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How is that squishy again? You start with saying they are squishy and then go on to list up a dungheap of defensive abilities that maras have that no other class can even compare to.


As a commando I have zero defensive abilities and no way to escape or counter or even interrupt.

(25% damage reduction for 10 sec every 2 min does NOT count as it at best lengthens my life with 1 or 2 seconds atm).


Maras are ridiculously overpowered atm and you know it. Stop trying to defend it, cause it simply makes no sense.


come on, you think a 1 minute cooldown that reduces 20% of damage, deals damage to the attacker, and can last 30 seconds is op? Next thing you will tell me having that having another damage reduction/defense increase ability on top of that (3min cooldown though), along with an ability to be virtually invulnerable to attacks, the ability to vanish, the ability to reduce an enemies accuracy by 90%, and the ability to pop a cooldown where it gives the player the ability to use a huge speed boost while in combat (if spec'd for it to the whole ops group) or increased damage (both of which can be built up to too) is op.


Give em a break, they have to hit a lot of buttons. They need all those abilities just in case they hit the wrong one and still can win that way. On top of that they have medium armor and you get heavy. As everyone not in heavy armor states, that is a huge deal.


beware - sarcasm may be present in this post.

Edited by McGarnagle
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come on, you think a 1 minute cooldown that reduces 20% of damage, deals damage to the attacker, and can last 30 seconds is op? Next thing you will tell me having that having another damage reduction/defense increase ability on top of that (3min cooldown though), along with an ability to be virtually invulnerable to attacks, the ability to vanish, the ability to reduce an enemies accuracy by 90%, and the ability to pop a cooldown where it gives the player the ability to use a huge speed boost while in combat (if spec'd for it to the whole ops group) or increased damage (both of which can be built up to too) is op.


Give em a break, they have to hit a lot of buttons. They need all those abilities just in case they hit the wrong one and still can win that way. On top of that they have medium armor and you get heavy. As everyone not in heavy armor states, that is a huge deal.


beware - sarcasm may be present in this post.


Sorry that we hit more than one button to win, apparently that makes us facerollers.


Wow, dumb.

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1. undying rage a 5 second 99% dam reduc easily countered, KB stun locks, Force Lift, etc... FYI he is still killable even with that up... (notice I am not tossing the half the health lost as a draw back?), CD = 3 min


2. Saber Ward, 50% boost to ranged and melee defense and a 25% dmage reduc to Force and Tech attacks for 12 seconds, CD = 3 minutes


2. Cloak of Pain a 20% dam reduc and damage shield that lasts 6 to 30 seconds tops, CD = 1 min


3. Preditation a 10% group buff that requires 30 Fury to use... thats a 10% boost defense


4. Force Camo (depending what tree) and a 4 second withdraw from combat ability, its definately not full proof...Especially if there is some kind of DOT on you. 45 sec cool down..


These "amazing defenses" while wearing armor thats a little better than light armor, and a lot less armor than Heavy, My Armor value is a little over 3700 right now, I see Heavy Armor classes break 6K easy which is a HUGE value for defense for Sith Warrior, which we are mind you..


Let me say this, Good troopers can do a lot, tey have their special stuff for when its needed and it does well to put me off and reduce my DPS, whoa, guess like a Good Mara doesnt pop all their CD's in the begining... Imgine that... who would have thunk it.



So basically you as a ranged DPS/Healing in Heavy Armor are effectively BMC'ing about a Melee DPS (FYI all three trees are ONLY DPS) in Medium armor doing *gasp* doing DPS and having some abilties to withstand 15 to 30 seconds of combat?


and you're a Commando? :rolleyes:


Ok tell you what we drop our "mara" defense and just keep the base Jug defenses and give us heavy armor....


Wow, I was creating my post while you did this, and I completely mocked you without reading it until later. I knew exactly what a marauder/sentinal would say. So predictable.

Edited by McGarnagle
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all i do is pvp, so give me 2 weeks, i tell you all about it, scratch that , still no fix for sli. all drivers. used. single card only right, engine ****, + devs dont even play there own game = .................................... you fill in blanks
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Sorry that we hit more than one button to win, apparently that makes us facerollers.


Wow, dumb.


Yeah, that was the point. Well, no, since you need some help.


