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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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<- upset altoholic.


Especially considering my juggernaut has been sitting at 49 for at least 3 weeks. I'd finished her class story and had no desire to cap to 50. I was busy playing one of my six other characters!


So, despite the fact that I had a character within 4 bubbles of 50 for weeks, the facts that I've been signed up to this damn website since the third Freakin' Day, that I pre-ordered in the first Week, that I have over 5 Other characters that are in their 20's, that I play the game the way they encourage - playing alts, and that I made 50 on that character within 45 minutes of logging on today...


Buuut I live on the west coast, so it was 1:00pm Central time when I made 50.


Because it took me til 10:20am my time to patch.


Yeah. Not bitter AT ALL.


NOPE. No bitterness here.

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They never said other players weren't loyal. READ THE PRESS RELEASE.


No, they said they weren't the considered one of the most loyal. My 2 friends who started during the free weekend are considered more loyal than me though, i.e. newer players > older players. Care to explain that logic?

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No, they said they weren't the considered one of the most loyal. My 2 friends who started during the free weekend are considered more loyal than me though, i.e. newer players > older players. Care to explain that logic?


Even then, the original press released (at least as far as I remember it) was less ambiguous.

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No, they said they weren't the considered one of the most loyal. My 2 friends who started during the free weekend are considered more loyal than me though, i.e. newer players > older players. Care to explain that logic?


It's also about EV and KP disasters that many of us has put up with. It's also about the complete triviality of end-game content. It's many things where those that were 50 specifically have had to put up with. If you don't have a 50, you don't understand.


Bugged dailies, bugged FPs, completely broken/unbalanced HM's and operations. Completely unbalanced classes. Broken class quests. Worthless crafting at 50. You didn't have to deal with ANY of this crap.

Edited by Jandi
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Action speak louder than words.


hell, it's a direct quote:


"As a thanks for being one of our most valued players"


what the hell am i then? i have stood up for the the game from the very first. defended the decisions of the devs, and done my best to help others realize this is a new mmo, relax and give the devs a little time to get things running smoothly. now, even though i have been paying regularly, just because i didn't rush to 50, i am not one of their "most valued customers? it's a flippin crock

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And that same reason is why the RWZ delay doesn't affect them in any way. Which was my point. It's not just that, either. It's also about EV and KP disasters that many of us has put up with. It's also about the complete triviality of end-game content. It's many things where those that were 50 specifically haven't had to put up with. If you don't have a 50, you don't understand.


Bugged dailies, bugged FPs, completely broken/unbalanced HM's and operations. Completely unbalanced classes. Broken class quests. Worthless crafting at 50. You didn't have to deal with ANY of this crap.


Hey, maybe those were just some of the reasons I DIDN'T have a 50 yesterday (I made it today). I'd left my Juggy at 49 Because there was nothing I wanted to do after finishing her class story line. So instead of complaining, I Moved On. I made other characters.


But, because I was only 49.8. I'm not as loyal as one of the guys who sat around complaining there was nothing to do, and I don't get the nice pat on the back.


Wow. great logical there. BW.

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I would be somewhat funny if BioWare decided to simply cancel the free 30 days for the level 50s, instead of rewarding all the people whining and quitting.


Which then would piss off both camps and would be amusing. The non-50's (such as myself) are annoyed about the wording (with some upset about the time). The 50's are fine with it.

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I would be somewhat funny if BioWare decided to simply cancel the free 30 days for the level 50s, instead of rewarding all the people whining and quitting.


Actually I wouldn't be surprised; they could say that the outcry was right and that they were going to pull the offer of the free 30 days to further evaluate offers like this going forward; and then just not offer anything in the future.

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Some people are being rewarded for loyalty they didn't display


Let's look at this, again, for the dozenth time.




As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.'


It's a reward for having a level 50 character. That 'support and loyalty' stuff is just words to make people feel good.


Believe it or not, most companies don't give you something free simply for being a customer for half a year. I'd hazard a guess and say that no company does. This was BW's promotion, they decided to give something to the 50s for... whatever reason. It's their ball.


This was never about loyalty. It's not some sort of 'loyalty competition'. The way people are complaining, you'd think this was some act of Dickensian malevolence, all the saintly, patient altaholics being evicted to die in the snow. Couldn't be further from the truth. Muttering about being 'insulted' here just cuts no ice with me, I'm afraid.

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Let's look at this, again, for the dozenth time.




As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.'


It's a reward for having a level 50 character. That 'support and loyalty' stuff is just words to make people feel good.


Believe it or not, most companies don't give you something free simply for being a customer for half a year. I'd hazard a guess and say that no company does. This was BW's promotion, they decided to give something to the 50s for... whatever reason. It's their ball.


