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[1.2] A Death Knell for many Healers


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Just posting this for general information.


If you have more trouble than usual finding a Healer post 1.2 it's because many of us have either unsubscribed, or rerolled their character (which I did). Why? Because healing is no longer fun, it is now frustrating. The only healers who might actually enjoy this patch are Operatives.


I don't know about you, but I love the healing changes... the two overpowered classes got nerfed, the underpowered class got buffed?


It was nice sitting in your ivory tower, content to just faceroll flashpoints and warzones, wasn't it?

I'd say welcome to my world, but even still, your nerfs are nowhere near as bad as what I had to deal with.

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I don't know about you, but I love the healing changes... the two overpowered classes got nerfed, the underpowered class got buffed?


It was nice sitting in your ivory tower, content to just faceroll flashpoints and warzones, wasn't it?

I'd say welcome to my world, but even still, your nerfs are nowhere near as bad as what I had to deal with.


As an operative do you have to kill yourself to heal anyone else? No? Hmm, when you start having to, welcome to the new world of a Sorcerer. Raid bosses have a ton of unavoidable aoe damage to begin with and now we're hitting ourselves for between 11% and 15% of our total HP between smashes, then having to burn force to get back up and then have to sacrifice again to regain said force. Not a fun playstyle.



"I disapprove of these changes and the way BW interacts with the community. There are lots of suggestions on the Healer/PTS forums that are have clearly been ignored. As I feel my gameplay has been negatively impacted and my feedback/subscription is not valued by BW, I am unsubscribing."


Thanks RuQu, I think you just put what I feel into what I'll be entering into my unsub reason.

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I don't know about you, but I love the healing changes... the two overpowered classes got nerfed, the underpowered class got buffed?


It was nice sitting in your ivory tower, content to just faceroll flashpoints and warzones, wasn't it?

I'd say welcome to my world, but even still, your nerfs are nowhere near as bad as what I had to deal with.


Hi, level 50 IA, Sorc, and Merc healer here. Cause popping hots then doing a 2 button rotation with infinite energy is hard.



Seriously, I never understood why people claimed IA was bad. I never had any issues with it, their only problem was their AoE, which was merc's problem too. They also have some of the highest SUSTAINABLE HPS in the game. But yeah, keep thinking of yourself as the under dog.


PS: Sorcs are STILL the best healers, parses, math and HM/NMM guilds have already shown this, so yeah, Sorcs are still in that tower. The difference now is where Mercs and IAs in PvE were on the bottom 5 floors with Sorcs in the penthouse, they were moved down into the luxury suites, you got past the bottom floors with the public bathrooms, and mercs got an eviction notice.

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Rerolled last week on a new server because the population died out, we moved our whole guild of about 50 players (which was practically the entire empire lv50 population) to a server with some players.


Outside of our guild going 10-49 in wzs whilst questing I did not come accross one healer that was not one of our guild mates, since hitting 50 I have only seen two healers outside of our guild, and I noticed a massive trend of assassin/shadow and powertech/vanguard tank/dps hybrids as for some reason thats the only thing people are playing anymore besides the odd random dps sniper/marauder and this is on what appears to be the third highest population pvp server in europe, clearly the healers are feeling useless and changing roles or classes.

Edited by LordKyrone
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I don't know about you, but I love the healing changes... the two overpowered classes got nerfed, the underpowered class got buffed?


It was nice sitting in your ivory tower, content to just faceroll flashpoints and warzones, wasn't it?

I'd say welcome to my world, but even still, your nerfs are nowhere near as bad as what I had to deal with.


Quite the victim complex you've got rolling there.


If you read around this forum you will see that there were lots of non-Scoundrel/Operative healers who were promoting improvements to your class. There was no "ivory tower" condescension.


Instead, there was frank discussion of the flaws of your class, almost none of which were addressed. Even the AoE heal, while an improvement, still limits you to 4 people per 15s and the 2 ability rotation is largely unchanged with the exception of some RNG QoL improvements.


Your class was never that bad, it just had some serious design flaws. Those flaws are still present. Other classes have had serious negative changes, which introduce serious fundamental flaws to their design that could easily have been avoided while achieving the same result.


Get off the high horse, ditch the schadenfreude, and look at the state of the game. Yes, they made your class more desirable, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying that, but you should enjoy it on its own merits and not because of the suffering of others. You should also take a good look at how they made you more desirable, and ask some serious questions about what those methods say about the direction of the game and the ability/vision of those in charge of it.

