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Is melee PvP dead??


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So I leveled a Maurader to 45, then switched to Sorcerer. Found out today (1.2) that my sorc is a wet noodle. So picked up Maurader where I left off and immediately thought "why did I drop this as my main"? I was loving the PvE on Belsavis. Then I played about 10 WZ matches.


First off, there are about >20% of players are straight up melee classes. What that means is most peeps stay at range in clumps and I get destroyed as soon as I engage. Second, I can not influence the battleground as I could with the Sorc. I can pick 1-2 targets then go in and maybe get a kill if I'm lucky. So what tacticts am I missing? I was valor rank 40 when I left for my sorc, but things have really changed in the last few months.

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Figure out your advantages and use them ;).


For instance, in huttball, grab the ball, run right into the pit, hit your defensive CDs then leap up and at the morons on the other team lined up on the ramps/goal line for an easy score. Or if you spot a low HP enemy on a ramp you can leap up and kill him, putting you in a prime position for a pass.


You also have insane AoE spike damage, use it.


Seeing someone capping/planting and an enemy spots them? Your leap stuns people, then you can go right into a force choke and give them time to finish.


One of my main PvP buddies does all of the above and more, he's an excellent guy to have in the WZ with you.

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Figure out your advantages and use them ;).


For instance, in huttball, grab the ball, run right into the pit, hit your defensive CDs then leap up and at the morons on the other team lined up on the ramps/goal line for an easy score. Or if you spot a low HP enemy on a ramp you can leap up and kill him, putting you in a prime position for a pass.


to bad those morons are normally on my team

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It really is. Range are at a complete disadvantage. Every single melee class can close the gap on a ranged player easy, and keep em close even easier.


Yes, but that doesn't mean they have a disadvantage. A ranged DPS can stand on a ramp in huttball and both help kill the enemy and be there to take a pass at the same time. When I'm set up for a pass I pretty much have to take myself out the fight.


And in voidstar, ranged can burn the melee down on the doors.. melee can either stand there and die thus leaving the door unguarded or go out to meet them... leaving the door unguarded.


Personally I think SWTOR is just fine for both melee and ranged. If you try and compare classes 1v1 in an open empty room the result may be different, but thats not how you PvP.

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Ranged and Melee characters are properly balanced. Both have abilities to escape from and close on each other. I'd say that the exception would be Ops/Scoun because their closer (stealth) isn't always accessible.



Commandos/Mercs have no escapes at all.

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