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[PETITION] Remove 3 Medal Requirement For PVP Rewards


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Whoever says "you are bad" at OP or whoever signs or can't get 3 medals don't invalidate the claim to remove the medal requirements. Bads should be able to progress and have gear too, even if they stay bad.


If there were only good players playing this game, BW would go bankrupt (well not litterally).


Sometimes you need to fall on your face in order to walk. Think about learning to walk. Obviously you don't know, but ask your parents and most likely they'll say you had problems. You need to struggle before you get better.

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Get rid of expertise.


FTR - I have two characters with full BM gear and a third almost complete. Still think Expertise was a horrible idea. Just puts one player above another cause they had more time to grind up the BMC (and now WZs) to get it.

Edited by AnteJeebuz
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Got. On and played with the new patch today...it was awesome...got 4 medals for defending a turret....got a couple more for attacking...got the usual medals for protection...even when the team didn't do good I was at 3 to 4 medals at the minimum
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If you're doing objectives, using your utility skills and engaging enemies you WILL have a minimum of 3 medals, even if you are put in late into the match. I'm sick of seeing players run around just dpsing the entire match and getting rewarded the same as players that actually make a difference, 3 is the perfect number to weed out useless players from being over compensated.


Very true sir. Three is a good minimum for WZ rewards.

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Got. On and played with the new patch today...it was awesome...got 4 medals for defending a turret....got a couple more for attacking...got the usual medals for protection...even when the team didn't do good I was at 3 to 4 medals at the minimum


It's pretty easy to get three medals in WZ's. An average player should be able to hit 4 medals if they play the objective.

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Got. On and played with the new patch today...it was awesome...got 4 medals for defending a turret....got a couple more for attacking...got the usual medals for protection...even when the team didn't do good I was at 3 to 4 medals at the minimum


Oh, it must be nice to be a tank and not do anything other than stand around soaking damage and getting medals.


Gee your PVP experience must be so hard.

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For all you who think its easy to get 3 medals, watch the twitch.tv streamers in full battlemaster get rolled in a few matches and fail to get 3 medals.



not an l2p issue

not a bad issue


its a gear (expertise) issue



7k rail shot

6k smash

5k tracer missile



get face rolled 1 time today and then report back on how it felt and you will sign this petition.

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For all you who think its easy to get 3 medals, watch the twitch.tv streamers in full battlemaster get rolled in a few matches and fail to get 3 medals.



not an l2p issue

not a bad issue


its a gear (expertise) issue



7k rail shot

6k smash

5k tracer missile



get face rolled 1 time today and then report back on how it felt and you will sign this petition.


Things take time to adjust too. Maybe these battlemasters were not so good at the actual gameplay. I can only speculate as I don't know who the twitch.tv streamers are.

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If you're doing objectives, using your utility skills and engaging enemies you WILL have a minimum of 3 medals, even if you are put in late into the match. I'm sick of seeing players run around just dpsing the entire match and getting rewarded the same as players that actually make a difference, 3 is the perfect number to weed out useless players from being over compensated.



healers do not have these utility skills, healers should be healing


Yes i can get a lot of medals if as soon as i get my healer medal i start dpsing but that isn't going to help my team as my dps sucks. so ether i can help the team or get badges


personally rather then remove the 3 medal req maybe add more medals for healers.


also getting kill medals via healing seems to not be workign any more

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I like how you get sucked into a game thats half over and get lucky to get 2 medals and therefore get nothing.


GG Bioware


Well that's just bad timing. I do agree that the matchmaking system could use some work, but that's the same for most games.

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healers do not have these utility skills, healers should be healing


Yes i can get a lot of medals if as soon as i get my healer medal i start dpsing but that isn't going to help my team as my dps sucks. so ether i can help the team or get badges


personally rather then remove the 3 medal req maybe add more medals for healers.


also getting kill medals via healing seems to not be workign any more


Healers do seem to get shafted in PVP. But is you play sorc/sage, you have that bubble shield that can block a ton of damage. Doesn't that help. i'm no healer so I'm just guessing.

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I lost a huttball match 5-0... got 14 medals.


If you lose so utterly badly that you can't even get 3 medals when there are 1,3,5k medals for attack and defense and you get 500 points each for throwing the huttball, interrupting a cap, killing the ball carrier, scoring etc then you deserve nothing cause you were beaten so senseless you need to get better.


