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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I'm surprised this has upset me as much as it has and it actually caused me to look at my subscription for the first time since I signed up in December. I found it ends in 11 days and automatically renews unless I change it. Right now I'm planning on cancelling before then unless Bioware responds in proactively to this matter.


Don't wait. Send them a message by canceling now. If they do something, you can always resubscribe later, but your best chance of sending an actual message that someone might pay attention to is to hit the cancel button.

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I'm surprised this has upset me as much as it has and it actually caused me to look at my subscription for the first time since I signed up in December. I found it ends in 11 days and automatically renews unless I change it. Right now I'm planning on cancelling before then unless Bioware responds in proactively to this matter.


After spending months defending a game that was obviously released early and is still missing many key features I was willing to be patient until this. It just shows again that the people in charge are out of their depth and further proof this game will never be what we all hope. Please prove me wrong.


Exactly how I have felt. I have always been a supporter of this game. Even got my friends who are wow addicts to buy it. Now I am not so happy. I am tempted to cancel but hoping to hear from BW. I have emailed their customer service so I hope to hear there. I also hope to hear a general statement from BW. As a first day early access person, that shows my dedication. Buying their digital deluxe items, playing through all the ACs but 1 to at least 20. Several characters nearing 30. I thought I would finally level a character too 50, but that server died and took out the fun when he hit 27.


Bioware, please answer why I am less valuable? My money is worth less because I level slower, which means I will stick around longer? Should I have leveled to 50 in the first two weeks and then unsubbed until this month? Doing that would give me a free month. Which means I would have only paid for the game and yet to have paid a sub fee.


I am about to go on vacation for two weeks. During that time my sub will come back around. I was going to keep it active because I supported you BW. Why should I just not cancel now and perhaps re-up when I come back?


Answer those questions BW. Make sure it is not a generic company answer.

Edited by Muanthuun
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Don't wait. Send them a message by canceling now. If they do something, you can always resubscribe later, but your best chance of sending an actual message that someone might pay attention to is to hit the cancel button.



HAHAHAHAHAA....I literally can't stop laughing.

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My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month? Didn't think so.


I did. I cancelled all three accounts from my household. Take that over a couple of years, and Bioware really made some good money today!



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My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month? Didn't think so.


I did and so did others. I have been a loyal, albeit casual player, but the company made our value clear. I don't think it was intentional, but the fact that nobody there considered it shows where their priorities are.

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Lets face it, the people with level 50 characters actually will quit and leave, so a 30 day pass might sway their mind.


The players who play 8 alts all around level 30 or 40 (the whiners in this thread) will never leave and will play for years to come. :)


account cancelled today!


Read my sig

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How about sticking with the game even though there's not a lot for you in the game? Sticking with it and living on promises and developer hints and continuing to support the game because you believed in it, that it would get better in the future?


It's not something that folk still happy with the levelling experience would have encountered. It's a problem for those players who got to 50. And as it happens, this promotion is aimed at exactly that. If BW wants to reward any loyalty, that's likely it. The loyalty of the people who were disappointed at end-game and still stuck around.


What you describe there is just a regular customer.


Yet you could have left the game after a couple months and returned a mere week ago, but as long as you had a level 50 you're among that crowd rewarded for "loyalty"...


This isn't rewarding being 50 and sticking around. This is rewarding being 50 and being subscribed as of today.

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I did and so did others. I have been a loyal, albeit casual player, but the company made our value clear. I don't think it was intentional, but the fact that nobody there considered it shows where their priorities are.


Also, they've had several hours to say something about the issue.


The silence speaks volumes.

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My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month? Didn't think so.


I cancelled both my, and my girlfriend's account today.

It's not about the free month. I think that's what you're missing.

It's about the way this whole thing has been conceived and insultingly executed.

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It would have been nice to get a little award since I pre ordered and have been in the game almost since launch. Like others, I have altitis and concentrated on a more well-rounded approach to the game rather than racing to 50. So I have four toons in various stages of development. Added together, well over level 50 but that doesn't count.


I feel a bit slapped in the face by this announcement of a free month to level 50s only. It is the announcement that gets me -- that it is for their most loyal players. So my time doesn't show loyalty? I haven't been interacting with the game? I've brought at least 6 other people into it but hey that's not loyal. Only getting to 50 by now.


I was going to cancel to show Bioware exactly what they can do with their definition of loyalty. I still might. But I won't do it tonight because a person in my guild was very sweet and asked me not to. Cancelling is what Bioware deserves though. Why should I show my loyalty with my continued subscription when it obviously doesn't mean diddly to Bioware.

