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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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All of you whiners I dare to you unsub. Seriously just stop it already. You know you won't do it. You're all too invested in this game to do it. Oh sure EA/Bioware did something to piss you off. Guess what? Doesn't matter. This game is still the best Star Wars game on the market and you know it. So just suck it up and pay the subscription fee. Support EA/Bioware. Corporations are people too. They need our love, especially in these trying times. Give generously and often. Thank you.


You are right. They should unsub. Many of us did. We have one thing in common, we value being respected more than playing a buggy incomplete game. Most of us who are upset have been loyal supporters, or thought we were until they told us differently.

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You are speaking very surely about several things you fail to grasp. Most people do not feel entitled to the free month. They feel insulted by the wording and value ranking that Bioware chose. I know of more than 30 people who have terminated their subscription due to this gaff. Those 30+(32 as of this moment) people are people I know personally in this game, not just random people who have posted on the forum. This is not a small mistake, but rather another example of the endemic disrespect EA/Bioware has shown for it's customers. This company is out of touch with consumers.


It's not about ragequitting(as you put it). It is about people who have been loyal and patient supporters this whole time, who dealt with the bugs and lack of content as well as patiently waiting for the promised features to be delivered. They told us we weren't as valued as people who played a different way, even if they just showed up to the game.


They never said you are not loyal.


Their wording is, I quote...


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players


Nowhere does it say non 50`s are not valued or loyal. It does not mention them AT ALL.


You choosing to read between the line, your problem. But the official line does not state anything of the sort. Just like my previous post: you decided to read something that was not there.


"If it is not spelt as such, it does not exist" should be your take. And in that text there is not a single word about a comparison.


We can argue until the next Ice Age how one can read one text... any text... but if you read it as it is... there is no such thing as "less loyal players", or anything of the sort.


Who`s fault is it, for reading more into it than it is actually there, now?

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They haven`t made a mistake: they decided to give 2 gifts:


1. for everybody a pet

2. for level 50`s a free month


We can argue all day about the why`s and the but`s and how you are entitled to something or not.. but at the end of the day, it was YOU ALONE that put words in Bioware`s mouth... and YOU ALONE for not having a level 50 4 months into the game.


Btw.. Bioware doesn`t owe anyone anything. You pay or you don`t pay... they deliver a product, which you can buy or not... but you never had any rights to the product, nor its policy.


And no, you won`t unsub... might be the whole 10 ragequitters, from which 2 will reach CC expired and one will forget to add funds... but nothing will change.


What a lot of people aren't understanding is people that run a lot of alts but no level 50s are frustrated with the game too. The class quests don't add enough variation to the leveling process to make it much different from when you ran it the first time. Travel in the game takes way too much time and quest design is poor. Frankly there aren't many planets where I left and said to myself, "That was a good story". The only good thing when you level is the class quests but it gets lost in the repetition. The only reason I've played as long as I have is because it is the Star Wars universe but Bioware's recent decision has me questioning why I should remain loyal. I am sure there are many other out there that feel like I do and I'm sure there will be thousands of people quitting if something is not done to address this.

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All of you whiners I dare to you unsub. Seriously just stop it already. You know you won't do it. You're all too invested in this game to do it. Oh sure EA/Bioware did something to piss you off. Guess what? Doesn't matter. This game is still the best Star Wars game on the market and you know it. So just suck it up and pay the subscription fee. Support EA/Bioware. Corporations are people too. They need our love, especially in these trying times. Give generously and often. Thank you.


Ive stopped payments on my subscription. And once it runs out ill play something else for a month.

If i still want to play the game after that, ill be back, but ive also shown my frustration the only way i can, by not paying for the month i feel ive been arbitrarily cheated out of because im not a "valued" subscriber...

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Finally a Pet!!!!

What would be cool in a Future update?

More pets..... but cool pets from any of the

awsome planets I have traveled to so far.

Some of the creatures on these planets, I

just drool over, and wish to one day have

the option to own, or lure into leaving the wilds

to join my ship full of family members!

Thank you for the Pet,

Ice-Queen ;)

Edited by Ice-queen
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it is great to see a company that are actually using a great deal of the cost of its members to update and improve a game that was already both innovative and has a brilliant concept game play into something that is going to be spectacular :) I thought that World of Warcraft was a great game but my word this company are going great guns to update and improve this game ! things we waited months for on other MMO games are coming to fruition far faster and smoother on SWTOR that I could ever have anticipated and what is better still this game is a game for ALL age groups and great social content also lots of help always available

Well Done You !!!:D

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Then be loyal. Who knows, maybe in six months you'll get something for it. Maybe not. Either way, carrying your perceived injustice around in a .sig like a 'The End is Nigh' banner (which reads like a farewell, by the way) isn't what I'd call supporting the company.


