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Thanks BW


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Iv been playing a couple of weeks during some holiday time and yes it has its flaws but thats not what this is about.



i just wanted to say thanks for the free 30 days play time. everytime i think of those poor poor people who decided to stop leveling at 40 something and roll 56 different characters, who have played since beta or what ever and invested milleniums of time, it gives me a warm smug feeling inside.


so thanks, **** i might find a way to donate the cash anyway if the QQ threads keep poping up with entitled masses crying about it.


can i sugest, the next time you give out freebies or gifts, do it on a date of birth basis, or even alphabetical, or hell just complete random, the tears will empower me and restore my fading youth.




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Hello DakataTan,


We're glad you are enjoying Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We are going to go ahead and close this thread in an effort to consolidate discussion. If you would like to discuss the free play time, please feel free to continue your discussion in Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy. If you would like to share your thoughts regarding the quality of Game Update 1.2, please feel free to post here. Thank you!

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