and thats coming from the best players on both sides.

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I really don't understand what healers are whining about after this patch. I should say the healers on this forum because those from my server are bouncing around on happy pills right now as they are coming away from warzones with 0 deaths and 500K+ healing, almost double what they were doing before.


Teams with several healers are ripping through the oppoistion with scores of 50, 60+ kills for almost everyone compared to 8 to 10 for the other side.


Between having pocket healers and using your own healing abilities, unless you are under a lot of focus fire, your practically invincible.


Go up against a premade now and your done. Already people are saying whats the point in playing, and thats coming from the best players on both sides.


You obviously, didn't play a healer yesterday, or your full of BS. Even the best healers in full premades were being bursted down in seconds.


This has nothing to do with a L2Play. This is something that is bugged or over tuned. 2 premades 1 with all dps 1 with 7 and a healer. Guess which one wins.

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I really don't understand what healers are whining about after this patch. I should say the healers on this forum because those from my server are bouncing around on happy pills right now as they are coming away from warzones with 0 deaths and 500K+ healing, almost double what they were doing before.


Teams with several healers are ripping through the oppoistion with scores of 50, 60+ kills for almost everyone compared to 8 to 10 for the other side.


Between having pocket healers and using your own healing abilities, unless you are under a lot of focus fire, your practically invincible.


Go up against a premade now and your done. Already people are saying whats the point in playing, and thats coming from the best players on both sides.



While I usually don't do that I still will go for a: That's BS.


I'm willing to accept that some people still think they manage as healer in their premades but NO healer (not even ops/scoundrels) actually gets more healing done now than pre 1.2. Troll post.

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You obviously, didn't play a healer yesterday, or your full of BS. Even the best healers in full premades were being bursted down in seconds.


This has nothing to do with a L2Play. This is something that is bugged or over tuned. 2 premades 1 with all dps 1 with 7 and a healer. Guess which one wins.


I was a healer. I did see this coming.


And over the last day; I just laugh. I laugh and laugh and laugh. Data was given, changes weren't made. So now all that is left to be done is watch the fallout.


And to answer your scenario; the all DPS team wins. Assuming, of course: equal skill and gear on both sides.

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Unless you were full BM(everypiece of battlemaster) then you took a nerf to PVP heal percentage. However I am still not full battlemaster and think it isn' too bad. However the Damage increase from BM needs to come down a bit to at least where the Damage reduction is. Mara/Sent and Tankasins are pretty much loving how easy it is now.
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I really don't understand what healers are whining about after this patch. I should say the healers on this forum because those from my server are bouncing around on happy pills right now as they are coming away from warzones with 0 deaths and 500K+ healing, almost double what they were doing before.


Teams with several healers are ripping through the oppoistion with scores of 50, 60+ kills for almost everyone compared to 8 to 10 for the other side.


Between having pocket healers and using your own healing abilities, unless you are under a lot of focus fire, your practically invincible.


Go up against a premade now and your done. Already people are saying whats the point in playing, and thats coming from the best players on both sides.


Healers are getting bursted down in seconds. Well inquisitors/sages at least. It is really not that hard pushing interrupt button and all melee got damage boosted (shorter cooldowns and even more combo damage). The interrupt rage cost is 0 nowdays.

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I really don't understand what healers are whining about after this patch. I should say the healers on this forum because those from my server are bouncing around on happy pills right now as they are coming away from warzones with 0 deaths and 500K+ healing, almost double what they were doing before.


Teams with several healers are ripping through the oppoistion with scores of 50, 60+ kills for almost everyone compared to 8 to 10 for the other side.


Between having pocket healers and using your own healing abilities, unless you are under a lot of focus fire, your practically invincible.


Go up against a premade now and your done. Already people are saying whats the point in playing, and thats coming from the best players on both sides.


Everyone has a different perspective so I'll give you a top tier, full BM gear PvP premade Sorc opinion.


Most Sorc Healer that were strictly waiting to heal in rateds have quit by now. Before the patch, you were able to be neutralized by one well played Marauder/Sentinel or Vanguard/Powertech. I.E. You could only heal urself and possibly get a heal off on another person every now and again (this is with guard on). Now, you just die when you get focused, guard or not.