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also, quit making BS excuses for poor game design.


YOU are the reason modern MMOs launch as such garbage and after just THREE months of live they are already making sweeping "balance" changes in SWTOR.


by just taking it and going as far as to MAKE EXCUSES for them.


please take this time to learn that if people stopped making excuses and stopped paying monthly subs for games that need such contsant "change, that develpoers would learn to not release such flopping piles of garbage.....


Quoted for truth.


All the jibber jabber about it being a part of games and l2play newb! do nothing to advance good game design for this game or future games. The quote above is right on the money about why there is such terrible game design in place.


I can point to some very BASIC game components. How about not having enough quick slots for all your abilities? Basic game components being broken are completely unacceptable. Make whatever excuse for the game designer you want to make, like maybe he ran out of fingers and toes couldn't get past 20... honeslty, there is zero reason/excuse that is acceptable for such a FUNDAMENTAL flaw in design.


When you see game design flaws with the basics, it's not surprising that larger issues the game designers are completely out of touch with / have no clue.


I played several wz's last night as smuggler/healer, and it was brutal. Survivability was way down, and heal numbers were way down (After I picked up 2 more pieces of BM)


Posts like this do need to be made. Saying they'll (BW) know when they Unsub, why, isn't true. They won't know why they unsub'd. If enough people said "I unsub'd because of x reason" they (MMOPRPG Companies) might actually test their own product before implementation.

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Hi, level 50 IA, Sorc, and Merc healer here. Cause popping hots then doing a 2 button rotation with infinite energy is hard.



Seriously, I never understood why people claimed IA was bad. I never had any issues with it, their only problem was their AoE, which was merc's problem too. They also have some of the highest SUSTAINABLE HPS in the game. But yeah, keep thinking of yourself as the under dog.


You had already answered the problem presented in your 2nd paragraph with the statement in your first.


We weren't complaining about throughput, we were complaining that it's all we did.

We weren't complaining about no real burst healing option, we were complaining that we had no real burst healing option AND no way to mitigate damage on our targets.

We weren't complaining about our CC/interrupts being <10m, we were complaining that the only thing we could contribute to the group outside of straight up sustained healing was <10m.


So how do the devs respond?

They make the following adjustments to the other healers:

1) Nerf throughput

2) Nerf mitigation buffs

3) Nerf resource management so they can't contribute anything outside of straight up healing either without destroying their resources


If there was ever a reason to link the multitude of /facepalm pics on any internet forum, patch 1.2's answer to healer imbalances was it.

Edited by Xaearth
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I love all your anecdotal evidence. I have some fun stories to share too that have no real value.


Lets see " The other day, I noticed that there were 200 people on the fleet and when someone spammed LF Healer for a hard Mode, I whispered them and guess what " they already found one" - conclusion - Healing is OP and there are too many healers.


These forums are full of nothing but little children crying about their class. I come here to look for intelligent posts and find nothing but fodder to wade through most of the time.


If you find these changes to your class too difficult to play, then you're probably a bad player. Good players make adjustments.




Maybe you are clueless to the fact that many leaving the game means only good players left.


Now that is good and bad, in that good players are more fun to roll with.


Bad as with less people that means less to do.


Even if bad players at least it was a player.

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I actually didnt have any issue with the amount of healing done with my combat medic after patch.


The problem I had is that healing in pve is drawing all the agression away from my companion.


So in the end after an afternoon of complete fustration I just respecd and moved on.


Not gonna cry about it there are lots of classes to play lots of choices to play in those classes but the commando medic was no long fun. Moved on gonna have more fun just not as a healer.

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I actually didnt have any issue with the amount of healing done with my combat medic after patch.


The problem I had is that healing in pve is drawing all the agression away from my companion.


So in the end after an afternoon of complete fustration I just respecd and moved on.


Not gonna cry about it there are lots of classes to play lots of choices to play in those classes but the commando medic was no long fun. Moved on gonna have more fun just not as a healer.


Hold up...


You mean there were "underlying changes" to aggro generation from heals? :rolleyes::eek::cool::rolleyes:

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The healer nerf truly wasn't a nerf. They moved us to more of a wow type healer. Meaning our heals are spikes. We do more big crit heals. We don't do a whole of of dmg now because as a merc I will heat lock, but with the war hero gear there is a lot more power and surge, creating more spike heals and big spike heals, 1.2 has actually made me a stronger healer. It felt like a nerf, but in the wh gear it feels fine and normal.
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Maybe you are clueless to the fact that many leaving the game means only good players left.


