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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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" As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty."

Bioware says they feels like giving something for their loyal players, in fact they reward random players, and some loyal ones are not rewarded, coz they dont have 50 lvl. Thats a grand way to troll.


You read it wrong again. They're rewarding the support and loyalty of those that got to 50. That's who the promotion is for. They're not trying to reward all loyal customers. Not being included in this promotion is not a slight on your 'loyalty'.


It strikes me as ironic that some are insisting that they were 'loyal' customers... and then are leaving over a perceived 'insult'. That doesn't seem particularly loyal. That just seems like being 'a customer'.

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No. They're rewarding players with a level 50 for 'being one of our most valued customers'. That's the quote. I'm not sure where loyalty crept into the discussion.




I've read them. But I don't agree. Someone decided to recognise players who'd achieved a particular thing, by giving them a freebie, as part of a promotion. No matter what particular thing they would have decided to reward, some people wouldn't have been.


No-one lost anything. Some people gained something. Yet people insist they're being discriminated against, persecuted, insulted or treated badly. It's nonsense.


When it comes to rewarding those they feel so inclined to, with things that can be correlated into real-world money rather than say, a vanity pet or other item in-game, it becomes a problem. Considering that all their subscribers are paying the same real-world money to play. That is, no matter how you look at it, discriminating.


Also, the 'being one of our most valued customers' argument - yes, as one of the plethora of individuals with a level 50 character whom, as a whole, make up their "most valued customers".

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Also, the 'being one of our most valued customers' argument - yes, as one of the plethora of individuals with a level 50 character whom, as a whole, make up their "most valued customers".


The folks with a level 50 are among the most valued customers, that's what it says. There are no doubt players who do not have a level 50 who are equally valued, but as the promotion is for level 50 players, it's got absolutely nothing to do with the others either way. You're reading it backwards.


As for the cash thing - even if it's worth cash, they've made it pretty clear that it can't be transferred INTO cash. Is this really a problem?

Edited by smartalectwo
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I have 2 50s, but BW, this SUCKS!


How bad can your PR guy be that he even dreamed about something like that? Really? Only lvl 50s? Cant wait for the next bonus, only applicable for the characters who's name start with a vowel!


Get your act together and give the bonus to everyone who still has an active account! This should be the only requirement! You even ignored the guys who canceled their sub but still have an active account. Instead of trying to change their minds, to get them back into the game, you just say FU to them and to all the others who either didnt have time to get a 50, or who didnt want to get one but instead play multiple characters.

They are your customers, they are paying you! *** are you thinking? ...


Man this is insane.. the first good move you do after all the crap with broken ilum, ranked pvp, low population on servers, maintenance for half the day on EU zone, you had to **** it up. Cant just do a good deed from start to finish, you have to mess it up somehow.

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Stand up stuff. Thanks for the pet and 30 days. O and I never played pub side just so i could see how fresh 1.2 would make the game for a new player and i must say, spot on. I have 4 50's imp side and non felt as much fun to lvl up as this new pub jedi in 1.2
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wake up people


they're BLEEDING subscribers right now and have been for a while.


the "special gifts" to their 50 players is a desperate attempt to trick them into not unsubbing.


why do you think it was followed DIRECTLY with:






the funniest thing about all this?


the amount of people who happen to come back is going to be offset by:


the amount of people leaving because of no ranked WZs

the amount of people leaving because of the 1.2 patch bugs and bugs in general

the amount of people leaving because of the nerfs

the amount of people leaving because they're nott getting rewarded because they don't have a level 50


did i miss any other reasons.....

Edited by Gamstun
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Ummm I don't get it. Free moth who cares.


This is not a gift to those 50’s who are there. It is bait to get the massive amount of 50’s that unsubed this month to resub and keep the sub numbers up for when they have report to their share holders how many active subs they have.



Nothing is free. They are saving the good stuff for micro trans once they go FTP.


no you had to have resubbed by 12 central time today the 12th to get teh free month. Either a recurring sub or paid game time card

Edited by Kypp
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Well that makes me mad. So because i like to play alts equally and had to switch to a new server (if i wanted to play with others in an MMO) i do not have a level 50. So you bioware think that just if we do not have a level 50 that we are not loyal and supportive of you. i guess since i havn't reached max level yet that must mean im not one of your most valued players then.


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, all active subscriber accounts with a Level 50 character as of April 12, 2012, 12:00 PM CDT, 5:00 PM GMT, will receive 30 days of game time** at no charge in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


most people that got to 50 rushed to it, space barring through content, trying to just get to 50. me on the other hand have enjoyed slowly playing through everything i can.


