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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Did not mean to make that generalization. I'm just saying, a lot of people did powerlevel. Also, a lot of the whiners/complainers did get their free month. Check out some of the asinine responses on this thread.


Oh please beleive me, Im not saying there arent. What Im saying is... this was not something they did to insult you, or anyone else. They did it: (more than likely it stems mostly from Ranked WZ's not making it in. Thats my downlow, quiet, secret, guess.) Its aimed at people in the endgame.


Its not an insult to you. What I dont get is that all of the people who are complaining so much... most of them were three levels or so away from end level. thats two planets at most.... Voss and Corellia. Ive leveled five toons to fifty. Hell, you can have one of mine.


And I didnt powerlevel a single one. I just plodded through the story line, a few hours a day, when I could.


The only way people can not be fifty at this point, is by making a conscious choice not to. If someone did, why complain?

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THIS x1000


It's not about the ability to play to 50...there are two distinct playstyles. People who play at the top, who feel that the game doesn't exist until you are 50. Then people who play in the middle, who like to spread their time over multiple characters and go explore, RP, or whatever. Neither play style is necessarily right or wrong, but there has and always been a long standing divide between these player bases. Right now this poo-storm is the result of what is viewed as Bioware "taking sides".

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I've been playing since launch and I have one character at level 47, and a few less than level 5 alts. I've been taking it slow, completing all the quests I can, acquiring the best gear I can get for my level, and I spent a lot of time leveling all my craft skills to level 400. I only play solo.


I ordered a 6 month sub when I got the game. After playing the beta, I knew I would be playing the game on and off when I had the free time. I would probably play more if my gaming friends weren't broke and had old PCs that can't handle the game.


I have to work and have other things I do besides playing games. I mostly play on the weekends when I have free time. And I play other (non-MMO) games too. I'll often play in spurts in which I may play a lot one month and very little another. I've been busy the last few weekends and haven't put in much time over the last month.


Its kind of lame that I won't get that free month because I didn't make it to level 50 over the last couple weeks. But then I might not even be playing at all in the next couple months after I do finish leveling to 50, completing the storyline, and messing around with my alts. I'll probably come back to the game later, after a few major patches and I have a friend that I can duo with.


I'm a little more peeved with MMOs in general that I can't just buy an amount of hours to play that I can use at my own pace. For casual players like me, its like throwing money away with the only alternative being not playing at all.

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The release of the game was around 4 months ago and well frankly, even with a busy life this should have been plenty to hit 50. Even if you re-rolled 2-3 times.


Do you work a 9-5? Because I don't. Do you have family and other significant obligations? I do.


There are a whole lot of us who have to lie to our families to play video games...maybe you don't understand what that's like (or maybe you have very understanding family) but I don't.

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9 chars


41 trooper

40 jugg

46 merc

28 sentinel

17 sage

17 shadow

12 GS

12 sorc

3 IA


I get nothing. Subbed since DEC.


If i had known I would have gone to 50 on one. I think I deserve 30 free days if almost everyone else is getting it.


Just give it to anyone with a founder title. More fair by far.

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The chance of having a lvl 50 after 4 months is really high and, by the looks of the Fleet and planets... at least 75% of the starter population has one.


I also suspect that players without a lvl 50 are a really small minority, so in the bigger scheme of things... approximately 60-75% of the player base got a free month and a lol pet.


Sounds good PR to me, since 75% are likely to bring more subs than 25% ...


Also, not many things to be done at lvl 50 and they knew it ... lots of burnt time compared to the "altoholics" and their non-stop fun.


What`s the problem again? That we get a free 30 days for the cummulated 30 days+ in crap queues and hours of LFG? While the altoholics were happily making the most of their time?


Seems a lot like a case of "I want to have the cake and eat it too". You got what you wished for... you got to play 100% of your time, enjoying the story and whatever... At lvl 50 it was NOT all roses and unicorns, having played probably less than 60% of the online time...


What`s really funny is that you are arguing semantics and you have been since post number 1.


Just as the level 50`s are "one of our most valued players" so the non-50`s are "one of our most valued players". It is an equal sign between them. The only difference is that one of them gets a BONUS, or a FREEBIE. Next time it will be the other`s turn, or not. Move on already...

Edited by Styxx
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The release of the game was around 4 months ago and well frankly, even with a busy life this should have been plenty to hit 50. Even if you re-rolled 2-3 times.


Sorry but it can in fact happen. It does happen and the stories of how or why are spread throughout this thread.

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Holy crap, the amount of self entitlement in this thread is astounding.

The criteria for free 30 days was to have a level 50 and an active sub. It wasn't 'have a level 48 and a bunch of 20-35s', it wasn't 'work 60 hours a week for last 3 months', it wasn't 'have a wife and 3 kids'.

If you have a level 50 and don't get 30 free days, then yes, you have all the reasons to complain, but if you didn't meet the criteria you have nothing to complain about.

It is as simple as that.

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+1 for the 'this sucks'


I've been here since launch, play when I can, have 2 abandoned 35+ toons on a server that didn't work out for me, and a 49-and-a-half (!) and a 37 on my current server. Will I get my free month when I hit 50 when the servers come back up? Course not.


Petty as it may seem to some, I may unsub for a month for this.

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Do you work a 9-5? Because I don't. Do you have family and other significant obligations? I do.


There are a whole lot of us who have to lie to our families to play video games...maybe you don't understand what that's like (or maybe you have very understanding family) but I don't.


I have two kids and a wife who demands lot of attention and still i managed to hit 50 in 4 months.

Edited by Gorrdan
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Holy crap, the amount of self entitlement in this thread is astounding.