You realize I am mocking the people that say "marauders are tough to play since they have so many buttons" right?


I will dumb things down for you next time and make them clearer. My mistake. I am sure you will require cutouts and probably hand puppets too. Maybe some nice popup books would help?

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Yeah, that was the point. Well, no, since you need some help.


You realize I am mocking the people that say "marauders are tough to play since they have so many buttons" right?


I will dumb things down for you next time and make them clearer. My mistake. I am sure you will require cutouts and probably hand puppets too. Maybe some nice popup books would help?


I like pop up books.


I also like playing classes that require skill (hence why I have played Sent since launch), not being a 1 button wonder of WZs.

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I like pop up books.


I also like playing classes that require skill (hence why I have played Sent since launch), not being a 1 button wonder of WZs.


I have one. More buttons mean more abilities. Having 6 defensive abilites on top of heavy dps is crazy. On my non marauder classes I would love to have 4 more defensive cooldowns. That is not a bad thing. Hence why it's laughable when people claim that to be a negative. I have a ton of buttons. No one is a 1 button wonder.


Cloak of pain alone pretty much makes marauders heavy armor, and it can be up 50% of the time.


Screw it, marauders should have 10 more defensive cooldowns. That way we can really bring out the highly skilled players. Because as we all know having more abilities makes you weaker unless you are skilled.

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I have one. More buttons mean more abilities. Having 6 defensive abilites on top of heavy dps is crazy. On my non marauder classes I would love to have 4 more defensive cooldowns. That is not a bad thing. Hence why it's laughable when people claim that to be a negative. I have a ton of buttons. No one is a 1 button wonder.


Cloak of pain alone pretty much makes marauders heavy armor, and it can be up 50% of the time.


Screw it, marauders should have 10 more defensive cooldowns. That way we can really bring out the highly skilled players. Because as we all know having more abilities makes you weaker unless you are skilled.


L2CC pls.


That is how you shut down our Defensive CDs.

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I'm a level 50 BH shield tech. I have full BH gear - pre 1.2. I just got my first piece of WH gear (let the griiiind begin).


Pre 1.2 I could kill mara/sents or at least hang with them. Bad mara/sents I could kill somewhat easily. Against good ones it was a 50/50.


Now? I get faceplanted in the dirt.


One sentinal in particular... killed me with 80% hp left on Ilum yesterday in a 1v1. Mind you, im running over 20k hp. Pre 1.2 he never once killed me.


We can go back and forth all day long. Fact of the matter is that Mara/Sents were turned into God-mode. My guild makes them top priority in a wz. We occupy heals, kill sentinals. Then kill heals.


Otherwise. We die.

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There's really no reason to bicker back and fourth.


The trash sent/mara who finally get a chance to shine are mainly the ones trying to persuade everyone that we are not OP.


Prior to 1.2, just like one of the posters have said..I'd say 10% of sent/mara actually new how to play and make our class shine. Now, any person that rolled this class can actually compete..Its retard proof..


We are over-tuned compared to every other class out there..deny it all you want, but it's those QQ's who posted before PTS patch notes "omg, sentinels are so bad" "i can't do any dmg" "i should of rolled a sage/sorc because this class sucks"


So i'm afraid when BW finally realizes there mistake, they will bring down that hammer to hard and we won't be ****. We we're fine pre 1.2...Only logical change was making a few of our Utility abilities not cost anything.

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There's really no reason to bicker back and fourth.


The trash sent/mara who finally get a chance to shine are mainly the ones trying to persuade everyone that we are not OP.


Prior to 1.2, just like one of the posters have said..I'd say 10% of sent/mara actually new how to play and make our class shine. Now, any person that rolled this class can actually compete..Its retard proof..


We are over-tuned compared to every other class out there..deny it all you want, but it's those QQ's who posted before PTS patch notes "omg, sentinels are so bad" "i can't do any dmg" "i should of rolled a sage/sorc because this class sucks"


So i'm afraid when BW finally realizes there mistake, they will bring down that hammer to hard and we won't be ****. We we're fine pre 1.2...Only logical change was making a few of our Utility abilities not cost anything.


Your post doesn't even make sense. Watchmen/Annihilation specs weren't change, so how is it that the bad players suddenly became good with these specs, all due to patch 1.2? Unless you're saying it's because of the buff to their other specs, which in that case, doesn't mean your class is overturned - it just means your class has more than 1 viable spec now.


