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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I realize that you don't have to give free game time to *anybody*, but do you realize how restricting it to players with Level 50 characters only is going to rub people the wrong way?


You could have 8, 16, 100 level 49 characters and get nothing, whereas somebody who went to 50 a single time gets a free month.


This isn't going to sit well.


QQ Sum more dewd! Level something to 50 and you'll get the same benefits the rest of us do.


Thanks Bioware, i will use every minute of that game time enjoying the great game you've made for us all. Keep pumping out the goods and we will all remain vigilant.

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Its a reward. The amount of entitlement being displayed in this thread is disturbing.


That's right folks, it's the standard for loyalty! Oh wait, 3 week old powerlevelers are loyal? /scratches head :confused:

Edited by exccw
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Does not matter if they are lvl 50 or not the game is still down for them "dont get me wrong i have 2 lvl 50 chars"every 1 should get it


No, I dont feel everyone should get it. How is that fair? People paying since the game went live should get it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. But how far back should it go? 2 months? 3 months? I for one would LOVE to have a free 30 days, but it wouldnt be right. I have only been playing about a month. How is that fair that I receive a free 30 days for my "loyalty" and have been paying for the game only a month? No. They need to change the criteria to something along the lines of "total time payed". That would solve all the problems.

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It's crappy wording, I'll admit.


They are referring players who have actually gotten to level 50 and have been frustrated by events that have occured/lack of content/content not added to this patch.


If you do not have a character at 50 you simply don't realize whats happening at end game and the story's great.


^bump^ playing through the story for me is worth all the ******** that comes with mmos down time, bugs ect.

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Once again, great post, but we still fail to see eye to eye. I'll give it one last try:


5 monthly payments and lvl x character = loyal

1 monthly payment and lvl 50 character = more loyal? more deserving?


It just doesn't make sense. The reason they gave the time to lvl 50s is to keep them in the game until they can offer them something worth staying for. They KNOW lvl 50's are likely to leave, not that they are inherently more loyal.


If you understand the reasoning behind it, it stands to reason that you also understand that they chose their wording poorly and that they most definitely didn't mean to offend anyone by it.


Which begs the question: why are you still taking it personal and insulted by it to the point where you cancel your subscription?

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What about those who deleted their only level 50 in order to remake the character as one of the Legacy combinations?


Uhuh, right... deleted your one fifty. It'd make more sense to delete one of those other seven slots no?

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I don't have a level 50 character. Not receiving a month of free game time doesn't bother me at all. I expected to pay for this month as well. Not a problem. The only problem I have (and I called Bioware regarding this) is their choice of words. "Our most valued players..." I pre-ordered the game months before release, have kept my subscription active since Early Access, and I have two kids, a wife, and a very demanding job that keeps me from having the free time to play the game often so I get maybe a few hours a week at most. It's is a little insulting to refer those with ONLY level 50 characters as "most valued." THAT is the only thing that upsets me. Not getting free game time? Doesn't matter to me one bit.


To sum it up: Bioware can award whatever they want to whoever they want. But they need to choose their words better when doing so.


Other than that.. I have no issues with the game.

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Lets suppose you go to a Restaurant and eat at that restaurant every Week, but another person comes 1 time a month...WHO IS MORE VALUABLE? the person that comes every week...its simple nothing wrong with saying his a more valuable. There not saying nothing wrong. They have said your a VAluable asset to this game....but people like some of the players in 50's are more valuable cause they spend more time playing. Guys Cmon get over it... HE HE[/size][/font][/b][/i][/center]
The person who eats at a restaurant more often pays more to the restaurant, and generates more income that someone who eats there less. The comparison is faulty in this instance, though. It does not matter if you have a level 50 character or not, you generate the same revenue stream as everyone else. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Once again, great post, but we still fail to see eye to eye. I'll give it one last try:


5 monthly payments and lvl x character = loyal

1 monthly payment and lvl 50 character = more loyal? more deserving?


It just doesn't make sense. The reason they gave the time to lvl 50s is to keep them in the game until they can offer them something worth staying for. They KNOW lvl 50's are likely to leave, not that they are inherently more loyal.