Since most people don't have a sorc healer I'll assume not everyone understands the nerf. I went from 750k - 900k healing every Voidstar, now if I bust my *** I could maybe pull off 600k with guard and peels. The Sorc Heals went like this... You cast an insta-cast DoT, then have 2 1.4 second cast 5k heals. They removed that so now you cast your DoT and have to channel a 3 second innervate which has a small chance to heal for around 4k but will probably heal for around 2-3k. With the amount of interrupts and CC in this game, the sorc healer is no longer viable in legitimate pvp. On top of nerfing the heals, which were already nerfed once (30% in pvp), they buffed damage by 10%. For Sorc Healers that instantly died when targeted in PvP before 1.2, there's no need to target them now, just send a Marauder to go kill him.


They took a balanced system and mixed it up, I get that. But I put a lot of time and money into this character to make him one of the best and well-known healers on the server. Only to get nerfed to the point where I can no longer keep the ball carrier alive in hutball, get 3 shotted by a Marauder in Voidstar, and spend more time casting small insignificant heals in Civil War all to come away with 250k+ healing which I could do in my sleep.


So, I understand why people are mad at the Sorcs for complaining, because life was just made easier for you. However, our job was hard enough as it was. Now it's impossible and 8 man ranked premades which were only going to be running with 1 sorc and 1 op are now going to be running with 0 sorc healers. I have effectively been pushed out of the game by being forced to either play an insignificant class or do something else.


Keep in mind, Healers aren't supposed to be easy to kill. Where's the fun in that?


The problem is the Dev's listening to vocal complainers and no playing the game with people. "My undergeared toon can't give that geared healer!"...Well no ****, until I was full BM I was cannonfodder.

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Everyone has a different perspective so I'll give you a top tier, full BM gear PvP premade Sorc opinion.


Most Sorc Healer that were strictly waiting to heal in rateds have quit by now. Before the patch, you were able to be neutralized by one well played Marauder/Sentinel or Vanguard/Powertech. I.E. You could only heal urself and possibly get a heal off on another person every now and again (this is with guard on). Now, you just die when you get focused, guard or not.


Since most people don't have a sorc healer I'll assume not everyone understands the nerf. I went from 750k - 900k healing every Voidstar, now if I bust my *** I could maybe pull off 600k with guard and peels. The Sorc Heals went like this... You cast an insta-cast DoT, then have 2 1.4 second cast 5k heals. They removed that so now you cast your DoT and have to channel a 3 second innervate which has a small chance to heal for around 4k but will probably heal for around 2-3k. With the amount of interrupts and CC in this game, the sorc healer is no longer viable in legitimate pvp. On top of nerfing the heals, which were already nerfed once (30% in pvp), they buffed damage by 10%. For Sorc Healers that instantly died when targeted in PvP before 1.2, there's no need to target them now, just send a Marauder to go kill him.


They took a balanced system and mixed it up, I get that. But I put a lot of time and money into this character to make him one of the best and well-known healers on the server. Only to get nerfed to the point where I can no longer keep the ball carrier alive in hutball, get 3 shotted by a Marauder in Voidstar, and spend more time casting small insignificant heals in Civil War all to come away with 250k+ healing which I could do in my sleep.


So, I understand why people are mad at the Sorcs for complaining, because life was just made easier for you. However, our job was hard enough as it was. Now it's impossible and 8 man ranked premades which were only going to be running with 1 sorc and 1 op are now going to be running with 0 sorc healers. I have effectively been pushed out of the game by being forced to either play an insignificant class or do something else.


Keep in mind, Healers aren't supposed to be easy to kill. Where's the fun in that?


The problem is the Dev's listening to vocal complainers and no playing the game with people. "My undergeared toon can't give that geared healer!"...Well no ****, until I was full BM I was cannonfodder.


Excellent post. Very intelligent, precise and on point. You have expressed the frustration of all the sorc healers to a tee. I especially love the point you made about how the dps whores are attacking the healers complaining. Their job was made easier so I can see why the jackals are coming out in packs. Your post makes sense and should be on the developers' walls as a reminder of their failure. Too bad the mindless, qqing dps whores will rail you for it.