Gee thanks. :mad:

Since it is a legacy promotion why not give it to everyone that has unlocked a legacy. But i guess since you arent giving me a free month for oh lets see, preordering, getting the digital deluxe edition, subbing for the past four months, i guess you can afford to lose me after the 35 days left on my sub are over.

Edited by Skodan
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So, lot of "I don't have a level 50 so I get no free time".


Been round since Beta. Got one 50. Took me 2 months. Yeah I rolled alts. I deleted Alts that I didn't enjoy. I still managed to get to 50.


When looking at it I thought, ok some people are going to moan like crazy about this. They always do, and people like me who sit there through the let downs, through the patches, through the forum wars are quite contentedly able to go - that other game was never like this at launch, why do people expect it to be like that at launch? Because people will always what they are used to and if its not there, well lets throw our teddys out of our prams and spit our dummies and go WAAAAAAAAAA as loudly as can proclaiming we have proudly been unsubbed for 20 days, 5o days 98 days.


If you're unsubbed - why are you even here apart from Trolling? You are not part of the community and havent been for some time. Go away, shooo. Your words are meaningless as you don't play anymore.


Personally I'd have gone with rewarding those people who have had a continuous account since launch and still got time on their account. That way all the long serving people get the thanks. At least it'd stop the quitters from whining about yet another thing they can't get.


Good job bioware, My guild is pretty chuffed with this, apart of course from the people not at 50, but hey, always next time.

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You read it wrong again. They're rewarding the support and loyalty of those that got to 50. That's who the promotion is for. They're not trying to reward all loyal customers. Not being included in this promotion is not a slight on your 'loyalty'.


It strikes me as ironic that some are insisting that they were 'loyal' customers... and then are leaving over a perceived 'insult'. That doesn't seem particularly loyal. That just seems like being 'a customer'.


While i understand your point of view, i cant agree with it. Why? Because the reason of this reward is unfair , you say the loyal ones will not get angry, but what about Bio being loyal to us? Besides 30 days free isnt a small deal for some of us, its big, but the criteria for it are unacceptable to me. And again why? Because its a reward for those loyal and supportive, havent i been loyal and supportive? I am loyal and supportive. So where is my ******* reward? Besides if gaining 50 lvl is enough for g 30 day of free play reward, and playing from the start not, then..... well great thinking.

Edited by Pawlas
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it's not though. A lot of people here are saying this is a gift. A gift is something you give people for the hell of it. If bioware randomly decided to pick a thousand people to get a free month, that'd be a gift. In that case, it'd be up to luck, and nobody could complain because it was something they didn't have to do.


This is a reward. A reward is like a gift, except it's a gift with strings attached. To get a reward, you have to do something the person giving the reward wants you to do.


Bioware is rewarding level 50s for being loyal. Being 50 has no bearing on a person's loyalty, however. They are claiming to reward people for one thing, but actually rewarding them for something else. There is no inherent proof of loyalty involved in leveling to 50. Leveling to 50 can be done before your free month is even done.




Had they rewarded people who had played x number of hours between all characters and servers it would have been better. It still would have possibly cut out some people who have extremely limited time to play, but it would have been better than this method.


Had they rewarded people who had been subscribed for a total of x number of months, then it would have been better. The only downside (for them) is they may have had to give out more free time.


Had they just not used the wording they did, and came out and said they were giving the free month to people who were 50 because they wanted them to know they appreciated their business and were working to give them more end game content to do, it would have also been fine, and the same people would have been left out.


Instead, they brought everyone's loyalty into question and then rewarded select individuals based on criteria which was not relevant to the question.



I do not expect them to change their criteria, or to give out more free time to people without 50s. I do however hope that they come forward at some point and admit that they put their foot in their mouth with the wording.


"a special gift for our level 50 players – 30 days of play time on us!"

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the amount of people leaving because of no ranked WZs

the amount of people leaving because of the 1.2 patch bugs and bugs in general

the amount of people leaving because of the nerfs

the amount of people leaving because they're nott getting rewarded because they don't have a level 50


did i miss any other reasons.....


I didn't want ranked warzones in the first place and especially if it's not ready.

Anybody that has played an MMO knows bugs after a patch should be expected.

Nerfs need to happen sometimes. It's a balancing act at this point. It feels like a better balance overall.

If you don't have a fifty you're a super casual player. I'm hoping it's an oversight though.

Edited by Nakazia
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I really am quite amazed at how BW have turned what should be a good day into a PR nightmare, alienating half your player base with some silly idea that's designed to keep hold of the fickle players.


They should have given 7 days to all active subscribers and people would have been overjoyed. Instead they've shot themselves in the foot spectacularly.


Who's doing your PR BW, an intern?