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Wait, so really, if someone joined last week and powerplayed their way to level 50 (its possible as we all know) THEY would be a valued customer and get a free 30 day gift...


Whilst someone like me who pre-ordered the game, got the digital deluxe addon, bought 6 months of subscription immediately (despite being unemployed and near broke) but only have a level 44 character as my highest due to playing with many alts, dont count as valuable?


admit it Bioware... you didnt think this one through did you?


you should have gone for something like "everyone who pre-ordered" or "everyone with an account active since XXX"


By all means, find me the quote where Bioware says that those without a 50 aren't valuable customers.


Read the wording of the announcement, carefully:


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players...


One of. ONE OF. ONE OF.


You could argue that that means the player specifically if you really wanted to jump on the Bioware hatewagon, but this statement by no means insinuates that those who don't have a level 50 aren't valued.

Edited by Thaed
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Also, they've had several hours to say something about the issue.


The silence speaks volumes.



I commend them for their silence right now. Obviously they have a major problem with their consumer and press relations departments and I am happy they are assessing things before making it worse right now. I just hope they respond before the weekend.

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My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month? Didn't think so.


-- I just quit. I suspect I'll be better rewarded for doing so than a "loyal" customer will too, when they inevitably start throwing re-up incentives out in a desperate attempt to stave off going free-to-play. And no, I didn't have a level 50 and play multiple alts. So much for the theory that people like me will stick it out :)

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You should play BG2 and then look at what they released after. You might change your opinion, unless of course you consider graphics to be the most important part of a game.


I was a Bioware fan from the very start


Even lived blocks away from their south Edmonton office on White Ave


The wheels fell off at ME2


BG series still one of the better RPGs (for its time) going

Edited by Kalfear
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By all means, find me the quote where Bioware says that those without a 50 aren't valuable customers.


Read the wording of the announcement, carefully:




One of. ONE OF.


You could argue that that means the player specifically if you really wanted to jump on the Bioware hatewagon, but this statement by no means insinuates that those who don't have a level 50 aren't valued.


They rewarded one group and not the other. This implies(explicitly) that one group is more valued.

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Lets face it, the people with level 50 characters actually will quit and leave, so a 30 day pass might sway their mind.


The players who play 8 alts all around level 30 or 40 (the whiners in this thread) will never leave and will play for years to come. :)


Well, obviously you failed to grasp most of the arguments then. If they had stated that they were rewarding certain players, 90% of the players taking issue here (myself included), wouldn't be. However, that coupled with the flagrant statement that equates the loyal players to those simply with lvl 50 toons. Imagine if say, a friend told you that he didn't consider you a loyal friend even though you always helped him out. I'm sure you would be just as speechless.

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I commend them for their silence right now. Obviously they have a major problem with their consumer and press relations departments and I am happy they are assessing things before making it worse right now. I just hope they respond before the weekend.
I would agree, despite how upset I am by the announcement. Snap judgements and a lack of weighing potential outcomes is likely what brought the current situation about in the first place.
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Yet you could have left the game after a couple months and returned a mere week ago, but as long as you had a level 50 you're among that crowd rewarded for "loyalty"...


This isn't rewarding being 50 and sticking around. This is rewarding being 50 and being subscribed as of today.


So some people got lucky. Good for them! Wasn't you? Shame, but that's life.


I mean, really - so what? These people couldn't have planned that. It's not as if they forced their way in front of you in the lunch queue.


No matter how they chose to distribute a gift, there'll always be someone getting it who someone else thinks doesn't 'deserve' it. Again, that's life.

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Also, they've had several hours to say something about the issue.


The silence speaks volumes.


I wouldn't say that. Anything released by a company takes time to be put together. Large businesses like this can't respond in an instant (let alone a few hours depending on the situation.)

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I have a lvl 45, a lvl 32, a lvl 24 and some other lower toons, preordered one of the more expensive collectors or whatever it was versions and while I couldn't care less about saving or losing 15 bucks here or there, the gesture itself felt quite disrespectful and ignorant on their end.


After all the crap about wanting you to play alts, and the lack of content at 50... they come up with this... genius really.


Who knew that rushing to 50 and whining about lack of content was the way to approach this...

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By all means, find me the quote where Bioware says that those without a 50 aren't valuable customers.


Read the wording of the announcement, carefully:




One of. ONE OF. ONE OF.


You could argue that that means the player specifically if you really wanted to jump on the Bioware hatewagon, but this statement by no means insinuates that those who don't have a level 50 aren't valued.


Actually, it does, as having a level 50 does not equate to having stuck with the game the entire time. I have 2 friends who joined during the free weekend and they have lvl 50s.

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