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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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You know, this happens with every MMO. Powergamers plow through all the content in a few weeks and then complain there is nothing left to do. I hate to break it to you there is more to the game than the end game and perhaps if you didn't rush through the content and stopped to enjoy the lower level stuff, you wouldn't be complaining.


I didn't rush through, I played through all my class story line, all the side quests, watched all the cut scenes and dialogue, and did as you put it enjoy the lower level content. I got to 50 at the end of January, and was looking forward to end game pvp content. I'm not much of a pve'r, and found the warzones to be quite fun, and for the most part still find them enjoyable, but with only 3, it got a little boring and repetitive. I didn't complain about it, I was promised more and was very much looking forward to starting on the ranked warzones, and more team based content and understood that I would have to be patient, and it's those of us who reached 50 who stuck with it that are being rewarded. We were promised somthing when we signed up that I think they expected to be implemented by now that hasn't.

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No, idc that they called them more loyal then me, even though ive been subscribed since the second week of this game. what bugs me is that through all the marketing about how the story sets this game apart, i chose to roll multiple characters and push through their story instead of rushing to 50. and now because i chose to enjoy the game the way they SOLD it to me, im being punished for finding enjoyment in this game that doesnt involve hitting 50.
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Ya but they actually want you to COMPLETE one char to level cap so you can provide feedback on that aspect also. 8 diff storylines that you kind of dabbled in maybe a little but didnt finish. Kind of like my brother in law who has been in college 8 years on and off still hasnt got a degree. Should he be entitled to it simply because hes paid double what other people have and doesnt have a degree? Or should he have to earn it?


That story might parallel if we all knew a month ago that getting to 50 would mean a free month. We didn't.


When did this game become a race? The ONLY motivation Bioware has is to keep people playing, and Altaholics would be their best players for longevity. Yet now they're being punished for it.


Or you're punished for not having the time to play, yet you paid the same.


If getting to 50 got you a prize, they should have mentioned it.

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Oh, I dont mind about those 30 days. Its not the problem.

For me "the most value" is the problem. Come on. I pay from begining.Their HW is not used as much because I dont play 24/7 (count it in thousands and you got the point).

I dont whine about patch times, because mostly I am at work, or I go with my daughter play out.

But, oh well, nothing of that doesnt matter. Lvl 50s were bored and they had promised ranked WZ. They were angry when they did not get it. I understand it.


But BW could just wrote it otherwise. Something like: sorry for not delivering ranked WZ, here You got 30 days to wait. But they used those words. If You will use same words in my country you will be called a rasist.


You have to be kidding me


"one of the most valued" is what is bothering you?


I actually suspect everyone that is subbed is one of the most valued players.


My own sense of well being has nothing to do with what a software company says to another player.


I am sure the folks with a 50 toon are one of their most valued players, I am pretty sure I am too even though I don’t have one. But I don’t stay awake at night worrying about that.


I suspect there are some that are NOT some of their most valued players, but they are banning gold farmers in this game faster than most MMO’s :)

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I never posted before in this MMO.


I am quite frustrated so time to clearly indicate :eek: why this is not acceptable.


Since day one or at least week 1 I am subscribed.

What are you thinking? Do you know how many alts I have? Do you know how many server have a pathetic population that forced me to go back to " that one single server in EU with high population"? IS it my fault I like to PVP a lot?


IS my money less worthy of your bank account that some person with one 50 toon?

By not supporting your customers in a fair way, you risk losing the "vast majority" of the population that did not received this bonus. Is this a result of greed?

Can´t you survive a month overall without our combined money?


I work in an industry related job, and I do not know who is the head of Customer Service for this game (yes, your head of), but I would like an apology and a justification for this treatment, if you intend to keep me as a customer.


PS: I have a cold and was thinking of having a relaxed evening playing this up to now well developed and enjoying game, but no...here i go download another free to play game.


no. people who are actually loyal customers aren't at risk of leaving. you make tons of alts and thus are playing alot.


someone with one level 50 character is at risk of leaving though, lots of people dont want to make alts. thus if endgame isn't compelling enough for them they will leave. thus the promotion.


how do people NOT understand this?

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Ya but they actually want you to COMPLETE one char to level cap so you can provide feedback on that aspect also. 8 diff storylines that you kind of dabbled in maybe a little but didnt finish. Kind of like my brother in law who has been in college 8 years on and off still hasnt got a degree. Should he be entitled to it simply because hes paid double what other people have and doesnt have a degree? Or should he have to earn it?


Ah man but that game did not finished yet. So I have a little time to finish all my 8 alts to lvl 50. Or is there some deadline until you need to max level?