Now that is good and bad, in that good players are more fun to roll with.


Bad as with less people that means less to do.


Even if bad players at least it was a player.


I'm curious where your source data is that shows only bad players are leaving...


I think perhaps, we might have a problem of difference of definition.


I define a good player as a player who knows how their class works, knows all of their relevant abilities, makes good decisions about what to use and when, and, in an MMO like this, works well with other people. I would also probably include that a good player gets better results than a bad player when the game design allows for it.


None of those traits prevent a person from leaving this game.


What I think you are describing is a "good customer." Bioware loves customers who refuse to leave no matter what. Those are not just good customers, they are the customers that companies dream about. And nothing about that requires skill, or even competence.

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The healer nerf truly wasn't a nerf. They moved us to more of a wow type healer. Meaning our heals are spikes. We do more big crit heals. We don't do a whole of of dmg now because as a merc I will heat lock, but with the war hero gear there is a lot more power and surge, creating more spike heals and big spike heals, 1.2 has actually made me a stronger healer. It felt like a nerf, but in the wh gear it feels fine and normal.


This is what worries me about rolling a healer. Like about 2 million other people that Blizzard admits left WoW, I got tired of the ridiculous imbalances. Waiting until wh gear to be viable, only to find DPS are much more viable, does not make a happy healer. This game includes both PvE and PvP, and a role should be viable in both aspects .... that is, able to contribute. Being able to cast up to two heals maximum (players experiences in other threads) before death is not contributing.

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For our guild and our server the patch 1.2 is possibly the beginning dead of swtor because we already had a lack of healers. This lack of healers lead to very few random fp runs and even in our guild we did not had enough fp hm runs because often I was the sole healer which was online.


No I quit because of this nerf and this will break our guild. It may be that I was overpowered and maybe I am not the best healer. But after running fp and op yesterday I lost the fun because I saw the people dying becasue the lack of force. I was blamed for beeing not good enough anymore, but I am the best healer in our guild and also some other guilds had exactly the same problem yesterday.


So I unsubs and and healer did the same yesterday. So the patach 1.2 may break the game. The patch just breaks some guilds on our normal populated server.


I am in a casual guild with only 2hr gametime a day. I may be that BW is foccussing on the 24/7 gamers. I wish them good luck.


Pvp is completly dead for me as casual gamer in pve gear. I only survive seconds in a warzone. I do not understand the sense behind these changes. It should be my role in a wz to die fast against one DD? Then they should better play against bots. I thought I have the role to heal me and other players in my group. I am not able to heal myself up against one DD.


Byebye and have fun.

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So, I'll admit when I first read the sorc nerfs to healing which at first I knew it was comming and felt like I can overcome it. I've been on my server of Twin Spears now for 34days played total, and with that said I know just how OP we were. From 8/16 man raids to BG's, even just solo questing I have to say were the flavor of the month. I can admit that we needed a bug fix, a fix that wouldn't allow us to out put two back to back 1.3sec Dark Infusion healing 10-12k in the mater of seconds. A bug fix that could have been easy to remove and still keep the class smooth.........NOPE! Instead my Dark Infusion which I hooked a 2TB external and was running a log last night and holy hell. It's ugly and I'm done. To all the trolls, and hard core BW freaks let me tell you I've been playing MMO's for about 10yrs. From the dark days of EQ, to the glory days of WOW, and never have I've been apart of the am-mature hour that EA-ware has produced.


Again I'm admitting fully that due to the bug we were OP, so before 1.2 and just painting a pic for you in math .I had 2009willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc, 628+ heals. Now when I threw up a Resurgence and proc Force Binding I could hit a tank for 2/Dark Infusions at 6.6k at a total of 13k in just 2 fast clicks=OP!!! (so this needs to be fixed): also note the 2009willpower is huge compared to most, well I have Ear/Imp/Trinks all with +28 willpower augments. Also If I felt like going higher I could pop my Artifice power trink for a massive 702+ healing or pop my surge/crit trink that would send me 80% surge, and 40%crit for a 7+k heal. Again OP.