We are debating semantics. Your issue seems to be the word "loyal" and fine that was not the best word they could have used.


The point I am making is simply that they are targeting a section of players that they want to keep a hold of because they have played everything and are still here, regardless of if they are likely to leave (though obviously this would also factor in their decision making).


They call it loyalty, sure it's not the right word. Regardless of what they call it i can see the logic of their decision, even if the execution was not the best they could have done.


Hundreds of pages over them not using a thesaurus is a bit much though :cool:

Edited by Carnunsas
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LOL, that he spends more hrs playing. Thats pretty simple isnt it. So sad just get over it peeps..we are truely more Valuable than all of you--Get over it for Dogs...sake..hehe. Simple to explain.


Lets suppose you go to a Restaurant and eat at that restaurant every Week, but another person comes 1 time a month...WHO IS MORE VALUABLE? the person that comes every week...its simple nothing wrong with saying his a more valuable. There not saying nothing wrong. They have said your a VAluable asset to this game....but people like some of the players in 50's are more valuable cause they spend more time playing. Guys Cmon get over it... HE HE


Disagree 100%. Anyone can get a character to lvl 50 in a week. So how is it that they are more valuable than a player playing since opening? Simple. It doesnt. Time paying for the game is what makes people valuable. Not lvl of a virtual character. Basically you are saying this:


Take a player playing since the game went live:


He/she loves the story line and just enjoys playing, but has no lvl 50. This person gets no 30 days.


Take a new player with no life:


He/she get a lvl 50 in a week because he/she has friends to help him/her lvl. He/she has been playing 7 days and now gets 30 days for free?


No, your comment is null and void and sounded a lot like trolling.

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LOL, that he spends more hrs playing. Thats pretty simple isnt it. So sad just get over it peeps..we are truely more Valuable than all of you--Get over it for Dogs...sake..hehe. Simple to explain.


Lets suppose you go to a Restaurant and eat at that restaurant every Week, but another person comes 1 time a month...WHO IS MORE VALUABLE? the person that comes every week...its simple nothing wrong with saying his a more valuable. There not saying nothing wrong. They have said your a VAluable asset to this game....but people like some of the players in 50's are more valuable cause they spend more time playing. Guys Cmon get over it... HE HE


Your example fails since it is not like a restaurant we only pay a flatrate for a month and not per hour.

So actually a player who takes time leveling is more valuable since he/she pays the same amount but needs less new contend every month to be developed, unlike power levelers who reach max level and cry for new flashpoints/operations/pvp ... and threaten to unsub if they don´t get it right NOW.

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We are debating semantics. Your issue seems to be the word "loyal" and fine that was not the best word they could have used.


The point I am making is simply that they are targeting a section of players that they want to keep a hold of because they have played everything and are still here, regardless of if they are likely to leave (though obviously this would also factor in their decision making).


They call it loyalty, sure it's not the right word. Regardless of what they call it i can see the logic of their decision, even if the execution was not the best they could have done.


Hundreds of pages over them not using a thesaurus is a bit much though :cool:


Either way, the PR department must be on their 50th pot of coffee right now. :p

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Which begs the question: why are you still taking it personal and insulted by it to the point where you cancel your subscription?


Good question! The answer is that it is indicative of the overall attitude at EA/Bioware and they just treat their customers like piles of money. They fail to understand, time and again, that their business decisions impact their relationship with their customers. Time and time again in the last 3 years they have lost loyal customers while trying to chase new demographics.

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Uhuh, right... deleted your one fifty. It'd make more sense to delete one of those other seven slots no?
Not me, my sister. She hasn't been checking the boards and is curious. The level 50 was the only character she wanted to reroll, and the others were already in the 30-42 range. Will she qualify for the free 30 days?
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LOL, that he spends more hrs playing. Thats pretty simple isnt it. So sad just get over it peeps..we are truely more Valuable than all of you--Get over it for Dogs...sake..hehe. Simple to explain.