Only on the Internet can people get away with this. Try walking into a supermarket wearing a sandwich board passive-agressively complaining that you didn't qualify for a promotion, and then claim that 'you can't throw me out, I'm a loyal customer!'


So people that ditched the game because they felt the endgame was crap (and therefore didn't support updates with their sub fees) get to come back (after having resubbed just to see 1.2) and get a bribe to stick around-when they have already been proven to leave?


How are players that left in January and haven't funneled revenue into the company (you know, to fund the content updates) more supportive, valued, and appreciated than those who stuck around and didn't run the hamster wheel to endgame? I know how-because Bioware is taking their sub fees for granted.

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Dear BioWare,


I’m offended.


You have defined your ‘most valued players’ as those who have a Level 50 character. I puzzled over this, as I am one of the many who do not have a level 50 character, but would have defined myself as a loyal player (read: customer).


Perhaps I don’t understand ‘valuable’? I pondered over that definition awhile, and came up with several possibilities of what a valuable customer – all without a level 50 character –would be, in my opinion:


• The player who is going to school full time, working full time and still makes time to play a couple times a week.

• The player who could play more, but wants to level their character with a friend who is living in another time zone, in another country, so throttles their time until their schedules coincide.

• The player who juggles a full-time job, a spouse, and active teenager and still makes time to play several times a week.

• The player who plays primarily for social reasons, and isn’t interested in leveling as much as hanging out with friends.


Each of these is a real situation of which I’m personally aware, all are “Founders” and yes, one of them is me. Objectively, there are more reasonable ways to define a ‘most valued player’. Your definition doesn’t make sense, so why alienate so many people with difference playing styles and life situations who are valuable customers?


All I could come up with is that someone in the customer statistics department was concerned that there was a risk of losing a class of player that was characterized by having a level 50 character this early in the life of the game. Something had to be done to incentivize them to stick with the game another month so other incentives could be put into place.


True? Dunno.


It appears to me the problem being fixed was not one of rewarding ‘valuable players’, but of solving a marketing issue. Did no one think about how this would come across to the player base at large? Those people who have put thousands of hours into the game, urged new players to the game, have a playing style or have a real life situations that precludes reaching level 50 by a time/date seemingly pulled from thin air?


So now I’m offended AND distrustful.


I’m assuming you have fan representative on your Board of Decision-makers, if nothing else, in the form of this forum. As a Board member, I’m pushing back my naugahyde chair, shaking my head sadly and voting that you readdress your definition of ‘valuable player’. Because, in the end, it isn’t the ‘one free month’ that will offend us, but being told that because our life situation or playing style doesn’t suit the bean counters, we aren’t as valuable.


For the record, this will not keep me from playing. Far from it: I’ve found TOR to be a high quality product, with nuances in design that still amaze me. I’ve been in the gaming world for decades, from table top gaming, to live action to video games, to designing games professionally. And there is little about TOR about which I would complain.


This is why I’ve encouraged friends to join up to Save the Galaxy with me. And will continue to do so without reservation, because You Done Well.


Please know that I consider my time extremely valuable. Instead of playing your (really great) game, I wanted to take the time to provide this feedback because you’ve shown that you are interested in your customer's opinion. And thank you for that.

Edited by zoomcat
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I felt like giving just level 50 players 30 free days is a slight for me. I have 3 characters from 32-37 and play every day. I am more of a crafter and so I am not leveling all the time that I am on due to gathering resources. I have been here from day 1, and that is the pre launch day one and would like my 30 free days as well.


Oh well... it is what it is but just needed to give my .02 cents

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celebrate? I'd like to kck the developer in the junk that came up with it. What a waste, another huge credit sink.


As a crafter I already have a huge credit sink to deal with and now you want to saddle me with another huge credit sink? Legacy system is a joke

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I'm 100% on your side, I can play only 2-3 hours daily, if Bioware want support no life players without school, job and social life then let them go, I will give up from game when my subscription expire


Dear BioWare,


I’m offended.


You have defined your ‘most valued players’ as those who have a Level 50 character. I puzzled over this, as I am one of the many who do not have a level 50 character, but would have defined myself as a loyal player (read: customer).


Perhaps I don’t understand ‘valuable’? I pondered over that definition awhile, and came up with several possibilities of what a valuable customer – all without a level 50 character –would be, in my opinion:


• The player who is going to school full time, working full time and still makes time to play a couple times a week.

• The player who could play more, but wants to level their character with a friend who is living in another time zone, in another country, so throttles their time until their schedules coincide.

• The player who juggles a full-time job, a spouse, and active teenager and still makes time to play several times a week.