This was never about loyalty. It's not some sort of 'loyalty competition'. The way people are complaining, you'd think this was some act of Dickensian malevolence, all the saintly, patient altaholics being evicted to die in the snow. Couldn't be further from the truth. Muttering about being 'insulted' here just cuts no ice with me, I'm afraid.


Then you know what Bioware should have done? Not posted it as a Loyalty reward.

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To be fair, this seems overkill. Feels like an ultimatum. "Give me a free month, or I quit."


Nope, did quit


No ultimatium


He was just saying that had they treated him fairly and equally he would have continued to support them


Now they will probably have to go well over 30 days to get the cancelled accounts back for the screw up!


A ultimatum is


Do this or I do this


A message is "I did this because you did this"


Dont confuse the two

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Hey, maybe those were just some of the reasons I DIDN'T have a 50 yesterday (I made it today). I'd left my Juggy at 49 Because there was nothing I wanted to do after finishing her class story line. So instead of complaining, I Moved On. I made other characters.


But, because I was only 49.8. I'm not as loyal as one of the guys who sat around complaining there was nothing to do, and I don't get the nice pat on the back.


Wow. great logical there. BW.


that's the thanks we get for being patient and letting them get things ironed out. next time i'll rush to 50 and come here ************ about the lack of things to do. seems to be the way.

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Even then, the original press released (at least as far as I remember it) was less ambiguous.


Either way, if they can explain why my 2 friends who joined afterwards during the trial were rewarded, and qualified to be clearly stated and defined as more loyal players, whereas I didn't, even though I pre-ordered the CE and stayed subbed am not, I would be more than glad to rescind the issue.

Edited by exccw
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It's also about EV and KP disasters that many of us has put up with. It's also about the complete triviality of end-game content. It's many things where those that were 50 specifically have had to put up with. If you don't have a 50, you don't understand.


Bugged dailies, bugged FPs, completely broken/unbalanced HM's and operations. Completely unbalanced classes. Broken class quests. Worthless crafting at 50. You didn't have to deal with ANY of this crap.


The reasons you list are the exact reason I spread my time among 3 alts (Heal alt / Tank alt / Dps alt).


I wanted to wait to see if 1.2 would fix endgame issues. I've been patient waiting for BW to fix their crappy game. Hell BW themselves encouraged this sort of play.


So 'my' loyalty is rewarded with a Taun Taun who looks like he has a mild case of Downs Syndrome (Sorry stole that from my gf)?



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Taking issue is one thing, can't say I agree with them cancelling their subs over it. Voicing it to BioWare should be more than enough. Rather than formally debating the issue, some players are just raging.


I actually agree, I think cancelling over such a small issue is incredibly childish.

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I didn't quit over not getting the free month! I quit over being percieved as a 'lesser' customer (and frankly - no matter what anyone else says - how *I* percieve I'm being treated is the only thing that matters)


The level 50 qualification is just bad.


Wow you're quitting over the free month that they didn't have to give?

Down in Australia we have a saying "he's a few sausages short of a barbeque". You definitely fit that phrase.

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Perhaps I misread. It seemed like a "If Bioware doesn't say anything that I like, then.." yada-yada. I'm not going to rag on people for quitting if they feel like it. Their choice. I just get a bit cross-eyed when people start the ultimatum process, of which a few already have.

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I have a good idea as to why they would want/need to retain some of those level 50's - But the whole "most valued player" thing, and the "in appreciation for your support and loyalty" wording did rub me the wrong way, as someone who has been loyal from several months of beta to pre-order to new player recruitment. What can I say? I am only human! I'll still be subscribing and enjoying the game for a long time to come. I hope they appreciate that in reality :p


And now that I've begrudgingly let that roll off my shoulders and into oblivion, I want to give a genuine thanks for the Tauntaun gift. :)

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hell, it's a direct quote:


"As a thanks for being one of our most valued players"


what the hell am i then? i have stood up for the the game from the very first. defended the decisions of the devs, and done my best to help others realize this is a new mmo, relax and give the devs a little time to get things running smoothly. now, even though i have been paying regularly, just because i didn't rush to 50, i am not one of their "most valued customers? it's a flippin crock


People are getting all twisted about the wording without actually understanding why this has happened.


SWtOR has been bleeding lvl 50 subs at a rate significant enough to warrant this knee jerk attempt at saving as many as possible.


It truly has nothing to do with non-lvl 50 players being second rate customers. However, the wording and the actions they've taken have certainly made it seem that way.


I have two lvl 50 toons and got a free month. My decision to cancel came before this announcement, and it has done nothing to sway me from that path. The things that caused me to cancel will still exist during that free month.


BW should eat their mistake with this and give everyone a free month at this point. I'm going to bet that most who have quit, did so for similar reasons, and won't re-sub simply because of a free month. Now, BW has alienated players due to a knee jerk reaction and ill-conceived wording. GG on their part.

Edited by Telaan
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