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Very early and initial impressions of PvP Operative Healing 1.2


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-Damage, especially burst, appears higher. Having another healer around (or guard) is quite nice. You can die very very quickly when focused. Good players that I was able to survive well before (a well known Sorc on my server) was able to actually kill me despite buffs to my healing. I don't usually get close to dying vs a Sorc pre-patch. That entire match was one I joined late and our team got steamrolled, so this might have played a part in my initial misgivings.


-Second game, played Civil war and healed like half a billion. Well, not exactly, but it was over half a million, somewhere in the 580k range despite a Sorc healer on our side as well in the match. While he didn't heal nearly as much (250k), I did notice several heals on me, and a few times that I would have died w/o them. It was a competitive 2cap game, and I had a fair amount of focus on me.


The Operative healer buffs:


-Having 3 stacks of TA is *very* noticeable. I very rarely was running around w/o one, which really helped my survivability when my Injection got interupted. I used my Infusion more that game than I probably had in two weeks. I also weaved Infusion in quite often when I was at 3 TA, in order to get a quicker heal and save some energy.


-Duration of TA being increased is also great, and helped the same as described above. I was able to hot up multiple targets and use my SP more frequently w/o fear of getting TA starved.


-AoE heal is nicer after closer inspection. When I first used it I was disappointed at the 350 hp ticks, but then quickly realized that it ticks every second, for 7 total ticks. Almost 2500 over 6 seconds works pretty well, and the lowered cost helps with energy.


-Diagnostic Scan is quite useful now, and should be specced by all Operative healers. I haven't avoided Alacrity, and mine is running the 3 ticks in 1.8s. I used this a ton in the Civil war match, and felt much more confident being able to burst heal w/o being energy starved at the end.

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-Damage, especially burst, appears higher. Having another healer around (or guard) is quite nice. You can die very very quickly when focused. Good players that I was able to survive well before (a well known Sorc on my server) was able to actually kill me despite buffs to my healing. I don't usually get close to dying vs a Sorc pre-patch. That entire match was one I joined late and our team got steamrolled, so this might have played a part in my initial misgivings.


-Second game, played Civil war and healed like half a billion. Well, not exactly, but it was over half a million, somewhere in the 580k range despite a Sorc healer on our side as well in the match. While he didn't heal nearly as much (250k), I did notice several heals on me, and a few times that I would have died w/o them. It was a competitive 2cap game, and I had a fair amount of focus on me.


The Operative healer buffs:


-Having 3 stacks of TA is *very* noticeable. I very rarely was running around w/o one, which really helped my survivability when my Injection got interupted. I used my Infusion more that game than I probably had in two weeks. I also weaved Infusion in quite often when I was at 3 TA, in order to get a quicker heal and save some energy.


-Duration of TA being increased is also great, and helped the same as described above. I was able to hot up multiple targets and use my SP more frequently w/o fear of getting TA starved.


-AoE heal is nicer after closer inspection. When I first used it I was disappointed at the 350 hp ticks, but then quickly realized that it ticks every second, for 7 total ticks. Almost 2500 over 6 seconds works pretty well, and the lowered cost helps with energy.


-Diagnostic Scan is quite useful now, and should be specced by all Operative healers. I haven't avoided Alacrity, and mine is running the 3 ticks in 1.8s. I used this a ton in the Civil war match, and felt much more confident being able to burst heal w/o being energy starved at the end.


Thanks for the update and feedback - I'm excited to get home and try it out!

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I was using http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffrzGoRzsZ0cZGb.1 , and could see Endorphin Rush as a personal preference choice.


Yeah I currently run this. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401rsfMdhoRksZMIb.1


Play offtimes from a majority of my guild so I like to retain sedatives for those PUG WZ's with plenty of other healers so I can ninja nodes and kill the defender while team responds and also got alot of use in Ilum between q's. Sedatives adds a few AC's to the viable targets list.


Extra healing capacity added by the patch probably makes it less necessary freeing up points if need be. It would be a pleasant dilemma to have multiple discretionary choices. I can see increased ability/viability to use Kinfusion resulting in me needing more energy regen over talents like sedatives and med shield. Or even dropping some points from conceal + sedatives to do the deed.


Gotta play and see how much benefit I get from more use of infusion and the increased energy strain before I decide. Already knew it would be something I'ld ahve to analyze post patch.

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There is the obvious QoL changes and there is the slightly LESS obviosu one that I didn't even see in the patch notes.


Cloaking screen and operative sap now function identically to the assasin expies.

Namely this means when we get taken out of stealth we will lose the 100% healing debuff and sap will no longer fill a resolve bar from 0 to full.


These are huge for pvp. I can actually disengage from combat now provided I clear dots.

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There is the obvious QoL changes and there is the slightly LESS obviosu one that I didn't even see in the patch notes.


Cloaking screen and operative sap now function identically to the assasin expies.

Namely this means when we get taken out of stealth we will lose the 100% healing debuff and sap will no longer fill a resolve bar from 0 to full.


These are huge for pvp. I can actually disengage from combat now provided I clear dots.


I did not notice the cloaking screen buff -- that one is huge. That would greatly increase how often I use that ability (almost not existantly pre-patch).

