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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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While I will say I do feel sorry for people who have been subscribed as long as I have (day one of EGA) but don't have a level 50, I'd still like to say I think it's pretty cool of Bioware to give 30 days of game time to us. In the name of fairness, I think they should expand the offer to include people who have been subscribed for a designated amount of time, though.


Still, I was on the fence about resubscribing, and I think I might stick around even after the 30 days runs out now. I'm liking 1.2 so far.

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I had been really busy this week and realized my game time lapsed so no pet for me or free game time, I guess, even though I have been playing this game for about 5 months. Actually, I wouldn't have been deemed "valued" anyway since I don't have a level 50 character. I have 8 characters at various levels on two different servers and my highest is level 48 because I like to enjoy playing the game. I didn't know that there was some rush to get to level 50. Stupid me.
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Ummm I don't get it. Free moth who cares.


This is not a gift to those 50’s who are there. It is bait to get the massive amount of 50’s that unsubed this month to resub and keep the sub numbers up for when they have report to their share holders how many active subs they have.



Nothing is free. They are saving the good stuff for micro trans once they go FTP.


Your right it a ploy to get them back lol.

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No. They're rewarding players with a level 50 for 'being one of our most valued customers'. That's the quote. I'm not sure where loyalty crept into the discussion.


It's at the end of the sentence. "...in appreciation for your support and loyalty."

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Kind of a bummer. I pre-ordered the CS, and when I got the game it was unplayable on my computer (FPS issues). I had to go through a ton of upgrading, and waiting for parts in the mail. All the while my sub was active. I finally got to play the game and realized halfway to 50 my server was a ghost town. Everyone said to re-roll... I did. Now I'm only a lvl 33.


I feel I've been pretty patient with the game, maybe I'm that sucker they are counting on.

I guess whatever they deem to be the best marketing strategy to save the game is best anyways, because I still plan to play... I really like SW.


Just feel a little slighted...


OK enough qq from me :(

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No. They're rewarding players with a level 50 for 'being one of our most valued customers'. That's the quote. I'm not sure where loyalty crept into the discussion.




I've read them. But I don't agree. Someone decided to recognise players who'd achieved a particular thing, by giving them a freebie, as part of a promotion. No matter what particular thing they would have decided to reward, some people wouldn't have been.


No-one lost anything. Some people gained something. Yet people insist they're being discriminated against, persecuted, insulted or treated badly. It's nonsense.



" As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty."

Bioware says they feels like giving something for their loyal players, in fact they reward random players, and some loyal ones are not rewarded, coz they dont have 50 lvl. Thats a grand way to troll.

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Wow, a free month for only level 50's! I guess that me playing from launch doesn't mean anything. I have 6 toons, I like playing them all and they are not even close to 50 (35, 35, 34, 25, 25, and 25)! I guess I should take a month off, because I'm not getting a free month! :mad:
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TLDR: Thank you, BioWare, for punishing a player that stuck with you rather then quitting like the rest of my IRL friends.


Thank you for reminding me of this fact.


You're right - out of my friends, I am the last man standing when it came to sticking with the game - mostly because I wanted to take my time and LEARN THE GAME as well as enjoy the content. Sad part I have seen is some Lvl 50's really don't even know the game - they got lucky with the right groups.


Got 8 characters on a single server. Stupid me for trying to enjoy the game when I should have powerlevelled to 50 in record time.


Big big PR mistake BW. This is the same crap that took down another sci-fi MMORPG that was "Enterprising".



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This reminds me of all the QQing over who did and didn't get a beta invite last year.


Look, the fact that you're not getting something for free that somebody else is getting doesn't mean you're being penalized. It free, you're not entitled to it.


This, this so hard.


I wish people would stop trying to kick a gifted horse in the mouth.

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cool so I cancelled my sub temporarily didn't have the money for it this month. But was planning to reactivate when I got paid.....so I miss out on the free month becuase I didn't have an recurring sub set up at the correct time. THANKS FOR NOTHING. I think i'll just let my sup run out completely.


As of today at 12PM CT, were you able to login and play? Doesn't matter if you canceled for future renewal, if you were active then you're eligible.

