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Patch 1.2 Race Unlocks Server Specific! How about Account Wide?


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I play on a couple of servers, one in the American region and one in the Asia Pacific region. I have leveled a Zabrak Inquisitor to 50 and have that race unlocked on the American server but it is not unlocked on the Asia Pacific server.


I'm a bit of a self admitted alt-o-holic and like to have a diverse range of classes and races. With 10 races available and only 8 slots per server wouldn't it make more sense to unlock classes for the account rather than the server. I'm not likely to create another Zabrak character on a server that already has one.


I hate to pick on such a new feature and realise it's themed to the Legacy concept, but account wide unlocks seem to make more sense to allow you to eventually unlock all the classes. Also it might be nice to choose which class you unlock for each character that reaches 50, so you can chose the race you'd most prefer for your next level 50 character, rather than being stuck with the one you just played. If you need a legacy theme to fit this mechanic you could say that the father / mother was a NPC character of that race.

Edited by RandomState
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I think this is the only other option besides adding more character slots, I know a lot of people with leveled up characters on just ONE server, and they can't enjoy the legacy system because it is only on their one server and can't add any more characters. Unfortunately I am not sure how it would work.
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Yeah, that's kinda lame. But I want character transfers A LOT more. I leveled my Inquisitor only to start my Bounty Hunter alt on a server that actually PVPs. Kinda want to throw him over there and create a family tree and such. Have them all connect. And I would love to create a Chiss Jedi Knight to go with them. But my BH isn't even finished with Act I and I sure as Hell don't want him on my Inquisitor's server.
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This is something I was hoping would be the case, as well but unfortunately this isn't the case. You would think they would make it account-wide so that if we play on multiple servers we don't have to do the work twice or more just to get the unlocks we want.
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This is something I was hoping would be the case, as well but unfortunately this isn't the case. You would think they would make it account-wide so that if we play on multiple servers we don't have to do the work twice or more just to get the unlocks we want.


That could be problematic for the players who don't want to use the same Legacy name on all servers. More than that, not all players like having to use the same Legacy name on all of their characters on the same server.


That being said, you might be able to use a work-around when server transfers start happening.

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Sucks more for people who want to re-roll with friends on a higher populated server.


Who needs friends to want to roll on a high pop server? I've already re-rolled on Canderous Ordo but I have yet to have a toon finish act 1. So to test out Legacy stuff, I logged on to my older server and on April 12th, the day the big patch came out so you would expect a larger server pop, Giradda the Hutt had 2 players on Nar Shaddaa and 3 on Alderaan in the afternoon (Republic side). And those totals included my toon. That's completely pathetic.


If they add transfers and close these dead servers, you could just move your level 50 to your new server where you want the new alt.

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...I would love to create a Chiss Jedi Knight to go with them...


I *TOTALLY* agree. I want to create a Rattataki Jedi Counsuler and a Chiss Sith Warrior. A friend of mine wants to create a Miraluka Imperial Agent so he can have a blind sniper :)


That could be problematic for the players who don't want to use the same Legacy name on all servers. More than that, not all players like having to use the same Legacy name on all of their characters on the same server.


I agree. I'm not saying extend the Legacy across servers, just the race unlocks. I've actually themed two different legacies on each of the servers on which I play and don't want to blend them.


Technically it shouldn't be too difficult to do. User name and password are account level pieces of information, it would just be a matter of adding race unlock flags to the data for the account, rather than the server.

Edited by RandomState
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Hey, here's the deal: you don't always get every little thing you want. The Legacy bonuses are server specific, probably to encourage people to to build server communities and to invest themselves in a single server. So what happened if you chose a server that doesn't h ave quit the population you desire? You reroll on one that works out better for you!


BioWare owes you nothing other than providing you with a game you choose to lo in to. That's the fact you have to deal with. They cannot possibly guarantee your server will be populated enough to suit your tastes. That is why you are free to roll on any server you want. All you lose is a tiny bit of your time. If you are so invested in the game that you plan on playing for a while, rolling a new characters is a minor inconvenience.

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