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Come back to your original servers! experiment


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Hi all,


I have invested quite some time into 2 chars on a server which appears to be dead now. Two days ago I decided to roll a char on a highly populated server. I'm on EURO-English


My initial observations are this:

1. I've met lots of players from my original server there.

2. Awes and sighs and nearly ******ic shouts "250 on fleet?! OMG!! O_O"


yet.. I came back from work yesterday just to find out that I'm 600 in the login queue. With 1.2 out, I assume it'll only get worse.


What if we did a little experiment and try and come back to the original server and see how many people we can pull back? I mean.. it's like a vicious circle.. you either get a FULL or LIGHT servers..


I know there are some STANDARDS out there, but let's face it.. if you're rerolling from a dead server, you'd rather pick a HEAVY POP just for the sake of an extreme change.


So what do you guys think? How about Sunday 19:00 gmt?

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I've stuck with my under populated server Bao-dur throughout, but it certainly would be interesting to see just how populated it would be if those that dropped the server and flocked to the same handful of heavy populated servers came back.


My first thought is that if people were to do so there would be substantially more populated servers throughout at a nice kind of level for a few days before the 1.2 buzz wears thin and people stop being so active again.

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