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Post 1.2 Seer Build


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Hi folks,


So I'm not 100% sure how we're supposed to be healing post patch.


I'm running with this build at the moment and trying to use a similar rotation as before (Armor->Rejuv->Trance/Deliverance) for standard situations.


Is there a better way of doing it?

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I was always using standard build myself, both PvE and PvP (with Confound), I am wondering if removing Noble Sacrifice from my bar would do me better in PvE too. So if there are 31-10 people around here, I would like to hear their opinion on the matter.
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I haven't gotten a chance to heal on my sage, but healing trance should outweigh deliverance. I may be lying, but I thought the tooltip in the seer tree said it was 837 instant then 3 more ticks of 837 in 3 seconds. While deliverance is like 2.6k with 2.7 induction (I didn't check my alacrity).


So my current thought is with conveyence go either benediction or trance. I'll leave it for parsers to confirm my thoughts, but default 3 sec deliverance is rough unless they decide to increase its heal. I'm also kinda thinking that some gear makes more sense now. I originally thought alacrity was the way to go for healers, but since you can maybe drop .5 seconds off the 3 sec induction (honestly I don't think you can, but I'm in columni). I'm definitely using my next daily coms for the new alacrity relic.

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Hey guys, I had a chance to heal the new operation yesterday. I found myself healing almost the same as I did before but with a few changes. I start with Rejuv then Healing Trance then Benevolence. I'm not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, but in that rotation you get the benefits added to both healing trance and benevolence. Critted benevolence was giving me about 15-20% health on a tank that had 20k hp or so. I really dont like how long it takes for deliverance to cast, but I do use it sometimes. I did not find myself running out force too much and I was even still able to provide dps to the fights.


Instead of Noble Sacrifice being free it now allows you to not suffer a penalty when using it. You still take damage, but your force regen rate stays the same. With the parser I was using I was able to sustain 1100 HPS (health per second) on boss fights. My sage is basically full Rakata only missing 2 pieces.


The new operation was fun to learn and took us 2 hours to complete it. However now it only takes us 45 mins to an hour now that we know the fights. I got the Rakata chest piece off the last boss! The last boss also drops Columi Mainhand.

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I haven't gotten a chance to heal on my sage, but healing trance should outweigh deliverance. I may be lying, but I thought the tooltip in the seer tree said it was 837 instant then 3 more ticks of 837 in 3 seconds. While deliverance is like 2.6k with 2.7 induction (I didn't check my alacrity).


So my current thought is with conveyence go either benediction or trance. I'll leave it for parsers to confirm my thoughts, but default 3 sec deliverance is rough unless they decide to increase its heal. I'm also kinda thinking that some gear makes more sense now. I originally thought alacrity was the way to go for healers, but since you can maybe drop .5 seconds off the 3 sec induction (honestly I don't think you can, but I'm in columni). I'm definitely using my next daily coms for the new alacrity relic.


In my gear I am around 10.5% alacrity and Deliverance is casted in 2.25 secs.

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Hey guys, I had a chance to heal the new operation yesterday. I found myself healing almost the same as I did before but with a few changes. I start with Rejuv then Healing Trance then Benevolence. I'm not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, but in that rotation you get the benefits added to both healing trance and benevolence. Critted benevolence was giving me about 15-20% health on a tank that had 20k hp or so. I really dont like how long it takes for deliverance to cast, but I do use it sometimes. I did not find myself running out force too much and I was even still able to provide dps to the fights.


Instead of Noble Sacrifice being free it now allows you to not suffer a penalty when using it. You still take damage, but your force regen rate stays the same. With the parser I was using I was able to sustain 1100 HPS (health per second) on boss fights. My sage is basically full Rakata only missing 2 pieces.


The new operation was fun to learn and took us 2 hours to complete it. However now it only takes us 45 mins to an hour now that we know the fights. I got the Rakata chest piece off the last boss! The last boss also drops Columi Mainhand.


That is a huge nerf at 1100 HPS, the scoundrel in my raid group last night was doing 1500+ on every boss fight. He is not even in full Rakata yet.

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That is a huge nerf at 1100 HPS, the scoundrel in my raid group last night was doing 1500+ on every boss fight. He is not even in full Rakata yet.


You also have to realize that I wasn't healing non stop. I was healing and dpsing. The meters show the entire fight. They don't have the ability to see when you heal and when you dps and separate the two. Once I do an operation and actually have to throw heals out the whole time I will post those numbers. I run with a really solid group though and for the most part I don't have to throw heals out non stop.

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I haven't gotten a chance to heal on my sage, but healing trance should outweigh deliverance. I may be lying, but I thought the tooltip in the seer tree said it was 837 instant then 3 more ticks of 837 in 3 seconds. While deliverance is like 2.6k with 2.7 induction (I didn't check my alacrity).