Part of me feels like you don't even play the class, but are trying to pass off as one, or you're attempting to be self-righteous to appease the masses. Your class isn't overpowered against good players - it's overpowered against bad ones.

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Your post doesn't even make sense. Watchmen/Annihilation specs weren't change, so how is it that the bad players suddenly became good with these specs, all due to patch 1.2?


i guess you missed it: ALL DAMAGE from all classes icnreased quite much. classes that depend to end fights fast (e.g. because of their class dynamics makes this an advantage, healer for example profit from an extended fight time) get an advantage by this.


guess what, sentinels and marauders are those getting the most advantage of an overall increased damage. edit: but not only them.

Edited by me_unknown
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i guess you missed it: ALL DAMAGE from all classes icnreased quite much. classes that depend to end fights fast (e.g. because of their class dynamics makes this an advantage, healer for example profit from an extended fight time) get an advantage by this.


guess what, sentinels and marauders are those getting the most advantage of an overall increased damage. edit: but not only them.


I didn't miss this, the damage increase is being way overblown. You guys are way too excitable. Is it increased? Yes. Is the time-to-kill (TTK) dramatically/significantly lower? I beg to differ.


I don't see how they're benefiting from the "increase" the most, however. All classes, as you've said, are benefiting. I think people are just crying so hard about Mara/Sents because it's the new cool thing to do.

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I didn't miss this, the damage increase is being way overblown. You guys are way too excitable. Is it increased? Yes. Is the time-to-kill (TTK) dramatically/significantly lower? I beg to differ.


I don't see how they're benefiting from the "increase" the most, however. All classes, as you've said, are benefiting. I think people are just crying so hard about Mara/Sents because it's the new cool thing to do.


I beg to differ. They're complaining about marauders because, in comparison to everyone else, they're overpowered. As the good marauders in this very thread are admitting to. Some people want an even playing field. Some people just want to be king of the hill, regardless of whether or not it's because everyone else is dealing with a handicap. Guess which category you fit into.

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This has nothing to do with categories, this has to do with changes to expertise. ALL dps classes that I have encountered are dishing out higher numbers because of the expertise boost. It's just that when everyone saw the PTS notes they decided to roll Marauders and Sentinels and now there are a ton of them and that's alot of what you see.


Everyone wants it easy. No one wants to CC or run away from the Marauder. How many of you that complain are consistently kiting or CCing? All that we hear is QQ, OP, and NEED NERF. Here's some smarts for you... "MARAUDERS DIDN'T GET A BOOST", if you want Ravage/Masterstrike nerfed, fine, but everything else as far as DPS is concerned is pre 1.2, except for Expertise, which is something EVERYONE got.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Did I say you played a marauder? I stated which camp you fall into. You might want to pay a little more attention to what you quote. As an aside, signatures aren't a meaningful way to gauge what classes people play. I could put in I have one of each AC and it would be false. Or you could look at my icon and assume I play some kind of bounty hunter, which again isn't a clear picture of what I play and when. I have a marauder. I play him predominantly in solo queue pvp at 50. The disparity between performance last patch and this one is astounding. In part that's due to the healer and expertise changes, but after all of the dust settled, marauders are outperforming almost all other classes by a significant margin. If you choose to pretend that's not the case, hey whatever gets you off. That's not going to stop them from being nerfed. I just hope Bioware doesn't give marauders the "healer" treatment.
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I beg to differ. They're complaining about marauders because, in comparison to everyone else, they're overpowered. As the good marauders in this very thread are admitting to. Some people want an even playing field. Some people just want to be king of the hill, regardless of whether or not it's because everyone else is dealing with a handicap. Guess which category you fit into.


See, this is what I'm not getting. People are running around these forums screaming and banging their faces against their keyboard to lubricate their keys with fresh tears about how marauders are spinning around in circles one-shotting everyone and self-healing their entire team for 100% of their life, but then when confronted with the fact that there were very few actual DPS boosts, it's, "Oh, well, they benefited from expertise more."


How does a class even benefit from expertise more? Did I miss the part in the patch-notes that reads, "Oh, and marauders and sentinals receive 50% more damage from expertise than every other class."


