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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I have an idea, the next time they want to give anyone free time, lets form a picket line and march around. Yes it would be great if everyone got 30 free days, hell I have friends that could of really used it, but there will always be someone screaming about how it is unfair because they did not get the free time. Would it be more fair if they gave it to only inactive accounts, or those with the most alts? There is no point in complaining about this and crying on your keyboards.


The only thing your really trying to get across is that they should not do anything nice for anyone because they will get grief from the rest. Relax, go outside and see the world, the real world. The game will be back online in a few hours.

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Then you are not playing this game for the right reasons if certain members of the community get something you don't. If you expect to get rewarded for something that is not a constant reward then you are not playing this game for the right reasons. Did I get the free 30 days? Yes, so did my wife. Would I have been upset if I didn't? Not at all, the fact that you are disheartened about it tells me that you have a sense of entitlement and refuse to acknowledge that BioWare cares about it's player base to begin with.


first off, the point of this game, or any game for that matter is to have fun. if my way of fun is different then yours that doesnt make yours better, just different. and yes i do have a sense of entitlement, i pay to play this game. and i continue to pay to support this game as does everyone else here, if you dont get upset about it thats fine but clearly there are many of us who are. and its easy to say you wouldnt get upset when you received the reward, however if they flipped it as exampled above and only rewarded players who had at least 10 characters, many others would be upset as well.

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what happens if your a lvl 50 player who doesnt like pvp, and could give to fecks about rated warzones, and is more than happy with the raid content they got?


does this person still get a free 30 day as well?


It would be better than insinuating (even if it was only through improper wording) that a whole slew of your customers are less valuable solely because they chose to take the scenic route through your content.

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Then you are not playing this game for the right reasons if certain members of the community get something you don't. If you expect to get rewarded for something that is not a constant reward then you are not playing this game for the right reasons. Did I get the free 30 days? Yes, so did my wife. Would I have been upset if I didn't? Not at all, the fact that you are disheartened about it tells me that you have a sense of entitlement and refuse to acknowledge that BioWare cares about it's player base to begin with.


Bingo. That's right Bioware hates you all. They are not running a business but a personnel grudge company. Give me a break. The entitlement that exists in this thread is beyond silly.

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It's so funny listening to people bad mouth those people without lvl 50's. Let's turn this around a bit and see how you like it.


"We would like to thank our most loyal player's "The Raiders" with free 30- day game time."


or how about ...


"We would like to show appreciation of our most loyal player base the PVPers with free 30- day game time."


or how about ...


"We would like to show appreciation to our most loyal player base the ALTaholics that haven't even lvled to 50 yet with free 30- day game time."


See the problem is you just excluded part of your player base based on how they play the game. Which is fine if you had told the player base hey this is how you should be playing the game.


I never got that memo from Bioware...


Who's badmouthing people with level 50s. All I see in this thread is people badmouthing Bioware because they didn't give EVERYONE a free month of play. Are you serious? Cleary, everyone has their own playstyle and some ppl don't reach level 50 due to various reasons, but this perk isn't something they had to give ANYONE at all. It makes more sense to give it to people that have level 50s, because they know those ppl have a certain commitment to the game. Don't read this the wrong way. I am not saying people that don't have a 50 aren't committed to the game, but they gotta cut it off somewhere.

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You are totally right. Life is not fair. I didn't meet the requirement and I didn't get the reward. I get that.


The flip side is, I am not fair either. Bioware are a company I am buying a service from. If I am not happy with that service, or I am not happy with the way they treat me as a customer, then I will tell them so, I will post my unhappiness on their forums, I will tell all my friends and I may ultimately decide to take my business elsewhere.


It really doesn't matter to me whether you or anyone else agrees with me. It doesn't matter to me if you think I am wrong. The fact is that right now, I am not a satisfied customer, right or wrong.


that is a valid point. My counter point: You cannot keep all of your customers happy 100% of the time. So, from an objective standpoint if you have enjoyed your time so far.....are you really going to allow a criteria specific reward for certain player accounts fully detract form all the good experiences you've had? Sometimes, even if it is a decision you don't agree with. Simply abandoning a product for that one reason. Like the one is question about the free 30 days is a rather shaky foundation to base a reason to leave as far as I am concerned.

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It would be better than insinuating (even if it was only through improper wording) that a whole slew of your customers are less valuable solely because they chose to take the scenic route through your content.


i understand that


but i notes that not one of the pvp'ers who seem to think that this 30 days free is becuase they pulled rated warzones are answering my question

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I have followed this game for years.


I have promoted this game to my guild for years.


I gathered my guild for the pre-launch.


I asked my guild officers to stay when they got bored.


I log in almost daily for at least a small amount of time.


I am a huge fan.


I do NOT have a level 50 and neither does my guildmaster husband.


This is the thanks we get? Really?

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Personally, I have been playing since beta and have no lvl 50s (mainly due to changing servers numerous times until I found one pretty well populated).


