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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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By all means, find me the quote where Bioware says that those without a 50 aren't valuable customers.


Read the wording of the announcement, carefully:




One of. ONE OF. ONE OF.


You could argue that that means the player specifically if you really wanted to jump on the Bioware hatewagon, but this statement by no means insinuates that those who don't have a level 50 aren't valued.


Actions speak louder than words in a case like this.


You could argue that phrase either way, but rewarding only one group on a criteria that doesn't even necessarily equate to loyalty doesn't exactly help Bioware's case here.

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People who QUIT the game are valuable and get a week free.


People who have 50's are the most valued group.


People who still pay to play but don't have a 50 , you rank below these two groups.


I would guess they rank somewhere in the neighborhood between Pond Scum and Carrot Top.

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So a company doesn't give you a 15$ gift card and you get mad and come to troll the forums...


If you weren't 50 by now, you didn't care about the RWZ as you didn't make it a priority to take part in it.


If you haven't made it to 50 despite your best efforts, you aren't a long-time customer.


If you haven't had 150h hours, which is roughly what it takes to reach 50 if you play without rushing or skipping convos since launch, you wouldn't have had any use out of the RWZ in the first place.


It's refreshing to see a company finally actually acknowledge their CORE playerbase. Good on them.


However, YOUR playstyle isn't necessarily the same as the playstyle of others. There are many legitimate reasons why someone might not have a level 50. Perhaps take a step back and think about what those reasons might be--there's nothing about them that makes them any less valid. And there's certainly many who don't have any CL50s, have far more hours of playtime, and very much qualify as long-time customers.


To be blunt, this isn't an acknowledgement of their "core" playerbase. It was a poorly worded statement on top of poorly determined criteria. I'm pretty sure they have realized that by now.

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since they closed the others, i'll post mine here


i won't say that i'm livid, but i sure as hell ain't happy. i have two thirty somethings, a couple of twenties and several lower level characters spread across three servers.


i feel like charlie brown on christmas day. while all the other kids got the cool new toys, i got a flippin rock. wth, bw?!?


and in response to some idiots reply that it's "Almost 15 bucks! That's real money"


it's the fact that i am not considered " a valued player", as per their email, and criteria. it is a guaranteed way to make sure that i will not resub after my time is gone."

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People who QUIT the game are valuable and get a week free.


People who have 50's are the most valued group.


People who still pay to play but don't have a 50 , you rank below these two groups.


It's points of view like this that mean we can't have nice things.

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My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month?
I am considering it, yes. When you are truly invested in a game, it takes something outside of that game to cause you to lose interest. A poorly thought-out business decision and a perceived slight against the player by developers would qualify.
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Had a friend invite me to the 7 day free trial. Got to level 15 and couldn't go any further for restrictions, I tried a different class etc. and got to level 12 then said What the heck... paid for the game through Origin at work with my CC since you do not allow PayPal to buy the game, yet PayPal is A o' K for monthly subs..... anyways I digress..... I rush home from work and login and bam........ not really a stand out answer as to when things will be back up.


I don't mean to compare this game to WoW (played that game and still do 5 years strong) but when you login over "there", they usually have a nice description "Servers are down and we are working on them diligently and they should be back up in the hour". Here.... I get .... well.... nothing.


Ill Omen me thinks yes....

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The other one got shutdown before I could reply. They still gave an opportunity for people to resub during the day today and if they did would still benefit from the freebies from today's patch. I was mistaken on the time frame I misread it earlier thinking it was until midnight when it was in fact till noon today. BUT they did give a short grace period for people who had left to resub during the day today so they could get the bonus stuff. So to that degree she was right in her statement that they were trying to get back people who had run all the way through and quit shortly there after.

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So some people got lucky. Good for them! Wasn't you? Shame, but that's life.


I mean, really - so what? These people couldn't have planned that. It's not as if they forced their way in front of you in the lunch queue.


No matter how they chose to distribute a gift, there'll always be someone getting it who someone else thinks doesn't 'deserve' it. Again, that's life.


Some people are being rewarded for loyalty they didn't display, and those of us who have displayed loyalty by buying CE's and/or staying subbed since launch but didn't yet level to 50 are supposed to just accept that they got lucky?


Do you not see the issue there?

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HAHAHAHAHAA....I literally can't stop laughing.


Taking issue is one thing, can't say I agree with them cancelling their subs over it. Voicing it to BioWare should be more than enough. Rather than formally debating the issue, some players are just raging.

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The other one got shutdown before I could reply. They still gave an opportunity for people to resub during the day today and if they did would still benefit from the freebies from today's patch. I was mistaken on the time frame I misread it earlier thinking it was until midnight when it was in fact till noon today. BUT they did give a short grace period for people who had left to resub during the day today so they could get the bonus stuff. So to that degree she was right in her statement that they were trying to get back people who had run all the way through and quit shortly there after.



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I've been playing since early access, have not had any actions taken against my account for any type of bad behavior, and have never cancelled the subscription. Yet despite all of this I am not a valued customer because I do not have a level 50?