• The player who plays primarily for social reasons, and isn’t interested in leveling as much as hanging out with friends.


Each of these is a real situation of which I’m personally aware, all are “Founders” and yes, one of them is me. Objectively, there are more reasonable ways to define a ‘most valued player’. Your definition doesn’t make sense, so why alienate so many people with difference playing styles and life situations who are valuable customers?


All I could come up with is that someone in the customer statistics department was concerned that there was a risk of losing a class of player that was characterized by having a level 50 character this early in the life of the game. Something had to be done to incentivize them to stick with the game another month so other incentives could be put into place.


True? Dunno.


It appears to me the problem being fixed was not one of rewarding ‘valuable players’, but of solving a marketing issue. Did no one think about how this would come across to the player base at large? Those people who have put thousands of hours into the game, urged new players to the game, have a playing style or have a real life situations that precludes reaching level 50 by a time/date seemingly pulled from thin air?


So now I’m offended AND distrustful.


I’m assuming you have fan representative on your Board of Decision-makers, if nothing else, in the form of this forum. As a Board member, I’m pushing back my naugahyde chair, shaking my head sadly and voting that you readdress your definition of ‘valuable player’. Because, in the end, it isn’t the ‘one free month’ that will offend us, but being told that because our life situation or playing style doesn’t suit the bean counters, we aren’t as valuable.


For the record, this will not keep me from playing. Far from it: I’ve found TOR to be a high quality product, with nuances in design that still amaze me. I’ve been in the gaming world for decades, from table top gaming, to live action to video games, to designing games professionally. And there is little about TOR about which I would complain.


This is why I’ve encouraged friends to join up to Save the Galaxy with me. And will continue to do so without reservation, because You Done Well.


Please know that I consider my time extremely valuable. Instead of playing your (really great) game, I wanted to take the time to provide this feedback because you’ve shown that you are interested in your customer's opinion. And thank you for that.

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We just chose not to play it the same way as you, but we were loyal paying customers just like you.


Do you really not understand where we are coming from?


He doesn't because he is either a troll or has somewhat of a low IQ which prevents him from understanding very simple things.

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No I mean, you would have had a 50, but you decided to "take control of your gaming experience and reroll" which in the end it cost you a free month.


I never said anything about what you said being valid or otherwise. I just think its funny that you wrote time and time again that re-rolling was the only solution, basically giving Bioware a pass on their inability to balance server population, and in the end you don't get a free month.


I wasn't rolling all the way to 50 because I knew there was a lack of end-game content.


I was planning on getting all of my alt characters up to the end of Chapter 1 before I had continued on anyway, with the end goal of stretching out the time enough to not reach the end of Chapter 2 in any or all characters until Chapter 3 had been released.


So I most likely wouldn't have reached 50 on any of those characters either. In fact, before I left, I had stopped leveling the Commando and Sentinel and had switched over to leveling a Scoundrel, who was only up to level 19.


In the end, what you're saying is completely irrelevant. The 30 free days doesn't matter to me. If that torques your shorts, go for it.


If they had told us on March 5th that we were going to get a free 30 days if we had a level 50 character by April 12th, I still would have re-rolled. I had much more fun on my new server (and continue to, to this day) than the $15 is worth.


My issue here is (and has been from the start) with the management team that allowed this insulting message to go out to the player base worded in such a disastrous way, and their apparently lacking definition of customer loyalty.

Edited by Kubernetic
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It's also possible to have leveled to 50 before January, unsubbed, resubbed for 1.2, unsub again, and be more valued than players that have given money each month.


Tell me, how did players that left 3 months ago contribute to the content that 1.2 provides (or was supposed to anyway)? Hell by this logic does that mean if everyone left after getting a 50 that Bioware would give us all a free month to try out the content that they apparently produced without any revenue coming in?


Do you even realize how pointless your argument is? All the suggestions made here would in some way or other reward people who have not been contributing or punish people who have been contributing. It's not like they can review millions of accounts for time played, numbers of alts leveled, levels reached, time subscribed etc. And even then people who wouldn't get it would complain, because they missed it by one day, one alt, one level... because they have family, were sick, busy with job... whatever.


Hell, even if *everyone* got it as a reward, people would probably want to feel special and complain that the one who subscribed 5 days ago has done nothing to deserve it.

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Well it been nice playing with all of you. I choose to unscribe due to the fact that I have been a member since launch and just because I choose to play multiple toons and level them up together vs. playing 1 or 2 and getting them up to level 50 I have to pay $15 extra. It is wrong that someone that came in a month or 2 ago can get the benefit of a free month. Its not the money that is the issue just their opinion that their most valued players is defined by the level they have obtained.
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