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From what I saw last night the imp teams on my server with their 2-3 sorc healers per team were dominating as they always do...the healers are still impossible to kill with guard on.


On Anchorhead we had the same issue.


Imp healers (usually 2-3 a team) were dominating. I'm not making this stuff up. The imps were steam rolling up. Their numbers were great in fact.


I have yet to see why healers are complaining.


It usually stems from the fact that healers believe that since they have healing spells they should never die. Thats just silly at best. Players have to die in PvP for PvP to even make sense.


If healers were any better it would just be a bunch of people never dying and the flag/target/station never being captured. It would be pointless.


Healer/Tank combos with guard are already brutal in PvP. What else do healers want? A year sub for free?

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From what I saw last night the imp teams on my server with their 2-3 sorc healers per team were dominating as they always do...the healers are still impossible to kill with guard on.


Such bull. We ripped through full BM healing Sorcs and full BM Juggs last night (of course we too are in full BM so that probably helps). I just don't understand why people have such problems taking out healers. This forum has posted many effective ways of doing this and guess what, they're effective. I know it's too much for some people to use strategy though.

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I have yet to see why healers are complaining.


It usually stems from the fact that healers believe that since they have healing spells they should never die. Thats just silly at best. Players have to die in PvP for PvP to even make sense.


If healers were any better it would just be a bunch of people never dying and the flag/target/station never being captured. It would be pointless.


Healer/Tank combos with guard are already brutal in PvP. What else do healers want? A year sub for free?


You are clearly not appropriately objective and your assumptions are incorrect; so I will answer your question in kind.


What do healers want?


To re-roll as DPS, clearly. What would you rather in your group? A healer that is now cannon fodder against anyone that knows what they are doing or DPS that can help faceroll everyone in two shots? I'd rather join the bandwagon and not spend my time sitting in the spawn room or being stunlocked.

Edited by Altaira
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I really don't understand what healers are whining about after this patch. I should say the healers on this forum because those from my server are bouncing around on happy pills right now as they are coming away from warzones with 0 deaths and 500K+ healing, almost double what they were doing before.


Teams with several healers are ripping through the oppoistion with scores of 50, 60+ kills for almost everyone compared to 8 to 10 for the other side.


Between having pocket healers and using your own healing abilities, unless you are under a lot of focus fire, your practically invincible.


Go up against a premade now and your done. Already people are saying whats the point in playing, and thats coming from the best players on both sides.




Wow what planet are you from , sounds like you need to play one. Take a fraps of you doing awesome in a full 15 minute WZ and post it on you tube and then post us the link.


Ok case closed.

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I really don't understand what healers are whining about after this patch. I should say the healers on this forum because those from my server are bouncing around on happy pills right now as they are coming away from warzones with 0 deaths and 500K+ healing, almost double what they were doing before.


Teams with several healers are ripping through the oppoistion with scores of 50, 60+ kills for almost everyone compared to 8 to 10 for the other side.


Between having pocket healers and using your own healing abilities, unless you are under a lot of focus fire, your practically invincible.


Go up against a premade now and your done. Already people are saying whats the point in playing, and thats coming from the best players on both sides.



Umm i dont know because with my commando healer, i was actually able to heal a ally, while having 2 BM sith pound away on him.....now i can barely keep him alive through 1 fight.

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You obviously, didn't play a healer yesterday, or your full of BS. Even the best healers in full premades were being bursted down in seconds.


This has nothing to do with a L2Play. This is something that is bugged or over tuned. 2 premades 1 with all dps 1 with 7 and a healer. Guess which one wins.


ahaha dont make me choke! my operative in FULL recruit gear was hanging with full BM premades yesterday, not to mention my merc healer hasnt changed a dime. i think you need to go play more rather then reading and talking about it...

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Everyone has a different perspective so I'll give you a top tier, full BM gear PvP premade Sorc opinion.


Most Sorc Healer that were strictly waiting to heal in rateds have quit by now. Before the patch, you were able to be neutralized by one well played Marauder/Sentinel or Vanguard/Powertech. I.E. You could only heal urself and possibly get a heal off on another person every now and again (this is with guard on). Now, you just die when you get focused, guard or not.