I've had to restart on different servers, twice because server was busy at launch and then they died off to next to no one on. I've finally found a server that is healthy, a guild that I enjoy, and because they needed pure dps class I started a sniper even though my powertech was level 32. Yet I am not a valued customer because things like dead servers, or being nice to help a guild that I like, has stopped me from being level 50?


Sorry, but that is just bad form on Bioware's part. You encourage people to play alts; then it seems you punish those who do and take their time to enjoy what you worked so hard to provide, the story.


So as a thank you for not providing me a free month, my gift to you will be you not getting my money. If you had given me, a paying customer since launch day but without a level 50, the same regard you are giving those who have a level 50; then you would have continued to receive my financial support after that free month. Since you don't feel that I am a valued customer, then I won't burden you with my money.

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My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month? Didn't think so.


I would suspect this is far less about the free month and more about being called "Less Valuable" than other players who have not done anything special and could very well have started the game at a later time.


I'm indifferent, personally. I'm just enjoying the chaos of the whole thing. This is historic and ranks, while not as bad, pretty close to the NGE and Blizzard's RealID fiasco in the area of negative backlash.


The forums are kind of like a car accident right now I'm driving past with hopes of catching a glimpse of some gore. It's a sort of macabre beauty to behold.


Either way, Bioware can change the e-mails and change their article to try to curb the ire of their players, but the damage is one. They can't unscrew this lightbulb. :D

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I don't mean to compare this game to WoW (played that game and still do 5 years strong) but when you login over "there", they usually have a nice description "Servers are down and we are working on them diligently and they should be back up in the hour". Here.... I get .... well.... nothing.


Ill Omen me thinks yes....


I am assuming you are talking about the downtime for the patch..... if so that was neatly plastered all over everywhere saying they were going to be down from this time to this time for implementation of 1.2. It was on the forums, it was on the launcher, they had press releases about it, interviews with different people etc. So Im not seeing how you missed that :confused:

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It would have been nice to get a little award since I pre ordered and have been in the game almost since launch. Like others, I have altitis and concentrated on a more well-rounded approach to the game rather than racing to 50. So I have four toons in various stages of development. Added together, well over level 50 but that doesn't count.


I feel a bit slapped in the face by this announcement of a free month to level 50s only. It is the announcement that gets me -- that it is for their most loyal players. So my time doesn't show loyalty? I haven't been interacting with the game? I've brought at least 6 other people into it but hey that's not loyal. Only getting to 50 by now.


I was going to cancel to show Bioware exactly what they can do with their definition of loyalty. I still might. But I won't do it tonight because a person in my guild was very sweet and asked me not to. Cancelling is what Bioware deserves though. Why should I show my loyalty with my continued subscription when it obviously doesn't mean diddly to Bioware.


Pretty much this. My gf and I were relentless in getting our WoW friends to play this instead. We were going to be getting this for 2 of our friends as gifts. We've both been playing since day 1, and we like to try different classes/roles. It's a little disappointing that the only reason we didn't get a free month was because we leveled 4 characters to 20-35, instead of rushing through all the content on one character from the beginning. As someone pointed out, it's not really rewarding loyalty to give a free month to someone who got the game 2 weeks ago and blew through everything available on one character while not giving it to people who purchased this game long before it was actually released.

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Well, obviously you failed to grasp most of the arguments then. If they had stated that they were rewarding certain players, 90% of the players taking issue here (myself included), wouldn't be. However, that coupled with the flagrant statement that equates the loyal players to those simply with lvl 50 toons. Imagine if say, a friend told you that he didn't consider you a loyal friend even though you always helped him out. I'm sure you would be just as speechless.


They never said other players weren't loyal. READ THE PRESS RELEASE.

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So much angst. Everyone is getting something for free. Chill.


wanting to be valued and respected is not entitled. Expecting what someone else randomly got would be. It's not about the 30 days, it's about stating those that leveled up are more valuable is what offended.


But you are right, some people do feel entitled. I feel entitled to being treated with respect while I am paying for a subscription. Not just here, but any time I subscribe. What sort of masochist would pay someone to treat them that way?

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So as a thank you for not providing me a free month, my gift to you will be you not getting my money. If you had given me, a paying customer since launch day but without a level 50, the same regard you are giving those who have a level 50; then you would have continued to receive my financial support after that free month. Since you don't feel that I am a valued customer, then I won't burden you with my money.


To be fair, this seems overkill. Feels like an ultimatum. "Give me a free month, or I quit."

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However, YOUR playstyle isn't necessarily the same as the playstyle of others. There are many legitimate reasons why someone might not have a level 50..


And that same reason is why the RWZ delay doesn't affect them in any way. Which was my point. It's not just that, either. It's also about EV and KP disasters that many of us has put up with. It's also about the complete triviality of end-game content. It's many things where those that were 50 specifically haven't had to put up with. If you don't have a 50, you don't understand.


Bugged dailies, bugged FPs, completely broken/unbalanced HM's and operations. Completely unbalanced classes. Broken class quests. Worthless crafting at 50. You didn't have to deal with ANY of this crap.

Edited by Jandi
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My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month? Didn't think so.


I didn't quit over not getting the free month! I quit over being percieved as a 'lesser' customer (and frankly - no matter what anyone else says - how *I* percieve I'm being treated is the only thing that matters)


The level 50 qualification is just bad.

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