Edited by Kadin
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I've been an avid Star Wars fan since i saw the first movie back in 78 and i have to say that I am very disappointed in our community to the point that i am considering not reupping my sub come May. Whats the point of seeing something you have dreamed about since the first mmos started to appear on the market slowly force choked to death by the very people who claim they are fans.


Fans want to see the game grow and prosper. You do not.

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I just want a simple question answered:


The Legacy promotion mentions being an "active subscriber", but does that mean having an active account or (in the case of a game card user) having more time left on your account than is possible from a single game card?


I personally had 17 days left AND had a card waiting to be used.


I then read about how people would be getting emails if they qualify, and I didn't get an email. Have the emails already gone out, or am I SOL?


And what if someone happened to have used a game card a couple days ago and is at like 58 days? Are they not considered an active subscriber either?


I added my game time code to my account because I saw the tauntaun thing that seemed to say it is possible to resubscribe (or add a time code) and still get the reward, but I am curious more about that free 30 days.


And just an FYI, I do find it appalling that BW would alienate all their customers who have multiple non-50's and are spit on by claiming they aren't valued customers.

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This, this so hard.


I wish people would stop trying to kick a gifted horse in the mouth.


I'm getting the gift, and even I think both of you, are full of it.


You're really not putting any thought into your appraisal of this event, as anything more than a kindly gift.

It is not.

A gift has no stipulations. It is given for the sake of giving.


This is a reward. A reward given under the pretense, that those who receive it, are valued above those that aren't, for reasons that even a ten year old can see are specious.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Played since beta. Submitted probably a hundred reports and ideas for improvement. Spent hundreds of hours in SWTOR. Have a myriad of valid reasons for why I don't have a level 50. Yet apparently I'm not h4rdc0r3 enough for BioWare to appreciate me as a customer. But WoW-kids spacebar'ing their way through the whole game, and quitting when they reach endgame. Yup, they qualify.


I understand BioWare, I do... it's a numbers game. Gits like me who are well off and only play casually are a much steadier source of income for you, and one that doesn't need to be catered to at all - because we already love Star Wars and MMOs.


I love the game, but it is sorely lacking in many areas. The legacy system is nothing but a credit sink, and all the content in it is for people who have already reached max level. Not to mention it's useless to anyone who already has 8 characters on a server. And the UI customization? No extra bars... what's the point? E-mail me when you put an LFG in the game, and learn to treat loyal customers better than the kids who jump from game to game with their allowance money.


Don't worry. I'll find the door myself.



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Some alternatives:


* Sum total level of characters

* Total hours logged

* F***ing everyone


While id easily fit the sum of total levels (17x 20-43 range) or total hours logged


Those do not help casuals that pay their sub and then play 1-2-3 hours a week!


One of the reasons I dont have a 50 is I do all crew skills and level 1 specific character with a casual friend that plays a max of 15 hours a week.


Doesnt he also deserve a free month as buying the DD edition and paying the monthly sub all this time. Isnt that loyal enough?


F***ing everyone is the logical way but thats costly


Everyone who signed up (and remained signed up) from first month to now makes the most sense.


To late, even if they retract now they will never get back all the cancellations that been suggested from today. There has been talk of entire 50 person guilds just cancelling today, and not only about the free month.


I gotta admit 600k credits for a guild bank? Thats about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. Basically trying to punish the small guilds and force them to join large guilds. Which makes sense if their longterm out look is Raiding based!


This isnt the game I signed up for and I think 1.2 finally verified that to me.

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I just want a simple question answered:


The Legacy promotion mentions being an "active subscriber", but does that mean having an active account or (in the case of a game card user) having more time left on your account than is possible from a single game card?


I personally had 17 days left AND had a card waiting to be used.


I then read about how people would be getting emails if they qualify, and I didn't get an email. Have the emails already gone out, or am I SOL?


And what if someone happened to have used a game card a couple days ago and is at like 58 days? Are they not considered an active subscriber either?


I added my game time code to my account because I saw the tauntaun thing that seemed to say it is possible to resubscribe (or add a time code) and still get the reward, but I am curious more about that free 30 days.


And just an FYI, I do find it appalling that BW would alienate all their customers who have multiple non-50's and are spit on by claiming they aren't valued customers.


You're fine. If your account was active and in good standing, that's all that mattered. Along with the tiny little level 50 restriction... ;)

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