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The warzones are all pretty lackluster. Other than Huttball, which I still like but everyone I know hates by now, everything was a direct copy from WoW. The newest battleground is Civil War all over again with the same elements of Alrathi Basin, which is hardly innovative.


Each new tier of gear is a recolor of the old gear, regardless of how much you hate/love it, it's just the same gear being reused over and over. Even if you do pay the hefty sum to unslot everything and shift your modifications over to another piece of gear, you're fairly limited on your options, even more so if you want to keep things like medium or heavy armor. It seems extremely early for a gear 'reset', but here we have it in the first content update.


The new PvP reward system is a strange thing. Before you had obviously the biggest bonuses from doing a daily or weekly quest, which put somewhat of a limit in place to keep people from grinding non stop for days on end to gear themselves up. That limit is gone and now the best players are going to just be the ones who stay up for days on end, the only limit being the number of hours they can stay awake doing the same thing over and over. I'm all for those who are hardcore players receiving rewards for their effort, but without any limiting factor people have a tendency to abuse systems like these, often at the detriment of their health and well being. I wonder if this is was something that really needed to be implemented in this game.


Legacy has little relevance for me as I don't play a lot of alts, nor did I feel a need to make it easier to level my own characters. Frankly, the leveling process seemed quite easy enough as it was. There are a few items thrown in there, but having a mailbox on my ship when there's one around every corner seems a bit lackluster again. While I'm sure in time the cost of these things will be trivial, their value seems equally trivial.


This patch was dubbed the first 'major' patch to this game, and what it added and changed by any MMO standard was just minimal. A content patch is suppposed to be like BOOM, it's a whole new game, it's like Christmas and Santa just decked you out with everything you ever hoped for. I don't feel like the missing rated warzones would've made a whole lot of difference.


This was Bioware's first impression, a chance to really make the game shine. Instead of that we've got free time being handed out as an apology. If the developers at Bioware or the executives at EA are seriously planning on making this game competitive in the MMO market, they're going to need to try a little harder, add more content, and innovate instead of following in the footsteps of other MMOs.

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maybe we'll just a free month here n there


Not I, my highest character completed his story at 47 and I saw no need to grind him for 3 more levels so I rerolled. I got my consular up to 30 something and then my server died. Rerolled a Bounty Hunter on another server got him to late 30's/early 40's quit, this server was dead when I came back. I Just rolled a Knight who is at level 28 on a third new server.


Edit: I clearly don't deserve a free month, because I haven't got to 50. I have only pre-ordered the game on the first day of pre-order, got the Collector's Edition, completed a fair amount of the games content. =P

Edited by Tuscad
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