Now LOL after loking at the log for the first time, why it can't be in game like that other game....lets look at my new stats. Well raid buff I have 1970willpower cause someone didn't tell us augments were getting split and adding more HP's seemed like the move to ensure this system would be abused, or maybe just lazy, or idk BW has a generator of reasons at this point they address in (yellow). Crit/Surg/Alc the same but I'm at a 624+ heal so no biggie there. So lets throw some healz 1970willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc and 624+healz. Casting Resurgence on main tank in Nightmare KP and look at these numbers. 5.8k. 3.2k, 3.6k, 3.8k, 5.5k, 5.8k. So not to shabby but no 6k even once unless I poped a trink then I hit a 6.1, and 6.3, again not to bad. But My dark Infussion is at a 2.3sec cast!!!!!! I watched my tank, and sometimes the person near him Die cause I couldn't save them. Bubbles don't absorb enough, Dark Heal even with the force binding proc of 60% chance to crit only outputs a 3.2, 3.4, 2.8, 3.4........No different then before and when I'm getting hit in Light armor for 15,876k and have 19,126HP yea healing myself is a pain, but a tank who has 22-23k it just too hard when here I am watching the slowest heal ever and that tank can kiss his ***** goodbye cause time and time again I failed. So I tried quick heals like Dark Heal and yea lol, Heal Pots heal better then that. So my AOE healing is nice. 450-780 ticks is big, prob the best and only real heal we have now only issue is it's a situtional heal that can't always be preformed and has to be called out so ppl know where to stand heal and move out of the way. It seems to be the only way since trying to keep a tank alive is work, and I don't mind a challange but this seems vinditive. Like to say the Empire is 50% sorc is prob true but I picked this class cause I enjoy healing and the story. I don't pvp at all and those that were exploting or just too hard to kill based on skill and a bug QQ'ed for the nerf well thanks to you all my sever will be down yet another healer. I'm unsubbing today and thanks EA-ware for the 30day's free and the pet but to be honest I would rather a check for 200$ since this game is unplesent and in my 34days played I can't think of a day I really had fun w/o my guildies, or firends on cause this game feels more like a chore rather then a hobby.


In short I like this game and it's sad you had to take lazy way of making contenet hard by clipping off classes that most raids were built on. Instead of fixing the bug and maybe bring up the healers to a common middle to work with. Nope EA-ware can add this title to the free to play in 6month catagory since this is the final nail for me and I really want my money back for buying your Collector's Edition Box cause thats all it was, nothing really special or cutting edge just a big box. Plus the few months worth of money spent trying to give a damn and kept saying, they'll get it right. Hopfully. Maybe. Well I'm not faithfull especially after Mass Effect 3, and DA2. I don't have 7yrs to wait like I did with that other game and yea call me whatever you want. Or troll me idc, I'm not some noob or part of the group of ppl who QQ right away, but I couldn't stay silent on this at all. It felt disappointing more then anything and hear to say goodbye and good luck EA-ware.

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Your attempt to bully us into submission isnt working. Bioware are ignoring all the constructive posts cause they know better with thier mysterious "metrics" that dont correlate to peoples experiences.

Well they made thier own problems they will have to live with the consequences of thier bad decisions.


I'm not trying to bully anyone. I don't own these forums and if venting your frustrations makes you or anyone else feel better then that's fine.


I just take exception when you lash out at people critical of this kind of post by claiming this drivel is constructive feedback.


This is whining plain and simple. If you want to whine that's your deal. Just be honest about what you are doing and don't pretend this garbage is constructive.

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I'm saddened to hear they have further crippled healing classes. I was hoping they would do something about the fact that healing in this game is absolutely dreadful, i mean it really is a nightmare. I switched away from healing sometime ago, first by rerolling and then respecing to dps. I've always enjoyed healing in other mmo's i'm saddened by the state of healing in ToR.


While i'm sure many still do luv it, I know I'm not alone as evidenced by groups that are formed (which is hard enough already) are always lacking healers.

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You had already answered the problem presented in your 2nd paragraph with the statement in your first.


We weren't complaining about throughput, we were complaining that it's all we did.

We weren't complaining about no real burst healing option, we were complaining that we had no real burst healing option AND no way to mitigate damage on our targets.

We weren't complaining about our CC/interrupts being <10m, we were complaining that the only thing we could contribute to the group outside of straight up sustained healing was <10m.


So how do the devs respond?

They make the following adjustments to the other healers:

1) Nerf throughput

2) Nerf mitigation buffs

3) Nerf resource management so they can't contribute anything outside of straight up healing either without destroying their resources


If there was ever a reason to link the multitude of /facepalm pics on any internet forum, patch 1.2's answer to healer imbalances was it.


