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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Maybe "most valued players" is wrong, it should read "players actually effected by lack of/delays in level 50 content"

So anyone who decided to reroll because of the lack of end game content was not affected ? Or how was someone who stopped playing and made an alt once he/she reached the max level affected ?


I see why they want to take steps to prevent single-toon-players who reach the end leaving the game, but this is simply the wrong way to do it.

Many loyal customers who followed the game get offended because they get left out and those already bored with the endgame will remain bored.

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I bought the game day of release, I have no level 50 characters because I've re-rolled 2 times because of low server population and a 3rd server for imperial characters. At the moment I have at least 12 characters of various levels (can't check for certain, they're trying to fix the mess they made with 1.20a and servers are down) but none at 50 and because of this I'm considered not loyal?
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No my point is, a player who hasn't hit level 50 yet is still blissfully playing in story land and that part of the game is great!


Anyone dissatisfied with game play at level 50 is who they're trying to apologize to.


Your point still has NO merit at all you realize that right? There are bugs before lvl 50 and even if there wasn't those people still pay the exact fee you do monthly how fast or slow they choose to go through that content should not matter at all.To split your player base of paying customers all paying the same price and give one group of it a monetary gift and giving the finger to the other group who pay you the same is the most boneheaded move in history.

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I can forgive you for not reading every single post in this thread but it has been stated multiple times that the statement was edited. Not that you have to believe me but I read the post before there was a single comment and it was stated quite clearly that the 50's were their most valued customers.



Speaking from experience, you cannot make this statement on this forum. It will be removed as it has previously here and on other forums.

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I think that we should be happy that bioware made this game in the first place. and become one with the force instead of complianing about what we dont have or get. Which

at the end leads to the DARK side. so just be greatfull jedi and sith.


This guy gets it. Take what they give you and be happy with it, it's not like you're paying them or anything.


I'm glad you are happy with the game but for many of us there are reasons why the aspects of the game we would enjoy most are not currently enjoyable.

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So anyone who decided to reroll because of the lack of end game content was not affected ? Or how was someone who stopped playing and made an alt once he/she reached the max level affected ?


I see why they want to take steps to prevent single-toon-players who reach the end leaving the game, but this is simply the wrong way to do it.

Many loyal customers who followed the game get offended because they get left out and those already bored with the endgame will remain bored.


They're not doing it to retain subscribers. They're doing it to pad the numbers for the shareholders report. They know the ship is sinking, and instead of actually trying to fix it, they're telling the passengers everything is fine, just to remain in their cabins, while the captain and crew run for the lifeboats.

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@ people saying 1 free month is unheard of. FFXIV gave me like a year of free play time haha. Is a nice gesture though...too bad I have to many RL responsibilities and couldn't make it to 50 in time though...




Yes but again they gave that to ALL FF purchasers and subs they didn't say okay everyone at max lvl you get the free time no they gave it to all there customers.When WoW came out and had huge huge queue's and crashing servers they didn't split there customer base either they credited ALL accounts with the free days they handed out.

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I dont get what all the qq is about.... you have till the 20th to hit 50 from what i was reading. If you cant do this then well idk what to say... Maybe you arnt a founder. GLHF.


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.

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So in your eyes only someone with a level 50 character is valued and gets 30 days free play. I have 8 characters, several of them level 40 but I am not valued at all. Gee thanks a bunch! What a kick in the teeth for me then! :mad::mad:

I have been playing since the release, early access etc, so how do I become a valued player? Or do I cancel my subscription and say Sod You?



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I dont get what all the qq is about.... you have till the 20th to hit 50 from what i was reading. If you cant do this then well idk what to say... Maybe you arnt a founder. GLHF.



No, the level must have been attained by the time the announcement was made. The "qq", as you put it, is not about not being rewarded. It's about being treated as a less valuable or less loyal customer than people who chose to play a different way.


It's not complicated.

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Again? Why Friday? I understand, this one is not scheduled, but plan ahead guys. It's not that difficult. You guys run servers like a bar that wants to do some minor repairs closing it's doors on Thursday, thinking, " We can fix this in a day. What could possibly go wrong?" The problem being Murphy's law and the other problem being CUSTOMERS THAT PAID FOR THEIR DRINKS IN ADVANCE!


What are you offering below lvl 50 players who pay just as much? A cute NPC? Really? Taking a page out of Valve's book of "free hat give away Friday" are we? How about those loyal customer that have been with you since Beta and are running 6 lvl 25s? Or those that have 7-10 chars on several servers (some of which are Inactive).


Bottom line start maintenance on Mondays please. It will be much easier for everyone. Starting maintenance on a Thursday is just as "pants on head retarded" as starting it on Friday.


- Thank You


:( Panda

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I dont get what all the qq is about.... you have till the 20th to hit 50 from what i was reading. If you cant do this then well idk what to say... Maybe you arnt a founder. GLHF.


The extended deadline to April 21st is only for the Legacy Tauntaun Ram pet.


The deadline for having a level 50 and being considered by BioWare HQ as a "Most Valued Player" and worthy of a reward for your loyalty is April 12th.

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So in your eyes only someone with a level 50 character is valued and gets 30 days free play. I have 8 characters, several of them level 40 but I am not valued at all. Gee thanks a bunch! What a kick in the teeth for me then! :mad::mad:

I have been playing since the release, early access etc, so how do I become a valued player? Or do I cancel my subscription and say Sod You?




if you have 7 that is lvl 40 why didnt you focus on one of them and get them to 50 to begin with you should have known they would of given some kind of promotion since 1.2 was going to take this long so also it is your fault for playing that many at the same time and only have them at lvl 40 only

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Excuse me while I interject a (simplified) fact into this nonsense.