While, yes, I do feel a bit slighted that I didn't get a free month of subscription I cannot help but not really miss it. I have shrugged it off because it wasn't anything I was promised from the get go. It was a free thing that was given for the sake of being to the lvl 50s and for two reasons: most lvl 50s are complaining about lack of endgame content and those who've played to lvl 50 have presumably explored ALL matters of content the game has to offer, therefore appreciating all that BioWare put into the game.


Now, from a customer service standpoint I believe that BioWare/EA has completely shot themselves in the foot and may have started something they cannot finish. You want to make ALL your customers happy 100% of the time in the customer service business, and, let's face it, the video game industry is a customer service industry. BioWare/EA has failed to do that with this latest situation. It's rough and they are going to have to do a lot to make people happy. While I, personally, am not one of those demanding compensation, I do know that my personal feelings are not the reflection of the whole, which seems to be leaning towards anger/frustration/resentment.


Therefore, BioWare/EA, if you really want to keep a majority of the casuals and alt-aholics in SWTOR, then I would suggest giving that free month of service to those who have held the game throughout launch and without unsubbing since said launch. That would greatly show how you appreciate the "loyal customers" of SWTOR.

Edited by Kvistor
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Come on people. This was done because they pulled ranked warzones on the day of the patch and people had re-subbed and or were holding out for this addition. Since they delayed it, it was either deal with a bunch of QQ from people wanting their money back for not implementing the promised features or take some effort to fix it. Giving the 30 days free was a way to keep these people hanging on since their content was not delivered as promised. They had to draw the line somewhere, and being level 50 is really the only indication if someone was going to play ranked warzones when it was supposed to be released.


my question is why is BioWare listening to this QQing player base that is going to leave the game anway? Instead BioWare is calling them the most valued customers.

Come on BioWare this was supposed to be a PVE game with PVP added in along the way.

Now the only group they worry about is the QQing PVPer. Nerf all the classes and just give our toons rocks to throw at mobs and other players.

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Their wording is.. and I quote...




It says there ONE OF ... can you please show us on the Sith doll where do they even HINT at a comparison with a non 50, or if they talk of them at all, please?


Or in more simpler terms: Where do they say the non 50`s are NOT valued or loyal?


They added the "one of" sometime after it was posted.

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Ok I have to comment. I got this game as a early christmas gift, pre-ordered. I have been playing since launch day. On my first server I have a level 40. My server died so I had to re-roll. I will admit I am also an alt-aholic so I've had many games to juggle. I am also a single mom and only get a couple hours a night to play. I do not have the time to sit there for days on end to level my characters. On my new server I have a level 31 at highest. I agree that it sounds unappreciative to those of us that have stood by them through thick and thin but havent gotten to level 50 yet. Even if they didnt give non-level 50's 30 days but instead gave them like 15 days or so I would be ok with that. They need to show appreciation to all their players that have been with them since the beginning.
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first off, the point of this game, or any game for that matter is to have fun. if my way of fun is different then yours that doesnt make yours better, just different. and yes i do have a sense of entitlement, i pay to play this game. and i continue to pay to support this game as does everyone else here, if you dont get upset about it thats fine but clearly there are many of us who are. and its easy to say you wouldnt get upset when you received the reward, however if they flipped it as exampled above and only rewarded players who had at least 10 characters, many others would be upset as well.


Who said anything about you not being able to have fun if you don't have a level 50. I am sure plenty of people have fun without having a level 50. But, are you honestly saying, you would be having more fun if you had the free 30 days of play time. Seriously, come on. Are you going to have less fun because of this? Seriously, come on.

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I have followed this game for years.


I have promoted this game to my guild for years.


I gathered my guild for the pre-launch.


I asked my guild officers to stay when they got bored.


I log in almost daily for at least a small amount of time.


I am a huge fan.


I do NOT have a level 50 and neither does my guildmaster husband.


This is the thanks we get? Really?


Well the good news is this promo was not for your purpose, as you didn't have a level 50. Maybe next time.

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Therefore, BioWare/EA, if you really want to keep a majority of the casuals and alt-aholics in SWTOR, then I would suggest giving that free month of service to those who have held the game throughout launch and without unsubbing since said launch. That would greatly show how you appreciate the "loyal customers" of SWTOR.


I don't meet that criteria, but it sounds perfectly fine to me.

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Should have called this "The Entitlement Thread".


If you'd actually bothered reading some post not all of us are upset that we don't get 30 free days. It's being labeled illoyal and not valuable costumer because we dont have lvl 50 chars yet. A powerlvler from 2 weeks ago is a valuable and loyal costumer but not people who have played since pre-launch.

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Should have called this "The Entitlement Thread".


It was only a matter of time before someone pulled that overused, inane, trite and (usually) oh so inappropriate phrase out of their behinds.


This is not about 'entitlement' (and I do believe that anyone who uses that word in this context is an idiot). It is about customer relations.


How can people still not get this. It has been said so many times in this thread. The complaint is that Bioware are giving the impression that some customers are more valued than others.

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