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There is the obvious QoL changes and there is the slightly LESS obviosu one that I didn't even see in the patch notes.


Cloaking screen and operative sap now function identically to the assasin expies.

Namely this means when we get taken out of stealth we will lose the 100% healing debuff and sap will no longer fill a resolve bar from 0 to full.


These are huge for pvp. I can actually disengage from combat now provided I clear dots.


Those are both huge for me. I better go read the final notes more carefully.

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On a relevant note healing as an Op seems much like it should have all along. Like they finally got all our **** to synergize properly.


RN and surg probe spamming will generally save someone who's in a 1v1 (or 1v2 if they're playing smart) who was losing. Procs are no longer munching. Vanish is actually functional for us and TAs don't disapear the second we're stunned.


I still feel we're ready for more interesting mechanics as a class but at least the brickwork is functional now.

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i like the changes, but since the change to warrior/jedi specs every other dork with a saber is smashing the bajeezus outa me, really making our lack of utility obvious, best i can do is hope my stuns up after getting charged...
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Quick question guys: how good is the buffed 31 healing talent? I ended up not taking it so I can grab lacerate and have another option for offense. Is it worth taking instead of lacerate now?


I posted numbers in the original post. If you plan on primarily healing, I really would advise getting RN.

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i like the changes, but since the change to warrior/jedi specs every other dork with a saber is smashing the bajeezus outa me, really making our lack of utility obvious, best i can do is hope my stuns up after getting charged...



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Quick question guys: how good is the buffed 31 healing talent? I ended up not taking it so I can grab lacerate and have another option for offense. Is it worth taking instead of lacerate now?


RN is solid now. Particularly if you double up on set bonuses like I do.

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I'm sensing alot fo unhappiness about healing in general for PVP on the forums. I am concerned about my ability to earn medals now that I hear some of the WZ reward changes. Seems that this isn't being echoed in this thread for Operative healer 1.2 impacts. It seems our healing buffs are good enough to maintain the health of focused players in WZ's?


The only sad thing is that I'm running a 28/11/2 spec. Looks like I will have to dump some concealment talents to get RN back and from what I read .... even DS is useful in PVP!!!! I don't mind healing but it's not the ONLY thing I want to be able to do. I'm going to miss Scouting, especially if people are really dropping health as fast as reported.

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I'm sensing alot fo unhappiness about healing in general for PVP on the forums. I am concerned about my ability to earn medals now that I hear some of the WZ reward changes. Seems that this isn't being echoed in this thread for Operative healer 1.2 impacts. It seems our healing buffs are good enough to maintain the health of focused players in WZ's?


People come to the forums more often than not to complain. Burst is increased, for sure, but it will come down to how well your team is geared vs. their team. Undergeared players drop very quick. However, if your healing someone of equal gear as his attacker, you'd have to be pretty bad to not be able to keep him up unless you had to actively heal yourself a great amount as well.


The only sad thing is that I'm running a 28/11/2 spec. Looks like I will have to dump some concealment talents to get RN back and from what I read .... even DS is useful in PVP!!!! I don't mind healing but it's not the ONLY thing I want to be able to do. I'm going to miss Scouting, especially if people are really dropping health as fast as reported.


I've tried about every build in the book, but I never understood the Medic/Lacerate builds. You just aren't doing very much damage without Acid Blade, and those TAs are much more valuable for SP. Yah, you can beat up on people that are undergeared, but you could beat those opponents if you specced 13/13/13 anyway.

Edited by alanisUDL
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I'm sensing alot fo unhappiness about healing in general for PVP on the forums. I am concerned about my ability to earn medals now that I hear some of the WZ reward changes. Seems that this isn't being echoed in this thread for Operative healer 1.2 impacts. It seems our healing buffs are good enough to maintain the health of focused players in WZ's?


The only sad thing is that I'm running a 28/11/2 spec. Looks like I will have to dump some concealment talents to get RN back and from what I read .... even DS is useful in PVP!!!! I don't mind healing but it's not the ONLY thing I want to be able to do. I'm going to miss Scouting, especially if people are really dropping health as fast as reported.


Absent the backstab change 31 medic builds were still decent combat builds against any non burst opponent. I'm going to be very interested in testing the backstab CD changes effect if any on that performance level. Our self healing cap[acity increased damage over time impacted how? I'm still uncertain.


More effective energy regen = using more carbine burst and overload as filler? Alot of things to play out after the changes we got. Not just with healing but how having more TA impacts other aspects and better energy regen capacity as well.

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5 games was enough for me to come to the conclusion that concealment is trash just as predicted.


It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to grind valor on an alt now with a huge gear difference to centurion gear and battlemaster+.

Edited by GeoLager
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5 games was enough for me to come to the conclusion that concealment is trash just as predicted.


It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to grind valor on an alt now with a huge gear difference to centurion gear and battlemaster+.


I don't know if this is a massive troll post or if you just can't read.

1. This is a 1.2 HEALING Ops thread

2. Gear no longer has a valor requirement



I ran 17 WZs this morning and I feel twice as effective. 16-1 and top heals in every WZ, and I'd say 75% of them were against premades(our only loss was to another premade from our guild).


It's great. And if I want to see big numbers, I'll play my Jug or Shadow.

Edited by Xavory
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