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Post 1.2 Merc Healing - First Impressions PVP


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Here are my first impressions from today.


It is noticeably harder to keep teammates alive. I spend a very large portion of each life overheating and watching my teamates die as a frantically spam my rapid shots on them. I feel like everyone seems to be hitting much harder after the patch as well, or maybe its just because my heals are weaker. Ive been getting dropped through my energy shield while spamming heals on myself which is something that never used to happen. Slightly frustrating... Ive only managed to break 300k healing a couple times, whereas I used to get it every game if I wanted.


I guess we'll see how it goes, ive been utterly ***** by premades today that just sit on me which is what I will expect it to be like once the rated wz's open. No Surprise there.


Also, dont expect to put out any kind of pressure in a 1v1 fight. You will overheat in seconds.


Anyone else want to share some of their impressions?


edit: what they really need to do is let me use rapid shots on myself...though that might be "op"

Edited by ianthemannn
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Spot on. I'm watching people die while I'm overheating, and rapid shots isn't making a dent, struggling to hit the 300k mark and dying way more often.


Expertise now grants twice as much damage boost as it does healing boost and I wonder if this is causing this on top all the silly nerfs.

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Here are my first impressions from today.


It is noticeably harder to keep teammates alive. I spend a very large portion of each life overheating and watching my teamates die as a frantically spam my rapid shots on them. I feel like everyone seems to be hitting much harder after the patch as well, or maybe its just because my heals are weaker. Ive been getting dropped through my energy shield while spamming heals on myself which is something that never used to happen. Slightly frustrating... Ive only managed to break 300k healing a couple times, whereas I used to get it every game if I wanted.


I guess we'll see how it goes, ive been utterly ***** by premades today that just sit on me which is what I will expect it to be like once the rated wz's open. No Surprise there.


Also, dont expect to put out any kind of pressure in a 1v1 fight. You will overheat in seconds.


Anyone else want to share some of their impressions?


edit: what they really need to do is let me use rapid shots on myself...though that might be "op"


Exact same thoughts. The sorcs in my group were still managing 400-500K healing/match. I was averaging about 250K/game. I am dying a lot faster and I feel like my heals do little save people. I used to get the 300K easily, my best games around 550K if it was a long match. I guess those days are gone. Did we become light armor uses because I am melting in front of people.


Is it me or did they reduce the area that Kolto Missile went? I can hit 4 people only if they are all standing relatively close together. Is this me or true?

Edited by Briah
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After healing about 5 Matches, with another merc, I have not once not achieved 300k healing. The biggest adjustment people need to make while healing is that you can out heal damage, but you shouldn't.


This may sound stupid, but now with the heat the way it is, it is essential. Let me give an example.


You have a dps sitting there tanking a Maur. They are not popping CDs, kiting, or stunning. Can I heal through the damage? Yes I can. Should I? No I should not. Yes I could save the person, but the heat cost would kill two or three others I could have saved. People will become more aware of aoe and damage reduction talents or they will die.


This has really helped me heal on my merc.


Hope this helps =)

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Tonight my guild team cleared both (pre 1.2) nightmare raids with merc/operative healing, running parsers our Merc healer actually healed 60-80k more PER boss fight with NO heat issues.


Not only that, our merc healer said that he was actually finding it easier than pre 1.2, partly due to the numerous bug fixes to the operations but mainly due to the fact that merc healing IS STILL FREAKING AWESOME. Operatives and Sorcerers cant hope to match the burst healing of a merc, and when your pvping friend/tank/whatever takes a huge burst of damage, you NEED some burst healing. Operatives take a minimum of 1.3-1.8 seconds to channel a heal but mercs can instantly cast 2, there are a huge host of reasons why mercs are still amazing healers. Just stop crying and deal with it. If we can faceroll the entire nightmare content of this game with a merc healer, so can you.

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Tonight my guild team cleared both (pre 1.2) nightmare raids with merc/operative healing, running parsers our Merc healer actually healed 60-80k more PER boss fight with NO heat issues.


Not only that, our merc healer said that he was actually finding it easier than pre 1.2, partly due to the numerous bug fixes to the operations but mainly due to the fact that merc healing IS STILL FREAKING AWESOME. Operatives and Sorcerers cant hope to match the burst healing of a merc, and when your pvping friend/tank/whatever takes a huge burst of damage, you NEED some burst healing. Operatives take a minimum of 1.3-1.8 seconds to channel a heal but mercs can instantly cast 2, there are a huge host of reasons why mercs are still amazing healers. Just stop crying and deal with it. If we can faceroll the entire nightmare content of this game with a merc healer, so can you.


LoL keep dreaming man, the numbers show we cannot compete in PVP anymore

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Yeah a couple points from playing around 15 matches tonight:


- I can't spam heals to keep someone up anymore. Basically have to rapid shot between my big heals to manage heat, therefore anyone who is getting focused hard can kiss their arse goodbye in two seconds.


- I feel like I'm going down way faster than before when 1 or 2 dps decide to focus me. Also maybe I'm just crazy and I know they didn't change resolve or anything, but now I'm able to be CC'd 3 times in a row over the course of my resolve bar, which I don't remember happening before. So staying alive for even 15 seconds vs. 2 dps isn't possible without popping all my CDs and using creative LoS.


- And, more of an observation, but this patch brought a lot of the scrubs back to pvp, except on Pub side apparently, because in my randoms tonight I didn't win one match, and even on a bad night I win a few at least.