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I will do that the moment you show me where Bioware told you that they did not value you as well. Not that they did value someone else, but specifically how they did not value you personally


Make sure the comment is from a Bioware employee and aimed specifically at you


^^^ a million times this

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Better is that 2 guys ought a car. But bigger one got free gas for whole month because he is bigger.


Maybe the one guy got free gas because he spent the time to provide feedback. The other one kept going on about how he has a life and doesnt have time for this nonsense feedback stuff. Yet when he hears his friend who had the extra time to do this got some free gas he went in and dropped to the floor started kick and screaming how unfair life is.

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Ah man but that game did not finished yet. So I have a little time to finish all my 8 alts to lvl 50. Or is there some deadline until you need to max level?


Maybe it would have been better in retrospect to level one character rather than dabbling with multiples? There was a deadline also yes it was April 12th.

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Bioware are you actually TRYING to piss your player base off?


Give everybody 30 days free for having to put up with this **** game, or dont give it to anybody.


I have a lvl 50, however some of my friends do not.

Why should I get 30 days free, and they do not.

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Maybe the one guy got free gas because he spent the time to provide feedback. The other one kept going on about how he has a life and doesnt have time for this nonsense feedback stuff. Yet when he hears his friend who had the extra time to do this got some free gas he went in and dropped to the floor started kick and screaming how unfair life is.


Hey it is not about feedback. They gave free gas to the stronger. Them never mentioned something about feedback. Only that bigger is better. And I thought that size does not matter.

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I think that it is disgusting that people who don't level as quickly as others, haven't been rewarded for their loyalty, yet people that have played for a month or two and powered to lvl 50 get 30 days free. Where is the fairness in that. I have a level 50 but why do I deserve 30 days free and then my mate who has a level 46 been playing since december doesn't get 30 days. Thanks BW for alienating the community further


I agree. I go to school full time and my highest level character is 41. However, I have 6 others who are 20-25. I'm also an RPer, so most of my time in game isn't spent leveling, it's spent RPing. Honestly, I kind of figured this game was just going to be a 'filler' for me until guild wars 2, but I had planned on keeping my subscription active since GW2 is free to play. However after this, I will be among those cancelling once Guild Wars 2 comes out. It's nothing to say that SWTOR isn't fun, but their customer service and customer relations are pretty much as bad as WoW.

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Your right they have far more feedback that is completely irrelevant to lvl 50 content which is what he has been stating for a while now.


He didn't mention level 50 content in the posts I read of his , but anyways he's left the thread now , unless he wants more attention that is.





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Gotta throw in my 2 cents here as well. Am really unhappy how they awarded this to "only" lvl 50's. I could see it cuz of the end game not being as good as or as extensive as players wanted. Yet I have a 49 sitting on a server that is dead to the point of 4-5 people on planet and maybe 50 on Fleet if your lucky. So I followed guild to better server have rerolled twice cuz they couldn't make up there mind on which side to be on. So I have a 49/32/29 but yet I am not valued enough as a subbed player since Jan this year. Gotta say if it wasn't for the fact that I really enjoy this game I would cancel my Sub and tell my friends that want to try it to not even bother.


They really need to give the little guys this 30 days as well instead of a slap in the face saying "Your not lvl 50 so suck it up"


Get your poop in a pile and think of everyone BW, 1 day free for servers being down isn't gonna make this insult stop bleeding anytime soon.

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Bioware are you actually TRYING to piss your player base off?


Give everybody 30 days free for having to put up with this **** game, or dont give it to anybody.


I have a lvl 50, however some of my friends do not.

Why should I get 30 days free, and they do not.


As in real life sometimes everyone cannot get the free item. So you limit it somehow. It isnt anything against them and they should be happy for you and not upset. Next time it may be them who gets the perk and not you. Are you going to protest everytime anyone gets anything?


Example I buy lottery tickets every week. Some guy here won the $5000 a week for life when he accidentally bought a winning ticket when he meant to buy a different type. Should I go in and say I have been a loyal lottery customer for years and I deserve a prize too? Bioware cannot just give everyone a free month. They need to make money. So they chose a group. Get over it.

Edited by Leggomy
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You have to be kidding me


"one of the most valued" is what is bothering you?


I actually suspect everyone that is subbed is one of the most valued players.


My own sense of well being has nothing to do with what a software company says to another player.


I am sure the folks with a 50 toon are one of their most valued players, I am pretty sure I am too even though I don’t have one. But I don’t stay awake at night worrying about that.


I suspect there are some that are NOT some of their most valued players, but they are banning gold farmers in this game faster than most MMO’s :)


Now you're just being silly. All the hyperbole in the the world isn't enough to defend the fact that Bioware have made a big public relations blunder.