Considering the rewards your team gets as a whole is based on your score (so in my case losing 5-0 we didnt get many rewards anyway) then its perfectly fair that those that actually tried and did well enough to at least attempt to win get what rewards there are.


And don't give me that healers can't get anything bullcrap. Good healers could always get enough medals anyway mixing damage and healing... they added the kill counts from people you heal and they added an extra 2 easy to get medals. Now you have to play the objective and its great... learn to play the objective or get nothing and ****

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If they dont remove the 3 medal requirement, stop putting me in matches with 2mins left. Or give me an option to "only join new warzones".

Team already gave up, have fun soloing to 3 medals.


The problem is: 3 medals is only preventing late joiners from receiving the reward. Every bad is able to get those 3 medals. And afkers do something for 2mins and then afk since they already got their 3 medals.

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Healers do seem to get shafted in PVP. But is you play sorc/sage, you have that bubble shield that can block a ton of damage. Doesn't that help. i'm no healer so I'm just guessing.



believe it or not the shield counts as HEALING so it only gives us the 75k healing medal. I have never been able to get to 300k healing even before the patch when we could double dip force bending. you pretty much need full BM gear to even get close to that


so nope the shield doesn't help cause it counts as healing not defence

Edited by Reikok
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I lost a huttball match 5-0... got 14 medals.


If you lose so utterly badly that you can't even get 3 medals when there are 1,3,5k medals for attack and defense and you get 500 points each for throwing the huttball, interrupting a cap, killing the ball carrier, scoring etc then you deserve nothing cause you were beaten so senseless you need to get better.


Considering the rewards your team gets as a whole is based on your score (so in my case losing 5-0 we didnt get many rewards anyway) then its perfectly fair that those that actually tried and did well enough to at least attempt to win get what rewards there are.


And don't give me that healers can't get anything bullcrap. Good healers could always get enough medals anyway mixing damage and healing... they added the kill counts from people you heal and they added an extra 2 easy to get medals. Now you have to play the objective and its great... learn to play the objective or get nothing and ****


You have to play the objective. I have lost a lot of huttball because my team wasn't PTOing. We don't need a petition for removal of medal requirement, we need a petition for players to play the objective.

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believe it or not the shield counts as HEALING so it only gives us the 75k healing medal. I have never been able to get to 300k healing even before the patch when we could double dip force bending. you pretty much need full BM gear to even get close to that


so nope the shield doesn't help cause it counts as healing not defence


I have been working on a sage hybrid so I'll have to remember that. You learn something everyday.:D

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I lost a huttball match 5-0... got 14 medals.


If you lose so utterly badly that you can't even get 3 medals when there are 1,3,5k medals for attack and defense and you get 500 points each for throwing the huttball, interrupting a cap, killing the ball carrier, scoring etc then you deserve nothing cause you were beaten so senseless you need to get better.


Considering the rewards your team gets as a whole is based on your score (so in my case losing 5-0 we didnt get many rewards anyway) then its perfectly fair that those that actually tried and did well enough to at least attempt to win get what rewards there are.


And don't give me that healers can't get anything bullcrap. Good healers could always get enough medals anyway mixing damage and healing... they added the kill counts from people you heal and they added an extra 2 easy to get medals. Now you have to play the objective and its great... learn to play the objective or get nothing and ****



Question 1 - Are you a Powertech?


Question 2 - Did you have a healer?

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leave it. sick of people who dont even try in WZs. if you try and play in a WZ you will get enough medals. if all you do is sulk in the corern or go afk or spend the whole match whinning in chat, then you wont get any and you shouldnt get any rewards.
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We started a Huttball with only 5, no countdown to end and they scored 2 before we got anymore. Not much we can do against a premade down 3 to start.


Not a single Rep player got 3 medals.


I think there should be team auto-balancing in same faction vs. same faction WZ's. That should keep teams from being outnumbered.

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leave it. sick of people who dont even try in WZs. if you try and play in a WZ you will get enough medals. if all you do is sulk in the corern or go afk or spend the whole match whinning in chat, then you wont get any and you shouldnt get any rewards.


True that. Got to work hard to win big.

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