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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I would like a link to this. Until then, no offense, but I am going to assume this is just a post to make people mad.


The Old Republic ‏ @SWTOR

@BrandonM303 No, the website said maintenance would be starting in 15 min, not last 15 min! Currently, uptime is planned for 6 PM CDT. ~BB



From Twitter about 12 mins ago. https://twitter.com/#!/SWTOR


Wasn't trying to upset anyone, was trying to be helpful.

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Thank you for being the voice of reason. Not many here are right now for a variety of reasons. Some are upset, some are offended, some are trolling and some are on auto-pilot. Thank you for crafting an intelligent and rational statement. Mr. Reid should hire you.


I appreciate the compliment. I just cant understand how people are "quitting" and flaming eachother. Makes no sense. Its a game first and foremost. Secondly, Bioware will read this, make no mistake. When they do, they will see where they made the mistake and correct it. Companies dont want upset paying customers... each paying customer they lose will hurt their profits. So they will adjust this and make it right so they can keep the customers.


I understand where all are coming from. I understand the annoyance and frustration and anger. But please guys, just be patient. They will fix this. And then if they dont, and you still feel the need to quit, then quit. Its no skin off my back or anyone else... just please stop throwing hate at one another because you are upset. :)

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i hope bio doesnt fire the peeps who fracked the patch up! remember what happened to sony? i dont feel like having my info given out to some hackers that are mad at bio cause they got fired!


I don't wish firing upon them either. All I want is for them to test the patch on their internal server before applying it.


Don't get me wrong, I usually like when they patch the game, most of the time it means they are either fixing something or adding content.


Hopefully they learn from this fubar patch and test, test, test things in the future before applying them. (Either PTS or Internal testing)

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I would like a link to this. Until then, no offense, but I am going to assume this is just a post to make people mad.


Just use the Dev Tracker here in the forum.


On a related note everybody gets a free day due to the problems.

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Taking bets...how many pages does this thread get up to before BioWare changes the conditions for the reward to silence the thread. Loyal repliers get 30 free...oh wait. Better not make that same mistake twice... :D
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You don't get it lol. If you aren't level 50 you just haven't finished the game to a satisfactory point in which you are eligable for a reward. Its clear cut and simple.


I get it just fine. I could have gotten to 50, sat in the fleet, never done a warzone or raid-and still have completed enough content to warrant Bioware appreciating my loyalty-even though someone else could have gotten to 49 and done almost as much as I did and not received this token of appreciation.


BTW some have said it's a gift not a reward-I'm confused :confused:

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The rudeness of my post was intended(wrongfully, I do apologize) to respond to your insulting tone. The reason the community is fracturing is that some hardcore players like yourself can't understand that others value playing the game before max level. If the game was all about lvl 50 characters it would start at lvl 50. I hope you can understand that, despite that it's different than you feel.


I understand your credit analogy and think it was eloquently put. I do not think it can be used to explain their decision to offer a reward to a group they deem more loyal than those who pay every month.


I am happy you are happy to pay for this and I hope they don't lose you as a customer. I also hope Bioware apologizes for offending it's subscribers. That's all.


I understand the value of lower level play. I recently started on another server and am re-leveling my chars just because I enjoy the story so much. The point I was making is that regardless of how much you enjoy the lower level play, it inevitably leads to max level play.


I actually enjoy pvp a lot more pre-50 as it doesn't require premades to win. The fact I prefer it does not mean I don't have a level 50. After all if I did not have a 50 already I wouldn't be able to know that I prefered it before level 50.


I just think that from Bioware's perspective it makes sense that they want to reward those that they know are sticking with the game. You may love playing low level but in the end you will have a level 50 and may hate it. In this case they will be much happier having had your last months payment.


The above is true in all cases other than cartman power levelling (somehow) killing boars. In this case you don't need to be high level :p

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Free game time is rather cheap and easy to dish out. A free day ?


Would have been better with ingame items and a Vetern reward system. Most MMOs employ such a system based on how long you have subscribed and would actually reward everyone equally based on time subscribed.

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I have a level 50 character so, yes, I did receive my bonus play time. At first, I was confused by the outrage coming from the non-50 subscribers who did not get a free month of play. I am a very casual player who only recently got to 50. I got this perk by the skin of my teeth, but I wasn't expecting this gift and neither were they so, to me, it felt like being outraged at someone for winning the lottery. Lucky break, you know? I voiced those opinions in a different thread before it was locked and I was directed here.


