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Server Maintenance


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I wish Bioware could afford to place restrictions on who can play this game; "You must be this mature/sane ^ to play this game" (I for one would pay extra for such a luxury). To Bioware Devs: We aren't all children, many of us are grateful for your hard work. I am disabled and live with constant pain, I can become so engrossed playing this game I forget about the pain. I Thank You so very much for that!
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Thats the main reason it upsets me so. I'm one of those individuals who plans everything out in their head ahead of time. I mean of course I have other stuff to do; I've done laundry, dishes and I'm cooking at the moment. But ****, I wanted to level my alt so I can get another buff.


I agree 1000000000 %


people can say what they want, I am a gamer, and I want to have fun, especially on a Friday night when I planned to do this because I had a bad weeks work and so forth, but anyway.

we can only rant :)

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what is going on? i thought the patch was done and now the servers are down again anyone know how long until they are running again? i kinda wanna get my game goin and whats up with the tantauan? i didnt get mine anyone else got tht thing yet?
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what is going on? i thought the patch was done and now the servers are down again anyone know how long until they are running again? i kinda wanna get my game goin and whats up with the tantauan? i didnt get mine anyone else got tht thing yet?


Yea I did not receive mine as well

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Normally I try not to become irate about such things, in some circumstances small errors happen. This is not, however, by any stretch of the imagination a "small error" and we are paying what amounts to a vast amount of money to, at the moment, sit around and watch server status bars. If there was any chance of problems occurring during implementation of the patch, it should not have been applied. Furthermore, the "ninja" message updates are not appreciated. If you (Bioware) are going to change the parameters of maintenance or patch content, at least have the courtesy to supply a fair amount of warning. It's a simple case of doing your job properly and Bioware employees associated with this endeavour certainly haven't managed that. This colossal waste of time should be compensated for and not just for the level 50 owners (of which I am one), the error has affected all users. More mistakes on this scale and I envisage a lot of users leaving, patience only lasts so long.


Really? Vast amounts of money? You do realize that if the server was down for 24 hours you'd be out approximately 50 cents right?

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this...


One thing is certain, my confidence in BioWare's knowledge of and ability to maintain their own code is all but completely gone.


They are very good at writing stories ... but don't ask them to build an actual game :)

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Jeez. If this were my experience I'd be in prison for stuffing the box down some Best Buy lackey's throat.


I'm not far off, honestly. If the downtime issues weren't enough, I'm also searching all over the internet for a fix to a recurring problem where the launcher refuses to work. It can sometimes take me ten or so minutes of screwing around just to boot the game.


Despite not having played too much (for obvious reasons) I do have to say the game is very fun though and almost worth all the trouble I've had with actually playing it.

Edited by FateOrFatality
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And I am quite certain that you will find in the EULA that you signed a disclaimer that no promise is made to unfettered 24/7 access to the product. It is by no means a trade. You are renting a monthly license to use their product during their hours of operation. Do you expect to use your gym during the hours they are closed?


No one forced you to buy this game in per-release, release day or even now. You did that of your own free will. No MMO is released finished, polished or perfect. Any MMO gamer knows that. For you to simply "forget" that one commonly known fact makes it difficult for me to buy into your argument.


There's always the EULA to fall back on, and then there's the human element. Ignore the human element--such as customers getting frustrated--and an MMO will not do well.

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Management decided that 1.2 could not be delayed any longer. The build for 1.2 had some things pulled out at the "last minute" due to issues discovered in testing. The devs would typically want to hold off on a release to make sure this reduced release candidate is fully tested, but when the boss tells you to release what's working shortcuts are taken. The candidate was tested, but only internally. Know issues were identified, but none were deemed to be show stoppers. They released.


We all know 1.2 had bugs, but suppose it had more bugs that we're being told. Exploits right after a patch are common. I'm not saying the issue was guild banks... but using it as a possible example: Something like a guild bank exploit would require pulling banks until the exploit is identified and fixed. You can't pre-announce it, or you'll get more exploiters.... so you attempt to extract the problem code, but that effort isn't fully tested and results in putting back other environment related resources.


The emergency fix f's things up. The order comes down to pull the thing down, which happens almost immediately. Now they're having quick meetings on how to approach the situation. The devs, who have not had a ton of sleep in the last week, are coming up with an approach. Hell, they may have already found the issue that caused the who problem already... do they try to fix it or just redo the emergency patch?


The data guys are looking at the data backups that are done before any patch is started. They know that we'll exit en mass if the crap we put into the guild banks is lost... it's not going to be lost. But they don't know what will be decided in the coder teams... so they're having little meetings with the various tech leads...


All of this takes time. But understand that these people do care. They don't want the game to fail; they make a living off of it! The whining on the boards doesn't help their moral, so they don't read the boards.


blah blah blah. If you have read this far and have lived in the real world for long enough, you get the point. They're trying. Your ************ about what happened is redundent. They know. If it bothers you too much take your money elsewhere. Or ***** to each other on the boards if it makes you feel better by knowing that other gamers feel the way you do.

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I would honestly have less of a problem with the server down time were it not for the "We have no ETA." No ETA at all is inexcusable for any pay-to-play. Even if the ETA is qualified with "this is a guess, not a promise," that's better than nothing.
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