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Originally Posted by mArchangel

Yes they are different but both are ok. Voicing an opinion can NEVER be censored as unacceptable or unwanted or we hinder progress as whining is a clear statement of unhappiness with a piece of software intended to give you joy. So it's fine. I know you don't like reading it, but I know you know I have a point and I believe many (like you) rather target the person. It's easier to ridicule than to look the naked truth in the eye. We have been sold a non-finished, non-polished product, that was not fit for commercial sale. Period.

Sad is it not?

And it ircks me to read to give them time, give them slack, it's their first MMO be understanding. NO! It's a legal trade. I pay money for a certain ADVERTISED quality of service and I may remind everyone, that it is also only until now that we get for instance formerly falsely advertised hi-res textures. Only BECAUSE of all the 'whining'.


So there.




And I am quite certain that you will find in the EULA that you signed a disclaimer that no promise is made to unfettered 24/7 access to the product. It is by no means a trade. You are renting a monthly license to use their product during their hours of operation. Do you expect to use your gym during the hours they are closed?


No one forced you to buy this game in per-release, release day or even now. You did that of your own free will. No MMO is released finished, polished or perfect. Any MMO gamer knows that. For you to simply "forget" that one commonly known fact makes it difficult for me to buy into your argument.



He has a point mArchangel, im assume if you believe what you are saying is true then this is your first MMO, not a single mmo every released was complete and polished, NOT ONE. so "the naked truth" is that this will never change, mainly because software design aint easy, if it was we would all be releasing games and making millions.

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So lets say, if they can't fix it and everything is gone. What will happen?


world keeps spinning ,wars will start and end, children are born ,the bus is late...... rain will fall and sun will rise someone will break his/her leg ETC.


NOTHING will be gone IG though... more then the sanity of some people.



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ah out to get some more fresh air ....... some of you should really try that allso :)



Yeah, that sounds like a great idea at 12AM. Imbecile.


Between Bioware's early deployment of 1.2 stuffing up people's installs and all this maintenance, I've barely gotten to play for a couple of hours over the past few days. Ridiculous.

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss the current maintenance period and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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I really love how people complain about they are paying $15 /month etc... and loosing game time...


Right - I bet the next thing people demand, is that when we log off, the servers should shut down, so no one can play, when I don't play.


That way no one gets ahead of me and I don't lose time in-game!!?? 0^o

Edited by FaithWhisper
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All this "im mad about no ETA" reminds me of when we used to get a piece of gear in for maintenance (as has been said somewhere in this thread, i was in the Marine Corps for 9.5 years. ground communications maintenance) that was classified priority. Normally it came on a friday. at 1600. God forbid you had plans because now, no one in the shop was going anywhere until the gear in question was fixed or at a stopping point.


some time, as is said, ***** happens

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Yeah, that sounds like a great idea at 12AM. Imbecile.


Between Bioware's early deployment of 1.2 stuffing up people's installs and all this maintenance, I've barely gotten to play for a couple of hours over the past few days. Ridiculous.


You mad bro?

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And I am quite certain that you will find in the EULA that you signed a disclaimer that no promise is made to unfettered 24/7 access to the product. It is by no means a trade. You are renting a monthly license to use their product during their hours of operation. Do you expect to use your gym during the hours they are closed?


No one forced you to buy this game in per-release, release day or even now. You did that of your own free will. No MMO is released finished, polished or perfect. Any MMO gamer knows that. For you to simply "forget" that one commonly known fact makes it difficult for me to buy into your argument.


Yes it would as you completely ignored the false advertising part. Let's not go there. I am not in the mood to argue with you or flock a dead horse. It is common knowledge EA falsely advertised the product and BioWare SOMEwhat fixed this now. So stop wasting time on this. So do I. The fact is: I agree with your legal statement and counter: The hours of operation are poor and therefore the product does not meet my perfectly valid expectations thus I maintain the right to withhold continued payment and thus no further use this service. And no it's not whining, but now you should as it is another one that will be gone and if this trend continues there won't be a lot of fun for the last 'Mohican' fanboys all on their ownsome. Have fun.

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I was trying to figure out why a tiny patch with 2 little things (1.2.0a) was over 100 meg...I think this one is going to take awhile to sort out.


I wondered the same thing.


Just came back from a two week break and was looking to work on my warrior a bit. Ugh..


I reckon I'll do something constuctive on my day off.

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I just got out of the Marine Corps after 9 years, 7 months, and 12 days (13 depending on who you ask). All Ive wanted to do once I got out was play SWTOR all day. and now I can't do that. :( Guess I'll go watch Netflix until it comes back




Thank you for your service to our country.

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I really love how people complain about they are paying $15 /month etc... and loosing game time...


Right - I bet the next thing people demand, is that when we log off, the servers should shut down, so no one can play, when I don't play.


That way no one gets ahead of me and I don't lose time in-game!!?? 0^o


That is an exageration and you know that.

You must agree on the principal, no matter how much you pay for a day.

If you pay for something, it's natural to demand that you have access to your product.

I'm not gonna pull out silly comparisons with cars but the ground rule apply :)

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