There's a powertech in my guild that runs an AP/Pyro hybdrid build that pulls almost 500k every non-voidstar match, and when it is Voidstar? **** it, he's usually around the 600k mark. He crits for 2600+ plus on his railshot with 1700 FS crits while being totally immune to CC thanks to hydraulic overrides. It is -IMPOSSIBLE- to defeat him as a sentinal or marauder because he's really good at kiting.


As soon as you people are done tearing sents and maras down, it's going to be snipers, or it's going to be powertechs again, or it'll be tank-sins. This trend of, "Let's pick a class to nerf into the dirt and then keep going - as long as it isn't mine guys!" is stupid.

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lol sure it does.


actually hes prob right,, caus i got hit by ravage for 8.5k and im 1156 expertise, caused me to say *** this game, as a sorc, where the 1s ment to be hitting hardest as where teh squishest..

Edited by Artthen
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RUT ROE, someone use the "T" word !



I am going to say this... pre 1.2 my Carnage Mara was pretty much laughed at when attacking just about anyone and 90% of the time playing against the republic they always come in heavy healing and EVERY trooper I saw was a commando.


so as a melee DPS getting in the face of a healer class gunslingers would own me, between their heals and stuns, Commando's would shield, heal, KB, Snare or Root and heal to full and kill me, even sages were by definaition "tough" to kill with my Carnage Mara. So I guess the ONLY point to play a mara was to only fight other melee and let healers have free reign? Oh thas right even the lightly armored sages should withstand WARRIOR class smacking in the face and laugh at them?


The people playing mara's and sents will get the picture quick enough and be back to their original toons and have to re-adjust tactics...

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actually hes prob right,, caus i got hit by ravage for 8.5k and im 1156 expertise, caused me to say fck this game, as a sorc, where the 1s ment to be hitting hardest as where teh squishest..


im willing to bet they had equal expertise and more than likely used gore to set up ravage... which allos Ravage to do full complete damage if not stopped. Against a Sorc or Sage its very devistating if they have no one covering their 6.

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I had a duel with my guild's Sentinel in Outlaw's Den the other day. And just to show it to everybody we let him do his Master Strike on me.


Yes, it did almost 10k damage (I went from 17180 hp to 79xx hp). I'm a dps Shadow, btw.


But here's the thing, I have no problems with that. Because every other duel we've had I have NOT stood there and let him get a Master Strike off. It's an ability that is extremely difficult to use. So I have no issue with the damage that it does.


I find it hard to believe that the problem isn't with Mara/Sents. The problem is with people blowing all of their CCs, roots, and knockbacks at the wrong time.


Guess what I do against a Sentinel? I root them. Then I CC them. And then I save 1 cc and 1 knockback just in case they try a Master Strike. It's called strategy.


And yes, there are times when I don't have any of those available, almost always because I just finished fighting somebody else. Guess what, I run away during Master Strike. If all of my utilities are on cooldown, I'm not going to really expect to have a whole lot of options, against ANY class. If I went against an Op/Scoundrel in the same scenario, I'd be just as dead as I would against a Mar/Sent, Sorc/Sage, or just about anybody else.


Everybody really needs to just adapt to the game and stop QQing for Bioware to make their own classes unbeatable.

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actually hes prob right,, caus i got hit by ravage for 8.5k and im 1156 expertise, caused me to say fck this game, as a sorc, where the 1s ment to be hitting hardest as where teh squishest..


You weren't hit for 8.5k on anything, SS eh? thought so...


Full ravage after gore with a Equal geared player maybe all of the 3 yes 3 hits combined...

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im willing to bet they had equal expertise and more than likely used gore to set up ravage... which allos Ravage to do full complete damage if not stopped. Against a Sorc or Sage its very devistating if they have no one covering their 6.


How is it any more devastating against sorc/sages, if you use gore. I don't get it.

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Guess what I do against a Sentinel? I root them. Then I CC them. And then I save 1 cc and 1 knockback just in case they try a Master Strike. It's called strategy.


No, it's not called strategy. It's called a pointless 1 vs. 1, which is absolutely pointless to bring up as an argument.


You go and use your "strategy" in a group fight, where others will prevent you from moving around freely (let alone the fact that your balance shadow has a root, a knockback and two instant stuns, which is a lot more than most classes have in terms of CC anyway).

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