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i can remember the early days of WoW, patching day was way worse then this. Ok so they made an oops with the patch, big deal, its not like the world is going to end. For those of you who complain you are losing some play time, i suggest you also complain to your favourite Divinity as His/Her flawed design makes you need up to 8 hours of sleep each day which is far more then the DT of SWtoR


what the hell are you even talking about?

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I wish I had forgiving clients like you are. I messed once a server, that was my last mess :)

Almost lost my job, but since I moved up the ladder and now I punt developers that mess up my production servers.


I SO hear ya bro. It's like running a Sharepoint update on a live Exchange and leaving the client during the reboot. Guess what happens when all external mail access is broken, all SmartPhones stop syncing and 100 external employees call HQ and ask *** is going on. Do you think I'd still have that client the next morning? Do you think this is air you are breathing right now? >.> *smirks*

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Here's their twitter feed. hilarious.


Yes, this is a known issue which is currently being investigated. Sorry for the inconvenience! ~BB


Server transfers are definitely in the works but we do not have an ETA at this time. ~BB


This is a known issue which we are currently investigating. ~BB


Please contact support (http://bit.ly/sp1SUR) regarding your issue. Thanks! ~BB


@AoCCommunity Thanks for the positive response, glad to hear you're enjoying #SWTOR! :)


This functionality is not working as intended. It is a known issue we are currently looking into it.

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Does anyone remember the epic 24 hour shutdowns after a major patch in hugely popular mmo? Noone likes it, not least the poor buggers sweating it out trying to work out where its all gone wrong.

Not to mention spending the next 2 weeks Fing with all the mods to make them work right.


If people want "finished" games, they should go play console games. They are "finished," and you are "finished" playing them in about 40 hrs.

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Every one of you that is complaining about the devs should go out and try to setup/maintain a private game server. now take that pain for your single player server and multiply it by 1.7million. The whole team gets props from me, at least we get 15 minute warnings when it is going down.


Thank you SWTOR team!!

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why are we upset?

because the whole day at work we where thinking, mm, need to do this, mmm, need to do that.

and you get home, pour some rum, sit behind your screen, and hey, what do you know.

ill be doing nothing i planed.

hehe, nice


and now we can do other stuff, but wait, i wanna play something i paid for. o sry you may not.


thx bioware


o and thx for the NO info, the same with NO info re server merges


Thats the main reason it upsets me so. I'm one of those individuals who plans everything out in their head ahead of time. I mean of course I have other stuff to do; I've done laundry, dishes and I'm cooking at the moment. But ****, I wanted to level my alt so I can get another buff.

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is this where i say "Back in my day, when they did a content patch the servers stayed down for at least a day, sometimes two... and that's the way we liked it... or at least, we didn't cry like 3 year olds about it" Man up, go do something else for a while. it won't kill you ;)


when I where a lad, father used to thrash us awake half anhour before we went to sleep an' make us go out and lick t'road clean before applying a patch that would last 3 year an' 2 sequels before it broke and killed t'planet. And we were lucky....

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Every one of you that is complaining about the devs should go out and try to setup/maintain a private game server. now take that pain for your single player server and multiply it by 1.7million. The whole team gets props from me, at least we get 15 minute warnings when it is going down.


Thank you SWTOR team!!


They are payed to do so, I don't see why I should make their work easier too.

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Normally I try not to become irate about such things, in some circumstances small errors happen. This is not, however, by any stretch of the imagination a "small error" and we are paying what amounts to a vast amount of money to, at the moment, sit around and watch server status bars. If there was any chance of problems occurring during implementation of the patch, it should not have been applied. Furthermore, the "ninja" message updates are not appreciated. If you (Bioware) are going to change the parameters of maintenance or patch content, at least have the courtesy to supply a fair amount of warning. It's a simple case of doing your job properly and Bioware employees associated with this endeavour certainly haven't managed that. This colossal waste of time should be compensated for and not just for the level 50 owners (of which I am one), the error has affected all users. More mistakes on this scale and I envisage a lot of users leaving, patience only lasts so long.
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Yes they are different but both are ok. Voicing an opinion can NEVER be censored as unacceptable or unwanted or we hinder progress as whining is a clear statement of unhappiness with a piece of software intended to give you joy. So it's fine. I know you don't like reading it, but I know you know I have a point and I believe many (like you) rather target the person. It's easier to ridicule than to look the naked truth in the eye. We have been sold a non-finished, non-polished product, that was not fit for commercial sale. Period.

Sad is it not?

And it ircks me to read to give them time, give them slack, it's their first MMO be understanding. NO! It's a legal trade. I pay money for a certain ADVERTISED quality of service and I may remind everyone, that it is also only until now that we get for instance formerly falsely advertised hi-res textures. Only BECAUSE of all the 'whining'.


So there.


And I am quite certain that you will find in the EULA that you signed a disclaimer that no promise is made to unfettered 24/7 access to the product. It is by no means a trade. You are renting a monthly license to use their product during their hours of operation. Do you expect to use your gym during the hours they are closed?


No one forced you to buy this game in per-release, release day or even now. You did that of your own free will. No MMO is released finished, polished or perfect. Any MMO gamer knows that. For you to simply "forget" that one commonly known fact makes it difficult for me to buy into your argument.

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Originally Posted by brother_wulfe

i can remember the early days of WoW, patching day was way worse then this. Ok so they made an oops with the patch, big deal, its not like the world is going to end. For those of you who complain you are losing some play time, i suggest you also complain to your favourite Divinity as His/Her flawed design makes you need up to 8 hours of sleep each day which is far more then the DT of SWtoR


what the hell are you even talking about?


read it again, if ya still dont get it then there's no hope for you

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All I want to say is people have choices now not like before with wow, also it is not crying and qqing to want to play a game you pay for. Many people plan their days off to max out play time, and when gaming companies can't seem to get their s&^t working people should be mad about it. Remember to vote with your money, it is the greatest form of protest.
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