Here I read a lot of non-50 responses to this - some good, some bad, some down right ridiculous, but almost all were disappointed and/or angry by this slight. I saw responses from people who I have grown to respect in the community, people I feel have made the community stronger through their contributions, people who, like me, enjoy this game immensely and want to see it succeed. Some of these people are on these forums day after day battling trolls, correcting fallacies, sharing knowledge, and standing up for the game and all its potential. Some days it is these individuals that make coming to these forums and battling trolls bearable for myself. How I would miss their excellent guidance and support if they were gone.


Although I don't believe Bioware meant to sound so discriminatory in the wording as perhaps they came off, there is no way that you can deny the loyalty of these players or what they bring to the table. After thinking about all that, I started to feel a bit guilty for having received this freebie. If I could, I would donate my 30 days to one of them - they deserve it far more than I do for all they contribute. I sincerely hope that Bioware will see the error in this decision and rectify it. Again, I believe in them, this game, and it's potential. I want to see it succeed. I know it can. I only hope that we do not lose some of those great members of the community who, even in the face of such inequity, continue to handle themselves with grace and maturity.


Even if I can't give you my 30 days of free time, I want you to know you are appreciated as part of this community.

Edited by Dolcia
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I get it just fine. I could have gotten to 50, sat in the fleet, never done a warzone or raid-and still have completed enough content to warrant Bioware appreciating my loyalty-even though someone else could have gotten to 49 and done almost as much as I did and not received this token of appreciation.


BTW some have said it's a gift not a reward-I'm confused :confused:


Its a reward. The amount of entitlement being displayed in this thread is disturbing.

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Since ranked warzones did not happen the 30days for free is a nice gift. Thank you Bioware.


the ranked hasnt started yet but at least they are tracking kills, mvp votes ect.....still want a fix on the war hero gear. tradeing my bm gear that i worked my but off for isnt cool! should be ranked wz comms for war hero gear........love the free game time but now it should be bumped to 31 dayz:) ill say it again, DONT FIRE THE PEEPS WHO FRACKED UP THE PATCH! IM NOT DOWN WITH BEING HACKED....HAPPENED WITH SONY(WHAT A HORRIBLE TIME FOR ME)!

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But what makes you a more valuable customer than him?


It's crappy wording, I'll admit.


They are referring players who have actually gotten to level 50 and have been frustrated by events that have occured/lack of content/content not added to this patch.


If you do not have a character at 50 you simply don't realize whats happening at end game and the story's great.

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I have a level 50 character so, yes, I did receive my bonus play time. At first, I was confused by the outrage coming from the non-50 subscribers who did not get a free month of play. I am a very casual player who only recently got to 50. I got this perk by the skin of my teeth, but I wasn't expecting this gift and neither were they so, to me, it felt like being outraged at someone for winning the lottery. Lucky break, you know? I voiced those opinions in a different thread before it was locked and I was directed here.


Here I read a lot of non-50 responses to this - some good, some bad, some down right ridiculous, but almost all were disappointed and/or angry by this slight. I saw responses from people who I have grown to respect in the community, people I feel have made the community stronger through their contributions, people who, like me, enjoy this game immensely and want to see it succeed. Some of these people are on these forums day after day battling trolls, correcting fallacies, sharing knowledge, and standing up for the game and all its potential. Some days it is these individuals that make coming to these forums and battling trolls bearable for myself. How I would miss their excellent guidance and support if they were gone.


Although I don't believe Bioware meant to sound so discriminatory in the wording as perhaps they came off, there is no way that you can deny the loyalty of these players or what they bring to the table. After thinking about all that, I started to feel a bit guilty for having received this freebie. If I could, I would donate my 30 days to one of them - they deserve it far more than I do for all they contribute. I sincerely hope that Bioware will see the error in this decision and rectify it. Again, I believe in them, this game, and it's potential. I want to see it succeed. I know it can. I only hope that we do not lose some of those great members of the community who, even in the face of such inequity, continue to handle themselves with grace and maturity.


Even if I can't give you my 30 days of free time, I want you to know you are appreciated as part of this community.


Best Post i've read today.

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Taking bets...how many pages does this thread get up to before BioWare changes the conditions for the reward to silence the thread. Loyal repliers get 30 free...oh wait. Better not make that same mistake twice... :D


Taking more bets...what percentage of posters here are just here for the trolling. :D

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I just think that from Bioware's perspective it makes sense that they want to reward those that they know are sticking with the game. You may love playing low level but in the end you will have a level 50 and may hate it. In this case they will be much happier having had your last months payment.


Once again, great post, but we still fail to see eye to eye. I'll give it one last try:


5 monthly payments and lvl x character = loyal

1 monthly payment and lvl 50 character = more loyal? more deserving?


It just doesn't make sense. The reason they gave the time to lvl 50s is to keep them in the game until they can offer them something worth staying for. They KNOW lvl 50's are likely to leave, not that they are inherently more loyal.

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