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Server Maintenance


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Yes, really. It's impossible to test how the update will behave on the live servers without actually putting it on the live server.


If they haven't figured out how to test out patches before they are deployed, then methinks they want to find themselves new engineers.


Being a software engineer myself, I think it is far more likely a simple mistake was made. There are a million things that could have happened.


However one must wonder about their testing procedures with two patches going out in such a short period (within a week). I can't imagine adequate testing time went into this patch. Even if you had 2 separate teams working on the two patches this week, that still leaves the problem of merging the two code bases as a source of error, and that merged code should have gone through more testing.


In any event....sad face. I can't do my dailies yet, lol.

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stare at nothing during primetime while all the americans don't care because they're still at work.


Not ALL Americans my European compadre. I work 2nd shift so I miss getting to play anytime there is server maintenance done.

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It’s Friday, Friday


Gotta get down on Friday


Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend



Didnt realize its Friday 13th, took sick leave from work only to be met with so many downtime hahaha... Swear to god my Fri 13th is always a bad day for me...

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I think they put the servers down when less americans are playing.


That'a secret? the down time is usually aimed around 12 clock my time and was supposed be up around 10 am. It's where they live(US Austin) if they made downtimes during my day. People would complain it's the other way around.

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"It's friday, friday, server's going down it's friday...


Partyin... partyin... hey!

Partyin... partyin... hey!


Fun, fun, fun, fun...


Looking forward to the wee.. eek... end.


Sing with me now!"

Vita Sings:-


Coz it's Friday, Friday, Friday, server's going down it's Friday ....


Time to get our freaky on,

Freaky on, Frea---ky on


Sing with us now!!!! :D

Edited by Vitavoro
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i agree on that i'm playing this game about 2 weeks and didn't had that much fun yet with playing. Playing wow for more than 6 years and they had mayor problems with patches also for example the opening of AQ years ago but that why there are test servers. And with reading last post about mixing 1.1 and 1.2 i wonder how they can do that.
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Bit annoyed the servers weren't up by now after finishing work, guess I'll have to use that exercise bike currently being used as a clothes hanger, YEHHH EXEEECISE!! WOOO!


But really, swhwing shwing slap slap I wnna play.


They were. But they decided that its fun to let the EU players wait so they brought down the servers for a 2nd time.

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To be honest every mmo has problems during content patches so we should've expected this. But this also highlights how stupid their patch system is for people in Europe as we get to sit and stare at nothing during primetime while all the americans don't care because they're still at work.


Hey not every American works 9-5. I agree the patching system should be different for Euro and Asian markets though. No need to bring every server down when half are in prime time.

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all the bioware employees are gona get payed overtime today :p heeheee


Also patching on friday the 13th? Good day to pick soon the whole game info will be lost and all rolled back perma to lvl 1 =)


Or deducted pay for not doing their job and causing major PR issues.

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Yes, I agree, this is an outrage. Much better to just leave the game broken so people keep having issues. No other MMO has ever had any problems after a major update ever. It is true, WoW never had issues. It was polished and seasoned with the tiger blood of Charlie Sheen for a truly winning game experience from the start to finish!


Oh wait, this stuff always happends with big updates and MMOs. The difference is that gamers have a very selective memory, in addition to poor long term memory and rather shakey short term memory as well.


Seriously guys, your outrage are as predictable as it is sad and amusing to observe.

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See times like these is when bioware need to suck it up and say, hmm we'll send you some goodies for the trouble, and send people.. something, a rare pet/mount perhaps a non moddable but awesome 126 bind to legacy weapon token/tokens/potatoes.


Everyone understands when you give them free food/beer, it works with ingame items, no reason not to give "BOL" tokens for tiesone gear for our alts!



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Well crap...


I was hoping to play today.....


guess that hope just got shot out an airlock without a suit....


I suppose I'll have to go catch up on my HULU que........


and eat potato chips....lots and lots of them.....to drown my lack of swtor sorrow


yay sour cream and onion!

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They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.



Don't forget the "it is all a plan of BW to get more money from us by blah blah blah ..."



I love the conspiracy subscription nuts, they entertain me while I am at work ...

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no they didn't just gah this community is wretched


ummm yeah they did genius. did you even log in? black hole is gone, along with any character camped there. gbanks gone along with any mats in them, legacy vendors gone along with any gear you were wearing turned bright bright pink.


pvp, your team cons red making it impossible to heal since the game thinks your team is the enemy team. losing wz gave 0 comms. sound was completely destroyed.


but yeah you're right, it was a minor issue. nothing major

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Yes, I agree, this is an outrage. Much better to just leave the game broken so people keep having issues. No other MMO has ever had any problems after a major update ever. It is true, WoW never had issues. It was polished and seasoned with the tiger blood of Charlie Sheen for a truly winning game experience from the start to finish!


Oh wait, this stuff always happends with big updates and MMOs. The difference is that gamers have a very selective memory, in addition to poor long term memory and rather shakey short term memory as well.


Seriously guys, your outrage are as predictable as it is sad and amusing to observe.



Hey bud..... SHUT IT

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Repost because BW favorite sport is to hunt threads to close instead of addressing current issues.


How do these developers still have jobs??


If this would be the 1st time this would happen I would understand, but it is not.

It is a big patch, they practices on the test servers, but they f*ck up the production (live) servers and they expect us to settle with "Sorry for the inconvenience!"?


P.S. I will not even comment on the fact that the European servers are now in prime time play hours (I know there will be the one player derping in here and saying that BW is an American company and all that BS).

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