Since most people don't have a sorc healer I'll assume not everyone understands the nerf. I went from 750k - 900k healing every Voidstar, now if I bust my *** I could maybe pull off 600k with guard and peels. The Sorc Heals went like this... You cast an insta-cast DoT, then have 2 1.4 second cast 5k heals. They removed that so now you cast your DoT and have to channel a 3 second innervate which has a small chance to heal for around 4k but will probably heal for around 2-3k. With the amount of interrupts and CC in this game, the sorc healer is no longer viable in legitimate pvp. On top of nerfing the heals, which were already nerfed once (30% in pvp), they buffed damage by 10%. For Sorc Healers that instantly died when targeted in PvP before 1.2, there's no need to target them now, just send a Marauder to go kill him.


They took a balanced system and mixed it up, I get that. But I put a lot of time and money into this character to make him one of the best and well-known healers on the server. Only to get nerfed to the point where I can no longer keep the ball carrier alive in hutball, get 3 shotted by a Marauder in Voidstar, and spend more time casting small insignificant heals in Civil War all to come away with 250k+ healing which I could do in my sleep.


So, I understand why people are mad at the Sorcs for complaining, because life was just made easier for you. However, our job was hard enough as it was. Now it's impossible and 8 man ranked premades which were only going to be running with 1 sorc and 1 op are now going to be running with 0 sorc healers. I have effectively been pushed out of the game by being forced to either play an insignificant class or do something else.


Keep in mind, Healers aren't supposed to be easy to kill. Where's the fun in that?


The problem is the Dev's listening to vocal complainers and no playing the game with people. "My undergeared toon can't give that geared healer!"...Well no ****, until I was full BM I was cannonfodder.


Pretty much agree, 100%. Well worded.


Though, I dare say healing needed toning down alittle, the talents OR the expertise change would of done that. Both is just over kill.


<- sorc that would easy push 700-900k in VS too, and now sort of lost the will to bother. I felt more useful on my sniper than a healing sorc. Which is kinda back to front in my opinion. :p

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You obviously, didn't play a healer yesterday, or your full of BS. Even the best healers in full premades were being bursted down in seconds.


This has nothing to do with a L2Play. This is something that is bugged or over tuned. 2 premades 1 with all dps 1 with 7 and a healer. Guess which one wins.


"This sounds like a learn to play issue."


- Everyone on the PvP forums



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Oh hey heres an idea if you think the healing sucks:


Use the dps tree instead.


Otherwise, suck it up, learn to kite.


if you dont think the healing suxs then play one..oh thats right your not gonna leave your super DPS class for that.


Point is high end damage on WZ is 300k to 700k , with 1 toping the parse and 6 around 200k to 300k


High end heals lucky to bust 200k. With 1 person toppin parse , rest are below 100k


problem with math?


if the heals dont equal the damage why even make a healing class? Hand everyone a light saber and dont give people a choice.

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if you dont think the healing suxs then play one..oh thats right your not gonna leave your super DPS class for that.


Point is high end damage on WZ is 300k to 700k , with 1 toping the parse and 6 around 200k to 300k


High end heals lucky to bust 200k. With 1 person toppin parse , rest are below 100k


problem with math?


if the heals dont equal the damage why even make a healing class? Hand everyone a light saber and dont give people a choice.


These numbers are not right.


If your not at LEAST getting 200k healing its a l2p issue.

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I don't have a lot of info to back up my claim but I play an Operative, and up until last night I played almost exclusively as concealment.


My playstyle is one that is great if you like to play solo or in a group setting if you want to do the "culling". I pick off the wounded and add my DPS to a team effort in bringing down priority targets if the situation calls for it.


But I made the jump to healer late last night.............wow.



Between Kolto Probe crit'ing for 1k, Kolto Injection healing for 2100 and crit'ing for updwards of 4500+, and Surgical Probe healing for 1700 and re-applying TA when it crits for 2400+


I've done closer to 500k healing every match and still do close to 100k dmg with grenades, poison dart, and poison grenade.


Healers stand up!


Claim your successes and learn from failure! There is always a way to win, it may just not be "your" way.




Edited by JayPres
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