Lets suppose you go to a Restaurant and eat at that restaurant every Week, but another person comes 1 time a month...WHO IS MORE VALUABLE? the person that comes every week...its simple nothing wrong with saying his a more valuable. There not saying nothing wrong. They have said your a VAluable asset to this game....but people like some of the players in 50's are more valuable cause they spend more time playing. Guys Cmon get over it... HE HE


That is a really messed up way of looking at it. You're not even comparing apples to apples. If I eat at the same restaurant as you two times, three times, four times as often as you, well, odds are I'm paying two times, three times, four times as much as you are because I am there more frequently. Whether I play 4 hours a week or 40 hours a week, I'm still paying the same $15 for the game as everyone else. I don't know that you can measure value in that capacity.


Also, like I said, some of these individuals who have been slighted contribute to the community in other ways that go above and beyond logging in. They make this community better and stronger with their voices. They bring infinite value to the game with their passion for this product and their desire to help it succeed. How can you put a price on that?

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LOL, that he spends more hrs playing. Thats pretty simple isnt it. So sad just get over it peeps..we are truely more Valuable than all of you--Get over it for Dogs...sake..hehe. Simple to explain.


Lets suppose you go to a Restaurant and eat at that restaurant every Week, but another person comes 1 time a month...WHO IS MORE VALUABLE? the person that comes every week...its simple nothing wrong with saying his a more valuable. There not saying nothing wrong. They have said your a VAluable asset to this game....but people like some of the players in 50's are more valuable cause they spend more time playing. Guys Cmon get over it... HE HE


Incorrect analogy. In your anaolgy the restaurant gets more money from the avid patron than the more casual diner. Thus, money equals value. A cell phone plan is a better comparison. Two people pay a cell phone company for phone service. One uses ever minute allowed and the other uses only a few. Since they both payed the same amount, the cell provider values them equally.

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Disagree 100%. Anyone can get a character to lvl 50 in a week. So how is it that they are more valuable than a player playing since opening? Simple. It doesnt. Time paying for the game is what makes people valuable. Not lvl of a virtual character. Basically you are saying this:


Take a player playing since the game went live:


He/she loves the story line and just enjoys playing, but has no lvl 50. This person gets no 30 days.


Take a new player with no life:


He/she get a lvl 50 in a week because he/she has friends to help him/her lvl. He/she has been playing 7 days and now gets 30 days for free?


No, your comment is null and void and sounded a lot like trolling.


So the player with "no-life" has friends to help them. Does that mean that you, presumably a player with a life, has no friends?


I have friends, a girlfriend and all the trimmings and I still can level in under a week.

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We are debating semantics. Your issue seems to be the word "loyal" and fine that was not the best word they could have used.


The point I am making is simply that they are targeting a section of players that they want to keep a hold of because they have played everything and are still here, regardless of if they are likely to leave (though obviously this would also factor in their decision making).


They call it loyalty, sure it's not the right word. Regardless of what they call it i can see the logic of their decision even, if the execution was not the best they could have done.


Hundreds of pages over them not using a thesaurus is a bit much though :cool:


Not really. I have a level 50, I can free time, I haven't done everything, and even I think it takes the piss out of all the other people that don't have 50s for various reasons, who have been much more loyal than me. Have played in BETA testing, bought the CE, had lives, work, family, kids, been on dead servers so moved, played on alts and played casually as BW always wanted people to be able to do. Then dumped all them all with this announcement.


They should give the 30 days to everyone who's been here since early access and/or launch day, even if they don't have a level 50.

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We are debating semantics. Your issue seems to be the word "loyal" and fine that was not the best word they could have used.


Hundreds of pages over them not using a thesaurus is a bit much though :cool:


Agreed! I am done, and wish everyone here good luck. I hope they apologize and make their decision clear. I hope they don't lose a single cent in revenue and that the servers come back up early.


Thanks for having me SWTOR.

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The person who eats at a restaurant more often pays more to the restaurant, and generates more income that someone who eats there less. The comparison is faulty in this instance, though. It does not matter if you have a level 50 character or not, you generate the same revenue stream as everyone else.


Would you not want to capture the person who only eats there rarely and get them to come back more often. This is exactly what BW have done because at level 50 there are few things to do.


Hopefully the level 50s will be back now, in their free month and a fraction of them resub making the whole situation better for everyone involved. Its really simple and not offensive at all to serial alt players since it isn't relevant to them at all.

Edited by bennygold
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