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Server Maintenance


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i can remember the early days of WoW, patching day was way worse then this. Ok so they made an oops with the patch, big deal, its not like the world is going to end. For those of you who complain you are losing some play time, i suggest you also complain to your favourite Divinity as His/Her flawed design makes you need up to 8 hours of sleep each day which is far more then the DT of SWtoR
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WoW starting days had a lot more downtime than what we have seen from SWTOR.. Had the same thing, people crying for the sake of crying on forums, threatening to quit, saying they'll end up with no customers.. im pretty sure WoW is still around.



Yes, and the Ford Model T had wooden spokes. The company and automotive world have made several advances since...MMO community has learned a lot since WoW's launch, as well. Forums are for crying, complaining about it makes you look pretty silly :)

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Sith Inquisitor. Received my first quest. Zapped that worm thing and got message - Server down. Go to forum.

And now no ETA? Its 5 P.M. at my place!

Is this usual stuff?


Yes its the norm. Welcome to SWTOR.


I hope you get a chance to reply as theyll be taking this thread down soon for 'maintenance'. I wish I was just *********** with you, but I'm not. You'll see.

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Well I saw it coming, couldent get any takers on my bet either, dang! Hope you figure it out and we can all play soon, but everyone remember, its play! I wouldent have saved in a new relm or put anything in a new bank on day one. Come on people think about it. Your the result of 4 billion years of evolutionary success, act like it.
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I hope James Ohlen takes a hard look at the team leaders and considers their future with the company. Things happen, that is understood with any MMO. This is a freshmen error, loading the wrong environment and rolling back the servers to 1.5. Surely they can find more talent out there with the job market the way it is.
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Ya the fact of the matter is they keep shutting down the servers because they dont know what there doing. THEY COULD shut the servers down at 3 am when no one is on and spend as much time fixing it
All game companies, even those that have been at this for years, go through this during content patch times. There's no way to predict what problems will arise once an update hits the live servers.
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Isn't anyone going to post that it's their only day off for the next 4 years and all they planned to do today was play and now they can't?


I hate it when no one posts that. :)


I just got out of the Marine Corps after 9 years, 7 months, and 12 days (13 depending on who you ask). All Ive wanted to do once I got out was play SWTOR all day. and now I can't do that. :( Guess I'll go watch Netflix until it comes back



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...or this whole thing was just a charade!

They roll backed the servers this morning to try and make us miss the 1.2 patch instead of realizing there was nothing cool/new or interesting added to it....When is swtor going to be an actual game instead of just a shiny alt grind with no endgame whatsoever. You can't even explore a planet in this game, every map is a tunnel so once you finish a planet....there's just no point in ever going back.....not even going to mention space...


Anyway, I'm more interested in hearing what they have planned next...since the 1.2 content wont keep people busy for more than a week really...



OMG, really? No end game content whatsoever?


Ilum dailies, Belsavis Dailies and when the servers come back up Corellia




HM/NMM: BT, BP, Fy, D7, BoI, FE, KUS and when the servers come back up Lost




Story, HM/NMM(?): EV, KP and when the servers come back up EC.


I can't think of a single MMO that was released with nearly this much End Game

Content - or had it within 5 months of release. Most are released with NO "raids" and get one in the first mega-patch, often you have to wait for an expansion pack


If you can do all of the above in one gaming day, I applaud you. However, that puts you into a miniscule minority of gamers. And quite frankly if the entire population of that minority unsubscribed it would not even be a drop in the bucket of subscriptions.


MMOs are about repeated content at 50. No Dev team or game producer can keep


up the pace of players devouring content.


This game, specifically, is story driven. You knew that when you subscribed.


If you didn't see that their intent was for you to experience one story from


eight different perspectives then perhaps this isn't the game for you.


There is also Companion Affection, Crafting and Level 50 PvP.

Edited by ekwalizer
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This is one of the most outrageous posts I read in a long time.


1. If someone comes onto this forum be it for the first time or for the one hundredth time (sadly we are coming to the point that this is actually a real number)to criticise the fact that we pay money for this service(!?) and expect not to see such amateurish mistakes is perfectly in order.


2. (Constructive) criticism or simply voicing of an opinion in these forums, which are created for EXACTLY this purpose, is surely not age dependant. This is simply a completely wrong observation and not backed by any kind of fact.


3. Using age in a derogatory fashion is furthermore unacceptable and immature as you are suggesting people of younger age are generally trolling, whining or throwing tantrums. This attitude disgusts me and I would like to point out, that in my years of MMOing I have met a variety of young individuals showcasing an aweful lot more maturity than so called 'adults'.


(I am 40 years of age btw.)


Just needed to be said. Yes I am also not happy with this epic fail of BioWare, and my reaction will be quiet and most likely end up in a non-continuation of a subscription for a while to see if this game AND BioWare will recover. But I am beginning myself to be reluctant to furthermore pay for being a glorified beta-tester. Have a good night.


Bye Community




I am immune to all this now .


I suffer from battered wife syndrome. I'm sure of it and have become dependent on a good ol Bio *** whoopin.


After awhile you kinda like it and wonder when you'll get another black eye.


I do feel better now.


Thanks Bio, I needed to be set straight

Edited by GothicSaint
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i can remember the early days of WoW, patching day was way worse then this. Ok so they made an oops with the patch, big deal, its not like the world is going to end. For those of you who complain you are losing some play time, i suggest you also complain to your favourite Divinity as His/Her flawed design makes you need up to 8 hours of sleep each day which is far more then the DT of SWtoR



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All game companies, even those that have been at this for years, go through this during content patch times. There's no way to predict what problems will arise once an update hits the live servers.


I wish I had forgiving clients like you are. I messed once a server, that was my last mess :)

Almost lost my job, but since I moved up the ladder and now I punt developers that mess up my production servers.

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One little problem from BW and suddenly everyone becomes a system expert.


lol but there are such concepts and ideas most of us lay-people can understand. For example:


Folder 1 labeled - Patch 1.1.5 March 24


Folder 2 labeled - Patch 1.2 April 13


If you can look at these objects and pick the wrong one, it's hard to imagine how you were selected for the patch team.

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