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Good intentions (free month) for a probable, bad situation (customer subscriptions are dropping/losing money/significant portion of customer base is dissatisfied with game) that was poorly executed (only accounts with a level 50 character).


Surely, a company such as Bioware is able to create a list to tell who has had accounts for the longest and who are still playing, etc.


Echoing the crowd --> Why was the decision made to give only the customers who had level 50 characters a free month? Did the powers that be think that the longest subscribers would simply be people with level 50 characters?


No, of course not.


The deeper answer lies in something that they would not like to make public. No AAA company is that stupid. Obviously, SOMEONE if not all the Bioware council members had the idea of giving it to all players who subscribed the longest, founders, etc, but someone in upper management - perhaps the Emperor - (it happens a lot and is probably happening here 10x over) said "NOOoo, NEOOOO, neooo!" and shot them with lightning until they made this agonized decision instead.


Whether it is because said upper management doesn't know what they are doing or because of more logistical factors (maybe giving a free month to ALL long-time subscribers would BANKRUPT the franchise for Bioware); the fact is that this was their attempt to appease a growing number of customers who are dissatisfied with how this MMORPG is being managed.


A nice intention, but it's execution was flawed by factors that Bioware would rather not reveal to the public.

Edited by Savarous
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The thing that stings is that I probably would have had a 50 by now if I hadn't taken time out to roll a toon on PTS for the titles and to do some bug hunting. (The bugs I reported appear to have been addressed before 1.2 went Live, so at least there's that.)


It's not enough to make me unsub from my 6-month plan, but it does leave a bad taste in the mouth.

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Responding to the OP:


I like the new UI a lot.


Also like the improvements in the space missions:

  • Achenar Interception feels faster, which is good.
  • Makem Te Assault capital ship damage looks better.
  • Either there's new bonus objectives or they're better noted = a good thing.
  • Llanic Station Strike: I wish there was a bonus for the satellites like Balosar.

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I find it funny that 3 and a half months into the game, people are still accusing people who have a level 50 of having "power-leveled" and "space-barred" through the game. Really? Really. That was a valid argument a week in, a month in...maybe a month and a half in.


But in three months, most people who actively play the game have had time to get to 50 on a toon. They may have chosen to have all level 30-40 characters, I guess, but if they had stuck to one they'd have had a 50.


I haven't played (even though I stayed subbed) since Mass Effect 3 came out, I work full time, go out on the weekends, and still ended up with a 50, a 46 and a couple of lower level alts. And I did every quest on every planet, even after I out-leveled them. I didn't space bar through a single conversation. I don't get how anyone could believe that there hasn't been enough time since the game came out for the average player to get to 50 on a character. I can understand that they maybe didn't play all that much, or hopped around a lot, but there's no way you can claim the game is too new for people to have max level toons.


If you want to say that it's not fair that 50's got the month, that's fine. But to say that the only people who could have a 50 right now are people who play 12 hours a day/space-bar/power level blah blah blah is nonsense.


I think someone calculated that 1-50 takes about 100 hours- that would be like an hour a day since it came out, or like 3-4 hours a night twice a week. That's really unattainable.

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Personally, I deliberately held back my main from leveling to 50 until after this patch.


I have no problems with anyone who does have a 50, but this is one of the biggest BS moves I've seem a MMO company do in a long time. You declare "loyalty" by time spent in game.....not by who has the highest character.


Not a wise move, imho.


The person who bought the game two weeks ago and powerleveled a character gets a "loyalty" reward....but some who have been with the game since pre-launch ISN'T loyal enough??


Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Edited by Skoobie
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You're fine. If your account was active and in good standing, that's all that mattered. Along with the tiny little level 50 restriction... ;)


And while that is how I read it initially, the fact remains that on the page showing the legacy promotion, it mentions those who qualify will receive an email.


Did the email go out already or not? It made it seem like it already went out to me, and yet I didn't get one.


So did I actually get the "gift"? I've been level 50 for a couple weeks now, have an account marked as "active", and haven't been banned, yet no email.


That's why I am wanting a BW representative to answer the questions of what exactly they meant by an active subscriber, and to answer about if the emails went out yet.

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most people that got to 50 rushed to it, space barring through content, trying to just get to 50. me on the other hand have enjoyed slowly playing through everything i can.


I've been 50 for over two months(I got in day one of early access), I never once skipped a cutscene. Hell, I even took 2 weeks off my main to level alt/play Mass Effect 3, and I still managed to hit 50. I play casually, taking my time and enjoying the leveling process.


This idea that you and others have, that Bioware is rewarding power levelers is completely ridiculous.


Especially since it's obvious why level 50s get this, the removal of ranked warzones directly effected the longevity of endgame players, and they handled it poorly. This is a "sorry" from Bioware.

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