SELECT account_name FROM character_stats WHERE (seconds_played1 + seconds_played2 + seconds_played3 + seconds_played4 + seconds_played5 + seconds_played6 + seconds_played7 + seconds_played8) > 864000


And you've got the account name of every player with more than 10 days /played on a server.


Now I've simplified that a GREAT deal for ease of understanding, and you'd probably need a few lookup tables, some pretty nasty JOIN statements, and some post-query processing and report display formatting, but this is not at all difficult for a db admin.


Technically, apart from a few changes, it isn't going to be that difficult of a query beyond the one they're already using to just find 50s.


Thank you Kubernetic, well said. Any half wit DBA, Analyst, Engineer etc should have been able to write a simple query to determine length of time played, length of sub, various alt levels etc. Even someone with absolutely no knowledge of query language could utilize a point and click reporting system such as Cognos. Just seems that they went for the easiest solution. Grumble grumble...

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if you have 7 that is lvl 40 why didnt you focus on one of them and get them to 50 to begin with you should have known they would of given some kind of promotion since 1.2 was going to take this long so also it is your fault for playing that many at the same time and only have them at lvl 40 only



Rolls eyes.yes god forbide they play the game that they pay the SAME monthly fee to as you do in a way they wanna play it.

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I don't have to time to read through every part of this. Giving away 30 days of gameplay to level 50 players was not to reward them for game play. I know that a lot of people are complaining because they won't receive this offer because they play just as much but with many player. The legacy 1.2 update has completely screwed endgame lvl 50 pvpers and because of this bioware doesn't want to lose them. They are offering players a month and hopefully going to fix these issues. If you don't know what I am talking about it is because you aren't a lvl 50 pvper. You didn't have months of work at getting armor taken away, you didn't get excited for ranked play and not get it, in fact you got hooked up for end game pvp with this patch making it easy to step in the arena the moment you become lvl 50 and able to compete without months of grinding.
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this is just wrong. There are people with many characters who have been subscribed since day one (Australians included on the Asia Pacific servers when they came online) who have been playing and leveled there characters greatly but not to level 50. Nice to show who truly matters to Bio Ware and EA


Well said. I could give a damn that I didn't get the free month. I could even give a damn that BW called someone who isn't me a more valuable customer.


What angers me is that the distinction between worthy of an incentive was based on an arbitrary factor. Being Level 50 has nothing to do with how loyal a customer I am. My monetary investment or lack thereof, however, does.


As for all you: "50's deserve this because end game content sucks"-sayers: Maybe some non-50's decided not to level to 50 because the end game content sucks thus making alt-rolling a better option for them, until better endgame content is released.


While this isn't applicable to SWTOR because it has only been out for 4 months, I know people in another MMO who have played and paid literally 10+ years without ever hitting level cap. Are you really trying to tell me that they are less loyal/valuable than someone who rushed cap in 6 months? If so, I'm done talking to you, if not then the same holds true for SWTOR: The incentive ought to go to the longest subscriber/most invested player, not the one with the least amount of real life.

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I dont get what all the qq is about.... you have till the 20th to hit 50 from what i was reading. If you cant do this then well idk what to say... Maybe you arnt a founder. GLHF.


No, they can't.

"As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty." - source


But I agree with you on that I don't get why people are complaining as much as they are. The sentiment of this gift was to apologize and reach out to those players who had reached the end-game, finding it lacking, and "rewarding" those who had stayed anyway, because they believed in the game's future.


It seems people are claiming that it isn't about the free time, but how they said it. But it was not meant, in any way, to slap sub-level 50 players in the face, and they (should) know that. If you're offended by it, that's too bad. But I am certain that was never BioWare's intentions and as such, if this is truly not about the 30 days free play time I assume you're willing to be the bigger person and let bygones be bygones.

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So anyone who decided to reroll because of the lack of end game content was not affected ?


You don't re-roll before level 50 because of lack of end game content and were not effected.


Or how was someone who stopped playing and made an alt once he/she reached the max level affected ?


They hit 50 and became dissatisfied. Hopefully a free month will show good intent and more content in that month to appease them.


I see why they want to take steps to prevent single-toon-players who reach the end leaving the game, but this is simply the wrong way to do it.


Once again they left because of sub-par end game content. They showed the initiative to get a player to max level which says something believe it or not and didn't like what was available. This is biowares chance to hopefully keep them after the free month is done if they play their cards right.

Many loyal customers who followed the game get offended because they get left out and those already bored with the endgame will remain bored.


A loyal customer who hasn't hit 50 is happy playing an element of the game that's good. It's the people who are bored with endgame they've got to prove something to.

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All of you whiners I dare to you unsub. Seriously just stop it already. You know you won't do it. You're all too invested in this game to do it. Oh sure EA/Bioware did something to piss you off. Guess what? Doesn't matter. This game is still the best Star Wars game on the market and you know it. So just suck it up and pay the subscription fee. Support EA/Bioware. Corporations are people too. They need our love, especially in these trying times. Give generously and often. Thank you.


Pre-ordered, played since launch.


Unsubbed April 13


Not a Valued Customer

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