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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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Internet access getting blocked is different from servers rolling back. NY Stock exchange does hundreds of transactions per second. If their server rolls back even for a few minutes, the whole exchange will crash and burn. Imagine the millions of dollars lost in lost transactions and bogus claims.



Yeah, because BW and the NYSE are on the same level.

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I've noticed that these bugs, maintenance and patches always seem to happen on the days I'm coming off my long nightshifts at the hospital and finally have some time to play.


Someone's obviously out to mess with my head and I'm sorry that the rest of the community has to get stuck in the crossfire.

Edited by MidichIorian
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What exactly is your problem? I've been here since day one. This is the first 'screw' up ive seen. It sounds like your merely looking for an excuse to justify your own opinion. Those that look for faults, rarely come back empty handed.


He has a valid point, Biofail has been making this game a shambles since day 1. they are aware that operations are bugged, they do nothing to fix it, then they claim to fix and guess what its still bugged. it not my job to find A work around to A bug that they cant fix

Lets also not forget that they value their free weekend pass players more than their paying customers, by taking the servers down in the middle of the day to accommodate their soon to have account holders, way to slap you paying customers in the face.


I pay to play their game and have fun. i don't pay to test their game, its not my concern. if they gave me A free account, i would consider testing for them on public test server. but they don't.


they are aware that ILUM open world pvp is broken, so they remove it, they say that if you trade kills on ilum you get banned because it not how they intended it. even tho its not an exploit. players found away around their design flaws they cant ever admit their mistakes. they constantly fail. hell speed hacks are still being used in pvp today. i still get credit spam emails. the list goes on and on,



Lets see Wednesday fubar early patch release, then 1.2 fail patch where they Lie and cant back up their own words, or even back up their own developers post's about Legacy unlocks and the (outrages cost associated with them), where one thing is said but its a complete 180 degree turn. and then today's fiasco at this point the coffin is nailed shut they have to do something really good to keep people paying for this game.



I bought the CE and paid for 6 months, granted I'm not entitled to anything but a working game i don't care if its a MMO an ever changing game, what i do care is that the company I invested my hard earned money in delivers an unparalleled gaming experience. and so far they are on strike 3. i still have 4 months left of my sub i will continue to play what i paid for but in less they don't do a major turnaround they will get nothing but negative responses form me.

Edited by Snakeyees
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could not play last night, it took 2 hours to download 1.2 (but I watched some CW episodes



This morning I realised my Sith Maurader mask is no longer visible when equiped. What a waste considering I had stripped Champ mods in it.


But champ mask now fits under hood (ode to revan), well kinda sorta, it sticks out the top a bit, nice littel white patch der.


made my alts my siblings and was gonna make a rival on pub side (yuck, I was actually thinking of rolling a hippie pub, but he was gonna be a sith pureblood dark jedi so that kinda makes it alright in a too evil to be imp sorta way)


bought up some BM schematics for myself and my 2 fav comps thinking hey sweet almost no work for BM gear and ill have geared bm comps (yes I use PVP gear in PVE)


just logged in and found out the whole thing has crashed.


BW, please, stop messing with the stuff that works and fix the bugs. Fix the glitches and bugs and errors. if it dont work right like Ilum then fix it. leave the stuff that is working alone. Add new content not changes to existing content we already have which already works. You are setting your subscribers up with nothing but frustration and disappointment.


This is not how to keep your subscribers, this is the kinda stuff that makes you lose them ( not me cause I love SW, but not everyone is a hardcore SW fan and a large base of your subscriptions are MMO junkies who tire easily.



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Internet access getting blocked is different from servers rolling back. NY Stock exchange does hundreds of transactions per second. If their server rolls back even for a few minutes, the whole exchange will crash and burn. Imagine the millions of dollars lost in lost transactions and bogus claims.


Who cares. I know I don't. I know I'm going to make a coffee, go out into the garden today, instead of tomorrow. Perhaps ill clean out my pool. Make another coffee. And you know, get on with my life. Thanks.

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we're being given 30 days of free time and people are complaining? the patch is going to be buggy and maybe broken (yes.. i have had these problems..) but at least bioware are giving people time for these problems instead of doing what most mmos do which is pretend that it didn't happen and charge people for the time that they spend patching
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we're being given 30 days of free time and people are complaining? the patch is going to be buggy and maybe broken (yes.. i have had these problems..) but at least bioware are giving people time for these problems instead of doing what most mmos do which is pretend that it didn't happen and charge people for the time that they spend patching


no we're not getting 30 days.. just people with 50s.

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I've noticed that these bugs, maintenance and patches always seem to happen on the days I'm coming off my long nightshifts at the hospital and finally have some time to play.


Someone's obviously out to mess with my head and I'm sorry that the rest of the community has to get stuck in the crossfire.


Yea, i knew you were to blame the minute i saw the servers went down.. just because ur paranoid dosent mean they're not after you.

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These idiots make SOE look like rocket scientists.


You mean like when SOE crashed the servers on day one and nobody could play for 48 hours.... or when they completely changed the game right after they suckered everyone into buying the Obi-wan expansion....


People with there short term memories.... ;)

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my only DILL PICKLE with this whole boondoggle is they shouldve known better. ive been an IT manager for over a decade.. and i would never implement so many changes all at once. we all know you can only test so much in a test environment. so why go live with all these changes all at once, i for one am glad they didnt do the ranked warzones. that would be just another layer of broken failness .. instead of a massive change like this.. why not just release it piece meal. that way if something breaks its much easier to diagnose and fix..



there ya go :D



Because that is how smart people do things not now EA/Bioware do things.....


Really think about it...


Take Dragon Age I good game, but when players are making mods for the game that are better than what the Dev's can come up with you know there is an issue....


As for 1.2 UI changes = good


PVP changes = ehhhh pvp is more bugged now than it was before.


PVE changes = ehhh same as pvp changes...


New PVP and PVE armor = Fire lead artist that approved it..


Class "Rebalancing" = Fail

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