The truth is that when the day comes that people make a choice between staying with SWTOR or moving over to some new MMO, they will remember that Bioware treated them as second class players.

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Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw


Thread updated: all #SWTOR players will get one day of game time as compensation for today's downtime.


43m Pasqua Hawthorne Pasqua Hawthorne ‏ @PoisonFox


@Rockjaw Even us worthless idiots who've had an active subscription since the very first alottment of early access but are not valuable?

Stephen Reid Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw



@PoisonFox We've had discussions on that today. Give us a little time, we'll share.



I love you dude.

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That's an asinine example. At a store you do more business and spend more money with them than another person they reward you for it as Gamestop does with their PU program. In an MMO you pay the same price as the next person so it makes you no more special than the next person.


I know I said I was done with this thread. However this comment rubbed me the wrong way. It's not that the players who did or did not receive this reward are any more or less valued than the next player. It's the fact that the message being sent was abrasive and has been interpreted in a way that the message was not meant to convey. BioWare is not intentionally saying that the people who didn't get the free 30 days are a less valued player or anything like that. It's that BioWare had a certain type of criteria that some of the players met that they felt warranted an extra "Thank you for contributing to this game and to help make it successful." Frankly, the fact that so many people are getting upset about that is somewhat understandable. However, the fact that they gave an incentive at all should be showing everyone that they do care about their loyal and contributing player base as a whole. Just because you have not gotten this particular incentive doesn't mean that in some point in the future you won't get one that others won't.


Life goes on, what people should be upset about is how the message was sent in the context that it was worded. I spent 7 years playing WoW and I never once got an extra incentive unless I payed for it. (AKA Collectors edition releases) or Micro transaction vanity stuff. Did I ever get upset that other people had things I didn't have? Not at all, but that's because I didn't put forth the extra effort or money required to get those things. To me this is no different, it is nothing more than a way for BioWare to show they do care about their player base and that they will sometimes reward the player base for it. To me right now, this reward was no different than hoping to be selected for a beta invite back before the mass beta weekends. Did I ever get one? Not once but did I complain that other people got to do so when I didn't? Not at all.


Let's acknowledge the fact that while yes it was a message that was poorly worded. BioWare is thankful for everyone's contribution to this game no matter how big or how small.

Edited by Ghredok
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That it, i have unsub... never complained about anything in this game, been playing since the first day, have 3-4 characters none to 50 (one lvl 49 1/2 tho)


My 2 friends who got the game a month and a half after me, now have a free month


That is plain ********


who the heck thought about that stupid promotion... they paid less, played more for their money than me and get a free month


Wow really... wow

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They didnt have to say that to the 50s that they were giving it too...the 50s already knew this Bioware didnt have to explain it to them. they just happened to not plan on the insecure crybabies that would come out of the woodworks. That is all that this boils down to is insecure crybabies. Not one secure person that didnt receive this perk thought it was a slight against them. If your disagreeing with this then it just further proves you are in fact an insecure crybaby!


Awarding 15 bucks to everyone who got to 50, and not to others who paid the same price of admission.


How can you not see that as unfair?


Do you even understand the idea of inequality? Or have you not evolved enough to understand empathy? Are you all "I gots mine, screw you!".


It isn't insecurity. It's financial. I got a month of free time on one of the two accounts I paid for, and there is really no good reason for it. Explain to me again how the equal financial contribution of both mine, and my sons account suddenly turns into one of my accounts is more important than the other and gets a free month?


Get into the back of the bus, you non-50's. You're not important. Next you'll have non-50 terminals in the stations.

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No, idc that they called them more loyal then me, even though ive been subscribed since the second week of this game. what bugs me is that through all the marketing about how the story sets this game apart, i chose to roll multiple characters and push through their story instead of rushing to 50. and now because i chose to enjoy the game the way they SOLD it to me, im being punished for finding enjoyment in this game that doesnt involve hitting 50.


I feel you . I'm in the same boat. My highest character is lvl 40 and I have one of each other class n both empire and republic. I went altoholic at the beginning because I so enjoyed the different sotry lines. I feel very put off by this also. In my opinion this was a very poor decision on Bioware's part and should have been more thought out.

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Maybe the one guy got free gas because he spent the time to provide feedback. The other one kept going on about how he has a life and doesnt have time for this nonsense feedback stuff. Yet when he hears his friend who had the extra time to do this got some free gas he went in and dropped to the floor started kick and screaming how unfair life is.


That would be fine. Had it said people that have participated in the PTR and/or submitted x-number of bug reports get 30 days, this would not be an issue for a lot of people. That's not what happened, stop claiming it is.

Edited by JoannaNH
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