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[PETITION] Remove 3 Medal Requirement For PVP Rewards


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Being a fresh 50 it is a little tough, but the keyword is "little." With the new update, you automatically get medals as a reward if you win. I don't remember how much persei, but you do. In fact it's easier to get medals with this patch. Before the max I got was 3, sometimes 4. Today in my 8 warzones I played, my minimum was 5. Nonetheless, /sign because it is tough for people with crappy gear in a PVP warzone to get 2 against people with 20 bagillion HP :mon_eek:
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Amazingly easy to get medals on a winning side, on a losing side, beh, depends on your role. Being the sole defender on a Turret, easy, that's why a lot of players are just going to defend one turret half way through the match, knowing it the game is over as they will get something out of it, but being a healer in the middle of chaos trying to take one, hard.


Credits are the main issue really, if you PvP all the time on a PvP server, you need to win most of the time to make anything. Not so bad for the PvE guys who are earning big on quests, they can buy the BM gear easy, so really, if you on a PvP server, no point doing WZ's till higher level than before, forces you to quest more, makes it basically a PvE server.

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Signed, sort of.


1. If you have joined within 3-4 minutes of the battle ending, or if the battle last less than 3-4 minutes, the medal requirement is unreasonable.


2. Please value performance for commendations, not win/loss. If you bust your neck to lose, you should at least get the same reward for easily steamrolling a group. This is especially frustrating reward:effort when you have things like 5 vs 8, deadweight, et al.

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lets see, in various posts, I've seen the following:


1) you deserve to get destroyed over and over if you have crappy gear compared to those that "earned" it already


2) losing (particularly getting destroyed) gets you no, or almost no progress towards getting new gear.



ok now, can anybody besides me spot the catch-22 here? Why isn't this obvious to everyone?

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If you're doing objectives, using your utility skills and engaging enemies you WILL have a minimum of 3 medals, even if you are put in late into the match. I'm sick of seeing players run around just dpsing the entire match and getting rewarded the same as players that actually make a difference, 3 is the perfect number to weed out useless players from being over compensated.



You can get 3 medals just standing near an objective. You don't even have to own that objective... >.<


As a healer the 75k healed and 2.5k single shot are doable even as a fresh 50 in blues within 2 minutes.


I get anywhere between 7 and 15 medals per match. I have yet to have a single game where I had zero comms at the end (And yes I did get rolled more than once, and yes I have entered games halfway through).

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lets see, in various posts, I've seen the following:


1) you deserve to get destroyed over and over if you have crappy gear compared to those that "earned" it already


2) losing (particularly getting destroyed) gets you no, or almost no progress towards getting new gear.



ok now, can anybody besides me spot the catch-22 here? Why isn't this obvious to everyone?


It is obvious to everyone, just some want to protect what they think they "earned", which in turn, means they get the bash fresh 50's all day. How awesome is that?

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I'm new to PvP, and I was OK with getting stomped on by more-experienced and better-geared players, because I was AT LEAST getting some credits and rewards for my pain.


Not everyone has been playing MMOs forever. For those saying, "Just get better," think about this: if there is no incentive for inexperienced players to learn PvP, they won't stick it out to ever get better.

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It is obvious to everyone, just some want to protect what they think they "earned", which in turn, means they get the bash fresh 50's all day. How awesome is that?


This, basically. As evidenced by:


No. 3 is good. It helps weed out the slackers/afkers


Why on earth do you care if someone on your team gets rewarded or not? How in any way does that diminish you? And how do you know they werent trying, because the computer told you so via some arbitrary medal metric?


The pvp grind in this game was a catch-22 from the beginning. This just makes it worse, and it will continue to steamroll favouring the overpopulated faction that farmed ilum, got the gear, won more, played against themselves, got more gear, won more, etc...

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1. You need more than 3 medals in a match to get any comms/valor

2. Trying your best in a match you get face rolled in yields no medals


So if I see a well geared premade, I am leaving the warzone because I know I will not get enough medals to get any rewards, so I will gladly take a 15 minute time out.


how on earth do you get less than 3 medals if you're actually playing?????

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how on earth do you get less than 3 medals if you're actually playing?????



because if you are a healer (which they nerfed, btw), and your team is 1/2 missing or mostly dead all the time because you are getting rolled then you have time to get maybe one heal off or one dps ability before you are stunned and dead by the other side which will have more players there because they are not 1/2 filled or mostly dead.


thus, you don't get medals.


did that clear it up for you?

Edited by Jeopardydd
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Try being a new 50 with the 1.2 changes. I loved PvP, now I loose comms, make no money, and no longer have fun doing PVP. Before my rewards were enough that I could build and save toward better gear while honing my skills. Under this system that's no longer possible.
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I don't have a lot of trouble getting 3 medals, but I agree that this is not the way to weed out slackers and AFK players.


If a new player comes in, doesn't do very well because they're new, and gets absolutely nothing for it, I imagine they're less likely to try again.


Besides - what about people watching the sides in a center focused Alderaan match? They might only get 1 or 2 objective defense medals, but they weren't useless to the match.

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how are can you get a 5k heal and a 300k heal with starter gear? even before the patch when i could double dip force bending and all i *did* was heal i never got close to 300k heal




you can't get a 5k heal with out the high end pvp gear



maybe i didn't explain myself right.....what i wanted to say was....those are the ONLY medals a healer can hope to get...compared to a melee

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