So my current thought is with conveyence go either benediction or trance. I'll leave it for parsers to confirm my thoughts, but default 3 sec deliverance is rough unless they decide to increase its heal. I'm also kinda thinking that some gear makes more sense now. I originally thought alacrity was the way to go for healers, but since you can maybe drop .5 seconds off the 3 sec induction (honestly I don't think you can, but I'm in columni). I'm definitely using my next daily coms for the new alacrity relic.


Healing Trance, to use your numbers (I can't find solid ones) is more along the lines of it heals 837 points initially then continues to heal for another 837 over those three seconds. So basically a total of 1674 points healed.

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In my gear I am around 10.5% alacrity and Deliverance is casted in 2.25 secs.


I think my alacrity is around there. And yeah I agree that its still to long. popping alacrity relics is best time for deliverance imo. I do need to start working more on my crit/surge now I think though. I do agree with your post though of benevolence.


For Haters: I understand that we may no longer be the best healers now or that even if we weren't the best we were still pretty good. I don't think the changes will be the end of the world, think its just more of a practice thing.



For people who pvp I'm "trying" granted may not be succeeding in trying to find a way to get some of the utility effects from the telekinetic tree. Somehow to include force wake and kinetic collapse just to help give people time to get away etc. Best way I found atm was pretty ugly (17 in telekinetics), but if surviving is the issue in pvp may be worth a look. I still say its ugly, but some decent effects from those skills. I tried using telekinetic build running new FP hm and IDK anything about what i'm doing dpsing.

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Healing Trance, to use your numbers (I can't find solid ones) is more along the lines of it heals 837 points initially then continues to heal for another 837 over those three seconds. So basically a total of 1674 points healed.


its 854 initial then 854per second for 3 seconds. so 3200.

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Come on people...has anyone come across a hybrid spec for pvp? I cannot survive more then 20 seconds if more then 2 melee jump on me, lets not mention that in voidstar and probably alderaan its hard to LOS when most classes have at least 2 CC skills. As a healer you got the entire group to worry about not just yourself. So is there any way sages can survive longer then that without a guard? My safety healing skill was deliverance, but now its more like a decoy skill for interrupts because 2.25 seconds its a noticeable cast time.


And adding an icon above my head for the imperials to know where to jump me (sage icon): Priceless :)


Thank you Bioware.

Edited by NemurY
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Come on people...has anyone come across a hybrid spec for pvp? I cannot survive more then 20 seconds if more then 2 melee jump on me, lets not mention that in voidstar and probably alderaan its hard to LOS when most classes have at least 2 CC skills. As a healer you got the entire group to worry about not just yourself. So is there any way sages can survive longer then that without a guard? My safety healing skill was deliverance, but now its more like a decoy skill for interrupts because 2.25 seconds its a noticeable cast time.


And adding an icon above my head for the imperials to know where to jump me (sage icon): Priceless :)


Thank you Bioware.


You should not be able to survive "more than 20 seconds if you melee jump on you".


Just how overpowered do you think we should be? I play a sage as my main and there are lots of ways to deal with melee, but if 2 get on me I should not be able to heal through their dps, that would be unfair.

Edited by Sylvan
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I am able to elude 2 melees (guardiands and maybe one marauder), but not two marauders. Eventually i will die if they do not get taunted or cc`ed and pushed back. I understand sages needed a nerf. We are not number one healers now, we are number two. I don't care about that either. But a double nerf ?? That requires a whole new build where the survivability is increased.


On my server most of the time its just me healing in a warzone, rarely i see other healers during my pvp play time. Might be because the time i join a que or just the low republic population, but its hard.

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The only difference in my tree is that I have 2 points in Pain Bearer and 1 in Valiance.


My rotation at the moment is Rejuvenate-HT-Noble Sacrifice-Rejuvenate on self-Deliverance-Benevolence (if needed).


As far as Force Potency goes I am still doing it with Deliverance but not as an emergency heal, I use it to top up people instead, generally two different targets, calling those out to the other healer.

Rejuvenate-Force Potency-Deliverance-Deliverance


Emergency is Rejuvenate-Benevolence-HT


When possible I also NS in Salvations to negate the health cost.


Still getting highest healing scores in WZ's 7/10 times. Based on combat log I had around 1 300 - 1 400 HPS in Explosive Conflict Story Mode. Force management was actually easier than pre 1.2 (did half the fights without the extra 50 force from 4 piece and had an augmented headpiece instead for more sustained healing).

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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This is what I'm settling on atm



I tried out valiance to see if it made a noticable difference ~ it didn't. But pain bearer makes healing after noble sac more efficient. And the automatic concentration proc from disturbance is worthwhile if you off dps enough to keep the buff working.


For PvE I'm rarely using HT anymore. I'm sure it will still be important for PvP


2 points in concentration and a disturbance basically cancels the debuff from using noble sac without resplendence.


My use of noble sac is now noble sac>noble sac>rejuv on party>deliverance on self


I've always used FA as much as possible. And the biggest thing that changed for me was using deliverance where I would have used HT in the past.

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