Just some things IAs had that Merc didn't, pre-1.2:


An interrupt

A brez

A preventative tool (IA has a HoT, Merc's weak HoT attached to the Cooldown heal doesn't count)

An AoE stun.

An extra CC.

Much easier resource management.

Free REAL instant no cooldown heal when targets were low HP.


Merc had these over IA:


Highest nonsustainable burst HPS.

An armor buff attached to a cooldown (For the boss attacks that don't hurt to begin with, since the real ones go through armor.)

A healing buff that helped every heal, not just a merc's.

A damage reduction that was up maybe 1/4 of the time.


I would say I'd trade you, but at least this way the slots for healers are more in my favor, since I have an IA.

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Just some things IAs had that Merc didn't, pre-1.2:


An interrupt

A brez

A preventative tool (IA has a HoT, Merc's weak HoT attached to the Cooldown heal doesn't count)

An AoE stun.

An extra CC.

Much easier resource management.

Free REAL instant no cooldown heal when targets were low HP.


Merc had these over IA:


Highest nonsustainable burst HPS.

An armor buff attached to a cooldown (For the boss attacks that don't hurt to begin with, since the real ones go through armor.)

A healing buff that helped every heal, not just a merc's.

A damage reduction that was up maybe 1/4 of the time.


I would say I'd trade you, but at least this way the slots for healers are more in my favor, since I have an IA.


  • The AoE mez is worthless in PvE and nearly worthless in PvP (so I've been told).
  • Much of their utility you mention is requires stealth and/or melee range, which means it is not or barely usable 90% of the time.
  • Now compare both to a Sage/Sorc. That there were two classes with little utility doesn't negate his point.
  • The Kolto Bomb/Missile shield lasts 15s. SCC/SCG lasts 13s, and it takes 15s to generate 30 charges of CSC. Toss a KB out at the start and end of SCC and you can get ~90+% uptime.


All of that is completely irrelevant to his point, however, which is that instead of fixing the deficiencies of the Sc/Op healers, they removed the advantages of the others. Not by simply reducing throughput, but by removing tools.

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They didn't nerf tools, they nerfed resource management mainly, and throughput as well.



And no, most of those things listed do not require stealth. I dunno about you, but I don't pop a vanish before I brez, flash bang,etc. Also, the brez, AoE stun, HoT, free heal and CCs don't have a 4m range (AKA: Melee) range. Lowest one is ten, over double melee range.


And flash bang is far from worthless in either PvP or PvE. PvE bosses sure, but getting through trash quickly (By being able to control multiple pulls at once) is hardly useless.


PvP maybe, since some ******* always seems to yell, "FRAG OUT" every single freaking time we toss them out.


And you're right, having two healers on par does not mean there shouldn't be balancing.


What it does mean is that they could have left the two within reasonable limits alone and nerfed the infinite resource/highest HPS/best AoE/best utility class.


Instead they tapped our Sorcs with a nerf, buffed our IAs, and straight trolled mercs.


EDIT: Oh and I still don't think my IA needed a buff. Well, outside of fixing the AoE. Making Sorc the only viable AoE healer was straight stupid.

Edited by Valfodr
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Just as a precursor to this post, I'm sick again, so I'm probably going to come off like a hostile and argumentative jerk/***.

Deal with it. :cool:


And no, most of those things listed do not require stealth. I dunno about you, but I don't pop a vanish before I brez, flash bang,etc. Also, the brez, AoE stun, HoT, free heal and CCs don't have a 4m range (AKA: Melee) range. Lowest one is ten, over double melee range.


Nice jedi mind math attempt there.


So you claim we have an extra CC (Sleep Dart and Slice Droid)? Well, putting aside arguments on the effectiveness/applicability (funny how stealth slips in here) of that CC, you completely glossed over the fact that, in order for that CC to even be considered "extra", you're already counting Debilitate, which is melee range.

Stop playing dumb.


And flash bang is far from worthless in either PvP or PvE. PvE bosses sure, but getting through trash quickly (By being able to control multiple pulls at once) is hardly useless.


Which assumes your healer is within 10m of a multi-pull... or in other words you're assuming you're the one that f'd up.

Man, you're just owning yourself with these arguments aren't you? :rolleyes:


Let's see what else was on your original list:

Just some things IAs had that Merc didn't, pre-1.2:


An interrupt - melee range

A brez - much rather have the tools to ensure people don't die than rely on a skill that assumes you failed

A preventative tool (IA has a HoT, Merc's weak HoT attached to the Cooldown heal doesn't count) - erm... What exactly is our lolHoT preventing again?