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From my experiences in playing today.


I think the DPS is way too high. The only spell that makes a difference is our big heal. Everything else the DPS just match or out dps.


Good luck surviving more then a few GCDs against any good teams.




I used to heal 500k+ per wz and on occasion 700k +


now im lucky to break 200k - 300k

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I used to heal warzones as a bodyguard mercenary, until I took a nerf to the knee...


On a serious note, everything you guys have posted seems to be true - mercenary healing is not very effective in pvp anymore -- not too sure about pve.


I played a few matches yesterday - I would usually heal anywhere from 300k - 600k in a match depending on length -- w/ these changes in 1.2 I am lucky to break 200k most matches. Between the merc nerfs \ stat/gear adjustments \ dps buffs \ heat issues -- I find it very hard to play this class anymore - it seems like I am wearing light armour and as soon as i get in a 1v1 situation I cant keep myself up or in other situations i throw out 6 heals and i am overheated..


maybe its time to roll a new class... or I shall wait it out and grind out my war hero gear painfully until BW fixes this.. which is hopefully soon :(

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FYI this mornings patch has increased survivability. I don't know if it was a glitch or not, but I wasn't melting and other people weren't melting.


I was really happy, I couldn't heal in the 700ks anymore but I "felt" useful since I wouldn't melt with 1 guy (marauder hitting me).

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FYI this mornings patch has increased survivability. I don't know if it was a glitch or not, but I wasn't melting and other people weren't melting.


I was really happy, I couldn't heal in the 700ks anymore but I "felt" useful since I wouldn't melt with 1 guy (marauder hitting me).


This mornings patch? Servers aren't even up yet. If its true that they increased survivability that would be awesome, because right now its a zerg fest.

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Tonight my guild team cleared both (pre 1.2) nightmare raids with merc/operative healing, running parsers our Merc healer actually healed 60-80k more PER boss fight with NO heat issues.


Not only that, our merc healer said that he was actually finding it easier than pre 1.2, partly due to the numerous bug fixes to the operations but mainly due to the fact that merc healing IS STILL FREAKING AWESOME. Operatives and Sorcerers cant hope to match the burst healing of a merc, and when your pvping friend/tank/whatever takes a huge burst of damage, you NEED some burst healing. Operatives take a minimum of 1.3-1.8 seconds to channel a heal but mercs can instantly cast 2, there are a huge host of reasons why mercs are still amazing healers. Just stop crying and deal with it. If we can faceroll the entire nightmare content of this game with a merc healer, so can you.


Your merc healer is on drugs. You can't heal as much as you could before. It's possible the bug fixes make the old raids that much easier, or changes to other classes. I tested EC on the PTS and the "rotation" is nowhere near the same. If you don't adapt to this then you will over heat. But you're still going to be healing less then you did before. Right now its not even worth using supercharged gas. It's coming out to be a HPS LOSS.

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This mornings patch? Servers aren't even up yet. If its true that they increased survivability that would be awesome, because right now its a zerg fest.


The servers were up for 30 mins, I logged, played one match, noticed immediately the improvements. Laughed at my friend who was stuck in the counter (at the old guild bank location) then the servers came down. It was quite the site to see a Juggernaut stuck in a counter.

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The servers were up for 30 mins, I logged, played one match, noticed immediately the improvements. Laughed at my friend who was stuck in the counter (at the old guild bank location) then the servers came down. It was quite the site to see a Juggernaut stuck in a counter.


Thats because they accidentally put up the 1.5 patch. Thats why they brought the servers down today. Unfortunately they are not fixing the issue.

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it is a pretty sad state of affairs but honestly a lot of it is coming from having been the best by far up until now. Give it time and practice and accept that you can no longer play the way you did before. Heat generation changed, rotation changed, and role changed overnight. We are no longer the healing gods of pvp where we could laugh at someone trying to take us on 1v1 and them thinking they can burst us down. Frankly, now they can...
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Tonight my guild team cleared both (pre 1.2) nightmare raids with merc/operative healing, running parsers our Merc healer actually healed 60-80k more PER boss fight with NO heat issues.


Not only that, our merc healer said that he was actually finding it easier than pre 1.2, partly due to the numerous bug fixes to the operations but mainly due to the fact that merc healing IS STILL FREAKING AWESOME. Operatives and Sorcerers cant hope to match the burst healing of a merc, and when your pvping friend/tank/whatever takes a huge burst of damage, you NEED some burst healing. Operatives take a minimum of 1.3-1.8 seconds to channel a heal but mercs can instantly cast 2, there are a huge host of reasons why mercs are still amazing healers. Just stop crying and deal with it. If we can faceroll the entire nightmare content of this game with a merc healer, so can you.


Do u know where u even are? Pve is predetermined damage and phases. Pve is easy to balance. Pvp is a whos resources run out first fight. When a healers resources run out before he even tops himself off 1v1 then healing is worthless.


The best comps for ranked wz as of patch 1.2 does not incude any healer. No serious team will run anything other then 2 to 3 tanks to guard nodes and evryone else dps. Just haing to save a healer as a dps is a waste of time since the healer cant save anyone else. Healers are no longer needed in pvp in 1.2. To take a healer over a dps is bad composition.


Even the super burst beastcleave in wow had heals. Get ready for beastcleave 1.2 when u pvp no heals all dps.


I will give all pvpers advice make sure ur toon has a speed increasing ability or talent because ur going to spend alot of time running back after rezzing.

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