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UI Editor needs X and Y micro adjustment plus Centering


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First let me say I flippin love the new UI Editor,


BUT, there's always a but,


You need to add a system that allows very fine adjustment of any panels selected, something that gives a numerical value to the X and Y axis positions, plus a centering button, or at the very least add a grid overlay button that puts a grid on the screen.


If your not sure what I mean just go look at something like Bartender, an add-on for WoW, it lets you do very fine adjustment on things like skill bars, and gives a numerical value for every position allowing everything to lined up exactly.


Just add an X and Y axis box for every thing that is selected in UI editor.


If something like this already exists then sorry, but I cant find it, lol





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Please also add snapping and/or grid alignment.


Yep, snapping would be good,


A system where anything that is moved auto snaps/locks itself onto a fine grid overlay, this would auto align anything moved, and I think would be fairly easy to implement.


It just needs some tweeking to allow the user to align things faster.

Edited by Tsaritsin
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Yep, snapping would be good,


A system where anything that is moved auto snaps/locks itself onto a fine grid overlay, this would auto align anything moved, and I think would be fairly easy to implement.


It just needs some tweeking to allow the user to align things faster.


I agree with this, all I'm looking for as well.

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Yes! How many times yesterday did I sit there and change something, then adjust everything around it until it looks even, then exit edit and realize they are off???


(Holy run on sentence!)


Yep, this sums it up,


This is the problem when you allow UI modification, mainly with Hotbars, when your stacking Hotbars any slight misalignment and your eye notices it quite alot, kinda jars the eye.


Also a problem with the SWTOR unit frames, because Bioware have set them up so that they overlap the hotbars, in other words the unit frame kinda sits over the Hotbar until your power bar is sorta sitting flush with the Hotbar,


This can be tricky to get lined up, and centered, the centering is hard because a little combat icon sits in the center between the two, you can move it, but its kinda good where it is.


The UI Editor for me has made a massive improvement to the game, I can now have 3 hotbars in the bottom center of my screen, with the unit frames either side,


This matches exactly my custom UI built with Bartender and other mods for WoW, so I now feel at home with my UI



Edited by Tsaritsin
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and UI needs and a group key to group some windows so can move them as one

dont know if it is in already since i didnt find it and had hard time to fit them as i like (and still isnt fixed)


Nope, I dont think there is a group key,


Would be nice to be able to group up the party frames, the ops frame is in one big chunk, Healers like seperate group frames so they can move the Tanks frame to a nice handy spot.


Sooo many options :)

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Font size control. I play on a wide screen TV and sit far back to be comfortable. It just a bit to far to read the print on the screen but if I sit too close its like I am at a tennis match looking from one end of the screen to the other.
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  • 3 weeks later...

My UI Editor wish list:


  1. Grid (and snap-to-grid) features.
  2. X and Y coordinates.
  3. Layer control -- I am unable to tell the UI which elements I want "on top" of others and today's patch seems to have messed up the character window as my health/energy bar now overlaps my quickslot bar by about 1/4.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm very late to the party with this but a user on Reddit by the name of Yogoat has created a simple grid overlay program that you may find of some use. As he describes it:


I got tired of guessing and checking where I should move my bars/UI elements around with the new SWTOR 1.2 patch, so I wrote a simple grid overlay in C# which displays a grid on top of SWTOR. Tested it on my computer and a friends running in windowed and windowed-fullscreen. It will not work in fullscreen, I'm not sure how to have another application show on top of a game that's fullscreened


It's a non-installing exe, so just download and run it. There is a notification icon that lets you show/hide the grid, close it, and resize it (recalculates the spacing, need to redraw it if you change your desktop resolution while the app is running).


At any rate, if interested, it can be found here.

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There is an unofficial grid overlay that I've used a few times. It helps a lot when you OCD like me.




Something done in the SWTOR UI would be much better though, so I fully support implementing a grid directly in the game's UI Editor.


Edit: Looks like someone beat me to it by about 25 minutes. Sorry for the duplicate post.

Edited by Orizuru
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There is an unofficial grid overlay that I've used a few times. It helps a lot when you OCD like me.




Something done in the SWTOR UI would be much better though, so I fully support implementing a grid directly in the game's UI Editor.


Edit: Looks like someone beat me to it by about 25 minutes. Sorry for the duplicate post.


I'm very much the poster boy for neurotic/OCD-like behaviour, as well, and having to eyeball, then arrange the various elements of the UI by "freehand", drove me nuts. I literally did not want to play the game, knowing that, before I could do anything with my character, I'd have to spend at least an hour trying, then failing, to get my layout as close to symmetrically perfect as possible -- and there's just too much "stuff" floating around the screen to even make that remotely feasible.


At any rate, I agree that it would be nice if BioWare could introduce their own official design tool into Interface Editor in the near future but, well, it's been three years since this idea was suggested. I don't hold much hope.


Still, very odd that, after all this time, we both come to the same spot to post the same information. Hopefully, this double endorsement of the ClovisGrid helps a few folks with the same nagging issue.

Edited by Tyheer
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