An AoE mez. - Fixed. There's a big difference.

An extra CC.

Much easier resource management. - Really? Both Op and Merc resource management relied on not being put in a situation that required leaving an energy neutral rotation. Since Op has no tools to mitigate damage or lessen the need for burst along with an utter lack of burst, I'd say they have the worse resource management on the sole fact that it is the one more likely to break down.

Free REAL instant no cooldown heal when targets were low HP. - Delaying the inevitable does not a bonus make, especially when you consider that, if you try to bring a second healer into the argument, you've already lost; Op/Scoundrel are the only healer that don't synergize with a second healer.


Comments in red.


Oh yeah, and that's not even considering the fact that my original post clearly stated that, outside of 10m, we bring nothing to a group but sustained healing throughput.


So you counter by citing what we can do within 10m of an enemy, and pieces of our sustained healing.


Oh and "brez". At least you brought something to the discussion that didn't outright prove my point. :rolleyes:


Merc had these over IA:


Highest nonsustainable burst HPS.

An armor buff attached to a cooldown (For the boss attacks that don't hurt to begin with, since the real ones go through armor.)

A healing buff that helped every heal, not just a merc's.

A damage reduction that was up maybe 1/4 of the time.


You forgot complexity. Or at least some semblance thereof pre-1.2.

That's important when it comes to actually playing a game, because otherwise people like myself would be more inclined to write a script to do the monotonous skill-less rotation while playing something more interesting, like tiddlywinks or pick-up-sticks.

Or more likely, just unsub and not waste our money on something that isn't fun.


I would say I'd trade you, but at least this way the slots for healers are more in my favor, since I have an IA.


Puzzling. You see, I'm an Operative healer. Or should say was an Operative healer.

Now I'm pretty much everything but Operative or Healer.


Instead they tapped our Sorcs with a nerf, buffed our IAs, and straight trolled mercs.


EDIT: Oh and I still don't think my IA needed a buff. Well, outside of fixing the AoE. Making Sorc the only viable AoE healer was straight stupid.


Well keep on smiling then, because your Operative didn't get a buff.

You got quality of life changes and a fix to an otherwise useless 31pt ability.

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To make a point to Bioware, I canceled with the following message:


I play a BH/Bodyguard. I had cleared all pre-1.2 content, with titles unlocked for Nightmare runs. In PvP I was pretty much the top BH healer on our server, never saw anyone else come even close.


I could easily have lived with even drastic numerical nerfs to dmg output (like the Power Shot decrease of 10%) and healing output (nerfing Rapid Scan and/or Healing Scan base values).


But you went and totally changed the heat management, totally wrecking the class mechanic of burst/chill/burst/chill, and made it instead:


whack-a-mole, there is no longer any real incentive or skill reward from doing burst cycles during gas, it is a very mechanical routine of "do not go past 40 heat, Rapid Shots Rapid Shots Rapid Shots"


mathematically during gas just spamming Healing Scan is actually superior to HS+RS comboes if raid healing (yes it is, the HoT part included), THIS IS STUPID BEYOND RECKONING!


using gas at all may actually be a net loss overall, since the buff is only 5% anymore and HS+RS combo is no longer as good an increase in heal/resource


you gutshotted alacrity heavy builds (your own gear design!) due to massive increase of Rapid Shot usage, as in 1.5sec GCD instant skill so that alacrity is worthless for it


Also PvP expertise heal % change seems drastic, granted I do not have battlemaster as I never grinded for it so having a full expertise value probably remedies that somewhat. However the heat changes are a double whammy on pvp healing, since pvp healing is all about bursts, and you gutted our burst healing ability massively due to the HS+RS combo heat nerf...


- end quote -


Bought Tera mini-preorder to test the beta. Also interested in Secret World. I'm giving 1.2 some time, want to see the new operation, but honestly the healing with BG feels realllllly unrewarding now. Skill matters nearly none now, just <40 heat + whack-a-mole ... no KS switchings, no managing resources for a great gas burst, the effect from KM buffs during gas way less so less reward from managing the buffs, etc.



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I'd add that sure more skillful play now means more dmg done, but for the healing role it's whack-a-mole ... well honestly its not that skillful to throw out power shots during gas for regen, but oh well.
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