The criteria for free 30 days was to have a level 50 and an active sub. It wasn't 'have a level 48 and a bunch of 20-35s', it wasn't 'work 60 hours a week for last 3 months', it wasn't 'have a wife and 3 kids'.

If you have a level 50 and don't get 30 free days, then yes, you have all the reasons to complain, but if you didn't meet the criteria you have nothing to complain about.

It is as simple as that.


The "self entitlement" in this thread isn't restricted to one side.

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I think that this is a PR nightmare because the 50's that come back with this promotion probably wont stay because there just isn't enough content to hold their attention. Add to that the number of people this promotion royally peeved off into quitting and were otherwise loyal customers.


How did this get past marketing? Doesn't anyone in their sales and retention department have any common sense?

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Another point, for those of you saying you prefer story, but then rerolled when you realized your server was dead..How did you like the story if when the server got low you decided you didnt want to see the rest of it?


Most of the characters I had when I moved servers were in their high 40s and done with the story when I switched.


The first time I switched servers I went from Imp to Repub, I tried all 4 base classes before choosing Trooper to be my main and then we switched again due to lag issues with an East-coast server vs West Coast..


Right now I have 6 repub chars that are in the mid-high 40s and have experienced most of the story.

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I have two kids and a wife who demands lot of attention and still i managed to hit 50 in 4 months.


Well I'm happy for you and you sound like you have a very well balanced life. But not everyone's situation is as yours (I admit my work/life balance is completely out of wack, but that has nothing to do with my loyalty or value to the game).

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I have a question regarding the 30 free days: Their message says



In order to receive your thirty (30) days of game time, you must meet the following requirements by April 12th, 2012, at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT:


You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code.

You must have at least one level 50 character.

Your account must not be banned.



So having an active account but no automatic subscription renewal (i prefer not having my credit card details saved on some game account) did not get the 30 days?


Also sry for you non 50 guys. This simply sucks.

Edited by yningunay
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Do you work a 9-5? Because I don't. Do you have family and other significant obligations? I do.


There are a whole lot of us who have to lie to our families to play video games...maybe you don't understand what that's like (or maybe you have very understanding family) but I don't.


Actually I work very irregular hours in my job line and i work 160 hours a month. You sir, are the example of stereotyping that if someone does not agree with you, he must have low understanding of family etc.


But on the contrary, I have a family to maintain , I got Paintball, gaming and smithing as my hobbies and they take lots of time. I also hang out with friends etc and I still found plenty of time to level my characters in sw tor to 50.


So you sir, can keep your insults to yourself.

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you know if they had the offer at launch for a year sub id have got it. but they didnt.


funny i see alot of people in the same boat.


what they should have done is sent out an email to all subbed customers and said, if your lvl 50 by this date and have an active sub then you wil get 30 free days, that shoudl have been sent out in march when they started plugging 1.2


this would have more than likely got people to lvl there highest toon to 50 and making them play more to get the reward. but they did they just dropped it on the 12th with out any warning.

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I've been playing since launch day, suffered the long que times, and still do from time to time on The Fatman (which I was placed on since the beginning). Not crazy interested in leveling, mostly just exploring and doing quests, often gray ones just to do them, so no, I'm not 50 yet, and I don't feel that that's anything to be ashamed of. Just a different play style.


Poor decision on developer's part. Leaves a bad taste. Some players worth more than others? meh. whatever.

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This discussion really shouldnt be about the individual cases. Yes if youve been here from the start you have had plenty of time to get a level 50, you just didnt know that you would benefit from it.


The real problem here imo is that they announced it 8 days in advance which does not give you the time to get level 50. Which they probably realise...

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Bioware should have stated, but can't due to the PR hit it would take, that the free 30 is for folks at and game who've been frustrated by a lack of bug fixes, and especially those who were waiting on ranked wz's that Bioware was dishonest about for the last week. My theory, purely IMHO, is that this benefit was thought up about the same time as the announcement of no ranked warzones. They know they're going to take a sub loss, and this might mitigate it long enough for those who are pissed about ranked wz's to actually see ranked wz's hit, assuming it's in the next 30-40ish days. Those people will be able to test ranked wz's without resubbing a cancelled account because of the free 30. If they didn't have the 30, they likely wouldn't resub just to check it out.


Yes, it sucks for those who've had IRL hit them hard. I know people without 50's and they aren't lazy or super casual, they've just had RL hit them in the gut and been unable to play for weeks or months at a time. Again with the IMHO, it's just $15, and someone who's been content to pay that while not playing is a lot less likely to unsub over this, or will at least stand a better chance at coming back when RL calms down, compared to guaranteed cancellations from pvpers who feel lied to. Also FWIW, I think the ranked wz issue is just another case of Bioware being shady with the information they release and its timing, and although I currently don't pvp much (maybe 3x a week) at 50 (on 2 toons), I think this is the best move Bioware could have taken, in terms of trying to make amends to the people who are frustrated at end game, although it'd be better if they stated the why or gave optional boosted xp to those not 50 for a couple weeks/30 days, or some other non-item bonus. I would just say boosted xp, but some folks would be upset that they'd level too fast then and the story wouldn't be a challenge any more.


Yes, it's hard to run a MMO and try to please everyone. They've focused so much on the casual gamer, that it's about time they did something for the "hard core"-ish folks.

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Well I'm happy for you and you sound like you have a very well balanced life. But not everyone's situation is as yours (I admit my work/life balance is completely out of wack, but that has nothing to do with my loyalty or value to the game).


No what i am saying is that even if you manage to play as low as 6 hours a week you can still hit 50 in 4 months. SWTOR leveling curve is the easiest of any MMO out there. I would understand if you were talking about games like FFXI or Lienage but SWTOR? hard to believe.

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